
I'm doing it again these days

Sighing, Hoseok leans his hips into the counter while pulling his top half away so he doesn't hit the cash register. Yet again, it's a slow day (made worse by the fact that it’s a Monday) and Hoseok is sick of staring at the empty tables. He closes his eyes and rubs them, tired from staying up all night studying for his econ exam earlier that day. It was rough but he's sure he got at least a C now. The bell rings signaling someone's entry into the cafe making Hoseok jump. He opens his eyes but doesn't look up.

"Welcome to Body and Seoul Cafe. What can I get for you today," he greets. His voice sounds bored even to himself and he knows he should try to fake enthusiasm but he just can't bring himself to do it.

The customer doesn't respond forcing him to look up. He's met with a shock of fluffy, orange hair and kohl rimmed eyes. Hoseok thought he'd met everyone in this small college town but apparently not. He tries not to stare at the odd stranger with his smile reaching from ear to ear for no reason. Hoseok offers a polite, forced smile and looks back at the cash register waiting to put in the kid’s order.

“Do you want to order or not,” Hoseok’s patience has worn out now and he doesn’t try to hide the irritation in his voice.

“Right, sorry. Um, what do I want,” Hoseok hears the kid mumble leaving the older to wonder just what the other was doing this whole time if he wasn’t deciding on his order.

“I’ll just take a small Americano.”

Hoseok nods, puts in the kid’s order (as he’s taken to calling the alien looking manboy in front of him) and starts making it since he’s the only one in the shop. It doesn’t take long, it’s literally just filling a cup with coffee but he can feel the kid’s eyes burning holes through his shoulders.

“Here’s your coffee,” he says setting the cup down between them on the counter, “your total is $1.25.”

The kid digs his hand into his pockets. Hoseok can hear all the change clinking around and inwardly groans hoping his instinct isn’t true but to no avail. The other guy pulls a hand full of change out of his pocket and starts counting it out. In the end, Hoseok is given 5 pennies, 10 nickels, 2 dimes and 2 quarters.

“Thank you for your patronage,” Hoseok begrudgingly replies while putting the change in the cash drawer. He glances up just in time to see the kid nod and take a seat almost directly in front of Hoseok. It’s the summer, and he’s not used to having people actually sitting in here unless there are regular classes scheduled. The only reason Hoseok didn’t go home for the summer was because he had to take a summer course to graduate on time. Now he’s stuck pulling doubles at a dead café Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Hoseok is pulled out his thoughts by a tapping sound; he looks at the kid to see him tapping out a rhythm on the table. Rubbing his forehead he glares at him to see if he can get him to stop without saying anything. The younger is completely oblivious though. After a few more minutes, Hoseok finally says something.

“Could you please stop?”

“Sorry, I mean. Yea. Sorry,” he smiles and Hoseok thinks it looks anything but apologetic, “so what’s your name?”

Hoseok rolls his eyes but answers, “Hoseok. You?”

“Taehyung, but you can call me V.”

Deciding not to respond, Hoseok grabs a rag from the sink and starts wiping down the already spotless counter. He’s interrupted this time by the kid whistling some upbeat tune that sounds disjointed and weird.

“Please stop,” Hoseok grits his teeth. He’s had about enough of this weirdo.

“Don’t you get bored? This shop is always empty when I pass by?”

“I don’t mind the peace and quiet,” Hoseok replies. Alright, he knows that’s a lie. There are days where he’d sacrifice his thumbs for someone to come in but today he’s adding a clause. Anyone but this weirdo again.

“Oh. Okay. Well I’ll be going then,” V replies. No, Hoseok corrects himself, he won’t enable this crackpot. Even in his head, Hoseok decides to call the kid Taehyung.

“Goodbye,” Hoseok responds with more enthusiasm than he’s had all day.

An uneventful week passes for Hoseok. He has maybe 2 customers on the days he works and he wonders how Seokjin can afford to keep the place open when the area isn’t flooded in college students with coffee for blood. His off days are filled with Econ and whatever show he finds even slightly interesting on Netflix. If he had his way, he’d be spending every day of summer on Netflix but he has to pay his cellphone and Netflix bill somehow.

The only thing that had been slightly eventful was the bell falling off the door so he doesn’t know when people come in. He had jumped almost 3 feet when it dropped loudly to the floor. But aside from that, his week had been nice and boring. Just the way it should be during the summer.

It’s almost the end of his shift exactly a week after his encounter with that kid, V, Taehyung. Whatever, he decides. Hoseok was worried he would come back but it’s 9:30 PM and the café’s been dead for well over five hours. Assuming he’s safe, he starts rapping with Dynamic Duo as their song Guilty pours a little too loudly over the café sound system. He has to find a way to keep himself busy, so aside from writing his own raps for later use in his core classes during the school year, he practices.

"You're really good."

Hoseok jumps clutching his chest, "Jesus you scared the out of me."

He berates himself for swearing in front of customer for a few minutes before looking up. He just barely holds the groan growing in his throat.

"Hoseok, right," the kid smiles and almost seems like a normal human being, "I'm V, remember."

"What can I get for you? We're almost closed so we have limited brews available. Sorry," Hoseok ignores the (he assumes) younger man.

"I'll just take a small Americano," Taehyung, Hoseok stresses, replies. Nodding, Hoseok turns around and pours the last of the dark roast into an 8 ounce cup. He skillfully caps it and sets it on the counter. He rings up it telling Taehyung the price and holding out his hand.

This time Taehyung reaches into his pocket and pulls out two crumped singles depositing them into Hoseok's outstretched hand before grabbing his drink.

"Do you always ignore you customers," Taehyung's voice is playful aided by his cheeky grin and Hoseok almost finds it endearing. Almost.

Hoseok doesn't respond and instead starts shutting things down in preparation for closing. He really doesn't know what to do with this guy and it's kind of driving him crazy.

"Ah, I'll take that as a yes. See you around."

Hoseok listens to Taehyung's feet shuffle across the tiled floor. He waits until he can hear the swish of the glass door closing before turning around and slouching against the counter. He doesn't know what it is about the other that puts him so on edge but for some reason he's not his usual carefree, bubbly self around the alien.

He shakes the orange haired man from his mind deciding on to dwell on it. It only takes him ten minutes to finish cleaning up the cafe after a hard day's work and Four days later that mop of messy hair and weird eyes visit him again. This time it's the middle of the day. The sky is that infinite light blue that only comes when the air is relatively dry and the sun is shying brightly.

"Americano," Hoseok asks when he sees the boy walk up to the counter, bright smile splashed across his face.

"Aw. I'm touched you've memorized my order," Taehyung teases. Hoseok has to resist the urge to strangle him.

"It's not every day an alien looking manboy with orange hair shows up to a dead shop," Hoseok replies smoothly turning around to fulfill Taehyung's order.

"I'm hurt truly. But did you just call me a manboy? How old are you," Taehyung accuses.

Hoseok sighs but answers, "21."

"Oh, you're 2 years older than me. I'm 19," Taehyung smiles.

Hoseok doesn't respond just sets the coffee down and holds out his hand. He doesn't even bother telling the price anymore. This time Taehyung hands him a dirty credit card and yet again Hoseok finds himself resisting the urge to roll his eyes. This boy will never cease to amaze him with his subtle outrageousness.

"Enjoy your coffee," Hoseok replies instead and plasters a fake smile across his face just as Seokjin enters the main area from his office. Taehyung huffs and takes a seat at the table in Hoseok's direct line of vision.

"Hobie," Seokjin calls out and Hoseok internally groans. He's been begging Seokjin to stop calling him that for years to no avail. He was an idiot when he gave himself the rapper stage name of J-hope (which undoubtedly did sound more like J-hobe) but Seokjin will never let him live it down.

"Did you do the inventory? I need to make the orders today."

Hoseok nods, "yea, I already placed the documents near your phone."

"Oh really," Seokjin smiles and it's not the first time Hoseok thinks the other man is pretty if you're into that kind of thing, "Thanks, Hobie, you're the best."

Seokjin turns around and goes back into his office. The click of the door is just barely heard before Taehyung breaks into a fit of laughter, except Hoseok isn't sure if it was laughing or an animal crying and wheezing on the floor.

Taehyung's high pitched laughing, if you could call it that, finally settles and he looks at Hoseok again breaking into a small while trying not to laugh again.

"Hobie. Really? He calls you Hobie."

"Get out," Hoseok replies turning around to try and hide his burning cheeks. Of course it was when Taehyung was in the shop that Seokjin had to call him that. It couldn't have been some random stranger who was never going to show up or bring it to his attention. But Tae ing hyung. The guy who doesn't seem to want to leave him alone.

"That is too good," Taehyung says wiping his eyes, “I’ll see you later Hyung.”

Taehyung stands up, bows and walks out of the door throwing his cup out on the way. Hoseok has a feeling that the signs of “respect” were more mocking than anything else.

Hoseok’s schedule changes to Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday instead because his other employee requested a switch. It increases his chances of not seeing Taehyung but for some reason he doesn't feel as excited as he thinks he should.

His shift for the first Sunday is definitely a lot busier than he had expected. Apparently, they have Sunday regulars who come in and stay all day for no apparent reason reading books or typing away on their laptops. He finds it more enjoyable to have the soft sounds of keyboards and paper rustling along with the typical coffee shop like music playing softly through the speakers.

Deciding the change of pace is nice; Hoseok relaxes into his new schedule since Tuesday's and Thursday's are just as slow as the rest of the working week. The business of Sunday's is a welcome difference in his life and he finds himself enjoying it more.

However, something eats at the back of his mind when he closes shop each of those days. It nags at him even though he tries to pretend it's not there but a voice just continues whispering "You haven't seen that annoying kid in 2 weeks. Is something wrong with him? Did he not realize the schedule change?"

It was Hoseok's third Sunday working and there was no trace of orange hair and weirdly big eyes. Hoseok refuses to put a name to the feeling coiling in his stomach and the way his heart sort of clenches up when he thinks about it.

Instead he pretends he isn't waiting for the newly installed doorbell to ring announcing Taehyung's arrival but somehow his heart starts up when he hears it only to seize again when it's not him. He tells himself it's just being startled by the new bell that is clearly louder and more annoying than the old one.

Half way through his day on Tuesday the shop door rings. Hoseok's had snaps up like it's been prone to do and he almost smiles when he sees a familiar smile but the once orange hair is now platinum blonde. His lips twitch but he refuses to let it spread fully on his face.

"Hyung, What do you think," he asks as if it hadn't been 3 weeks since they last talked.

"It looks like the sun puked on your head," Hoseok tries to reply with no emotion in his voice but his smile shows through, "Your usual?"

Taehyung doesn't miss a beat, "You're trying to cover up that you missed me aren't you?"

The knowing smile Taehyung throws at Hoseok reminds the elder why he constantly wanted to strangle him. Instead he turns around and pours the coffee for the brat.

"I'll take that as a yes. I came here the last week on Wednesday but the lady said you're schedule changed and I couldn't make it here again until today. I'll save you the pain of asking. I'm fine. I was busy recording a demo," Hoseok turns around when he finishes his speech to see Taehyung standing with his arms crossed wide smile still plastered to his face.

"I didn't need to know all that but congrats," Hoseok sets the coffee down on the counter and looks straight at Taehyung, "and I wasn't worried."

"Keep lying to yourself," Taehyung rolls his eyes and fishes in his pocket.

This time he pulls out a neatly folded dollar bill and a quarter setting them carefully in Hoseok's outstretched palm. Anything is better than that disgusting credit card, Hoseok thinks. Taehyung takes his usual seat sitting directly in front of Hoseok. Hoseok glances up to see it and tries to ignore the fact that his mind is screaming about how cute Taehyung looks.

"Taehyung-ssi, pouting will get you nowhere."

"It's V," the younger replies, pushing his lips out more as if to prove a point, "and it will too."

At this point V's lips are pushed so far from his face he may as well have a snout and Hoseok can't help the laugh that bubbles loudly through him. Taehyung joins Hoseok with his half sobbing, half wheezing attempt at laughter. It takes several minutes for both to calm down.

"See," Taehyung says, "I'm not annoying."

"Yes you are. You're just not annoying all of the time. Most, but I suppose not all."

Taehyung huffs and stands up, "I'm not that annoying. Maybe if you weren't so set on seeing what's in front of you, you'd notice."

Taehyung storms out the door leaving Hoseok completely speechless. He didn't realize his words would have that much of an effect on the younger man. It was just supposed to be light teasing but Hoseok reasons with himself that maybe he did take it a bit too far. He decides to push it from his mind with the thought to apologize next time, but for some reason his mind keeps repeating the words in his head. He's left wondering what Taehyung really meant.

It's exactly a week later and Hoseok may have been rehearsing his apology to Taehyung in his head since the moment the younger had left the store, but he'd never admit that to himself let alone someone else. He finds himself even more desperate for Taehyung to walk back in to the store.

His eyes never leave the door for more than a few seconds so when he sees the distinct blonde of Taehyung's hair before the glass door opens Hoseok already has his mouth starting his apology. Except he cuts himself off when he sees Taehyung turn and talk to another man before laughing and walking up to the counter with the unknown man in front.

"2 Americanos, please," the man says. Hoseok can't help but give him the once over. Soft, messy brown hair and droopy eyes. Even Hoseok can't help but admit the man is good looking.

"$2.50," Hoseok says a little more sharply than intended before turning around and filling two cups.

"Yoongi Hyung, I'll be waiting over here," Hoseok knows Taehyung just sat in his usual spot and can feel his eyes burning into his back. He turns back around setting the cups on the counter and putting lids on them before taking the three crisp dollars held out to him.

"Put the change in the tip jar," Yoongi says and walks over to Taehyung. Hoseok resists the urge to sneer at him before making himself busy to try and ignore the two. He glances up to see they are sitting almost on top of each other. Hoseok tries to eavesdrop on their conversation but all he manages to hear is the rustling sound of a whisper without any words making it to his side of the room.

Hoseok turns around trying to push the two from his mind. He was so happy to see the other man only because he wanted to apologize, right? He's only agitated because now he can't apologize. He tells himself that over and over but his mind keeps telling him no, that's not it. That he likes that annoying alien with weird hair and big eyes. He can't deny it any further.

"Hobie Hyung," Taehyung yells from the other side of the room breaking Hoseok from his thoughts. He turns around his face dark.

"It's Hoseok and what?"

"Don't we look cute together," Taehyung asks looping his arm through Yoongi's and leaning his head against the older man's shoulder, "I keep telling him we do but he's denying it."

"Get the out," Hoseok replies. The words even surprise himself. It was like vomit, he couldn't stop them from gurgling up his throat and spewing out. He doesn't take them back though. He means them with every fiber of his being. Instead he turns around and walks into the backroom slamming the door behind him to wait for the bell to ring signaling their exit.

He walks back up front and sees they're finally gone and feels his chest expand fully with air for the first time since the two entered the shop. The rest of the day goes by miserably slow. He's tense because he's afraid Taehyung may tell Seokjin about his outburst and because he may never see Taehyung again. He wants to apologize even more. After thinking about it, he regrets it more but only because Taehyung might not return.

Thursday rolls around and he still feels restless. He couldn't even drown himself in Netflix and beer to try and numb the insults his mind was throwing at him Tuesday night into Wednesday. But he can definitely feel the lingering effect of the alcohol in his forehead and behind his eyes the next day.

The entire day yields not a single customer and Hoseok doesn't know whether or not he should be happy he didn't have to fake cheerfulness or upset that there was not a single distraction from his sour thoughts.

So it's 9:45, the coffee has all been dumped, counters and tables wiped more times than needed, and everything is prepped for tomorrow. Hoseok stares down the clock body leaning over the counter supporting all his weight with his head in his hand. He only has 15 minutes left of this long day before he can do a repeat of Tuesday night until Saturday. He keeps telling himself that to stop from leaving early.

So when the bell suddenly rings at 9:55. Hoseok has to stop himself from cursing the removes his eyes from the clock to see Taehyung standing there biting his lip.

"T-Taehyung," Hoseok mumbles all thoughts of cursing out of his head, "I...I didn't expect to see you. I'm sorry-"

"Stop," Taehyung says, a flick of a smile crossing his face until he bites his lip again, "don't apologize. You'll make me feel worse."

Hoseok tilts his head sideways in an unspoken question.

"Can we," Taehyung fidgets with his sleeve that's just a little too long before motioning to a table, "can we sit?"

Hoseok nods taking off his apron, steps out from behind the counter and takes a seat at Taehyung's usual table. The younger sits down only after Hoseok is seated comfortably.

"I need to apologize for Tuesday," Taehyung begins. Hoseok opens his mouth to interrupt but Taehyung doesn't let him, "No seriously. Just listen and then we can talk."

Hoseok isn't happy about being told what to do but he needs to know what's going on inside Taehyung's head so he nods reluctantly.

"I brought Yoongi Hyung here with the sole purpose of making you jealous. I just wanted you to stop denying our obvious chemistry. You were so desperate to find me annoying. I realized that after our conversation last week. I wanted to do something to jerk you out of it."

Taehyung takes a deep breath and finally looks at Hoseok. Hoseok crossed his arms somewhere in the middle of Taehyung's speech his eyes a harsh glare in the soft lighting of the cafe.

"Please say something. Tell me you at least realized something."

"Oh. Yea I totally realized something," Hoseok replies voice sharp, "that you're an annoying pain in the ."

Taehyung's mouth drops from a line to an actual frown and his eyebrows furrow putting creases in his (oh so perfect) forehead. Hoseok's arms stiffen from trying not to reach out and smooth the wrinkles.

"But I also realized I want you to be my annoying pain the ."

Hoseok can't look at Taehyung. Instead he looks to the left of his feet. He hears the chair scrape against he floor and he readies himself for whatever Taehyung has to say but arms wrap unexpectedly around him from the back and he can feel Taehyung's hot breath on his ear.

"Hyung, you're cute when you blush you know that," Taehyung whispers. He the shell of Hoseok's ear and Hoseok can feel the blood spread from his cheeks to his ears and down his neck. Taehyung pulls away and looks at it.

"See. So cute," he says smashing Hoseok's cheeks before quickly running away from swatting hands. Hoseok chases after him. Taehyung weaves between tables hoping Hoseok is clumsy and slow but to no avail Hoseok catches him wrapping slim arms around the younger's waist.

"Got you," Hoseok laughs. Taehyung turns around in his arms so they're face to face. He tries to catch Hoseok off guard again by leaning in, almost touching Hoseok's lips with his own but not quite.

It's Taehyung who's surprised when Hoseok closes the gap pressing their lips together. He stands still unable to even think about responding when Hoseok pulls away.

"Aww, my little dongsaeng is cute when he blushes, too."

Taehyung mutters a quick shuddup before pressing their lips together again. It takes several more kisses and Hoseok's urging to finally get them out of the cafe and on the street. They exchange phone numbers and Hoseok smiles the entire way home for the first time since he started working at the cafe.


A/N: Thoughts, comments, concerns? Let me know <3

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Love how hobi was portrayed like the complete opposite of his ray-of-sunshine attitude. It's refreshing :)
Meanwhile taehyung is absolutely adorable
being_silly #2
This was too cute. :3
I really love this. <3
Jia_Yi #3
Chapter 1: this is so cute and not overly cheesy c:
Chapter 1: Hihi this fic was a bit weird, but cute nonetheless :)
periwinkleXO #5
Chapter 1: This was my first read fanfic and I loved it. I came back today after two years to re-read it, and I still get heart flutters. I love this story so much.
parvitasari #6
Chapter 1: This overload cuteness was soooooo amazing.. omg you reminds me why i ship vhope from the beginning.. good job!!
Chapter 1: Omg, that was so cute ;;
Chapter 1: Aww, that was cute. I laughed so hard at Hoseok's grumpy response when he took the money.