you're just a dream to me

just check the sequel in my profile okay?? I will update it!!!! wait ok?? and it's title is



by the way i just want to say......

JAY PARK IS MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no one!! owns him but me!!!HAHAHAHAHALOL

I am a CRAZY FAN!!!!of him!!! I'm serious!!!! dont you dare take him away from me!!!!!!

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kasandra #1
D: Update soooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn<br />
plz I want to now what happend D:
Charz001 #2
Pls UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!!!! IT"S A GREAAAT STOOORY!!!!!!! But I'll patiently wait.
ZMazz_y #3
haha you are funny, we will wait, dont get rush :D
ZMazz_y #4
hehe up to you to make a sequel or not, as long as its not hanging like this :D cos i love your one shot so much :D i even get more and more excited when i read this chapter but when i scroll down and i saw its hanging, im kinda sad, if you add more about the airport scene, it would worth it, although wothout a sequel :D
jhen414kpopaddict #5
@ZMazze should I make a sequel??hmpf I'll think about it..ok...I will!!!!sure anything for my readers.just wait for it ok?=)<br />
@lerajean thanks for waiting for my update =)
what's this? why is it hanging like this? haha.
ZMazz_y #7
yahhhhhh! Dont left it hanging :( hahhaha i wanna know more :'( hahha please!!
ZMazz_y #8
will wait :)
lerajean #9
i'll wait for the updates...^_^<br />