Cupid 5


The angel’s gaze seems like he is looking at something far away, but he is really seeing nothing. His mind is in itself, and his heart is loudly pounding against his chest. He came up with an excuse to return to the apartment because he is afraid…and he is pained. The moment he turned around the stairs and see Eric and Minwoo at the lobby, the story Junjin told him would not stop playing. A fallen angel, the fate of three mortals, and more tragedies to come.

Unknown to mortals, Earth Realm had been altered many years ago when the fallen one defied orders from the angel council. Fate forged over lifetimes was derailed; new destine was created. Dongwan had not imagined the graveness, until he learnt about the three mortals. Sometimes in its means to restore itself, fate can be cruel.

Dongwan raises his head to the angel dwelling, pondering over the irony of looking at it through the last spell of the fallen one, the orange glow surrounding Eric’s apartment. He unconsciously heaves a sigh and lowers his head. The Division of Love is in disarray without a leader.

Eunjung exits the building and enters Dongwan’s sight. The angel spreads his wings and he launches himself out of the window, landing gracefully beside her.

“Minwoo heard me talking.” Eunjung said.

Dongwan gives a gentle smile, “Pabo-ya. Let me teach you!” His hand reaches into her bag and pulls out her earpiece connected to her phone. “Talk to me like this,” he says as he pushes the ear piece into her ears.

The angel inhales, letting the fresh air clear his mind. Today is the day. He will not be distracted by his own sorrow.


Like another other non-working day, Hyesung is bothered by the strange feeling in his chest. It is an unbearable loneliness, accompanied by a feeling of suffering lost. Maybe it is the consequence of becoming a star. Or maybe he is just love-sick, like what his manager, Taehak had said.

The singer studies his reflection and arranges his fringe before carefully wearing the beanie so that his hair will not be messed up. He is not planning to parade himself to the public today, but he wants to look good in case any fans spot him.

Hyesung grabs his sunglasses, locked his door and takes the private lift to the carpark.

“#$%!” The singer curses to the dismay of his “little prince” image when he gets out of the lift and realises Taehak had took his car. He puffs out through his mouth, turning his head slightly to the left in an annoyed manner. The loneliness is too overwhelming today, and it is not a want but a need for him to get out and distract himself.

After some thought, the singer decides to walk to the café around the corner and buries himself in novel. Even when hidden underneath the scarf, beanie and sunglasses, his usual aura still causes several people to turn and stare when he walks down the street.   

“It’s alright! I am a star!” Hyesung thought to himself. He pushes open the old fashioned door of the café, gets himself a cup of cappuccino and makes his way to a secluded corner by the window. The ever changing stream of passer-by at the other side of the window relieves a bit of his loneliness.

Before Hyesung can get himself lost in the novel, an uncanny breeze tickles his face. The man scowls. He is deep in the café and any channel of air causes by the opening and closing of the café door should not be reaching him. He raises his head. And his heart stops.

A female clad in a green overcoat enters the café, her long hair swaying due to the wind that is still blowing through the closing door. Hyesung cannot understand why he stares, and why his heart is acting weird. He is always surrounded by the hottest and prettiest people in the entertainment industry, and the female is plain in comparison. But she has an enigmatic pull that Hyesung cannot pinpoint.  Maybe it is her cherry lips, or the dimples when she smiles, or just the way she is happily speaking into the phone.

Hyesung’s eyes follow her as she makes her way into the café and sits at the table diagonally in front, with her back facing him.

He does not mean to eavesdrop, but he does it anyway.

“The interview is tough!” Eunjung puffs up her cheeks. Dongwan grins, lifts his hand pokes the cheek. “Yah! If you do that again, I’ll complain to your boss up there!”

Dongwan chuckles, crosses his arms and rests them on the table. He leans forward, “Trying doing it. I am sure she will be so concerned about me poking your fat cheeks?”

“She?” Eunjung is surprised. She ignores Dongwan’s comment about her cheeks. They are not fat!

“Yes, the angel lord is a she. Is that shocking?” Dongwan asks.

“I…I don’t know. I always assume all angels are males.” Eunjung hesitates. Maybe that is a stupid assumption. “Is she pretty?”

Dongwan nods. Lee Hyori, the angel lord that leads the angels of justice and the entire haven is stunning. Few people can hold a candle to next to her; not even the angels.

“I expect so. She is your kind after all.” Eunjung replies.

Dongwan an eyebrow. “You think all angels are good-looking?!”

“Isn’t that so?”

Dongwan tries to recall all the angels he met in haven and shakes his head. “Eunjung-ah, I don’t represent all angels, just like your Hyesung does not represent all humans.” He says shamelessly.

Eunjung blushes a little, realizing that Dongwan knows she thinks he is good looking. She quickly grabs the menu and studies it.

“Order the whelk noodles. It’s your favourite.” Dongwan says casually.

“You even know that?! I haven’t had it for so long!”

“Eunjung-ah, don’t undermine my professionalism!” Dongwan says in a fake stern tone, making Eunjung laughs. “I need to learn about you before I come over to help your life gets back on track.” Dongwan says, unsure if that can be considered a lie. No one told him if there are consequences for angels to lie. But sometimes, white lies are necessary. His eyes turn to the man looking at Eunjung.

Hyesung chuckles at the bizarre conversation (he cannot see or hear Dongwan who is sitting opposite Eunjung). The female continues chatting on the phone throughout her meal. Unaware to Hyesung, he no longer feels the loneliness in his heart. It is replaced by a tinge of sweetness.

It may be miracle, or maybe cupid does exist…

Or maybe it is fate?


“Eric, can I borrow your phone?” Eric raises his head to the urgent voice. Eunjung’s brows are knitted as she enters the building; the anxiety too apparent on her face. Eric’s heart clenches as his mind goes wild with guesses.

“What happen?” He asks, dreading the answers.

“I dropped my phone.”

“Huh?” The guard is surprised by the simple reason, but at least it is not what he dreaded. She has not found out yet. He dials Eunjung’s number and passes his cord phone over to her.

Eunjung takes the phone and waits impatiently. She knows she is over-reacting, but to hear the non-stop chatters and not being able to react is too much of a torment. The angel watches her from behind.

After a few rings, someone answers the call. “Hello. I picked up this phone. Are you friend of the owner?”

Eunjung’s breathing stops. That voice…it sounds like him…

Finally Syungie appears! Why he curses? Refer to following video (I believe most of you watched this b4 though xD) <Link>

Made some changes to the Foreword too.

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I am tempted to rewrite everything because of a chapter, but i am in the process of drafting Chapter 5! Finally my other male lead for Part 1 is appearing!


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Chapter 7: Why i just found this fic?! ㅠㅠ anyway, aren't you planning to continue this fic? i'm curious. So damn curious right now
Chapter 7: Oh my god.... omg!!! Ahhhhhhh ive missed this!! maybe...maybe andy is a reincarnation of her?ahhh but poor minu!!//hugg his heart keeps getting broken whenever hes reminded of her by andy.......
hyesung was involved in an incident back then?! does it have to do with the 3rd person too?
andysarang #3
Chapter 6: Ahhh. I wanna see more MinDy interactions and looks like I am getting more the next chapter xD anyways, I am really curious about what's inside the room.
Chapter 6: an angel killed that 3rd person...??the fallen one??angel kill???????
/hugs minu omg erics words tho ughhhhh
they were really scarred deeply and minu cannot move on...
what exactly did dydy hide in that storeroom tho >_>
Chapter 5: Omg dat vid!!!! Andy was so cuteee eeeee > w <

Fate of three mortals?is it eric, minu n that mystery woman?? The fallen one was the leader of the love division? Is that angel the one that looks like Andy?? Or is it the 3rd person....or... omg...the fallen one became a mortal....for eric?!?!0_0 le gasp(((going crazy with theories again)))))
andysarang #6
Chapter 4: Wait! You shouldn't stop there! It was getting pretty interesting too! I can't wait for some MinDy moments also. Hehe :D
MMM123 #7
Chapter 4: I found a new Ricmin Yaaaaayyyy XD
I like it and I'm waiting for an update ;)
Chapter 4: oh...were both eric and minwoo once angels??