
Just One Day

"You promised!" Taehyung whined childishly tugging the arm of the girl in front of him. "Emi you can't ditch me for him that'll be the third time this week..!"

Emi sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I know. And I'm sorry but I swear on my life and relationship that we'll hang out tomorrow. Please TaeTae I gotta go! Youngjae is--"

He released her arm abruptly and rolled his eyes. "Yeah I get it.Just go." He smiled at her mischieviously before turning around and walking off in the opposite direction. 

My chest hurts again.




That night he stared at the photo of the two of them together and sighed. What I'd give to be in his shoes for just one day.. He smiled sadly and rubbed his eyes. He was crying again. Kim Taehyung just get a hold of yourself. Things will be better tomorrow.. Right?

Taehyung prepared himself for the morning as usual. After making sure for the trillionth time thay he had everything he began his walk to school. "Taehyunggie~" he laughed hearing his nickname and stopped as she ran to catch up with him. Her curly red hair bouncing with each step.

"Wow, you're actually walking with me today?" he commented bluntly. 

She smacked him on his arm lightly, laughing breathlessly. "Yah. Why're you so serious today? You're gonna get gray hair quicker thay way."

He pouted and was about to speak when he heard the familiar sound akin of nails on a chalkboard to him. 

"Jagiya!" Emi turned and waved. "Youngjae oppa!"

As Youngjae fell into step Taehyung slowly began to fall behind.


Just for one day.. I wanted you to be mine.




That's it! A bit angsty but I wasn't in my cheesy fluff mood. Tell me what you think in the comment section below kay~ ☆

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Hotcakes1800 #1
Chapter 1: This was cute :)
Chapter 1: Please do a sequel. THIS IS SO GOOD!!
kdbohannon #3
Chapter 1: Do a full story. I'm tots excited.
Lotuspassion #4
Chapter 1: Do a sequel