
Bitter Taste

Jimin doesn't know much about love. But he does know that he is 99.9% sure he is in love with someone he doesn't even know. Jimin knows he rides the same bus as him every day when he goes to work. He knows he always has his headphones in so Jimin can't strike up a conversation. And he knows he is out of his league.


The way he dresses, Jimin can tell he has a decent job that can pay for those high priced brands. Jimin would almost call him a fashionable man. He admires his long slender legs and pale colored skin. He wished he could find out his name.


There is just something weird about someone constantly staring at a stranger on the bus. Jimin has been caught numerous by other bus commuters and almost always by the bus driver. He tries hard not to stare. He usually catches himself but most often not since the other commuters catch him before he does. He is surprised the guy hasn't caught him yet. Jimin guesses it's because he always has his nose in a notebook, scribbling furiously with his pencil. Jimin doesn't know what he is writing, but he does a lot of scratching out and erasing. He'll also sometimes tap his pencil or foot along with the beat of the music he is listening to. Jimin always tells himself to grow some balls and sit next to him one day.


Jimin stands at the bus stop and sees the bus approach. He notices there are a lot of people at his stop, more than usual. He gets on the bus first and takes his usual seat. He sees a couple sit where the mystery guy usually sits and the bus fills up fast. At the next stop Jimin watches mystery guy get on the bus and sees his seat was taken. He turns around and sits next to Jimin. Without thinking, Jimin's body tenses up having him so close. Their arms almost touching, Jimin can feel his cheeks start to burn and his heart beat a little faster. Start a conversation, ask him what he's listening to, talk about the weather, talk to him! Jimin is fighting with himself in his head. Before Jimin knows it, it's time for mystery guy to get off. He stands up quickly and leaves, but Jimin notices his wallet had fallen out of his pocket.

"E-excuse me, you left your-" but Jimin was too late as the guy gets off the bus. He slumps back in his seat and stares at the wallet.

He wonders if he should open it to check his name. Just so he can stop calling him mystery guy. He slowly opens the wallet and sees the ID and reads the name.

"Min Yoongi." He says out loud. He smiles thinking how cute the name is. He checks the birthdate and sees he is 3 years older than him.

"Well Mr. Min I'll make sure to get this back to you first thing tomorrow." he says to himself as he sticks the wallet in his backpack and gets off at his stop.


Jimin's day at work was less than eventful. A typical day at a coffee shop, nothing special. Jimin leans against the counter daydreaming about his mystery guy... err Min Yoongi. He hears the bell on the front door ring indicating someone has entered the shop. Jimin straightens up greeting the customer. "Hello, welcome to-" Jimin freezes as he sees who has entered. It was none other than Min Yoongi.


Yoongi looks up at the menu to choose his order not noticing Jimin completely gawking at him. Jimin cannot believe out of all the coffee shops in town, Min Yoongi goes to the one he works at. Jimin makes himself focus and plays it cool.

"What can I get for you today?" Jimin says as calmly as possible.

Yoongi focuses his attention on Jimin and gives him a gentle smile. Jimin holds his breathe as he takes in his amazing smile.

"Can I get a large caramel macchiato?" Jimin rings up the order as Yoongi searches for his wallet.

"! Where the hell is my wallet?"

"Umm, you left it on the bus." Jimin says quietly, making Yoongi look up.

"How do you know- "

"I was sitting next to you on the bus... and I happen to pick it up. I was going to return it to you tomorrow morning on the bus since we ride the same bus, well obviously we ride the same bus since i was sitting next to you this morning, but anyways you actually end up coming in here which is really funny right? I mean out of all the coffee shops in town you walk in here and then you ordered and then I realized you couldn't even pay for your own coffee without your wallet which I have in my backpack in the back which I was going to return to you tomorrow morning but since you're here...." Jimin stops talking after he realizes he is babbling. Yoongi blinks at Jimin a couple times and then smiles at him.

"Well then..." Yoongi looks at Jimin's name tag, "...Park Jimin. Do you think I could possibly get my wallet back?"

Jimin jumps a little as he slightly.panics.

"Oh! Right! I'll be right back." Jimin rushed to the back to retrieve the wallet.

He comes back and sets the wallet on the counter.

"Thanks. How much for the coffee?" Yoongi grabs it and opens it to take out cash.

"Nothing." Jimin turns and makes the beverage.

"What?" Yoongi closes his wallet.

"It's free." Jimin smiles and hands him the coffee.

"Thanks." Yoongi smiles for a third time at Jimin and slips a dollar in the tip jar as he turns around and walks to a corner table.


Jimin watches Yoongi the whole time he is there. He watches him drink his coffee while writing in his notebook. Jimin goes around wiping tables but doesn't stop to chat with Yoongi fearing he thinks he's weird. Yoongi gets up and walks to the door, he turns around and gives Jimin a little wave and smile before leaving the coffee shop. Jimin can't believe what just happened. He thought Yoongi would think he was a creepy guy having his wallet but maybe not.


The next day, Jimin sits at his usual seat on the bus. Jimin didn't sleep worth a damn last night since his neighbors we're having a loud party until 4 in the morning. Jimin is still half asleep and starts dozing off. He closed his eyes and starts drifting to sleep when he feels someone sit next to him. He slowly opens his eyes and looks over to find Yoongi sitting next to him. He looks over to where he would usually sit thinking someone took his seat again, but finds the seat empty. He looks at Yoongi again quite confused with the whole situation.

"Hey." Yoongi smiles. His smile immediately wakes Jimin up.

"Why are you sitting here?"

"Do you not like me sitting here?"

"N-no... thats not what I meant... I meant... you usually sit over there." Jimin points to the empty seat.

"Well, I wanted to sit next to you today. If that's okay?"

"Uh.... yeah sure." Jimin blinks at him still confused as to why Yoongi is sitting next to him.

The bus ride was quiet and awkward until it is time for Yoongi to get off.

"See you later." He smiles and gets off the bus.


Jimin is arranging baked goods in the back when he hears the door ring. His co-worker Taehyung was in the front so Jimin doesn't bother to go up front. Taehyung comes to the back and hits Jimin with a towel.

"Customer in front." Taehyung says fixing his hair.

"Yeah? So why didn't you take care of them?" Jimin says throwing the towel back at him.

"He requested for you." Taehyung smiles. Jimin narrows his eyes at him as he walks to the front.

"Finish those." He tells Taehyung.

"Yeah yeah..." was all he heard as Jimin rounds the corner to find Yoongi standing by the register.


Yoongi orders the same thing as yesterday and sits at the same table. Jimin hopes this isn't going to be a regular thing seeing Yoongi at the coffee shop. He'll definitely lose his mind seeing Yoongi but not talking to him since he's too scared.


To Jimin's surprise, Yoongi does the same thing every day. He sits next to him on the bus then goes to the coffee shop to drink the same coffee and sit at the same table. it's almost become a routine to both of them. They have the same conversations every day, sometimes longer or shorter than the previous day.


"Would you like to try one of our baked goods today?" Jimin asks politely as he makes Yoongi's coffee.

"Sure! What you recommend?" Yoongi eyes the display of baked goods.

"Our blueberry scones are really good."

"Did you make them yourself?"

"Yes." Jimin hands Yoongi his coffee.

"Then I bet they are delicious. I'll have 2 please." Yoongi smiles.

Jimin hates it when Yoongi smiles at him. It always makes his heart skip a beat and cheeks burn.


Jimin goes to the back and sees Taehyung staring at him.

"What are you staring at?" Jimin asks annoyed.

"When are you gonna ask him out?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Jimin says pushing his way past Taehyung to arrange cups.

"You don't think I see you guys flirting every day?" Taehyung laughs.

"Shut up! We're not flirting!"

"Yes you are. And don't you find it strange that he comes here every day and specifically requests for you to make his coffee?"

"Maybe he likes routine or maybe you at making his coffee."

"Or maybe he likes you. And plus I haven't had a chance to make his coffee because he always asks for you! I even insist on me making his coffee but he always asks for you." Taehyung punches Jimin's arm "Maybe you should talk to him."

"I do talk to him."

"No, I mean have an actual conversation with him. Ask him his favorite color, favorite music, whether he likes to get wasted on Saturday nights. You know, get to know him instead of offering him blueberry scones."

"You're an idiot." Jimin shakes his head.

"No, I'm right." Taehyung walks to the front greeting another customer.


Maybe Taehyung is right. Maybe he should get to know him. All he knows about Yoongi is his name and birthdate. Maybe he should start a conversation one day. But what if Yoongi doesn't like him? What if he thinks he's weird? What if Yoongi only likes Jimin for his coffee? All these thoughts run through Jimin's mind as he figures out what to do.


Taehyung pokes his head around the corner.

"He's leaving."

"Tell him I'm in the bathroom." Jimin says turning around and walking away.

"What? But we don't have a bathroom..." Taehyung says as he watches Jimin go into the office.


The next day Jimin wakes up feeling nauseous. He quickly runs to the bathroom and throws up.

"." He says under his breathe as he sits down on the bathroom floor.

Jimin calls off for work and plops himself on the couch trying not to move too much for the rest of the day.

Jimin gets lost in his thoughts all day thinking about Yoongi and what to do. He's scared of what Yoongi thinks of him. He wants to get close to him because he likes him. Jimin really likes him. He worries Yoongi doesn't feel the same. He worries he only sees him as the guy that makes his coffee.


Jimin wakes up to Taehyung calling him. He answers the phone with a weak 'Hello.'

"Hey Jimin, that guy came by again. I told him you were sick. He looked worried so I asked him if he wanted his usual but he said no and left."

"I told you he doesn't like the way you make-" Jimin says but gets cut off.

"Would you shut up about that! He likes you! If he only comes in here just to see you then he likes you!" Taehyung is practically yelling through the phone. Jimin pulls the phone away from his ear.

"Would you stop yelling? You're making my headache worse." Jimin says in a hoarse voice.

"Sorry, so you really are sick. I thought you we're just playing hooky today." Taehyung laughs.

Jimin just rolls his eyes.

"Tell Mr. Yoo I won't be coming in tomorrow either. This flu is kicking my ." Jimin says as he coughs.

"Okay I will. Want me to stop by after work today?"

"No, don't want to get you sick too."

"Okay, well I gotta go. See you later, feel better!" Taehyung quickly hangs up.

Jimin just lays on the couch and stares at the ceiling.

Yoongi doesn't like Jimin. How could he? He doesn't even know him. Jimin's thoughts are running again. Taehyung is just an idiot and probably exaggerated the whole thing. Jimin falls asleep thinking about Yoongi.


The next day Jimin doesn't go to work. He doesn't go to work the day after that and the day after that. He doesn't go to work for 3 days and the last 2 days we're because he was playing hooky. Jimin didn't want to see Yoongi. He doesn't know why he is suddenly feeling angry towards him, Yoongi technically didn't do anything to hurt Jimin. He just didn't want to see him. Taehyung calls Jimin for the 3rd time today. He picks up and Taehyung is yelling at him.

"Jimin I know you're not sick anymore! You better get your back to work tomorrow or Mr. Yoo will fire your sorry !" Jimin has to move the phone away from his ear.

"Tell him I'm coming in tomorrow." Jimin says slightly annoyed.

There was a brief silence on the other line when Jimin hears Taehyung sigh.

"He's wondering where you are." Jimin flinch as he knows who Taehyung is talking about.

"You should stop avoiding him. I know that's why you haven't been to work the past 2 days. Jimin you need to talk to him or something, or else you'll-"

Jimin hangs up the phone. He is irritated that Taehyung is butting into his personal life. Who cares if he's avoiding Yoongi. It's not like they're friends or anything, they are just acquaintances and nothing more.


The next day, Jimin walks to work instead of taking the bus. He walks in and Taehyung gives him a big hug.

"Oh god I'm so happy you're alive!" Taehyung gives Jimin a big smile.

"Shut up." Jimin shrugs him off and walks to the back.

"I didn't appreciate you hanging up on me yesterday but I will forgive you." Taehyung follows after Jimin.

Jimin just rolls his eyes. He walks to the office, apologizes to his boss and goes to work.


It was almost time for Jimin to take his break when the door rings. Taehyung greets the customer.

"Hey Yoongi! That's a nice shirt you got there." Jimin can hear Taehyung's obnoxiously loud voice. He walks closer to listen on the conversation.

"Hi Taehyung... uh is Jimin back yet?" There was a slight sadness in his voice.

"Actually, he is back. I'll go get him right now." Jimin takes a few steps back as Taehyung walks through the doorway. He looks at Jimin and walks past him and starts stacking cups.

Jimin takes a deep breath and walks to the front. As soon as he rounds the corner he sees Yoongi with a big smile on his face. Jimin's chest starts to tighten seeing his smile.

"What can I get-"

"Glad you're back." Yoongi says.


"You had me worried there." Yoongi nervously laughs. Jimin just blinks at him. Worried? Why would he be worried about him?

"I mean, you we're gone for 4 days so I was wondering if you were okay." "I'm fine." Jimin says with no emotion in his voice.

"Why weren't you on the bus this morning?" Yoongi asks trying to keep the conversation going.

"I woke up late and missed it."

"Oh, well... here." Yoongi gives Jimin a small plastic bottle.

"What's this?" Jimin takes it and looks at it.

"It's hand sanitizer. You should use it so you know... you won't get sick again." Yoongi smiles.

"Thanks." Jimin sticks the bottle in his pocket and punches buttons on the register. "You want the usual?"

Yoongi frowns a little and nods. He watches Jimin make his coffee and takes his money without saying a word to him. After finishing the order Jimin walks to the back leaving Yoongi slightly hurt at his cold manner. Yoongi finishes his coffee and walks up to the register. Taehyung is there cleaning the counter.

"You heading out?" Taehyung throws the wash cloth to the side.

"Yeah, is uh... Jimin in the back?"

"Yeah, but he's... in the bathroom." Taehyung looks down.

"I thought you guys didn't have a bathroom." Yoongi frowns. Taehyung pauses and looks up.

"We don't."

"Okay... well I'll see you tomorrow." Yoongi waves and leaves. Taehyung watches him leave as he sighs and shakes his head.

"Park Jimin you idiot." Taehyung says to himself.


The next day Jimin walks to work again and purposely takes his break when Yoongi walks in. The day after that Jimin considers getting a bike because walking to work is getting too tiring for him. And the day after that is a public holiday so the coffee shop is closed. Jimin is doing his best to stay away from Yoongi. He fears if he gets too close, he'll just end up getting hurt like his past relationships. Jimin doesn't know why he is acting this way. He wonders if Yoongi will eventually stop going to the coffee shop if he keeps ignoring him.


Jimin takes some blueberry scones out of the oven when Taehyung tells him there's a customer up front.

"Why are you telling me this?" Jimin puts the hot tray down.

"Because I'm on break." Taehyung smiles and walks out.

Yoongi is digging through his backpack when Jimin walks to the counter.

"The usual?" Jimin asks punching buttons on the register.

"Why are you avoiding me?" Yoongi asks. Jimin looks up.

"I'm not."

"Yes you are. You stopped riding the bus and you barely say 3 words to me when I come in here. If there was something I did to offend you I'm sorry. We should talk about it instead of being like this." Jimin can hear the anger in his voice but he doesn't say anything. Yoongi takes Jimin's silence as a indication for him to leave.

"Okay. Well I guess I won't come back here again. Bye Jimin." Yoongi turns and walks out leaving Jimin by himself.


The next 4 days Yoongi doesn't stop by the coffee shop.

"I can't believe you scared him off." Taehyung says annoyed at Jimin.

"I didn't scare him off. He chose to stop coming here."

"Yeah, no thanks to you."

"Well if you liked him so much why don't you ask him out?" Jimin is annoyed too.

"I couldn't even if I wanted to because you scared him off!" Taehyung snaps back.


The next days that follow consisted of Taehyung constantly lecturing Jimin for being such an to Yoongi and how Yoongi didn't deserve any of it. He was just trying to be nice to Jimin and he completely blew him off. Jimin starts to feel bad for what he did and considers apologizing to Yoongi. Jimin decides to ride the bus one morning to talk to Yoongi. But Jimin doesn't see him on the bus. He rides the bus for 3 days and doesn't see him once. He feels like for treating Yoongi so badly. Jimin eventually gives up looking for him.


One morning Jimin walks to work since he missed his bus. He is not even half way there when it starts to rain. Jimin starts to get soaked but he is too tired to care. A black car pulls up next to him and the back window rolls down. Jimin looks and sees Yoongi in the back seat. Jimin takes a step closer to the vehicle to make sure it really is him.

"Need a ride?" Yoongi asks.

"Sure." Yoongi opens the door and slides over as Jimin gets in the car.

The ride was silent and awkward. Jimin couldn't take it anymore, he needed to apologize.

"I'm sorry about what I did to you. I don't really know why I did it. It's okay if you hate me." Yoongi doesn't say anything so Jimin continues.

"I really appreciate what you're doing for me. I'll pay you back for the gas."

The car rolls up to the coffee shop.

"Don't worry about it." Yoongi says as Jimin opens the car door to get out. He shuts the door and steps back. Yoongi rolls down his window just as Jimin is about to enter the shop.

"Oh and Jimin," Jimin turns around. "Apology accepted." Yoongi gives him a smile as the car drives away.


It's now summer time and the heat is almost unbearable to handle. And to make it worse, Jimin's AC is broken and his ice maker took a too. Jimin is suffering from the heat and goes to the store to buy some ice.


Jimin opens the door where the ice is being held. He reaches for a bag when he hears a familiar voice behind him.

"You know, you should stop following me around or else I might think you're stalking me."

Jimin turns around and sees Yoongi standing behind him.

"I should say the same thing." Jimin laughs. He looks in Yoongi's cart and sees 2 frozen pizzas, 2 tubs of ice cream, 4 bags of chips and a 24 pack of beer.

"Got a date tonight?" Jimin asks pointing to his cart.

"Yeah with my TV." Yoongi his laughs. "what about you?" He eyes the bag of ice in Jimin's hand.

"AC and ice machine broke. Got a date in hell tonight." Jimin smiles.

"You got a nice smile, you know that?" Yoongi smiles back.

Jimin is taken aback by the sudden compliment and just shuffles his feet and looks down at the ground.

"How about you come over and hang out with me in my apartment where the AC works and watch movies instead of suffering in hell tonight?" Yoongi offers.

"What, like on a date?" Jimin raises an eyebrow.


"How do I know you're not gonna kill me?"

"You don't." Yoongi laughs.

"Well if there's AC then I guess I can join you." Jimin walks to the register and pays for his ice.


Jimin was right, whatever Yoongi's job was he had some money. His apartment was big and fancy. Yoongi put his ice in the freezer and started putting away his groceries. "Nice place." Jimin says as he looks out the window, it even had a nice view of the city.

"Thanks." Yoongi put the frozen pizzas in the oven.

Jimin sits down on the couch and notices the notebook that Yoongi is always writing in on the coffee table next to his keys.

"What do you write in this notebook?" Jimin asks as Yoongi hands him a beer and sits down next to him.


"Lyrics? Like to songs?" Jimin picks it up.

"Yeah. I'm a songwriter." Yoongi flips through the channels.

"Guess you're pretty good seeing as you have a personal driver and your apartment is huge." Jimin says causing Yoongi to laugh.

"Yeah, I guess so. I do it because I like it not because of the money, just to let you know." Yoongi gets up and walks to his DVD stand to pick out a movie.

"What's your favorite color?" Jimin asks.

"That was random." Yoongi laughs.

"Answer it."

"White. You?" Yoongi turns to look at Jimin.

"Blue." Yoongi nods and goes back to the DVDs.

"Favorite music." Jimin asks.

"I like Kanye West."

"Me too!" Jimin smiles. "Okay, now this next question is really important." Yoongi turns around again.

"Do you like to get wasted on Saturday nights?" A big smile forms on Jimin's face.

"Are you kidding me? That's all I ever do on Saturday nights!"

"Well you know, today is saturday."

"Then I guess I'm getting wasted tonight." They both laugh as the oven timer goes off indicating the pizzas were done.


They both walk into the kitchen. Yoongi takes the pizzas out of the oven while Jimin looks around. He notices something odd.

"For someone who drinks a lot of coffee, you don't have a coffee maker." Jimin says causing Yoongi to laugh.

"Wanna know a secret? I don't really like drinking coffee." Yoongi looks at Jimin who looks confused.

"What? So you drank all those coffees even though you didn't like it?"

"I mean, that first time I came into the coffee shop I was super tired from staying up late the night before writing lyrics. So I needed a pick me up to get me through the rest of the day. But you were so nice to me by giving me back my wallet and giving me my coffee for free, so I came back again." Yoongi slices the pizza. "I liked you and I wanted to see you more than just the bus so I went to the coffee shop on my lunch break. Since it would look weird if I didn't order coffee at a coffee shop, I forced myself to drink it."

"You... forced yourself to drink something you didn't like just to see me?" Jimin is dumbfounded. No one has ever gone out of their way just to see him.

"Well if you say it like that, you make me sound desperate." Yoongi smirks.

They walk back to the living room and Yoongi puts in a movie.

"Do you like scary movies?" Yoongi asks.

"No." Jimin says taking a bite of his pizza.

"Okay, we'll start with an action movie so you don't choke on your pizza." Yoongi laughs.

"Gee, thanks." Jimin chuckled.


After eating, Yoongi puts in a horror movie making Jimin scream a few times which only made Yoongi laugh his head off. Jimin would playfully hit Yoongi's arm. After the movies, the two spent the rest of the night drinking beer and getting drunk.


The next day Jimin wakes up with a pounding headache. The sun shines in his eyes and he finds himself in a bed. He rolls over and sees Yoongi laying next to him.

"Good morning sleepy head." Yoongi says with a smile.

Jimin sits up and puts his head in his hands.

" my head hurts. What happened?" Jimin groans.

"You got drunk last night."

"No Sherlock." Jimin chuckles.

Jimin looks down and notices he is completely .

"Why the hell am I ?" Jimin looks over as Yoongi also sits up.

Yoongi leans over and kisses Jimin's shoulder.

"What do you think?" Yoongi wraps his arms around Jimin's waist.

Jimin then remembers what happened the night before. Getting drunk, kissing Yoongi, making out with Yoongi, having with Yoongi.

"Yeah, I suddenly just remembered we ed last night." Jimin runs his hand through his hair.

"Twice." Yoongi laughs.

Jimin can't help but let out a chuckle.

"We can do it again, three times the charm." Yoongi leans in and whispers in Jimin's ear.

"Oh god, why am I even here?" Jimin says under his breath.

Yoongi lays Jimin down on the bed and gets on top of him.

"Because you can't get enough of me." Yoongi kisses Jimin gently.

He pulls back and hovers over Jimin. Jimin runs his fingers over marks scattered all over Yoongi's neck and shoulder.

"Who left these marks all over your pretty skin?" Jimin traces his thumb over a big one just below Yoongi's jawline.

"I don't know, some inconsiderate ." Yoongi leans down and starts kissing Jimin's chest and goes down towards his abs. Jimin let's out an airy moan.

"Should I punish him?" Yoongi asks and smiles against Jimin's skin.

"Destroy him." Jimin arches his back as Yoongi swipes against his hard member.

"It would be my pleasure."

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Garrisonj #1
Chapter 1: Awes cuuutteh
chichiluvsu #2
Chapter 1: Noo, I need a sequelllll
kay_rin #3
Chapter 1: That ending though ;) Haha this was so perfect!!! Yoonmin for life <3
notbrokenjustbent #4
Chapter 1: absolutely perfect
Chapter 1: DESTROY HIMMM!! kkk~ xD
Thanks for this cute fic author-nim~
Candy64 #6
Chapter 1: Omg this was awesome !
Chapter 1: OH MY GOODNESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS *squealing* good job authornim! ^^
mynameisnotpoop #8
Chapter 1: This is absolute perfection omg they are so compatible with each other<3
i like how you write their relationship building and how it ended, can't get enough of their flirtings omg xD