
Cherish - Leo

A soft yellow lamp gave off light into the dark surroundings, the soft light cascaded over two bodies that rested against the comfy cushions of a large arm chair. Covering their tangled bodies, a soft light blanket wrinkled with their slight movements. Leo and you were sitting together, just enjoying a lazy Saturday night together.

Evening rain clouds gathered in the sky while the rumbling of thunder got louder and louder with the passing moments. Moving closer to Leo, he rested his arm around you while his long fingers gently played with strands of your hair. Lightly twirling your silky hair around his fingers, he looked down at you while your head rested against his shoulder.

Feeling your body so close to his put him at ease, your legs gently tangled with his. Tilting your head to look at his, you happily let your eyes wonder over his flawless skin. His hand held up his head while he let his eyes flutter closed, letting his fingers continue to play with your hair.

The gentle tapping of the rain hitting against the windows of the dorm, your lips smiled as your thoughts began to wonder. Thinking back as far as you could remember, you entertained yourself with thinking about the first time that you met Leo.

— Flashback —

The sun was shining so brightly that day, making the day have a different feel than it usually had. Feeling that something different was going to happen today, you kept your optimism as you walked to the library. 

Adjusting the straps of your backpack on your shoulders, you held the books you were going to renew in your arms while you took a short cut through the park behind the tall buildings.

Passing by the men in suits, playing simple games on their phone or calling people on their phones, you smiled at each one as you passed. Catching their eyes, you couldn’t help but take your eyes off of where you were walking. A mass hit your shoulder causing the books in your arms to fall to the concrete below.

Looking around in shame, you knelt down on the ground as you picked up your books carefully, trying not to loose your place in their pages.

"I’m really sorry" A soft, kind voice cooed while a pair of hands helped you with the books and brushed the dirt off of the books covers.

"It’s okay, it was my fault" You lifted your eyes slowly once you had most of the books in your hand.

"Are you okay?" He outstretched his hand as you placed your hand in his and he helped pull you back up on your feet.

"I’m fine" You nodded your head, trying to catch another glance of the gentleman that you ran into.

"Are you sure?" He looked at you, his dark brown eyes catching yours as you nodded. Securely holding his coffee still in his hand, he handed over the two books that he held in his arm.

Moving his eyes down to your books that he held in his arms, he read the titles as he smiled.

"Do you like reading books?" He asked seeing that those were two of his favorites.

"Yes" You blushed and fixed the books that were in your arms so you could accommodate for the few that he held for you. Handing you the books that he had, he smiled at you.

"Can I come with you?" He offered, his eyes big and almost pleading.

"Sure" You started to smile brighter.

"I should carry some of these books for you then" He gestured for you to hand him some as you did just that.

Both of you headed down the path, both of you walking at a relatively slow pace. Listening to him sip his coffee while your fingers played with the edge of the pages.

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Leo" He turned to you with a small smile on his lips.

"I’m ________, that is okay." You glanced at him before feeling your heart start to pick up pace, you looked back down at your feet. "If you have something else to do, you don’t have to come with me."

"Oh it is no trouble, I am on a break and I haven’t been to the library in a while so it will be a nice change" His lips parted, showing you his toothy smile, nodding your head, you bit your lip feeling butterflies starting to form in your stomach.

"So… other than reading books, what do you like to do?" He inquired while the both of you made your way to the library.

Leo kept you company as long as he could, helping you choose some books to read as well as picking some out for himself. With different books filling your backpack and your arms and his, you both settled down in the park. Reading your books silently, yet together, you couldn’t help but feel that this was more than fate.

Leo opened his eyes and looked over at you, seeing your eyes twinkle and your lips gently smiling, he couldn’t help but feel so happy that you were happy. Taking in the moment, he pulled up the blanket on the two of you with his free hand while his eyes carefully scanned your face.

"What are you thinking about love?" Leo whispered softly as the rain pounded against the window, the wind whistled loudly through the cracks in the doors and windows.

"The first time we met" You whispered back, your eyes blinking a few times to push your thoughts away.

"I still remember that day too." He replied as an instant smile pulled on his lips. "However I think you have become more beautiful than that day" He confessed softly.

"That is just because you love me" You reasoned, feeling blush move onto your cheeks, you heard a little laugh spill from his lips.

His gentle fingers gently lifted your chin and turned your head to look back in his eyes.

"I know it is" He smiled, his heart starting to beat faster while his eyes slowly moved down to your pink lips, feeling your heart pick up pace too. Starting to lean into his lips, he followed you while his hand on the back of your head gave him control as he started to tip your head to his. Closing your eyes gently, you could feel his warm breath running over your lips, the warmth of him coming closer to you.

The door opened loudly and hit the doorstop behind it as Leo pulled away a little just about as your lips were going to touch his. Feeling the warm breath leaver your lips, you started to open your eyes slowly as his big brown eyes met yours with a sorry expression painted over them.

Rubbing your hand against his back, you reassured him that it was okay before he looked over the back of the large arm chair at N staring at the two of you.

"Do you need something?" Leo asked quietly, his lips pursing together.

"No, I just wanted to make sure that you two weren’t scared of the storm." His eyes gently twinkled while he shifted his weight from the tips of his toes to his heels while his hands clasped behind his back.

"We are fine" He glanced down at you seeing your pink cheeks, "Where are the other members?" Leo questioned trying to change the subject and get him out of the room.

"They are downstairs waiting to come up since it is raining" N stated.

"Why don’t you go get them" Leo offered, N looked at him and nodded happily before he ran out of the door slamming it behind him.

"Sorry, jagi" His eyes turned back to you while his hand rubbed your back gently.

"It’s okay" You looked up into his sparkling eyes, feeling your heart uneasy, you leaned up and kissed his lips gently. Leo’s eyes opened slightly in shock before he smiled and kissed you back, fluttering his eyes closed, he held onto the kiss for a moment longer before you pulled away.

"Was that just because you love me?" Leo whispered as he could hear the other members coming up the stairs. Nodding your head, you rested your head on his shoulder.

"You are really cute when you are flustered, jagi" He whispered before the other members came inside. Putting in a movie, all of you watched happily together as the storm raged outside. Yet you couldn’t be happier, you had everything that you could ever need and it was all sitting right next to you, holding you tightly against himself.

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i just knew about vixx and guess what i'm really like this group. all of them is just ah i don't know what to say. btw the story is amazing....
Emmatwice #2
Chapter 1: I love your story author, especially when it comes about Leo.. cute hehe..
Chapter 1: That sounds about right and it's really cute.
Chapter 1: Must not smack N for this...
Chapter 1: I've been having feels for Leo lately and because of that I HAVE to find more fics of him and this is one of the cutest!!!!
Chapter 1: That sounds so much like N. XD
Chapter 1: leoooooooooooooo!
kris_tal #8
It was so cute and fluffy >< I love it <3