One shot

Aliens Aren't Annoying


All seven members were dancing well on stage, and the singing was as amazing as usual. Namjoon had just finished tapping his verse, and it was now Hoseok's turn. He did it flawlessly, a huge grin on his face as he stepped back into the dancing formation. 

The chorus began and Hoseok danced as hard as he could, trying to make this yet another great performance. 

 "Wae nae mameul heundeuneun geonde
Wae nae mameul heundeuneun geonde"

Tae started singing and Hoseok spared a glance for the younger to see how he was doing. He couldn't get used to his new hair color, but ah whatever, that didn't matter. The boy was basically parodying the song! No one acted like that, and it annoyed him to death. Tae was always acting so childish and strange; why couldn't he grow up? Yes, he was in the maknae line, and yes, it was his image, but did he also have to act the same way he did on stage back at the dorm? There was far too much aegyo being forced down his through. It almost made him gag. 

The song finished and there was a huge round of applause as BTS made their way offstage. Taehyung was the last to exit, and as Hoseok looked back, he saw the kid blowing kisses and making hearts at the fans. He snorted. So immature. 

They made their way back to the changing rooms and took off all their stage makeup and clothing. Hoseok decided he needed a shower before heading home, so he quickly took one and then got redressed. As he exited the bathroom, Tae was waiting for him, arms crossed and tapping his foot impatiently. 

"Hurry up!" He said, grabbing Hoseok by the arm and dragging him down the hall and out the door to the waiting van. 

Since he was so surprised, he let himself be yanked along and be shoved in the van. However, as soon as all was calm and he had gotten his wits about him, Hoseok wacked Tae on the head, earning him a yelp and a glare. He smirked. Sassy kid deserved what he got. 

"Hyung..." Tae whined. "What was that for?"

"For dragging me out the door and shoving me in this tiny van." Hoseok said, turning his head away from his little annoyance and instead focused on the rapping advice Namjoon was giving Kookie. 

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Tae pouting, and momentarily he felt a little bad for being so annoyed at the kid. That feeling soon passed though, as him and Jungkook started goofing off and Hoseok was inadvertently shoved on the process. Man that kid was annoying. 

"Um, hyung?" A small voice in his ear startled him and he jumped slightly, bumping whoever was behind him in the process. 

"Ow!" Jungkook rubbed his injured nose frantically. "That hurt!"

"Sorry Kookie, I didn't mean to smack you like that." Hoseok apologized. "What was it you wanted?"

"I was just wondering why it looked like you suddenly wanted to murder someone." He paled for a moment, as an awful thought seemed to occur to him. "It's not me, is it?"

"Of course not!" Hoseok grinned slightly. "How could anyone want to murder you? Namjoon would kill anyone who tried!" He gave a sight and a glare in Tae's direction before answering Jungkook's initial question. "It's Tae's murder I'm plotting. Have any good ideas on how not to get caught?" 

"Hey!" Jungkook exclaimed, pretending to look hurt. "There is no way on earth I'm going to help you plot my best friend's murder. I would want to do that all by myself, so I can take all the credit."

"Thanks a lot," snorted Tae, suddenly becoming very interested in the conversation. "Why exactly do you want to murder me, hyung?"

"Er," Hoseok wasn't sure what to say, and ended up blurting out some ridiculous long reply that probably made no sense. "Because you act like an immature alien 99.9% of the time which annoys the hell out of me since I'm the hope and joy bringer and you're just a strange Martian who is immature and far too smiley. Seriously that ridiculous gummy grin should be outlawed and you stuck in some crazy- insane asylum for aliens."

The van grew silent for a moment til Jin began to laugh hysterically. "Man, I wish I would have recorded that. I'd love to have blackmail on you."

Namjoon wacked Hoseok on the back. "Nice job hyung. Now look what you've done." He nodded at Tae. Who was slumped in his seat, head in his lap. "Great job."

Hoseok gulped. Of course Tae would be the one to understand the meaning behind all the senseless drivel he had just spouted. Why couldn't he have just been confused and amused like everyone else?

The rest of the ride back to the dorms was very awkward. No one was quite sure what do to with Tae, knowing that it was Hoseok's fault and Hoseok was doing nothing except glare at Namjoon for some reason. 


As soon as they pulled in the driveway, Tae yanked open the door and ran inside, leaving everyone else to stare after him. Hoseok slowly gathered his belonging, wincing slightly as one by one, each of the other members clambered out, banging his shoulder quite obviously as they did so. He knew it was up to him to make this right, but how? It's not like he communicated well with immature maknaes. 

He decided that he'd stalled long enough, and went inside the dorms, looking around cautiously for any sign of Tae. 

"He's in his room," Jimin said, noticing that Hoseok was wandering around the living room quite aimlessly. 

Mumbling a thank you, Hoseok walked slowly up the stairs and down the hallway to the maknaes' room. He paused outside the door, wondering if he should just go in and how Tae would react. 

Summoning up his courage, he pushed the door open and walked in. 

Tae was lying flat on the floor, his head resting on his arms. It didn't look very comfortable. 

Hoseok cleared his throat and sat cross legged next to Tae. He knew Tae had hear him come in, and decided to just begin apologizing. Or explaining. He definitely had some explaining to do. 

"So listen Tae. I'm sorry about what I said on the ride home and I'm really sorry for making you upset. I-I...I just wasn't thinking."

"Obviously," came the muffled reply. 

"Oh come on. I'm apologizing here!" Hoseok ruffled the dormant boy's hair before continuing. "I didn't really mean everything I said. I was just in a bad mood."

"Just give it up hyung." Tae sank his head farther to the floor. "I know you meant every thing you said back there. I am immature, I smile a lot, act very happy, and I'm quite weird." He sniffles slightly. "Just because you are jealous that I'm so popular with the fans doesn't mean you have to get mad at me. It's not my fault I'm naturally likable."

"I'm not jealous," Hoseok said, then realized that perhaps, what Tae had said might possible be true. 

Before he'd joined BTS, his fans had loved him quite a bit and he really enjoyed being in the spotlight. Having to now share that fame with six others had taken a bit to get used to, and to tell the truth, he still might be a bit jealous. He'd spoken to Namjoon about this very issue only last week and both had agreed that it was a hard thing to deal with but they had to give others the spotlight at times. It was all part of being in a grou. 


He looked, having not realized that Tae had sat up. 

"It's alright hyung. You're still funny, sweet and caring. You bring hope to others and make them smile. No one is going to take your place."

Hoseok smiled. "And no one is going to take yours either."

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