Pink Lemonade

Enjoying the View

“What are you doing?”

Yoongi looked up from the phonebook, pen dropping from his fingers. Jin’s face was 3 inches from his own. He frowned.

“Personal space. Please, “ Yoongi gritted.

Jin grinned, leaning back onto his chair, “looking for a gardener?”


Jin rolled his eyes. “Same difference.”

The phonebook hit Jin in the face.




“Hello, B Landscapes, Jungkook speaking, how may I help you?” A voice as smooth as silk spoke on the opposite end of the receiver.  Yoongi juggled the phone on one shoulder while flipping the pages of the phonebook, his other hand reaching for his notepad.

“Yes, uhm, I was wondering how much it would cost to redo a yard around 60m2?”

“It would depend on the condition of the land and the design you would choose, however, the usual starting price for that is around 1,700,000 won.”

“That’s reasonable…” Yoongi nearly had a heart attack, “….how long would the process take?”

“Well, usually we schedule a consultation at the location, that way we can accurately reach and approximate an amount. We do pride ourselves in taking a maximum of 1 week on average for our projects.” Yoongi could practically hear the smile on Jungkook’s face.

“Thanks…I’ll get back to you.” Not.






“So…you’ve decided to re-do your backyard but you decide to cheap it out?” Jin tsked, twirling his pen with his long, slender fingers.

“I am not cheaping it out, it’s just that most landscaping companies have extremely unreasonable prices.” Yoongi refused to be brought down by Jin’s judging stare. And people said HE had judgemental eyes.

“That’s because they have a reputation. And amazing designers. Yoongi, you’ve got a six-figure salary, why are you so prudent?” Yoongi looked up from his paperwork and pressed his lips into a thin line.

“…I refuse to be scolded by someone who has no appreciation or sense for the value of money.”

Jin clutched his Loui Vuitton Agenda ballpoint, monogramed pen and narrowed his eyes, “shut up.”







Yoongi clutched the phone to his chest, fingers tapping impatiently on the window. He glanced up at the clock, the hour hand 10 seconds away from landing at 9. Straightening his tie he hopped off the window sill and exited his room. 3…2…1...Yoongi frowned. He’s late. Peeking through the large window adjacent to his double front doors, he sighed. A few more minutes and I’ll…a beaten down-supposedly white-pickup truck stuttered up his drive way. Finally, Yoongi breathed, 5 minutes late. A young man emerged from the disdainful excuse of a motor vehicle, all tall, bronze and toned. A cap covered his face from Yoongi’s view as he gave him a once-over. A worn-out white t-shirt, faded black cargo pants and dirty tan work boots. Yoongi scowled, he needs to enter through the back door. He exited his house in haste, slamming the door accidentally. The June heat slapped him in the face, he was already breaking a sweat. The man in front of him looked up, startled. He quickly took off his hat and bowed. “Hello, I’m Hoseok. I’ll be your landscapist.” Hoseok gave the small man a wide smile and took in his appearance. Cat-like almond eyes, a school-boy haircut and thin pink lips. Hoseok smiled even wider. Seemingly unaffected by Hoseok’s smile Yoongi nodded and mumbled a “follow me” and led the way to his back door. Confused, Hoseok quickly grabbed his bag and followed the small man.







The project proved to be difficult. It wasn’t so much the actual backyard that was hard; in fact, it was kept in immaculate condition. Not a single weed sprouted from the ground or a single stray leaf lying amongst the stones. What was problematic was the piercing gaze trained on his back. Yoongi had his eyes on Hoseok for the whole 5 hours he worked throughout the week. Lounging in the second-floor balcony of his home, his bedroom offering a nice panoramic view of his surroundings. The AC was nice against his neck as well. Yoongi’s pale skin needed to be protected from the harsh UV rays, opting for an all-white ensemble to combat the almost mummified attempt at keeping his body safe from sun burn. Hoseok wouldn’t mind the AC either. Or maybe even a drink of that pink lemonade his employer is drinking from, his shiny pink lips pursing around a paper straw.

“What is with our employer?” Hoseok’s partner, Namjoon groaned, squinting against the harsh sun glowing in the middle of the cloudless sky, “if he’s so afraid of the sun, what’s the point of getting his backyard done? There’s a freaking sun deck and Jacuzzi in this bloody design.”

Hoseok scratched the back of his sweaty neck, adjusting the snap-back on his head so that it keeps his fringe out of his eyes, “…don’t you think he’s kinda cute though?”

Namjoon gave him a sideward glance, “If you think banging our employer is going to make this worthwhile for you, then he better have a friend or something.”

Hoseok laughed ears slightly red from embarrassment. Namjoon’s crassness never failed to make him slightly awkward—mostly because it was true, but he wasn’t about to admit that. “I’m not going to mix pleasure with business don’t worry,” Hoseok said, taking off his snap-back and lifting his wife-beater over his head. The wind felt nice against his sweaty back. Namjoon snickered. He raised his eyebrows at his friend. Namjoon smiled to himself and continued to level the bricks. Hoseok cracked his knuckles and stretched his back, three more days—only three more days.






Yoongi’s mouth felt dry. His lips hovered above the paper straw he’d nibbled unrecognisable. That kid he hired took his shirt off. He took his shirt off and now he’s stretching. The sweat formed a sheen that accentuated every bevel of his abs. Every muscle on his arms. Yoongi swallowed thickly. Is he trying to get a tip or something? I’m already paying enough as it is. Despite his thoughts, his eyes continued to linger down Hoseok’s half- figure. The cargo pants he was wearing really hugged his back-


Yoongi felt himself jump right out of his skin. His pink lemonade splashed all over his white shirt and he swears loudly. Yoongi turned around with fervour in his eyes, “what the hell, Jin.”

Jin has his Gucci sunglasses perched on his perfectly groomed magenta-coloured hair, his plump lips curled into a mischievous grin. “Enjoying the view?”

Yoongi rolled his eyes, heart still threatening to beat right out of his chest. He didn’t necessarily feel scared anymore, it was a different feeling. A feeling that brought a slight colour to his cheeks. One of those feelings however, was the soda drying on his skin. Frowning, Yoongi assessed the damage and inwardly groaned, the stain would be hard to remove. Carefully, he peeled the fabric sticking to his skin over his head, grimacing when it brushed against his face. He trudged back into his bedroom, searching for a new shirt, sneering at Jin to watch those two workers. Jin scoffed and leaned against the railing, pressing his face slightly against the glass. One of the said workers stared at his general direction in a slight daze. His mouth was slightly open, fingers hovering over a piece of wood he must have been sanding. Jin resisted the urge to let go of one of his more booming laughs, the ones that were reserved for when he was teasing Yoongi and making fun of other people’s demise. It was incredibly unflattering. His eyes drifted to the other worker. He had silver hair that glowed against the sun and a tan complexion that contrasted nicely against it. Jin squinted. Dimples. Cute. Jin placed his sunglasses back on his nose. He checked his slight reflection against the glass, hot.

“Are you seriously checking yourself out?” Yoongi wore a white, linen, button down top, the top three buttons opened casually. The short boy leaned against the entrance of the balcony, narrowing his eyes into his trademark cat-like scowl.

“No, but someone might be.”

With that, Jin strutted away, closing the door behind him.

Yoongi shook his head. I need new friends.








Namjoon packed the last of their equipment in the back of the truck, their job finally done after a little over a week. Hoseok stood awkwardly at the front door-step. Yoongi silently wrote down a cheque, tongue poking out from between his lips. “Here you go, thank you for your hard work,” Yoongi handed Hoseok the cheque, their fingers brushing ever so slightly. Both men ignored the slight tingling sensation cursing through their fingertips. Hoseok bowed his head before finally making eye contact. “Thank you for choosing B Landscapes! I hope you…uh…enjoy your new backyard…” Hoseok smiled, but it felt strained. Yoongi pressed his lips in a thin line and nodded stiffly, awkwardly waving. Hoseok lingered slightly, before bowing once again and running towards his truck. Yoongi has the door halfway closed when he hears a certain laugh on his driveway. Wrenching the door open, Yoongi stepped out quickly. Yoongi felt the need to roll his eyes.

Jin leaned against the passenger window, sunglasses low on his nose and eyes fluttering madly. Hoseok’s partner—Yoongi couldn’t remember his name—sat comfortably in his seat. Obviously enjoying himself, his hands making animated gestures and continuously brandishing the dimples that Jin would expectedly take a liking to. Hoseok sat next to the shameless couple, head pressed against the steering wheel. Yoongi almost felt sorry for him. He felt sweat starting to form on the back of his neck. Almost. Yoongi turned around and ran inside his house, leaving the two flirts and one disdained man basking in the late afternoon sun.








Week after his backyard had been re-done, Yoongi hears his doorbell ring. He looked at the clock, 6:00. Who knocks on people’s doors at six pm? Wanting to avoid annoying salesmen, Yoongi crept towards the door and checked the peephole. Is that…? Despite his rationality telling him otherwise, Yoongi found himself standing opposite Hoseok.

Only this Hoseok was not wearing a grimy old t-shirt and tattered cargo pants. No. This Hoseok had his hair slicked back in a perfect windswept way. This Hoseok wore a black wide-neck jumper that revealed his perfect collarbones. This Hoseok wore ripped, dark wash skinny jeans that hugged his legs sinfully. If Yoongi thought those cargo pants looked great, he was absolutely wrong. Yoongi felt that feeling rise again, his ears suddenly felt scorching hot and his mouth felt dry.

“Uhm..Hi.” Hoseok raised a sleeved hand awkwardly, making eye contact coyly through his eyelashes. How can someone be dressed to kill someone and still look cute? Yoongi’s eye twitched at that thought. Yoongi continued to stare at Hoseok, at an absolute loss of words. Hoseok cleared his throat, obviously nervous. His adam’s apple bobbed up and down. “I was just…since…uh,” Hoseok coughed, turned around swiftly and mumbled something to himself before taking  a deep breath and facing Yoongi once again, “for the sake of staying professional, I didn’t do this earlier, but—I think you’re cute and interesting and I was wondering whether you would let me take you out sometime?” Hoseok bit his lips nervously. Yoongi continued to stare at him with blank expression. Flustered, Hoseok started to babble, “well I know I can’t afford to take you anywhere fancy like you, well, probably always go to—I mean your house is amazing and wait I don’t want to sound rude! Oh god, wh-“

“Sure.” Yoongi is surprised. Maybe even more surprised than Hoseok. But the feeling changed and suddenly it felt warm from his insides and not just at the tip of ears. For the first time since they had met, Yoongi smiles. His eyes formed into perfect crescents.

“Sure, why not?”

Hoseok swore he didn’t drool—okay, maybe just a little bit—but his heart almost leapt out of his chest.



The smile on his face was uncontrollable and so was the beating of their hearts. 












hope you enjoyed ^ ^


thanks for reading!

(if you got the subtle reference to one of my fics then *hugs* you loyal reader you)

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Chapter 1: Aw, I liked this one. It's so cute. Thank you!
Chapter 1: This was nice ^^
IamCloudyELF #3
Chapter 1: I know this is a yoonseok story but why I'm craving for namjin here??? Lol anyway ohmygawf how could you describe hoseok like that??!! I literally outta breath imagining how smexy and dayum worker hoseok is. Thank god you didn't make this one a story bcs I believe I will REALLY NEED OXYGEN TANK if that's happen. Ohmy worker hoseok and rich yoongi make me more sinful.
IamCloudyELF #4
Chapter 1: I know this is a yoonseok story but why I'm craving for namjin here??? Lol anyway ohmygawf how could you describe hoseok like that??!! I literally outta breath imagining how smexy and dayum worker hoseok is. Thank god you didn't make this one a story bcs I believe I will REALLY NEED OXYGEN TANK if that's happen. Ohmy worker hoseok and rich yoongi make me more sinful.
Chapter 1: oooohhh nice i liked this
Rusted_Iguana #7
Chapter 1: I loved the way you wrote Jin. I can't get enough of sassy jin xD great story!
Chapter 1: Woaa..sweaty Hoseok XD.
Yoonseok so cute!!and namjin such flirts ^^
Chapter 1: omg aww hoseok at the end omg super adorablee
Chapter 1: this is so cute omg I actually giggled like at where those two are checking each other out omdf mfg this is so fun to read ;u; I'm a er for fluffs okay