We Were Destroyed

We Were Supposed To Be

The playground….the playground!!

I immediately turned my car around not anymore off to some place unknown but off to the place where I felt the best……..the playground. My gut tells me to go to the playground and I trusted it figuring that it was a weekday, I would be alone there.

“I need to be alone, I have to……” I said unconvincingly

When I saw the exterior of the playground, I immediately pulled my car to a stop and ran towards the entrance. I saw no one insight and I was smiling. God it felt good to smile! But as I was walking towards the swings, I saw someone and he seemed familiar…….

“Oh no! oh no, please no!” I whispered to myself as I tried to retreat but not taking my eyes away from him.

 Unfortunately for me, I tripped and fell backwards and let out a scream.


 I immediately placed both of my hands on my mouth wishing that he didn’t hear me. But that was wishful thinking. The moment he heard me scream, he jerked his head backwards to where I fell down and came to my aid.

“Jinri---I mean, Sulli-sshi are you alright?” he asked me, helping me up

“Uh,yes! I’m very fine, don’t worry. I’m sorry to have disturbed you! Goodbye!” I rashly said as I tried desperately to get out of the situation.

“Oh,goodbye then” he said looking disappointed

But as I bowed to him and turned away, he grasped my wrist forcing me to look at him in surprise as he said

“Sulli-sshi, I’ll walk you to your car. I mean if that’s okay with you?” he said while rubbing the back of his neck and immediately looking down

I just stared at him, bewildered as hell. What did he just say? Did he ask if he could walk me to my car? Hopefully, I won’t regret my decision. And I answered

“Sure, why not. I guess….” I slightly smiled

He lifted his head and looked at me grinning. We then started walking at a slow pace. The whole playground grew silent after we talked the only thing I can hear were our footsteps. It was uncomfortable for me, so I started talking.

“So……..Myungsoo-sshi, how’s life?” the moment this came out of my mouth I facepalmed myself on the inside

 Myungsoo just laughed at my question. Oh great! I thought to myself even he thinks the question was stupid!

“Really? Really, Jinri---uhh--- I mean Sulli-sshi? How’s life? What do you think my life is going?” he replied laughing but you can hear a sound of bitterness behind it.

“I’m Sorry then, Myungsoo-ah. I didn’t mean to offend you in anyway..” I said again slightly bowing so I can’t see his face.

“No, it’s alright. My life’s quite…something. I guess. How about you? Has your “life” been amazing?” He said smiling at me after placing his hands back to his pocket after he air quoted the word life

I don’t know, what happened but I just blew up maybe because he said his life was something and for him to assume that my life is amazing....I don't know what happened

“For your information, my life hasn’t been amazing! But it used to be, before you broke up with me my life was like that of a fairytale. But well, It was des---no---We Were Destroyed! So yup, if you look at it that way my life has been swell!” I said sarcastically with a hint of anger while showing him a two thumbs up and smiling.

He just stared at me, quite a bit stunned if you ask me. But as I stare back at him trying to fake smile, I can feel tears trying to form from my eyes. I need to get out of here! I thought to myself. I looked at where we stopped and thank goodness we were at the gate.

“Thank You for taking me to the gate Myungsoo-ah” I said palely

He woke up from his trance and frowned at me

“I said I’ll take you to your car, Sulli-sshi and it’s across the street.” He said awkwardly but trying hard to lighten the mood.

He reached out for my hand so we can walk together to my car. I yanked my hand away from his grasp and said

“No, it’s fine Myungsoo-ah. Here’s far enough”

I then walked away trying to move as far away as I can from him, I was already at the center of the street but then he grabbed my hand from the back and I was forced to look at him again


“Don’t call me that!” I said harshly

He just sighed and starred at me hard.

“No. Jinri-ah, I’m sorry! Okay, I didn’t mean to do it! I was just---“

“Just what, Myungsoo-ah! Tell me!” I said yanking my hand away from him and started banging it on his chess as my tears started to pour

“Tell me! Myungsoo-ah! Just what did happen!”

He pulled me close all of a sudden and I was again trapped in his embrace.

“Jinri-ah, I’m sorry! But didn’t I tell you that if we were destined for each other, then destiny will find a way to bring us back together in the end” He said his voice filled with remorse and sadness and I can feel him crying.

I broke away from his embrace harshly and yelled

“Is it really destiny Myungsoo-ah! Are you sure?!”

He just stood there with his mouth agape, I smiled bitterly and exclaimed

“I thought so..”

I ran towards my car without looking if a car was coming towards but I heard a scream

“Jinri-ah, look out!!”

I then looked at my left and saw a car going straight at me. And I was frozen in my tracks until I felt someone’s hand grabbed mine but it was too late…We were hit------We were destroyed.


Author's Note: Hey Guys!! An early morning update for all of you who can't sleep! Fastmoves kasi ako masyado eh, naspospoil ko tuloy kayo!But the end is just two chapters away! GAH!!! but if you want me to make a sequel just comment down below! So thank you guys! Please continue to comment a story plot you want me to do and whatever you want me to answer. subscribe too if you don't mind! thank you! <3

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salmasal #1
Chapter 6: authornim ....
ur story so amazing :D
f5sulli #2
Chapter 6: Whoop I meant nauen with myungsoo
f5sulli #3
Chapter 6: Yes please a sequel but not too long,and please add pairing like luhan and sulli PR Nadine with myungsoo to make it interesting( dont have to listen to me hehe:D)

Update your sequel soon
mega7x #4
Chapter 5: OOhhh nooo...hopefully Myunglli will be getting back together again..
mega7x #5
Chapter 5: Oh nooo myunglli.. Hopefully they will getting back together..
f5sulli #6
Chapter 4: Omg they got hit,update soon.
Whenkris #7
This sounds so good!
f5sulli #8
Chapter 3: Thanks for the update,I'm so curious if they are going to end up together or not,it seems pile they aren't, but you never know right?

And yeah as I previously mentioned in the last comment that please consider my plot request

Update soon :DD
f5sulli #9
Chapter 2: Ahh! Myunglli broke apart, I'm glad another myunglli story is out.
And author if you do another story,since I think you love myunglli,please make a story that has sulli and myungsoo as real idol's, like many boy idols like sulli and sulli has t choose
You can choose who you want the boy that sulli should end up with but can these boys pleaseeeeee be the boys that's like sulli

Kai,luhan,myungsoo,taemin,mark(got7),jin(bangtan boys),sehun

And the sulli and boys are idols,I dont know who your going to choose for sulli but please have these boys(I'm sure it might be myunglli?)

My favorite ships are taemin,luhan,kai for sulli
But I like myunglli as well, hope you consider my request.

Hehe :D

Anyways back to this story,update soon,cant wait to see if they get back together or not