
Turned out that way.

The next day you arrived at his house with your top shoved into a random bag you found on your way out.

"He better have not lied to me." You muttered pressing the doorbell. You rang it three more times till you heard a voice shout the were coming.

"Yes?" He asked rubbing his eyes.

"Did you just wake up?" You asked baffled at his disleveled hair and tiger print pajamas.

"Yeah... so?"

"It's 12 in the afternoon."

"Oh..." He glanced at the bag you were holding,"If you're trying to sell something, I don't want it." He began to shut the door in your face.

I'm not that easy! You quickly stuck your foot in the door before it could close completely.

"YAH! Wake up and pay for my clothes, you vampire!" You yelled.

Opening the door a little wider he adjusted his eyes to get a better look at your face.

"Oh! Eun-Ji! Come in!" He tried pulling you inside.

"I'm not here to chit chat! Go pay for my clothes!" You barked at him impatiently.

"My bad, did you want to stay out in the cold as I looked in my WARM house for my money?"

You recoiled, "No."

"Then come inside." You reluctantly followed him inside after that embarassing moment.

"Woah... you live here ?" The place was a complete disaster. Trash was thrown everywhere you looked.

"Yeah...why?" He kicked some candy wrappers out of his way.

"It's so dirty..."

He looked around, "I guess.... it doesn't bother me."

You gawked at him, doesn't bother him?! Your OCD radar was exploding like fireworks wanting to make it as clean as possible.

"If it's that bad to you, just clean it yourself, I'll pay you."

"Pay me?"

"Yeah, I don't have time to clean, so you could be my paid housekeeper."

"What about the money I would have to use for gas to get from my apartment to yours?"

"Easy, you'd live in the spare bedroom."

"Here? With you?!"

"Yeah." He didn't  see a problem with it.

"But I hardly know you!"

"It's not like I would talk or bother you as you were working."

You were shocked at his harsh words.

"I'll think about it, but right now you need to get dressed and come pay for my blouse."

"Found it!" He pulled a wallet out from behind a milk carton.

You gagged putting your hand to your mouth.

"Let's just go before I pass out and die in here."

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Chapter 28: Please update soon?! I can't be left with that kind of cliffhanger!
mary9159 #2
Chapter 18: :) aww! Nice filling chapter.
mary9159 #3
Chapter 17: ..... such a bad guy to leave her for joo- ri....
mary9159 #4
Chapter 16: thx for all of the updates!
Nomnommonster #5
Chapter 15: Thank u for updating
melonmilk #6
Chapter 14: I'm really enjoying your story! I laughed when she was trying to take a nap in the tree haha. please keep updating ^^
mary9159 #7
Chapter 11: Ke ke ke ^,^ luv it! Update soon!
mary9159 #8
Chapter 10: tthx for update
mary9159 #9
Chapter 9: nice update!
mary9159 #10
Chapter 7: :-) :-D o_O <3 *,* :) thx for update!