Don’t Think You Are Alone


“Loneliness is not a feeling that comes when you are alone.

Loneliness is a feeling that comes when no one cares about you.” (Anonymous)



I like to think about myself that I’m a genuinely kind person. I consider it to be my most precious quality, especially since I’m really good at reading people and, in time, I came to realize that more and more people become mean. I’m not trying to put myself on a pedestal, as I have lots of others defects.




“I’m so sorry for being late, it will never happen again.” Miss Kim, her assistant, apologized while running towards the actress. Bom responded her only after Miss Kim approached her and started doing her usual routine.

“When was the last time you were late?” She asked her assistant.

“Yesterday.” Miss Kim responded rather daring.

“And what was that you told me?” She continued interrogating her.

“That it will never happen again.” Her assistant continued on the same tone.

“And what was my reply?” Park Bom asked and her assistant froze, reminiscing her words.

“That it will really be the last time.” Miss Kim whispered, enough for Bom to hear her. The actress looked straight into her eyes and spoke the words clearly:

“Exactly. You’re fired.”

“Bom, you can’t fire her. We’ll be filming the whole day, you need an assistant.” Bom’s manager, who was in the same room, tried to take some action.

“I don’t care, I’m Park Bom. I’ll either find another assistant, or I’ll try to do things by myself. I don’t need people like her around me. She was my assistant, but all she did was slowing me down. I only want to work with professional people.”

“But –“

“Lee, go and find me another assistant, a loyal one.” She responded by accentuating the word “loyal”.

“I’ll try my best.” But of course that it was impossible to find an another assistant in such a short time, so Lee Kiyong found himself playing two roles, as her manager and as her assistant, which, honestly, were strangely similar while working with Park Bom.




To be honest, I always thought that people that are good at something always liked doing the thing that they are good at, but I was so wrong for believing it. Through life, I have seen tons of examples of that sort, and one of them was me. Sure, I’m very good with what I do, but am I happy with what I do? That is a question I’m too afraid to answer as my sanity depends on it. Work is what makes me moving on.




“Mr. Kwon, they have arrived.” One of his managers informed him about the people that were going to film some scenes of a popular, at the moment, drama at one of his hotels. The reason why he agreed to do it was the due to the promotion of the location, especially since the drama was really popular.

“Fine, go and tell them my regards.”

“But you’re the president, isn’t it proper for you to welcome them?”

“Not in my case.” He told the manager with a serious air, making him leave the room.


“Aaaand…cut! Thank you all, episode 12 is finished.” The drama’s director, Mr. Im, shouted in order for his entire crew to hear. “Good acting and chemistry, Bom and Chang-wook!” he added smiling.

“Kamsahamnida!” the two leading stars answered at the same time, while looking at each other. For her, finding a partner in dramas to feel comfortable with was hard, but with Chang-wook she felt that way, as they became fast good friends.

“Lee, I’m going to the bathroom, wait for me.” Bom told her manager and started walking.




I made my way easily towards one of the bathrooms of the hotel, but just when I was about to open the door, loud laughs were coming from there and I recognized one of them as belonging to Jang Sun Ye, the assistant I fired in the morning. Blame the curiosity that made me open the door just a bit, enough for me to hear what was she and the other girls were talking and enough for me not to be discovered listening at the door.




“She fired me? Huh…who does she think she is?” Sun Ye told her friends while laughing.

“Everyone knows she thinks highly of herself, because she’s a top actress.” One of Sun Ye’s friends spoke up.

“Top actress my ! She only became an actress because her parents were rich enough to support her and she continued being one because she stars with the hottest actors of Korea.” Sun Ye’s third friend shouted.

“Honestly, I’m so relieved I’m done with her. I never actually liked her, I only needed money, and I would have done anything to get some. She’s just a who likes to pretend she’s the most loved actress in Korea. She’s too blind to see that even the people surrounding her are sick of her annoying behavior.” Sun Ye added mockingly.

“I may be a in your view, but at least, I have loyalty and power. What do you have?” Bom addressed Sun Ye as she stepped into the room. “I see that you don’t have shame, so what do you have? Gossip girl friends?”

“Hey…listen here, don’t bring my friends into this.” Sun Ye warned her.

“Why should I not? They did. Yaa…cowards, tell me in my face what do you mind about me, don’t do it behind my back.” Bom looked at all of them with a disappointed look, and, after a few seconds of silence, she left the room, following the way to the hotel’s rooftop.




I wasn’t going to cry or despair, because this wasn’t the first time I’ve been through something like this. When you decide that you want to have a job like this, you are well aware of the fact that people will love you, but they will also hate you. I remember how much I suffered in my earlier years of being famous. I never understood the hate that some people showed me; I never understood what I did so wrong, but I guess things like these will always surround me. This was probably the only unpleasant thing about my job as I liked everything else about it. I slowly made my way to the rooftop, as I wanted several moments of silence to clear my head, but before admiring the beautiful view given by a night in Seoul, I caught a glimpse of a person from my left, who was standing quietly at the edge of the rooftop. I wasn’t able to distinguish the person, as I was facing his back, so I didn’t know how I should address him.




 “Ahjussi! What are you doing?” She shouted towards him, but standing still. Seeing that he made another frontal step, she alarmed. “Ahjussi! Have you lost your mind? Stop!” She yelled and, this time, she ran towards his direction, grabbed his right hand and dragged him after her away from the dangerous zone, while he did not oppose her at all. She turned to look at his face, and saw that he was younger than she thought.

“Yaa…what is wrong with you? You wanted to kill yourself?” She shouted into his face and started shaking him as to bring him to reality.

“It’s none of your business!” He responded and released himself from her hold.

“Yaa…why did you do it?” She insisted while trying to get a grip of him again. He looked at her several moments, than looked at the lights that were given by the city.

“I’m lonely.” He whispered slowly, while she looked at him rather pitifully, because his situation wasn’t something strange to her.

“Don’t think you are alone; don’t think that no one cares about you.” She responded sympathetically.



Hello ! This is my first chapter and I hope you liked it!

I would be really pleased to discuss with you every aspect of it or of the story, so feel free to ask anything.


Lee Kiyong is Jang Kiyong, whom I nowdays ship with Dara :D :

Chang-wook is Ji Chang-wook, whom I adore : 


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Chapter 1: This is interesting! Will br waiting for an update!
gbomtopfans #2
Chapter 1: update plez..
kratepow #3
update moreee please !!!!!
Angel56 #4
Chapter 1: akeeeeee update soon^_^
jiyongbomtop #5
Chapter 1: I hope bom can do this "i dont care im park bom" can her just like that?
Chapter 1: Whoa glad finally u updated!!! Such a great start u have :) cant wait for moreee gbom interactions next time. Thanks for the update authornim <3 hope the next chapter will be out soon. Hwaiting!
permatang #7
Chapter 1: this is good.. authornim this is only my suggestion.. why not you just make a space to show the role's pov rather than write writer's pov etc..
authornim you wrote fanfic called tokyo nightlife, right? why don't you continue the story.. it's awesome.. please.. please continue it..
shella13 #8
Chapter 1: Wow it's pretty good!! You know, i love bossy, arrogant and es bom haha
tami1712 #9
Chapter 1: Ji cang wookkkk omg i love him bcs healer... Great chapteer i bet its jiyong hehe, park bom i miss her so much :(((((
Chapter 1: Yea.. you updated this.. Please update again.. and who that guy that trying to commit suicide?