My Life.

Nothing On You, Baby.


Beep Beep! New York City was as busy as ever. People in suits made their way down the streets, people sat on street corners with cans, papers flew everywhere. Everyday life if the city. The brown eyes of a small Korean American woman turned, revealing her warm smile. Those eyes set on none other then her best friend, Kim Junghee. The Korean looking man smiled a prince like smile and waved, approaching the girl.

"Junghee! What's up?"

Junghee sighed, scratching the back of his head before hanging it. His arms also hung and he shook his head.

"Agh. I just got out of work and I already have to go home, change, go jogging, then come back home only to sleep for about 2 hours only to have to get up to go meet my parents for some stupid family crap. I swear, God's out to get me."

A giggle came from ___ and she patted Junghee's back, puffing her cheeks.

"Ah. That . I was just comming home too. why don't we go jogging together?"

Junghee's face lit up and he looked up and his best friend, nodding.

"Alright~! Just come to my place."

___ giggled and she nodded, following Junghee onto the city bus. The ride was about 45 minutes due to traffic. They were left off infront of a large apartment complex. Due to his family's history, he had a lot of money, thus letting him afford an actual nice apartment. They walked in, going to the 3rd floor. They walked down the lit up hallway before approaching room 306. Junghee unlocked the door to reveal his beautiful apartment. ( ___ was always jealous of Junghee's apartment. She's been here a thousand times but everytime she see's it, it always seems to amaze her. She walked over, taking a seat on one of the black leather couches. Junghee walked into the kitchen and placing his keys on the table, removing his jacket. He set it on the counter and opened the refridgerator.

"Hey! Want a glass of wine or something?"

___ shook her head, leaning into the couch. Junghee shrugged, taking out a beer and walking over, sitting in the chair across of the couch. He opened his beer, setting his feet on the glass coffee table between them. ___ looked at him, smiling cutely and Junghee returned the smile, sipping his beer.

"To be honest, since we're here, I don't wanna go jogging anymore."

___ sighed in relief and laughed a little, relaxing more.

"Thank God. I didn't wanna say anything. And why are your feet on the coffee table? God."

Junghee cocked his eyebrow before laughing and rubbing his feet on the surface of the table. ___ jumped up, smacking his feet. His laughter became louder.

"Jeez! It's MY house!"

"I don't give a ! If you want to ruin a house, take mine. It's already crap."

Junghee smirked, placing his beer on a side table next to him before rubbing his feet on the table again. He laughed, getting up and running away as ___ chased after him with her shoe. He locked himself in his room and she smacked on the door.


"Nah. Don't think I will."

Junghee winked and ___ growled, smacking the door harder.

"I'll break this damn door down!"

She backed up, readying herself to run into the door. As she started to run, Junghee unlocked the door and opened it, making her run in and fall onto his bed. He closed the door, laughing and holding his stomach. ___ sat up and glared, puffing her cheeks.

"That's not funny ! I could of hurt myself!"

Junghee wipped the tears from his eyes and caught his breath, rubbing his stomach.

"Oh shutup. I wouldn't let you hurt yourself."

"Yes you would!"

"... Well .... Yeah, alright maybe."

He stuck his tounge out and ___ got up, running to him and tackling him. She rolled off of him and looked at the ceiling. Junghee looked over at her, then back to the ceiling. In unison, they both started laughing, then sighed. They looked at eachother and Junghee smiled. ___ glared, pushing his arm. He chuckled, closing his eyes. ___ looked up at the ceiling, putting her hand on her stomach before closing her eyes also.


___ yawned, openeing her eyes a bit. Darkness surrounded her and she looked around, feeling that Junghee wasen't there. She pushed herself up, rubbing her back.

"Damn, for a nice house, the floor sure is uncomfortable."

She walked into the living room, turning on the light and noticing a note on the coffee table. She picked it up.

"Good morning sleepy head! If you're reading this, I'm not home. I went to meet with my parents. I left money on the kitchen counter for the bus ride home, if you wanna go home that is. Text me when you get home so I know you're alive. Oh and, I made sure I rubbed my feet all over the table before you left. ;). Remember, don't forget to text me! -You're favorite '', Junghee."

A smile escaped her lips and she sighed, looking at the table.

"He's such an !"

She giggled, walking into the kitchen and looking at the money. She then shook her head, sliding on her jacket before leaving.


"Damn, I didn't think walking would take so long! I guess when we jog, I'm so distracted by the convorsation I don't notice how long this damn walk is!"

___ walked the streets of New York City, her hand sin her pockets. She sighed, putting her hood up and standing at a cross walk. She felt someone walk next to her and stop. She ignored it and walked across the street, continuing her walk.

"Ugh ... Text him? He worries to much. First he pisses me off then worries? He's so weird ... Heh."

She smiled again and stopped at another cross walk. Someone stood next to her again. Is it the same person? Alright, if he follows me to another cross walk, I'll ask him what the hell he's doing. She began to walk again, looking up.

"Hm ... When did he leave? Was I really asleep for only 2 hours?"

She glanced at her watch and she blinked.

"I was asleep for like 4 hours! How long is that family meeting?! Poor guy."

She stopped at another cross walk. She turned her head, looking around to see that the person was gone. She sighed in relief and turned the corner only to run into someone. She backed up and put her hands up.

"Oops, sorry du-"

Her eyes set on the back of the person who kept following her. She blinked, putting her hands on her hips.

"Hey! What do you want? Why are you following me?"

The person turned around to reveal a Korean looking man. He blinked, smiling before her put his hands in his hoodie.

"I was looking for you! I was hoping you could help me find my apartment. I can't seem top find it."

She blinked, cocking her eyebrow. He looks Korean. He speaks really good English ... Why follow me then?! A sigh escaped her lips and she shrugged.

"Sure, what apartment?"

He handed her a peice of paper and her jaw dropped.

"No way! That's the same apartment Junghee is in!"

"Junghee? Oh! Is that the guy you've been talking about this whole time? It's not very healthy to talk to yourself in public either. People start to suspect you're crazy."

___ could feel her face heat up with embarassment and she coughed, turning around.

"Well, come with me. We have to take the bus. Got money for the ride?"

The man nodded, fixing his hood before following her to the bus stop. A bus stopped, picking them up and they started their 45 minute ride. They made it to the apartment and she turned to the man.

"Alright, here it is."

She went to walk back onto the bus but he grabbed her wrist. She turned fast and he hung his head.

"Can you walk me to my room? I get lost easily."

She sighed, hhanging her head.

"Fine. What room number?"


"You're on the 4th floor then ... Wait, Junghee told me that's where people richer than him stay ..."

The man smiled warmly and ___ scratched her head, waving him to follow her. No way ... He looks like a bum ... How can he? ... They made it to the 4th floor and there was only one door at the end of the small hall. ___ lead him to it. He unlocked the door, opening it to reveal an amazing apartment.( ___'s gaw dropped to the floor and she dropped her arms.

"No. in'. Way."

the man walked passed her, kicking off his shoes before throwing off his sweatshirt. ___ shook her head, walking in and looking around.

"Dude ... What the hell do you do to be able to afford this?!"

The man cocked his eyebrow, laying on his couch with his head on his arms.

"Never heard of me?"

___ put her hands on her hips.

"Well, considering you never even told me your name, you dragged me all the way out here, you followed me like a creep ... Uh, I'd say not really."

A chuckle came from the man and he got up, walking up to her and pointing to himself.

"I'm Jay Park."


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