
Underrated Masterpieces | Recommendations List

Before I put up anything in this thread, let me just state the rules. :)

1) Subscribe

2) No bashing. 

3) Should you read any of the fanfics I recommend in this thread, I want you to leave a comment on the story itself, stating what you like about it. We should all compliment an author's hard work, right? Do write a long comment because all authors love that ;)

4) This is optional but if you like my recommendations, then do give this thread an upvote ^^

That's all the rules I have :)

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maakopla #1
Story Recommendation Form:
- Your Username: maakopla
- Author: rebellioustofu
- Co-Author: none
- Story Title: Trapped
- Story Link:
- Genre: , , mystery, drama
- Characters: Woohyun, Myungsoo, Sunggyu, OC
- Story Type (Oneshot,Chaptered etc.): long story
- Story Status (Ongoing, Completed): ongoing
- Rated (Yes/No): yes
- Reason for Recommendation: Well written story with some grammar mistakes but the story is amazing, super hooking, original, meaningful characters, intriguing plot, beautiful thoughts, proper , mature themes about life
- Anything else?
maakopla #2
Story Recommendation Form:
- Your Username: maakopla
- Author: touslesjous
- Story Title: Rhetrorical
- Story Link:
- Genre: action, drama, mystery, romance
- Characters: oc
- Story Type (Oneshot,Chaptered etc.): long
- Story Status (Ongoing, Completed): ongoing
- Rated (Yes/No): yes
- Reason for Recommendation: This story is mindblowing, good grammar, original plot
- Anything else?
maakopla #3
Self-Recommendation Form:
- Author: maakopla
- Story Title: Nothing's over
- Story Link:
- Genre: romance, action, crime, comedy
- Characters: Sehu, Jongin, OC
- Story Type (Oneshot, Chaptered etc.): long story, about 40+ chapters
- Story Status (Ongoing,Completed): ongoing
- Rated (Yes/No) yes
- If yes, state reason: violence, and cursing
- Anything else?
- Your Username: exotically-exo
- Author: EXOmniac
- Author's Profile Link:
- Reason for Recommendation: i love everything she writes and she is a very kind person. she always support me in everything i do and so i want to repay her too. she is one of the best writers i know.
- Favourite Works from Author: Faulted Palms, This Summer's Eve, Hinder
skyter #5
- Your Username: skyter
- Author: hansolite
- Author's Profile Link:
- Reason for Recommendation: Other than being a very close friend, she's a genius young writer. Her plots are intriguing.
- Favourite Works from Author: "Hide and Seek" and I like the plot of "Fatal Charm"