

 Taehyung was queit around BTS. He was crzy around his friends like Jungkook. He was mean to people he didn't know to avoid them. He never knew why. Jungkook told him otherwise but he never listened.

"I can't hang out with you me and Jimin are practicing the dance to No." Taehyung sat on the bed sad. "You can come." Taehyung shook his head. "I'm sorry okay." He patted his back and walked off. "Bye." Taehyung waved back and laid down. He never knew what to do when Jungkook wasn't around. He would watch movies with Jimin but he was gone too.

Jin came back a little later from what him and Rap Monster were doing. 'Hey." Taehyung nodded. "Where's Jungkook?" Taehyung looked up at him. "With Jimin practing. Why?" Jin smiled. "Rap monster wanted him, you're protective." Taehyung rolled his eyes and left. He never knew what to think  about Jin. He looked mean but he acted cute. He looked cute when he was mean. Finally he realized that he was a jerk. He just acted cute around fans.

He walked into the kitchen to see Suga sitting on the counter. "What's up." Taehyung looked up. Suga was still staring at his phone but talking to him. "Nothing." Suga jumped off the counter. 'You miss Junykook already?" Suga poking his cheek. Taehyung pushed his hand away. "You're disrespected you hyung." Suga smirked. If that was Jimin he would have punished him. 

"Shut up." Taehyung grabbed a drink and walked off back to his room. Jin had his glasses on doing something on his laptop. "Hey Taehyung tell me if you like this song." Taehyung listened to the song for a while. He looked at Jin and smiled. He smiled back slipping his hand on Taehyung. He jumped and pulled the earbud out giving it back to him. "It was good." He went back to his bed looking down at his hand and he started blushing. 

Soon Jungkook came through the door. Taehyung looked up with a smiled. "My baby." He joked and wrapped his arms around his waist. Jimin was behind him. Jimin sat by Taehyung with Jungkook still on his lap. "Jimin you looked like a sweating baby."  Jungkook joked. Jimin pouted and pushed Jungkook. Taehyung liked being around the two. Soon the party was ruined. 

"Hey Jimin." It was Suga standing in the doorway. Taehyung couldn't believe he went out with a guy like that.  Jimin signed and walked up to him. "Bye." Jungkook waved and got off my lap. Suga wrapped his arm around his shoulder. "Yeah, I'm busy can you guys take that somewhere else." That it was Jin. Jungkook warpped his arm around Jin's neck. "Why cause you're jealous to see me and Taehyung together." Jin rolled his eyes. He kissed Jungkook's hand. "No, I'm just busy." Taehyung kind of felt jealous. He didn't know if the jealousy was because of Jin or Jungkook. "Come one Jungkook." Jungkook walked over to Taehyung and the went to Jungkook's room.

Tashyung didn't know why but he couldn't like Jin. He knew he like Jungkook. But not Jin.

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