The Blog of Lee Taemin

A Blind Man and His Eyes

A blind man has a unique relationship with his eyes. For Lee Jinki, his eyes also came with a name. Kim Kibum was that name, and it was also attached to a body. Jinki's boyfriend.
    My name is Lee Taemin. I'm a nobody in this story. Just someone who saw something beautiful and needed to share it with the world. I am not a part of this story, and it's not my story. It's theirs. This is the story of Lee Jinki and his eyes...

    I was twenty when I met them for the first time. I worked at a flower shop and it was just another normal day during my shift when they walked in. 
    Kibum had his hair cut short and dyed blonde at that time. He was stunning in tight jeans and a loose white shirt. Jinki stood by his side, holding onto his arm with a loose grip. It was obvious then that Jinki was blind. 
    Kibum lead Jinki through the shop. I tried not to make it obvious that I was watching them, but a long time after that day Kibum had told me that he'd known I was watching the entire time. Nothing ever got past Kibum. Nothing.
    I watched as they stopped at a section of flowers. Tiger Lillies. Jinki leaned forward and smelled one. "What are these?"
    Kibum's smile softened, the way he looked at the other was nothing short of the look of a man in love. "They're Tiger Lillies." He told the blind man. "They smell pretty don't they?"
    "They do." Jinki said. "What do they look like?"
    Kibum paused for a moment. He seemed to be studying the flower. "They're beatiful." He spoke after a moment. "They're pink on the inside, but the edges look like clouds. The petals look like cold silk, curled under with jagged edges. Darker pink spots cover most of the petals like raindrops clinging to them, gathered all in bunches with yellow green middles. Some of them aren't quite fully bloomed yet. They look green on the outsides with bits of orange poking through, like the sky just before the sun rises."
    I'm sure I must have looked shocked. Jinki's smile shifted and he lifted up his hand. Kibum anticipated what he wanted and guided his hand to the flower, allowing the man's fingers to feel out and reach for one of the stems. 
    "They almost sound as beatiful as you." I could hear Jinki say the words and watched the shade of bright red that Kibum turned. 
    "Ani.." He muttered, to which Jinki just grabbed one of the flowers. 
    "Let's buy you one, Kibummie. You should be surrounded by beautiful things all the time."
    Kibum still had the blush on his face when they walked up to the register. Jinki was smiling when he greeted me. I felt like a fool, stuttering over my words. Kibum took Jinki's wallet from him and handed me the right amount of money before they left with the flower. 
    I never told either of them that I'd given them the flower for half its price. 

    The second time I met them wasn't at the flower shop. It was by complete accident at a restaurant. I had gone to meet a boy. His name isn't important anymore. I waited for two hours, but he never showed up. 
    "You're the boy from the flower shop, aren't you?" I was pulled from my self-loathing thoughts when I heard the person speaking and realized he was talking to me. 
    It was Kibum, Jinki holding onto his arm just like before. I regretted it later, but at the time I wasn't in any mood to be friendly. I'd just been stood up, who would be?
    Even though I had told them I wasn't in the mood, Kibum insisted that they sit and have their meal with me. I didn't want to admit it at the time, but I was thankful. Thankful for Kibum for being there right when I needed a friend, and thankful to Jinki for being able to make me laugh when I felt like crying. 
    That was the day the two of them became my friend. That was the day all of this started, really. The first time we ate together. I was jealous, actually. I wanted the kind of relationship the two of them had. I was foolish then. 
    I paid for their food that night. I was the youngest, and they had already been nice enough to befriend me when the others at the restaurant were starting to pity me for being alone. Jinki even offered for the two of them to walk back to my house with me. 
    On the walk back to my house, I finally admitted to them why I had been eating alone. Kibum seemed visibly upset that someone had stood me up. I told him that it was okay because I had gotten to meet the two of them instead. 
    This made Jinki smile. I thought then that the blind man didn't really talk much. Kibum seemed to do most of the talking for both of them that night. 
    They walked me home and came inside for a while. They were both really nice people, even my puppy seemed to think so. He liked Jinki and jumped up into his lap, him the moment he'd sat down on my tattered old couch. 
    Jinki laughed, petting him. "What does he look like?" He asked Kibum.
    My stomach clenched when I heard Jinki ask this. It was a habit that wouldn't ever seem to go away. Kibum really had a way with words. I'm sure this story would be much better written if he'd done it, but right now neither of them know I'm doing this. 
    Anyway, Kibum looked at the puppy for a moment before he began to speak. "He's small and had lots of fur. It sticks up all over the place like he's been electrocuted. It's the color of snow when it falls on the mountains. When the sun hits it just right and it looks like it's glowing. His little tail curls up and never seems to stop wagging and he's looking at you with his little eyes. It almost looks like he's smiling."
    "He sounds cute." Jinki answered. "Is he as cute as you?"
    Kibum gave that smile I'd seen before, the one where he blushed the color of a tomato and looked at Jinki like he was the most wonderful person on the planet. "Ani.."
    Jinki chuckled, saying nothing. He reached out and petted the puppy behind his ear. I watched the whole thing in silence. I didn't know what I was feeling back then. 

    We became friends quickly. The two would come by the shop nearly every day. Sometimes I would be busy and the two of them would sit in the corner while Kibum would describe in detail each of the flowers to Jinki. 
    When I wasn't working, I would spend my days with them. I learned that Kibum was a writer. A novelist, which explained his way with words. He wrote under a pen name, which I won't put here because I don't know if he would want anyone knowing about this part of his life. Kibum, if you read this...I'm sorry that I couldn't give your story the words it deserves.
    They made me feel involved. I quickly became one of their group. Me, them, and two of their other friends. Minho and Jonghyun. I thought for months when I met them that they hated each other. It turned out that they were actually just s for the fun of it. 
    The five of us spent a lot of time together and I got to watch Kibum and Jinki more and more. I'll admit, I was fascinated by them, by their relationship. As I said before, the blind have a unique relationship with their eyes. The group frequently referred to Kibum as Jinki's eyes.
    I feel bad now. It seems that I'm making this story seem pretty perfect. It wasn't. Jinki and Kibum were just like every other couple. They had their good times, and they had their bad times. These two had a whole different set of issues to fight about than most couples, though. 
    Jealousy, vanity, pride, money, all the things most couples would fight about. Those things were never fought over by the blind man and his eyes. Independence, carelessness, worry...
    I will never forget the first time I ever heard them fighting. I'd just gotten off my shift at work and I'd had plans to stop by their house that afternoon. I had a key for a few months by then. 
    When I walked in, I could hear the yelling. They didn't notice I was there, standing just outside the doorway. I could see there was a mess on the living room floor. I couldn't tell what had happened, but Kibum was pissed.
    "I'm not useless, Kibum!" Jinki screamed. Anger was written on his face. He clenched his fists by his sides and stood in the middle of the mess.
    "I'm no saying you are!" Kibum yelled back. "But there's still somethings that you can't do! It's dangerous!"
    "You don't let me do ANYTHING, Kibum!" Jinki yelled once more, stomping. Kibum hissed, but was too angry to tell Jinki to be careful. There was broken glass on the floor around him. "I can't even brush my own hair or make my own food without you flipping out and doing it for me!"
    "Fine." Kibum finally gave up, throwing his arms into the air. "If you want to do things on your own then let's see how well you clean up all this broken glass on your own. Since you obviously don't need me, I'll be outside." 
    Kibum huffed and stormed out the other door, walking into the back yard. I stayed where I was. I felt bad, like I had invaded their privacy. Like I had witnessed something I shouldn't have seen. 
    "Taemin?" Jinki sounded like he was going to cry when he called my name.  "Taemin, is that you?"
    "How did you know?" I stepped through the door with my head down. Even if he couldn't see my embarrassment, he could hear it in my voice. 
    He smiled, however, instead of getting mad at me. Still, I could see the trails of tears on his face. "I heard you walk in."
    "I'm sorry." I told him. "I shouldn't have intruded on that..."
    Jinki sighed, shaking his head. "It's alright. Sometimes Kibum and I fight.." He stood in the middle of the mess, shifting helplessly from one foot to the other. He didn't seem to be moving, as if he were going to wait for Kibum to calm down and come help him.
    "Do you...need some help?" I offered, feeling a bit lame. I didn't want him to get mad at me for offering help when he'd just gotten into a fight with Kibum for helping him too much.
    He laughed. "If you don't there really a lot of glass?"
    "Yeah." I couldn't help but to chuckle too. I went and got the broom and swept it up. 
    When the mess was finally clean, I lead Jinki back to the couch and sat him down. Kibum still hadn't come back yet and Jinki released a few more tears.
    "Please don't be upset, Hyung.." I told him. It made my heart shatter to see him upset. It always had and it always would. I didn't know what to say to comfort him, though. 
    "It's my fault, Taemin.." He muttered after a moment. "If I could just see...I wouldn't be such a burden on him."
    "You're not a burden, Hyung. He loves you. That's why he tries so hard..." that made him smile a little bit. 
    "He worries over me so much, but sometimes it's just too much for me. I feel useless and burdensome to him because I'm limited. I hold him back.." Jinki had never expressed these feelings to me before. I felt sad. I wanted to cry for him. 
    Jinki was a beautiful and amazing person. I never wanted him to ever feel like anything less than that. 
    "Taemin?" he finally called my name after a while, making me look up at him. He looked worried, but for a different reason now. 
    "What is it, Hyung?"
    He his lips and turned his face towards me. "Can I..there's something I want to do..Do you mind if'll sound weird.." He muttered and shook his head. "Forget it.."
    "Ani, Hyung." I shook my head, but he couldn't see it. "What do you want?"
    "I want to touch your face..." He barely whispered out the words, but the expression on his face was nothing short of adorable. 
    I didn't answer him in words, but I reached out for his hands. I was smiling when I pressed the tips of his fingers against my cheeks. My face was only inches from his and I closed my eyes to avoid staring at him. 
    I'd seen in the movies where blind people did this when they wanted to feel what a person looked like. I couldn't deny that I was flattered that Jinki had taken that much of an interest in me to be curious about my appearance. I'd heard that he'd done it to the others as well. 
    "Kibum described you to me once." Jinki told me, his fingers tracing up my cheekbones and around my ears. I shuddered at the light touch. It almost tickled, yet it also almost passed into a level of touching a bit too intimate for our friendship.
    "What did he say?" I asked, and I opened my eyes just in time to see Jinki's cheeks flare a dark blush.
    "He said you're prettier than him."
    I almost laughed, because come on. Aside from Jinki himself, there was no one in the world as beautiful as Kim Kibum.
    "What do you think?" I asked Jinki once his fingers ghosted over my closed eyelids. He had the softest fingers I'd ever felt, and gentle. I felt like glass when he touched me, like if he were to press too hard I would break and crash to pieces like the plate he'd dropped and broken before. 
    "You're beautiful." Jinki responded. He left it at that, and I knew that he didn't want to offend me by saying that he still thought Kibum was more beautiful. 
    "How did he describe me?" I asked once more. Kibum was a master of words, and I was dying inside to know the words he'd given me. 
    "He looks like an angel." A new voice entered the discussion. I looked up at Kibum with bright red cheeks. Of course, I was blushing. I'd no idea how long he'd been standing there, or how much of what had happened he'd seen. Or if he would interpret things wrongly and it would cause another fight between the two of them. 
    Kibum leaned against the doorframe while he spoke. "That's what I said. His hair is the color of the sun just before it falls below the horizon. He looks like he belongs in the heavens with a halo hung on his head and a pair of wings attach to him. He's tall and thin and beautiful and I'm jealous."
    "Jealous of me?" I couldn't hold in the surprise. 
    Kibum smiled, thought it was a sad one. "You really are a pretty kid, Taemin. One of the prettiest I've ever seen."
    "But still, Kibummie...Isn't it a little much to say prettier than you?" Jinki asked, chewing on his lip. "Mianhe, Taemin.."
    I laughed, even though I could feel my heart sinking into my stomach. "Ani, Hyung. Of course your boyfriend is the prettiest person in the world."
    Jinki chuckled and stood up. My eyes traveled to Kibum He looked worried, chewing on his lip to keep himself from speaking as Jinki made his way around the couch and towards him. He reached out, feeling for Kibum.
    "Kibummie.." He whispered when the other boy reached out and took his hands. "I'm sorry for fighting with you..."
    "I'm sorry for bothering you so much..." Kibum responded.
    I looked away as they kissed. It wasn't like I hadn't seen them kissing plenty of times before, but something about this time was different. It took me too long to figure out what it was.
    It was a night of drinking, Minho's soccer team had won their last match and were going to the nationals. We celebrated at his house. Minho and Jonghyun shared an apartment, but I had never really hung out with them unless I was with Key or Jinki as well.
    This particular night, we were all playing drinking games. Jinki participated in several of them, but there were a few he was just content to sit and listen to the commotion.
    We were playing a simple game. Between us all sat a cup with five sticks in it. One stick had the word "King" written on it and the rest were numbered one to four.
    "Pick." Jonghyun announced. At once, four hands reached for the cup and picked sticks. One was left and Kibum put it into Jinki's hand. 
    We all looked at our sticks and Minho smirked. "I'm the king."
    Jonghyun whined. "You've been the king three times in a row!"
    "So?" Minho laughed, looking around at the group. "Numbers Two and Three...kiss."
    I looked down at my stick. I was number four. Kibum checked Jinki's stick, then his own. He frowned. "I'm number two."
    "I'm three." Jonghyun pouted. He looked at Kibum and leaned across the space, pulling the younger boy into a kiss. It was a simple press of lips on lips, but it lasted for quite some time before they pulled away and Kibum wiped off his mouth.
    We all put our sticks back into the cup and mixed them up once more. When announced, each of us would pull our sticks. The king would pick a number and announce what they had to do. If they refused, they had to drink.
    "Nummber one." Minho slurred slightly. "Tell us about the first time you fell in love."
    Everyone looked at their sticks and I frowned. Mine was number one. It wasn't a story I wanted to tell them all. I had only realized it myself... "The first time I fell in love..." I muttered, then picked up my drink and finished it in one shot. 
    The next time I got picked, three and four had to kiss. Kibum checked Jinki's stick. "Jinki is number four."
    I gulped, looking at the man. He shrugged. "Alright, I'll do it."
    Jonghyun pushed me towards Jinki and I stumbled into the middle of the circle. I could feel Kibum and Minho's eyes on me. I wondered if Kibum was remembering that time he and Jinki had fought. As I leaned closer to Jinki's face, it popped into my head. That was the last time we'd been so close together. 
    I my lips and then pressed them against Jinki's. He tasted like sweetness and his lips were soft as marshmallows. My   heart was pounding in my ears even after I pulled away and sat stiffly back down in my seat, shoving my stick back into the cup.
    The next round, Minho was the king. He liked to ask questions rather than try to get people to kiss each other. This time was no exception. "Number two, when was your first kiss, and who was it with?"
    I chewed on my lip as I looked down at the number two printed on my stick. "My first kiss." I announced with a heavy sigh. "Was just now...with..Jinki..."
    And everyone stopped what they were doing. Everyone by Jinki looked at me, shocked. I couldn't really tell what Jinki was thinking, but It looked like panic for a moment. 
    "Really?" Kibum asked after a while. I nodded. Kibum looked at Jinki, then back at me and chewed his lip.
    I chuckled, hoping I sounded more drunk than nervous. "It's not like I was waiting for someone special or anything.." I told them. It was the truth. "I know.. never found anybody who wanted to kiss me..."
    I was embarrassed after that. I'm sure everyone could tell it, but I continued to play the game with everyone else until everyone was too drunk to continue. Kibum had passed out on top of Minho's lap and Minho was leaning against Jonghyun.
    I couldn't tell if Jinki was asleep or not. I watched him anyway. None of the others were awake, so none of them would be able to see me. 
    I hated myself in that moment. I felt sick, and not because of the alcohol. I had fallen in love. My first love. Lee Jinki. That kind, wonderful, sweet, amazing man. That man, who was utterly and irrevocably in love with someone who I could never be. Someone I was close friends with. Someone who trusted me.

    It was difficult after that. I felt wrong. All the time. I didn't know what to do. It wasn't like I could talk to anyone about it. I had no one to talk to. I hung out with them less. 
    I didn't come over almost every night when they invited me. I avoided going to movie nights and always suddenly had something come up when Jinki would ask me to come over while Kibum when to his publisher.
    I felt bad for avoiding them so much, though. So when Minho called and told me that all five of us were going to Jeju Island for a week, I couldn't refuse. Besides, I missed them all. I hadn't seen them in over a month.
    Jonghyun wrapped his arms around me when I showed up at the door of their apartment with my suitcase in tow. Minho took it and put it next to the four others lined up by the door while Jonghyun pulled me into the living room, still gushing over how much he'd missed me.
    "Taemin." Jinki's voice  sent a jolt of nausea through my stomach and  heart. I hadn't been prepared for the sudden shock of pain it would cause. Longing had quickly become my least favorite word. "Long time no see."
    Jonghyun chuckled at the blind joke Jinki had made. I scratched the back of my head and replied.
    "Sorry, Hyungs...I've just been really busy the past few weeks."
    "At least you get to come with us." Kibum smiled. I felt guilty. Would he even still want to be friends with me if he knew how I felt about his boyfriend?
    I knew they could all sense how awkward I was as we gathered all our things and packed them into the van we would be driving to the port. Minho sat next to me in the back of the bus and asked me if I was feeling well under his breath.    
    I was thankful he cared, but I told him that I was just fine and plugged up my ears with headphones to fall asleep for the rest of the ride. 
    When I finally woke up, we were on a ferry. The van was chained into place and they had left me asleep on the car seat while they'd gotten out and gone to do whatever.
    I wiped drool from my face and sat up, looking around the deck. I made sure to lock the van when I got out and wandered the deck trying to find the others. 
    When I found them, they were sitting at a table eating snack foods the ferry provided. I sat down quietly in the empty seat between Minho and Jinki. Minho smiled at me and offered some of the food.
    I ate it. It tasted too sweet, but it was still good. The others continued their conversation without noticing I'd been sitting there. It startled them when I spoke up to add to the conversation. Minho laughed when Jonghyun nearly jumped out of his seat.
    The hotel we were  staying at was nice, too. We had a suite with a living area and a kitchen and three bedrooms. Kibum and Jinki were going to share one. Minho and I were going to share, and Jonghyun was going to get the third all to himself. 
    There was even a door that opened up onto a porch. The steps lead right down to the beach. While everyone else unpacked, I sat down in one of the wicker seats on the porch and looked out at the sky. The sun was going down, leaving the sky a soft blue, streaked with unnamable shades of red and orange. Even the salty smell of the sea relaxed me.
    "It's beautiful, isn't it?" A voice pulled me from my thoughts, and I looked over to find Minho. He didn't have a shirt on and I couldn't help but to notice that he was pretty ripped. 
    I only nodded and looked back out at the sky. My cheeks were starting to turn pink staring at him. 
    "No  one will blame you, you know." Minho spoke up after a while. "You're not the first of us to get drawn in to what they have."
    "I don't know what you're talking about." I snapped quickly, hiding my face from him. I was panicking. How could he have known? It wasn't that obvious, I hadn't even spent any time with them since I'd figured it out myself. And...what did he mean by I wasn't the only one? 
    That phrase had bothered me for a long time. I had never been able to bring it back up in conversation with Minho. I was too embarrassed about him calling me out on my feelings. It wasn't until a few years later that I finally heard from Jinki that Jonghyun had been in love with Kibum for a long time. I had never known.

    Jeju Island had been what I'd needed. A vacation with my closest friends full of fun and games and shopping and spending time on the beach. The atmosphere made it easier for me to become comfortable with Kibum and Jinki again.
    But like I said, this story wasn't about me. It's about them. And though I spent the next few years hiding my feelings for Jinki and hoping they would disappear, their story went on.
    The day I heard the news, I thought my legs would fall out from under me. Jinki had been put on a transplant list. He was going to get a new set of eyes. He would be able to see again.
    Again, that had gotten to me. I hadn't known. In fact, I didn't know much at all about Jinki's blindness. I'd always just assumed he'd been born that way.

    We were in the park one day when he'd finally told me the truth. It was just him and me. Kibum was at the publishers, having it out about the latest chapter of his new book he'd submitted. 
    We had been walking down one of the trails and Jinki had asked me to tell him what it looked like. 
    I stumbled over my words, not able to think of the proper ways to describe the  pond we were walking by, or the little girl who was tossing bread to the ducks by the edge of the water. 
    "Mianhe.." I told him after I'd attempted to describe it. "I'm not as good at describing as Kibum is."
    Jinki chuckled. "That's alright. I can almost remember what it looks like. It can't have changed too much in eight years."
    "Eight years?" He couldn't see me tilt my head when I looked at him.
    "I haven't actually told the others how it happened...I used to be able to see. In fact, I was a normal kid, just like everyone else. I was going to become a painter...I'd hoped. One day, I was in an accident. The car didn't see me and I didn't see the car. It was storming really badly, and I didn't wait for the light to change before crossing the road. It was no one's fault really."
    "What happened?" I asked. I was chewing my lip while I waited for him to continue.
    "I survived the crash. I was in a coma for almost a week. The doctors said I was lucky to have made it, but they couldn't save my eyes." Even as he spoke about it, there was a smile on his face. "I had to quit painting. I think I've still got the canvas I was working on when I was in the accident somewhere at the house. I'll never be able to finish it, but it's okay."
    "How is that okay?" I asked, unable to keep the confusion and anger from surfacing in my voice. 
    "Because I met Kibum." His reply was simple, but it came to me like a kick in the gut. I would never be able to get used to the pain of this one sided love, but I urged Jinki to keep talking.
    "Not long after I'd woken up, the doctor came in. He told me that the driver of the car wanted to meet me. Kibum introduced himself to me in tears. He apologized for three hours before I could get him to stop. I didn't blame him. I had run out in front of his car, after all."
    " reason you lost your eyes?" The words stumbled off my tongue with a bitter taste. My stomach turned over on itself again. I couldn't understand how Jinki could have fallen in love with the man who took his eyes from him. 
    Jinki's lips turned down into a frown, but only for a moment before he returned with a smile. "When I was cleared to leave the hospital, Kibum was there. He lead me by the hand out the front door and as we walked be described everything to me, in detail. He painted pictures with his words, and it was like I could see again. He promised me that day that because he took my eyes away from me, he would become my eyes."
    "Wow..." And now I understood. A man who could paint pictures with words, painting the world for a man who could no longer see it. Again, I felt guilty. I had no right to have these feelings about this man. 
    "I'm going to be able to see again." Jinki changed the subject suddenly. "Soon, as soon as they find me a matching donor. I'll be able to see again. Then I'll finally be able to look at Kibum for real."
    There was a long silence. We ended up getting up and walking farther through the park. Kibum joined us after a few hours. I followed behind the two of them while we all walked. Kibum continued to describe in detail, using the most beautiful words, everything they came past. 
    When they finally stopped, Kibum turned to me and told me to stay with Jinki while he went to get some food from a nearby vendor. 
    We watched him run off to get the food and I asked a question that had been in my head since Kibum had showed up.
    "If you already know what everything looks like, why do you keep asking Kibum to describe them for you?"
    Jinki chuckled. "He describes everything so beautifully...everything but himself. I'm determined to one day get him to describe himself the same way he described the rest of the Earth. That's why I always ask him if what he's describing is as beautiful as he is."
    I was silent for a while, thinking. Then I smiled. "Once you can see, you'll be able to show him yourself."
    I'd never seen Jinki smile that brightly in the whole of the four years I'd known him. I'd never known that kind of hope, that happiness or love. That was their story. The boy who saw the world through the words of another man. The man who saw everything in the world as beautiful but himself. 
    And that was why I did this. It doesn't seem to me like I've got any other choice. Jinki hyung, Kibum Hyung...If either of you are reading this. I had no other choice. To have that smile on your face, Jinki, there was only one option for me.
    That's why I'm sitting here writing this. In the hospital, getting prepped for surgery. Jinki is in the other room. I saw him just before they brought me in here. I congratulated him on finally finding a donor for his eyes.
    I'm crying now. But it's alright. Minho is here with me. He knows. He knows this whole story, even before I'm posting it. He's laughing at me for being so dramatic about the whole thing. I think I could love him. 
    He just turned red from that. He's reading over my shoulder. Minho hyung, thank you for being there for me. I left that part out of the story because I didn't want this to be about me, but not long after I made the decision to do this, Minho confessed to me. 
    He loves me. I smile when I say it. I like him a lot. He's good to me. And he supports my decision to do this. I love you, Jinki, but after I do this one thing for you, I'll disppear. Minho is taking me away with him. He's going to play soccer for a team in the north and he's going to take care of me and I'm already halfway into falling in love with him the way I love you.
    They're calling me for the surgery now. So this is goodbye for now. I guess I won't be seeing any of you again...


    Taemin copied the entire word file and pasted it into the text box on his blog page. He typed in the title quickly and hit 'publish' before shutting the laptop. 
    Minho reached out for his hand and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.
    "I'll be right here when you get out of surgery." He spoke softly.
    Taemin smiled at him. "The blind have a special relationship with their eyes, did you know that, Minho?" He got into the wheelchair to be wheeled into the surgery room.
    Minho stood in the doorway as Taemin was pushed away. "I'll become your eyes now, Lee Taemin."

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Chapter 1: Why did this actually had to happen...
I thank my friend who told me to read this. I'm sure gonna read the other two as well!
Chapter 1: After I stopped sobbing, I thought of something... why not just one eye? Then they could both see.
taeminho18 #3
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful :""""""")
Chapter 1: OMG! Why? I totally was not expecting that! My poor little heart. Can't wait to read the sequel! ^_^
myownsaviour #5
Chapter 1: First of all I really loved this story and your writing style!! It created a magical atmosphere :') I feel in love, really. But I pray to God that what Taemin did for Jinki in your fic is against the law because it is pretty messed up - I understand his reasons but just nope. If somebody did that for me I'd...Well I don't know what I would do but I would be plenty upset, that's for sure! So just nope. But I loved your fic nonetheless. You wrote it so poetically *___* Good job and thank you!
Shanamexchingu #6
Chapter 1: Kyaa the story so amazing i love it<3 going to the sequel ^^
Chapter 1: This was beyond amazing ;~~; onkey's relationship was just pure perfection <3
I love this to bits! Thanks you for the lovely story <3
Hanna19 #8
Chapter 1: I dont know why u you do the srquel and end it like that. But I regret reading the sequel first. And im just gonna stay with this part, that is amazing and just dont think about that at all. :) thanks authot nim, good job written this one.
Chapter 1: wow the plot twist...I just... authornim T.T T.T
noriko24 #10
Chapter 1: I was... stopped for while because I couldn't stop crying.
It's really beautiful story. Really. I admire this one. The plot is good and between the dialog and description are balance.
And then, just for your information, usually, people who wants to donate their organs (such as eyes, hearts, etc), they have to die first. I kind of forgot the reason why, but I ever something like that in medical thing. Uh, sorry, my bad english. Do you understand what I'm saying? Sorry ^^;;
Anyway, thanks for writing. Once again, I really like this story. It's amazing.