I'll Make You Safe

Protecting You


Yongguk knows that he can’t waste any chance to be closer with the one he is attracted to, and he wants to use it as well as he can. Using Chanie as the reason, he tries to meet Daehyun at anytime. He doesn’t care about anything except the other; his mind is already filled by the younger. It is true that Chanie also needs to see Junie but Yongguk’s main intention is too obvious. On Chanie’s mind he wants to just live together with Junie because it’s tiring to go there and back home and then go there again the next day. But Yongguk doesn’t let Chanie live there though Daehyun allows it. Even he is fine if Yongguk also wants to stay there, but Yongguk rejects it. He likes the idea, honestly; but if he does, he can’t stop himself to not think about how Daehyun’s lips taste like, or how it feels to hug him tightly and never let him go. So he prefers to just go back and forth to meet the younger, avoiding any things that can make Daehyun uncomfortable.

Daehyun welcomes both Yongguk and Chanie to his apartment and let them to do anything there. He knows that Yongguk also wants to see him and Chanie is just for the excuse, and he is kind of happy with it. But one thing that he rather dislikes is Yongguk doesn’t want to stay there even just a night and it makes him confused. Yongguk is living alone and so is he, there will be no one worried about them if they don’t go home, right? And the most unaccepted thing is Yongguk can’t tell him what the reason is. So Daehyun decides to take revenge with playing hard to get and it makes Yongguk feels like wants to tickle him until he gives up. He likes to tease the older but when Yongguk responds to it, he will act like there is nothing happening and Yongguk feels dumbfounded. That’s why he never let Yongguk doing any skinship unless he starts it first. It’s not that he likes to control the older but he only wants to know how serious Yongguk is.

Yongguk is debating whether he should ask Daehyun for a proper date or not because practically they have been interacting for more than four months but there seems like no progress. They only see each other, say hi, talk about this and that, even discussing about Chanie and Junie that look much closer than before; but never once mentioned about themselves, about their relationship. It’s always Yongguk who comes to Daehyun’s apartment because he doesn’t allow Daehyun to go to his house only to clean up the mess there. He actually thinks that he should be the one taking a step higher, telling what he feels about the other. But somehow it’s not an easy task, even for a manly guy like Yongguk; it needs more than a gut. He needs to prepare for everything, include the possibility of a rejection. And it makes him worried. He isn’t ready for it. Maybe he still has to wait for the best timing and won’t be in hurry.

Daehyun personally thinks that Yongguk is weird. They see each other many times and the other’s expression is just too precious to be missed out. They are enjoying the companion and there are always several topics to be talked about. They never run out of words and smiles never leave their faces. But Daehyun only waits for one thing that seems like will never come out of Yongguk’s mouth. He wants to hear the elder’s confession, or just say anything about his feeling maybe. He is kind of confused with their relationship. It’s more than just friend but they haven’t been in higher level so it’s tiring for him. He doesn’t know what to call Yongguk when his friends or neighbors ask him about the older. They always assume that Yongguk is his boyfriend but he denies it over and over until he gets tired himself. He doesn’t want to be the first to ask about it since he is the younger one and he feels like won’t do it.


Today Daehyun takes Junie to veterinarian because she is so different lately. She isn’t running that much and often throws up her meal. He is scared that his baby girl is sick.

“Your dog is on pregnancy and the babies will probably bear next week. How come you didn’t notice it earlier?”

Daehyun’s eyes wide opened and he covers his agape mouth with both of his palms. He really doesn’t expect it. Junie already has big body so it has no difference at all when she is pregnant. The fur covers her belly perfectly and Daehyun feels so stupid to not check her earlier. He feels really sorry that he barely notices Junie after she gets closer with Chanie. And then it hits him.

“Gosh, both Chanie and you will be parents soon!”

He ruffles Junie’s fur and kisses her eyes. He is really happy hearing that but also anxious at the same time. It’s Junie’s first pregnancy and he knows it so late. His baby girl isn’t a baby anymore and he should take extra care of her from now on. He wants to call Yongguk to tell him about it but he decides to wait until tomorrow when the older comes over.

Yongguk feels like wants to smack his head to the wall because suddenly he should cancel his routine meeting Daehyun for a week. He just got a call from his office, telling that he should take overtime to finish the stack of files that has to be submitted within this week. He actually wanted to reject it, saying that he could finish it even without the overtime. But the secretary said that the files would be doubled because the company got sudden massive requests from the customers and the due date is so close. There will be extra bonus for the employees also, and Yongguk had no choice to say no. It’s not that he thinks about the money more than Daehyun or Chanie and Junie but he doesn’t want to get fired. If he did that, Daehyun would most likely scold and nag at him continuously, blurting out his disappointment. He doesn’t want to make the younger mad or sad, so he should decide everything wisely.

Daehyun feels a bit sad when Yongguk calls and tells him that he will be really busy this week. The overtime is really important for the elder’s job and he can’t just avoid it. Daehyun tries so hard to not sound so desperate and stays calm in every word he says. He doesn’t tell Yongguk about Junie’s condition right now because it will affect Yongguk for sure. And by this week means Yongguk will not be there when it comes the time Junie will bear the babies. So Daehyun thinks about how to not make Yongguk suspicious and make him still focus on his job at the same time. He ask Yongguk to let him take care of Chanie when Yongguk is busy and says that he is worried if Chanie doesn’t get enough attention when he gets home, physically and mentally tired. He also says that Junie misses Chanie already and she can’t sleep because of it. He personally wants Chanie to be there when the babies are coming, to be on Junie’s side and welcoming the new family members. It won’t be complete without Yongguk but the work is more important than anything so he doesn’t want to ruin it. He will just tell it to the older when everything is done. And he is sure that he can go through it by himself.

Yongguk doesn’t want to give another burden for Daehyun by taking care of Chanie for him but the younger sounds need it more than him so he gives up. Maybe, just maybe, with Chanie being there means there is something that reminds Daehyun of him so he wouldn’t be forgotten even with the crazy work. Besides, Junie also needs Chanie so he doesn’t have any choice. He knows really well that his buddy is madly in love, just like him, but in different way. But love is love, nothing much different about it except the person who feels it. And Yongguk thinks that it is better to let Chanie stays with Daehyun since he can increase the protection of the one he loves. It is kind of making Chanie as Yongguk’s substitute there even though Yongguk can’t deny that he is jealous. Daehyun wants to take care of Chanie but why not him? Can’t someone do it to him, Daehyun maybe? Sighing, he says yes and tells the younger that he will bring Chanie tomorrow morning before he goes to his office.

Daehyun smiles at the call and silently congratulates himself for not making any obvious reason to Yongguk. He asks the older to not forget eating due to the hectic work a week ahead. Yongguk has serious problem with remembering something and Daehyun feels worried about it. He also tells Yongguk to not be stressed or the work wouldn’t be finished even with the overtime. And the last but not least, Daehyun warns Yongguk to not get sick and just take enough rest after he gets home.

Yongguk can’t help but chuckles at the constant nagging of the younger. Well, he somehow gets used to it and he will be missing it. He really knows that he barely eats and sleeps, and Daehyun dislikes it. But he has an urge to have a little fun with Daehyun so he purposely not obeys anything. He only talks and talks and doesn’t give Yongguk any chance to give responds even just a hum. He feels like he has to do it since he wants Yongguk to be fine and he has no choice other than nags like he usually does. It is the best for Yongguk, Daehyun thinks.

Yongguk can’t help but chuckles hearing the never ending words from the other line. Daehyun is such a caring person and he is thankful of it. At least he feels loved and it is enough for him. He is sure that he can go through the hectic works for a week but he is also sure that he will be missing the younger so much. He decides to just stay silent and close his eyes, hearing every word from Daehyun while imagining his cute expression. And he wishes he was there beside the younger, pinching his cheeks to stop him from the nagging session.

Daehyun furrows his eyebrows when he doesn’t hear anything in return. Does Yongguk hang up the call? He pulls away his phone looking at the screen but it is still connecting to the other line. He puts it back on his ear and calls Yongguk's name. Once, he doesn’t get any respond. Twice, he still doesn’t reply it. Thrice, he bits his bottom lip and concludes that Yongguk is asleep. Daehyun scoffs and mumbles something about his disappointment because he talks a lot but Yongguk doesn’t hear it at all and he is a bit upset.

Yongguk personally thinks that his name sounds really beautiful when Daehyun says it. He still stays silent when Daehyun calls his name. It sounds sweet yet addicting hearing his name from the younger's lips. He sighs soundlessly, regretting why he only calls Daehyun and not just come to his apartment. But it is too late to go there because it is almost midnight and he feels sorry to disturb the other. So he doesn’t let any sound and only listens to Daehyun's soothing voice. When Daehyun calls his name for the third time, he unconsciously smiles. When Daehyun mumbles something about hanging up the call, he quickly says good night and ends it first.

Daehyun feels dumbfounded when Yongguk suddenly says good night and hangs up. He pouts while staring at his phone screen, not understand what the older means with it. He thinks that Yongguk is sleep talking maybe, since there was no response when he talked nonstop. Shrugging, he jumps onto his bed and tries to sleep, silently prays that tomorrow will come soon.

The next day, Yongguk wakes up earlier and quickly gets ready to bring Chanie to Daehyun’s apartment. He purposely comes like two hours earlier than his working hour, only to have a longer time meeting Daehyun. Chanie is as excited as he is, but one thing that makes it different is Chanie knows about Junie’s condition so he really wants to see her soon. Yongguk is clueless about Junie and since Daehyun will not say anything about it until the time comes, Yongguk will be the last one to know. But Daehyun considers it as the best for Yongguk because after all work is the most important. Besides, Daehyun is sure that he can handle it alone for now.

Chanie is jogging lightly to Junie’s place and Yongguk follows him with the same rhythm, both can’t wait to see their lover. Once they arrive there, Yongguk knocks at the door and smiles waiting for it to be opened by the owner.

“Who is it?”

That is the voice that Yongguk is craving for. His smile gets wider as the door slowly opens, revealing the still half asleep Daehyun on his purple pajama.


Daehyun rubs his half lidded eyes and yawns before he opens the door wider. He still not notice who the visitor is.

“Good morning…”

The really familiar voice snaps Daehyun out of his sleepy state as he rubs his eyes harder than before and realizes who it is.

“Yongguk hyung??”

The said person chuckles at the pureness and tries so hard to not kiss the entire face of the younger.

“Did I ruin your sleeping time?”

“No! Aish you should have told me when you will come! Gosh it is so embarrassing!”

Daehyun covers his face with his palms and shakes his head. Yongguk smiles and pulls away Daehyun’s hands from his face.

“Don’t say that. It’s not. You are adorable even just woke up like this.”

Both Daehyun and Yongguk are surprised with the words. Yongguk can’t believe where he gets those cheesy words. But Daehyun likes it and he feels happy with it.

“Uh… Thanks I guess?” He grins sheepishly and gives space for Yongguk and Chanie to come into his apartment. “Let me change first and make coffee.”

“No need to do that, I already had it before.”

Yongguk sits on the sofa and Chanie walks around to find Junie. “Where’s Junie? She usually greets us first…”

“Uh… She is still sleeping… You guys come too early…”

“You two are similar.”

Daehyun sends a glare and it makes Yongguk laughs.

“How can you laugh after you said that?”

“You are just too cute!”

“Hyung please how many times I should say that I’m not cute at all?”

Daehyun pouts and plops down beside Yongguk and he just realized something.

“Wow you always are like this every day?”

He just noticed the elder’s suit and tie and it looks really good.

“Yeah, why?”

“You look so handsome.”

Daehyun’s eyes widen and he instantly covers his mouth while looking away from the older. He mentally curses himself for not controlling his words. He is so embarrassed that he runs to his bedroom leaving Yongguk alone. Yongguk on the other side feels surprised, he never got direct praise from Daehyun and this makes him so happy. He unconsciously loosens his tie and undone the first button of his shirt while smiling. Daehyun comes out of his room a moment later, already changes his clothes into t-shirt and shorts. He walks past the living room to the kitchen and prepares two cups of coffee. Yongguk gets up and approaches the younger.

“Hyung just sit there and I will bring these-“

Daehyun stops his words when he feels that Yongguk stares at him intensely. He looks up meeting a pair of black orbs in front of him. He gulps as Yongguk is getting closer and it is too much for him. He thinks that Yongguk wants to kiss him or something like that, so he quickly turns around to pour the boiling water into the cups and it makes Yongguk chuckles. He does want to lean in his lips to Daehyun’s but he won’t push the younger to do it if he isn’t ready yet.

Yongguk walks away from the kitchen to see Chanie and Junie that sound so quiet. Usually they will run here and there or bark to each other but today is different. Junie is lying there on her bed and Chanie sits beside her. Yongguk feels a bit suspicious because Junie looks pale and she isn’t moving, only breathing.

“Daehyun, is Junie sick?”

“She is just tired. Yesterday she was running a lot.”

Daehyun feels bad to lie about Junie but he has to do it so that Yongguk will not think about it and just be focus on his work. He is done with the coffee and brings it to the living room. He sees Yongguk pats Junie’s head before stands up and walks to take the coffee.

“Wouldn’t you be late for working?”

Yongguk takes a glance at his watch and shakes his head. “Still 30 minutes to go.”

“But isn’t it kinda far?”

“Are you kicking me out of here?”

“No! It’s not like that!”

“Okay let me finish this coffee and I will leave.”

“…. That soon….?

“Wasn’t it you who asked me to go working? Why you sound disappointed?”

Daehyun doesn’t give any answer but only pouts and Yongguk chuckles at the cuteness. He pinches Daehyun’s nose and it makes the pout more obvious.

“You want to make me suffer for a week with that pout for the farewell?”

Daehyun sighs before smile slowly appears on his face. “Sorry hyung…”

“Don’t be. Please take a good care of Chanie, can you?”

“Don’t worry. He will be okay here. You too, don’t forget what I said last night on phone.”

Yongguk nods and gets up, half heartedly leaving that warm place. He says goodbye to Chanie and wishes Junie to get fine soon.

“Hyung wait…”

He turns around right before Daehyun reaches out his hand to fix Yongguk’s tie. Yongguk feels his heart beats fast and he is worried that Daehyun notices it since his hands are close with it.

“Take care hyung…”

“You too Daehyun...”

Smiling, both of them wave to each other and promise to meet the next week.


It is the third day of the overtime work. Yongguk calls Daehyun every morning and during lunch time to ask about Chanie but the actual reason is only to hear the other’s voice. He doesn’t know why but he feels like he has to do it. Beside, Daehyun also needs to nag at him when he skips meal or doesn’t get enough rest. Daehyun doesn’t tell Yongguk that Junie is getting an intensive care due to her weak condition. The vet says that both Junie and the babies can’t survive. Daehyun feels like he gets a heart attack hearing that as tears comes out of his eyes and he sobs hardly. Chanie is standing beside him and he seems like understand the situation. He mewls lowly and leans his head on Daehyun’s leg, while looking up with his doe eyes like saying don’t cry I’m also sad hearing that. Daehyun crouches down and hugs Chanie tightly, cries louder on his fur.

“Chanie… I can’t take care of Junie! I’m so careless! I can’t fulfill my parents wish! I’m such a useless person!”

Chanie, being a good listener, Daehyun’s hair stopping him to cry. Daehyun gets the signal as he takes a deep breath and pulls his hug away. He is still holding Chanie’s head and now Chanie can see his watery eyes.

“We still have hope. Let’s pray that Junie and the babies will be okay…”

Chanie barks once and waves his tail, agreeing Daehyun’s words. They walk to the waiting room, hoping the same thing for Junie.

But God has another plan. Junie passes away that night and the babies can’t be saved. Daehyun cries so hard because his heart breaks so badly. He loses his baby girl, his friend, forever. He blames himself for not giving Junie extra care when she needed him. He was busy with his own life and kind of forgetting Junie for a while. He was late to know about Junie’s pregnancy and it bothers him a lot. He has nobody now, he is alone and he feels like doesn’t want to live there anymore. He has thought about leaving Seoul and back to his hometown, not even care about his college life. The apartment is giving him too many memories with Junie and he is pretty sure that he will miss her more if he still stays there.

Chanie is also sad, his tail is lowered down and he isn’t that energy like usual. But he is patiently staying beside Daehyun, to give him companion. He hasn’t back to Yongguk because the latter is still occupied by the work. And honestly he is already comfortable with Daehyun so it is not a problem if he stays there for a bit longer.

Yongguk finishes his work within three days because fortunately his files aren’t as many as the others and he gets a day off the next day. He doesn’t tell Daehyun about this and wants to give the younger a surprise.


The next morning Yongguk already stands before Daehyun’s apartment and knocks it few times. He waits for few minutes but nothing comes. Worried, he tries to open the door and much to his surprise it isn’t locked. He hurriedly comes in finding the younger, afraid that something bad happens to him.


He runs to the bedroom, sighing in relief when he sees the other is still sleeping while hugging Chanie. He takes more steps closer to the younger and smiles, brushing the strands of hair that covers Daehyun’s half face. He moves his hand to ruffle Chanie’s fur and the dog mewls lowly. That’s the time when he feels something is off. But that thought instantly disappears when Daehyun is shifting on his sleep and slowly opens his eyes. He groans and rubs his puffy eyes, the result of crying session last night.

“Good morning…”

He jolts up hearing that voice and suddenly gets up.

“Yongguk hyung??”

“Why are you always surprised every time I come here?”

Yongguk chuckles as he won’t be bored seeing Daehyun’s morning face. He hopes that he can see it every day.

“It’s too sudden! Eh ain’t you busy with the job? Why are you here?”

“It’s done and I have a day off. Wanna go out? I miss hanging out with Chanie…”

“Uh sure, why not? But give me time to be fully awake and take a bath…”

“Okay, I will be on the living room.”

Daehyun nods and yawns before ruffles his hair and jumps out of the bed. Yongguk is still standing beside the bed and he smiles at each of Daehyun’s movement. He walks out of the room after Daehyun disappears to the bathroom.

“Where’s Junie?”

Yongguk suddenly asks when Daehyun steps out of the bathroom and it make the younger stops the pace. He looks down, not saying anything but just breathing heavily. He tries to not cry again but this time it’s harder because Yongguk is in front of him. He doesn’t want to look weak but it seems impossible to do. He starts to sob before collecting his voice to answer it.

“She’s gone…”

Yongguk notices the cracks on his voice and he approaches the younger. He is late to realize that Daehyun is almost crying and he feels so bad about it.

“What do you mean?”

He gently holds the younger’s shoulders and tries to see his face but failed. Daehyun hangs his head low so that his expression can’t be read by the other. But then Yongguk lifts up Daehyun’s face by the chin and looks into his eyes. That’s when Yongguk feels his heart breaks as Daehyun’s tears flow down on his face. He wipes the tears with his thumbs and tries to calm down the crying guy.

“Junie and her babies couldn’t survive…” Daehyun chokes. “Sorry I didn’t tell you that she was pregnant…”

Yongguk is surprised by the news but he stays silent. He is still holding Daehyun’s shoulder and looks at him in concern. He is also sad, but he knows Daehyun’s feel is worse than his.

“I’m alone now… I don’t have anyone here… I guess I will be back to my hometown soon…”

“You have me.”

Yongguk’s voice sounds like commanding but Daehyun can catch the real meaning. He shakes his head and smiles bitterly.

“I don’t want to be a burden for anyone…”

Yongguk can’t stand on it anymore; he reaches for Daehyun’s cheeks before leans closer and captures his lips. He feels the others body stiffens and he pulls away a bit before leans in again, this time much softer and slower. Daehyun feels safe and he hesitantly responds to it. Both of them pull away when they are out of air and panting hard while looking at each other.

“… Hyung…”

“Gosh Daehyun don’t you notice it? I’ve been here beside you for months and you will just leave me like that?”

“It’s not like that… I-“

“I love you.”

“… What…?”

“Just stay here and I will be your… friend…? I can be your companion, or even a guard, like Junie did, but I’m not pretty like her. You can choose to stay here or move to my house if you don’t mind with it. And you still have Chanie-“

Yongguk stops blabbering as Daehyun wraps his arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. He buries his face on Yongguk’s neck while crying again.

“Daehyun… Please stop crying… I hate to see you like this…”

“Thank you hyung…”


Daehyun pulls away and looks up, locking his gaze on the elders.

“Don’t you know that I’ve been waiting for you to say those words?”

“What words?”

“I love you.”

Daehyun tiptoes and gives a quick peck on Yongguk’s lips.

Yongguk smiles on it. “I love you more.” He kisses Daehyun’s crown and hugs him again, tighter than before. “So would you stay with me?”

“I guess so? And I have to find Junie’s replacement for Chanie…”


Daehyun is still half heartedly accepting the fact about Junie, but Yongguk is patiently staying on his side, giving him anything he needs. It’s not that he forgets about his baby girl that easy, but he realizes that it’s no use to be sad about something for too long. He has life and he has friend so he should continue to be the usual self of him. With Yongguk, and Chanie, and soon to be Junie’s replacement, he feels that it’s more than enough for him. He is surrounded by them who love him and he loves them too. If he is happy, Junie would also be happy, he believes it.

And for Yongguk, there’s nothing more perfect than this. He calls it his family, with Daehyun as the one he loves the most and Chanie as his precious one. He feels the urge to make them safe and he promises to himself not to make them sad or even cry.



i don't know why but i feel a bit disappointed with the result.. i'm sorry this isn't good enough.. :<

but thank you for everything, i will try harder to write my ideas better than this one ;u;



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Chapter 1: Honestly i think about Himchan when i read Chanie and i think about Junhong when i read Junie lmao
Thanks for writing this is a cute story ♡
bangdaebak #2
Chapter 1: Don't be disappointed. I still bawled my eyes out. I love this. Thank you xx
daehyundarklight #3
Chapter 1: i'm crying.. hiks... junie is gone... poor dae.. but, dont worry... there are gukie & chanie...
Chapter 1: Aww Junie's gone :(
But thanks god its happy ending :'D
Chapter 1: Thanks for the sequel authornim and i was sad because junie is gone but the bangdae ending is happy so i can smile a little *sobs* :)
*sorry for the late comment*
bdz357998 #6
Chapter 1: It was sad when junie had to leave.... hopefully yongguk can help both chanie and daehyun
Chapter 1: Andwaeee junnieeee :'( knowing junnie died and dae sad make me sad tooo ㅠㅠ

But im happy because gukkie being very nice and he confessed!! Yay! Thankyou for the sequel authornim greatjob ;)
Chapter 1: Aww. I felt sad when Junie died. Daehyun being sad makes me sad too. But Yongguk came in time, so it's fine. Thanks for the sequel. =)
mamizu #10
Chapter 1: Junie gone... T.T my poor daehyunnie
This is good and i can feel this story. Thanks for update