
in your dreams

This is bad. This is really, really bad.


Myungsoo’s mind is spinning with countless possibilities as to why Sungjong is here, why Luna is beside him, why Sungjong doesn’t even looked freaked out at the black cat with a crescent moon on its bone


“Wh-what brings you here, Jongie?” Myungsoo tries to smile, as if that will make everything better and more clear but he knows it won’t.


Sungjong just snorts, raising an eyebrow. “I know your secret.”




Myungsoo can’t really react because he feels frozen. He’s busted. He’s going to die at the hands of his own best friend, what did he ever do to deserve this?


His eyes widen as he sees Luna gently jump up onto Sungjong’s shoulder, Sungjong grinning as he gives the feline a few scratches behind the ear. Luna purrs and Myungsoo has never been more confused in his life.


(And that’s saying something, considering everything Sungyeol has told him.)


“Sungjong is one of your companions, Myungsoo. Sailor Mars,” Luna replies.


Myungsoo blinks once, then twice.


“What?” he blurts. “But he—but we—huh?” he stammers in confusion, not knowing what the hell to say. Does that mean Sungjong knew about him all along? But hadn’t Sungyeol said he was the only one to have kept his memories?


Sungjong sighs in disappointment, shaking his head. “I was asking you about the robbery that day because I wanted to see if you would tell me about it. Apparently not.” His stare is way too judging and Myungsoo swallows.


“’s not something you can just say easily, Jongie,” Myungsoo says with wide eyes. “You never would’ve believed me anyway, right?”


Sungjong shrugs. “Not really, no, but I am your best friend. Imagine my surprise when I nearly ran over a cat on the way to school yesterday morning. A talking cat, by the way, who said that I was a warrior of justice with the power of fire,” he replies. “Who said that you were the leader, you’re Sailor Moon.”


All Myungsoo can do is sheepishly smile. Damn guardian cats.


“But I suppose I can’t blame you,” Sungjong muses. “I guess this does explain your weirdness lately, so everything makes sense,” he adds, tilting his head. “Which brings me to one question...where the hell have you been? I know you’re late to school sometimes, but never absent.”


Myungsoo thinks he could ask the same. Sungjong doesn’t miss school, talking cats or not. “I was just...” He doesn’t know how to explain himself.


“He was at Sungyeol’s,” Luna speaks up for the first time and Myungsoo shoots the thing a glare.


Sungjong chuckles. “Sungyeol, huh? Luna told me all about your relationship.” He looks positively delighted and Myungsoo wants to punch him. “And you even spent the night there, too. How was it?”


Myungsoo frowns. “How was what?”


“You know,” Sungjong answers with a roll of his eyes. “It.




“No! No, no, no, no,” Myungsoo says as quickly as he possibly can, waving his arms around in the air and shaking his head. “Ew, no, we didn’t do anything, why would you ever—” he shudders.


Past lovers or not, he would “He just let me stay over because I hurt my leg last night, that’s all,” he clears his throat, pulling up his pants on his right leg to prove his point. “He bandaged me up and basically forbade me from leaving last night so I didn’t have a choice,” he explains.


(He’s going to leave out the part about how he doesn’t think he really wanted to leave after all.)


Sungjong snorts in disbelief. “You are such a bad liar.”


Why do people keep saying that?

“I am not!” Myungsoo exclaims, reaching by Sungjong to finally unlock the door and open it. “I slept on the couch, anyway, nothing happened.”


Sungjong walks in, taking off his shoes. “Alright, so you did nothing. But something had to have happened. From what Luna’s told me...I think you like him.” He smirks.


“I do not,” Myungsoo hisses out, toeing off his own shoes and slamming the door behind him. “He was just...being nice, any decent human being would’ve done the same.”


He can’t believe he’s admitting Sungyeol was a decent human being. But he was, all of that teasing aside. He had made him breakfast and hadn’t immediately kicked him out as soon as had woken up. He had given him clothes, let him sleep on the couch...


(His mind drifts back to waking up after the memory and Sungyeol’s look of worry hit him in the chest. He was more than decent.)


“Don’t deny it~” Sungjong sing-songs as he makes his way up the stairs and Myungsoo makes a face. He’ll have to keep Sungjong and Sungyeol as far away from each other as he possibly can, otherwise he thinks he’s in for hell on earth.


“Okay, maybe I don’t...dislike him,” Myungsoo says under his breath, watching Sungjong flop onto his bed.


Sungjong grins. “Admitting it is a start,” he replies.


Myungsoo tries to glare but by the way Sungjong is laughing he knows he doesn’t seem to be that intimidating. He’s losing his touch.


He keeps back a sigh and sits down in his desk chair. “Why aren’t you freaking out about all of this?” he asks.


Sungjong shrugs. “I’ve always wanted to be a superhero.”


His best friend is just as insane as everyone else is.


“It’s not all it’s cracked up to be, you know,” Myungsoo points out, gesturing to his injured leg. Even after only two battles he can tell that.


Sungjong just shrugs again with a smile and Myungsoo rolls his eyes. “You aren’t even worried that your best friend got hurt in battle?” he asks, a mock hurt tone to his voice.


Sungjong snorts. “You’re a klutz, I would’ve been surprised if you didn’t get hurt to be honest.”


Myungsoo doesn’t know whether he should laugh or cry. Or hit Sungjong.


“So, what does this Sailor Mars look like anyway?” Myungsoo clears his throat as he tries to change the subject off of his clumsiness. He can’t get that damned memory out of his head, or those brown lifeless eyes staring back up at him and a shiver subconsciously runs through his body.


Sungjong looks at him with a raised eyebrow. “I’ll show you if I get to see what leader looks like,” he retorts.


The words make Myungsoo frown and he’s sure he’ll have plenty of moments of wishing he wasn’t the leader. None of it makes sense to him at all, and he doesn’t think regaining his memories will change that.


A brooch suddenly falls into each of their hands and Myungsoo wonders if it’ll always come as called. What if some monster is pinning him to the ground and he isn’t able to catch his brooch properly? Would it land on the monster or find a way to fall into his hands?


Maybe Sungyeol was right, he does ask too many questions.


A bright flash fills the room as the two transform and Myungsoo doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to that.


He blinks repeatedly to get his vision back into focus and he stares at Sungjong. Their outfits are similar, he supposes, but while his is mostly blue, Sungjong’s is red. The Mars symbol is printed on his tie instead of a moon and that makes more sense. (Although he’d been hoping they’d all get stuck with outfits like his.)


“Yours is better than mine,”  Myungsoo mutters under his breath with a small pout forming on his lips. “Mine’s ty.”


Sungjong rolls his eyes. “They’re practically the same thing, hyung,” he points out. “So...” His voice trails and a smile starts to form, one Myungsoo knows he won’t like.


“Tell me about Sungyeol.” Sungjong’s eyes are bright and wide as he sits back down on Myungsoo’s bed.


He had to have known this was coming.


“I’m gonna have to meet him eventually, you know, considering he’s your knight in shining armor.” That smile gets wider and Myungsoo kind of wishes killing best friends would be legal.


(He doesn’t deny the knight in shining armor part.)


Sungjong laughs. “I’ll just do some digging around then,” he muses and Myungsoo doesn’t like the sound of that. “But no matter, it can wait.” He waves a hand. “Can I spend the night? I told my parents this morning we had a project to work on that was due as part of one of our exams. They, of course, believed it, so...whether you say yes or no you’re kind of stuck with me,” he shrugs.


Sungjong was certainly something, sometimes.


Myungsoo just nods, rolling his eyes. Not like he was going to say no, anyway.


They spend the rest of the day watching movies downstairs in the living room, sitting on the couch with a bowl of popcorn between them. Sungjong had gotten to choose two movies out of three, both of which were of the horror genre and not suitable to Myungsoo’s tastes


He had lied about going to the bathroom half an hour into the first movie to sneak upstairs and grab one of his manga.


Sungjong had just snorted when he had seen it, not saying a word.


They’re on movie number three, and Sungjong had complained about Myungsoo’s last pick (A Moment to Rememberhe likes that stuff every now and then, okay?), immediately proceeding to shove in some horror movie Myungsoo doesn’t want to know the name of.


They’re halfway through, at least, but Myungsoo’s eyes have been glued to his manga the entire time.


(Kind of.)


He takes a random glance up to see the killer behind a girl and his eyes quickly shoot back down to his manga when the front door opens.


Both he and Sungjong yelp and the popcorn bowl tips over, sending pieces all over the place.


Did nobody knock these days?!


A familiar laugh reaches Myungsoo’s ears and his face reddens as he looks up to see Sungyeol standing in the doorway, the sudden light from the sunshine making him wince.


(Sungjong had insisted on turning all the lights off.)


“What the hell are you doing here?” Myungsoo clears his throat to ask once he gets his raging heartbeat out of control.


Sungyeol shrugs, looking around for a lightswitch. “Classes ended and I just wanted to see how my Myungsoo’s leg was doing.” He flashes a smile, finally finding the switch and turning it on.


His Myungsoo?


Myungsoo doesn’t blush, absolutely not, and Sungjong muffles a laugh beneath his hands as he covers his mouth.


“Sungjongie!” Sungyeol exclaims with wide eyes, causing the boy to blink in confusion.


“He remembers everyone,” Myungsoo explains quietly, assuming Luna had told Sungjong about past lives and all that. She had better, anyway.


Sungjong just blinks again but nods slowly, and Myungsoo wonders why the hell he’s not freaking out. Wouldn’t any other normal person be doing so?


Sungyeol closes the door and makes his way into the apartment, plopping down onto the couch in the little space between Myungsoo and the arm.


“Yah,” Myungsoo mutters, frowning.


He can see Sungjong giving him looks and Myungsoo knows he should’ve found some way to prevent the two from meeting. Okay, it was bound to happen sooner or later, but...


“I’ve never been a fan of horror movies,” Sungyeol suddenly speaks up, gesturing to the television. “That’s something Myungsoo-yah and I have in common,” he grins, and Myungsoo hears Sungjong snort into his bottle of water.


He’s going to kill both of them one day, friendships be damned.


Myungsoo sees Sungyeol smirk out of the corner of his eyes and right. Mind-reading. Goddamnit.


“I didn’t mean you,” he hisses.


Sungyeol laughs lightly. “If you say so.”


Myungsoo’s about to protest but a loud meow keeps him from doing so.


That ing cat...


Luna jumps up onto the coffee table with her tail swishing back and forth and Myungsoo’s going to kill her too. The more time he spends with the feline, the more sure he is of his theory about the damn thing being a sadist.


“I’ve found another one of the Scouts, Sailor Venus. He’s been right under my nose all along, I don’t know how I never saw him,” Luna speaks, and Myungsoo can’t help but notice that at the name, a look that he’s never seen before shines in Sungyeol’s eyes.


He doesn’t like it.


“Woohyun hyung?”


Who the is Woohyun?


Why does he even care?


He avoids Sungyeol’s eyes again, keeping his own trained on the floor as Luna answers Sungyeol’s question with a simple nod.


“He’s the owner of the bakery you had your first battle at, Myungsoo,” Luna goes on. “The place is in the middle of reconstruction and I happened to chance upon him setting up new tables and chairs. The place was empty, of course,” she replies.


That was too weird and coincidental, wasn’t it?

Myungsoo can’t help but frown.


“Does he remember anything?” Sungyeol blurts out.


Luna gives a nod. “Bits and pieces, he says.”


Myungsoo doesn’t like the grin that Sungyeol has on and what is this feeling?


“Jealousy,” Sungyeol whispers as that grin changes to a smirk and Myungsoo’s hand clenches into fists by his sides. He can’t be jealous, can he? He doesn’t even know this Woohyun guy.


(But he knows he doesn’t like how Sungyeol looks when he’s mentioned.)


“Total jealousy,” Sungyeol murmurs. “It’s cute.” He winks and Myungsoo’s nails dig so hard into his palms he’s slightly afraid they’ll break the skin.


“I knew you felt something for me, Myungsoo-yah.” He laughs and trails a finger down Myungsoo’s cheek.


No. No.


“I do not!” Myungsoo slaps Sungyeol’s hand away, a bit harder than he had intended, and he bites his lower lip.


What is getting into him?


He lets out a sharp breath and quickly shakes his head. “I’m...sorry, I didn’t...I just...”


Sungyeol sighs quietly. “It’s alright. I get it.”


Myungsoo knows he isn’t imagining the hurt in Sungyeol’s eyes and he thinks that’s just as bad as the image of them lifeless.


He’s going insane, he’s going crazy, he doesn’t like any of this one bit


“Stop,” Sungyeol says so softly Myungsoo swears he’s imagining it, if not for the hand that lands on his thigh. Sungyeol’s hand feels too warm but Myungsoo keeps silent. The warmth feels nice. Comforting.


“So about Sailor Venus,” Sungjong speaks up and Myungsoo can’t be anymore thankful for the change in subject. Even if it is about this Woohyun guy.


Luna clears . “He’ll be stopping by later, if that’s alright, and it’s good that you’re already here Sungyeol,” she replies. “There are still three more companions, but at this rate I don’t think it’ll be too hard finding them,” she points out.


“There’s something I don’t get,” Sungjong muses. “Myungsoo’s been fighting all of these monsters. Then there has to be some huge honcho boss behind them, right?”


Luna nods. “Along with us being reincarnated, so were the royal family of the Dark Moon Kingdom. The Queen is behind it all,” she explains. “Her aim is to steal energy by using the monsters but considering Myungsoo’s been out there lately, it hasn’t worked so I assume she’s not too happy,” she continues.


“Is she going to hide forever, then?” Myungsoo blinks. He hopes not, he doesn’t want to fight monsters for the rest of his life, thank you very much.


“No, definitely not. She’ll wait until what she believes is the right time...and when that time comes, all of you will need to be prepared,” Luna replies.


Myungsoo tries not to sigh. When the hell will be the right time then? In a week? A month? A few years?


“It’ll be soon,” Luna says. “There’s just three of you left and then we can get down to business. I know you’ve fought in a couple of battles already, Myungsoo, but you and the rest are going to need some training. We also need to find some way to keep making you remember stuff.” Her voice quietens.


Of course she knew about that.


He just nods, knowing arguing would be of no use.


“There has to be some reason why you remembered something earlier, we just need to find out what caused it,” Luna replies. “I have a small hunch’re going to have to test it for me.”


Myungsoo doesn’t like the glint that suddenly shines in her eyes. Damn cats. “Test what?”


“Even when you first met Sungyeol, you didn’t have any strange moments of remembering something, correct?” Luna asks.


(Myungsoo has a bad feeling about this.)


He slowly nods his head. “Not a single one.”


“But then when you went to his apartment last night, for the first time, you remembered something.”


He knows where this is going now. No way.


He holds his hands up, waving them in an attempt to protest. “If you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking, I refuse,” he blurts.


“You don’t even have to do it tonight, Myungsoo, just tomorrow night,” Luna replies. “We need to figure out what makes you gain your memories and this seems to be the only clue I have on it.”


Myungsoo glances at Sungyeol and bites his lower lip. “Alright,” he says under his breath. He doesn’t know why he’s agreeing so easily.


Luna gives him a thankful smile and nods.


Sungyeol’s hand (which he hadn’t realized is still touching him) squeezes his thigh and he tenses for a second, but hesitantly relaxes.


“Now, Woohyun should be here in a little bit, I think. I’ll leave you to...whatever you’re doing.” She lifts a paw to point at the television. “Our best bet is having this meeting up in Myungsoo’s room as it’s quite big, so just tell me when he arrives,” Luna replies and then jumps off of the table, disappearing around the couch.


Myungsoo assumes she’s on her way upstairs.


He lets out a sigh and leans his head back against the couch, closing his eyes.


He sometimes wonders if he had ever done anything terrible in his past life to deserve this. Sungyeol had said their powers were only activated during the final battle so they had been normal people all of their lives. So why were they suddenly so-called superheroes now?


“Nobody knows,” Sungyeol muses. “Most of this doesn’t make sense, I know, but...there’s no choice but to just go along with it, I guess.”


Myungsoo snorts. He doesn’t have a choice on any of this, it looks like.


“Okay, wait.” Sungjong’s voice speaks up and Myungsoo had honestly forgotten he was there. Some best friend he is. “How are keep speaking as if you can read his mind and...”


“Bingo.” Sungyeol sends a wink to Sungjong. “Only him, though. And random times, I can’t control it.” He shrugs his shoulders.


Sungjong starts to grin widely and Myungsoo’s eyes narrow as he nudges him in the ribs. “Shut up,” he hisses.


Sungjong blinks innocently. “I didn’t even say anything, hyung! Do you see how mean he is to me, Sungyeol hyung? He needs a lesson.” His lips pout as he crosses his arms over his chest.


Myungsoo officially hates his life.


Woohyun is short—shorter than him and Sungjong, at least—but he’s...handsome. Quite handsome, but Myungsoo won’t admit that out loud. (He hopes Sungyeol’s damned mind-reading is turned off.)


The minute he walks in, though, Sungyeol jumps up from his place on the couch with a shout and wraps his arms around him in a hug.


Myungsoo’s well aware the feeling burning in his stomach is jealousy and he hates it. He accepts it, but he hates it. They had to be just friends, right? He was Sungyeol’s lover in their past lives, not this Woohyun guy.


Unless there’s something he didn’t remember, something Sungyeol isn’t telling him.


His heart pounds unusually loud and fast in his chest at the thought and he frowns, biting his lower lip.


Sungyeol has no reason to hide anything.


“Ah!” The hug between the two breaks and Myungsoo thinks that it was about damn time. “Hyung, I’m sure you know-—”


“Myungsoo-yah, Sungjongie.” Woohyun’s smiling as he makes his way towards the couch, his eyes forming little crescents. This isn’t fair, if he wasn’t so attractive Myungsoo would honestly have no problem hating him.


He manages his own smile back and nods.


“They don’t...remember anything.” Sungyeol clears his throat as he fiddles with a loose thread on his t-shirt. “I mean, Myungsoo only remembers the final battle and even then, not the whole thing, so...they don’t know you,” he replies.


The smile on Woohyun’s face falls but he nods in understanding.


“I don’t remember everything myself, just random bits,” Woohyun says with a dismissive wave of his hand. “There are a lot of holes that need filling but I guess they’ll come eventually.”


“Why do you remember stuff?” Sungjong asks with slightly narrowed eyes in thought. “Myungsoo hyung and I don’t, so why do you?”


Myungsoo can sense the cold tone to his voice and he knows it’s terrible and irrational, but he can’t help but feel a little glad that Sungjong isn’t immediately warming up to Woohyun.


Woohyun smiles weakly, scratching the back of his head. “I have no idea. I didn’t even start remembering things until I was about...sixteen, I guess? So it’s been going on for a few years. I was going to try and find you all but then my father opened the bakery and he passed away two years ago so I had to take over and everything was just in the back of my mind. I had flashes of the past, still, but I tried to forget about it.” He shrugs, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “And then Luna came by earlier today and it was all just...too weird.”


Myungsoo doesn’t know what else to do but nod. He bites his lower lip, finding the floor very interesting.


This is awkward, way too awkward.


“And now that I found out the reason for my bakery getting demolished, it puts me at ease,” Woohyun continues with a light laugh.


Myungsoo blinks, raising his eyes. Right. “I...sorry about that,” he says quietly.


Woohyun shakes his head. “No need, it wasn’t you who destroyed it. You actually saved it from having to be completely rebuilt from scratch,” he grins.


Myungsoo wishes he could hate that smile, but there’s something about it that makes that impossible.


Not like he likes the guy, he just can’t hate him like he wants to.


(For what? For being the reason Sungyeol looked so happy?)


Sungyeol turns his head towards him to grin.


Myungsoo doesn’t see any use in hiding it, really, so Sungyeol can read his mind all he wants and gloat.


He likes Sungyeol. A lot. Maybe.


(Would that be again, though? Not like he remembers it, but—)


“Told you so.” Sungyeol’s mouth is suddenly right by his ear and Myungsoo’s face reddens. “I knew you would eventually.”


Eventually, huh?


It hits him that, past lives aside, he barely even knows Sungyeol. Sungyeol knows him, yes, but he doesn’t know Sungyeol. He’s only really known him for a few days. So how can he be...


“We should head upstairs, wasn’t Luna wanting to see us?” Sungjong’s voice cuts through Myungsoo’s thoughts and he quickly stands up from the couch, brushing off imaginary lint from his pants.


“I see she hasn’t changed much,” Woohyun muses as they begin walking up the stairs.


Sungyeol snorts. “Not at all. I think she’s even more of a nagger now. So it seems,” he points out. He grabs onto Myungsoo’s arm and pulls him back so they’re walking side by side (the staircase is not big enough for two bodies, much less Sungyeol’s giraffe-like limbs and his own), that grin still on his face.


“How about we change that testing out your memories thing to tonight? So we can...well, so you can get to know me better.”


Myungsoo doesn’t know why that actually sounds nice. He had been protesting the idea earlier, why is he changing his mind? None of this is making sense.


“Love does weird things to the mind, Myungsoo-yah,” Sungyeol says right as they walk into Myungsoo’s room, giving him no time to protest.


Love. He doesn’t love Sungyeol, does he? It’s too soon. Way too soon.




The meeting is useless, or so Myungsoo thinks. Luna goes on and on about how they need to start learning self-defense or something in order to use something other than their weapons during battles.


Myungsoo doesn’t see why, isn’t it kind of easy to kick and punch and even bodyslam monsters to the ground? They could probably pick it up on their own.


But other than that, Luna talks about how with there being four of them now, battles should be a lot more easier. And when they find the other three, it’ll be a piece of cake. She says she has a feeling once their team is complete, the Queen will come out of hiding.


Part of Myungsoo doesn’t want that to come true. At this rate, they’ll be complete in no time. Surely they’d be given time to work together and strengthen their powers?


The only thing that meeting accomplished was making Myungsoo worried. Worried and confused.


Woohyun had left soon afterwards to go back to the bakery and see over some of the rebuilding, and that’s when Sungyeol brings up the testing your memory thing again, a light smirk playing at his lips as he leans against the doorframe.


“Sungjong’s spending the night tonight.” Myungsoo’s actually thankful for Sungjong’s lies at the moment, and he gives a mental sigh of relief.


Sungjong lets out a hum, putting a finger to his lips in thought. “On second thought, hyung, I think I’m gonna head home. I’m getting pretty tired, this day has kind of worn me out.” He laughs.


He knows he shouldn’t be surprised Sungjong is pulling this, but...


“Then you should stay here!” Myungsoo blurts out with wide eyes. “You still have a bus ride home, you don’t have to go,” he replies.


Sungjong shakes his head. “It’s alright. I don’t want to to interrupt any time between you and Sungyeol hyung.” His smile makes Myungsoo want to punch it off.


Interrupt, my .


“We’re not—”


Sungyeol clicks his tongue, walking over to Myungsoo to sling an arm around his shoulders. “You’re still as generous as ever, Sungjongie,” he chuckles and Myungsoo really does want to kill both of them.


“Good to know. Have a good night~” Sungjong walks out with a wave and a wink, closing the door behind him.


Myungsoo’s house is then filled with a silence and he needs to think up of something, anything to get Sungyeol out of here.


Sungyeol sighs, shaking his head. “Trying to run me out? You need to stop changing your mind, it sends mixed signals,” he replies with a raised eyebrow. “You already admitted you liked me, you can’t take that back.”




“I...just...” Myungsoo’s voice trails. He knows there’s no use in denying it, but he doesn’t want to believe it.


“Look,”  Sungyeol begins. “It’s almost seven o’clock. You can pack a bag, we can go to my apartment and talk. Just talk. I can make some dinner or something and it’ll be a little...first date, of sorts. If you want,” he says.


First date?


Myungsoo tries to keep from blushing but he knows he’s failing miserably. What is it about Sungyeol that does this to him?


“All part of the charm, Myungsoo-yah,” Sungyeol chuckles, and then tilts his head. “So what do you say?”


Myungsoo knows he’s going to regret this.


“Yes,” he says quietly, making sure to avoid Sungyeol’s eyes.


He takes notice of the smile that lights up Sungyeol’s face and thinks that this can work out. They can work out. If it happened once, it can happen again.

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luizty #1
Chapter 1: favorite sailor moon... And my favorit myungsoo....nice fanfic...i love it..
Sooyeolides #2
Chapter 8: Its sailor moon one of my fave!
Chapter 8: If you do beat your writers block I would absolutely love a sequel! Wonderful story and congrats on finishing~~
deliciousyou #4
Chapter 8: Thank you for the story, I can't even count how many time I've read this story already :)
soo_aegi #5
Chapter 8: Haha me too i cant imagine myungsoo as sailor moon at all but i cann w yeol as tuxedo mask...

Ive reads this story many times and each time i love it !
chika1611 #6
Chapter 8: ugh... I really can't stop laughing whenever sailor moon and tuxedo mask being mentioned. I couldn't imagined it at all! XD
Chapter 8: i wanna read ur seq too!
soo_aegi #8
Chapter 7: Asdfghjkl they won the battle ♡
thanks for another update!
AshXIII #10
Chapter 1: (chucles) Omo, priceless. Boys Sailor Moon AU. Intriguing. But what I want to know the most was the skirt bit. You didn't mentioned the lower part of his costume. Hihihi