
Destiny's Game


Minho: "Hyung~ do you really love her?"

Onew: "Yes. I do. I would do everything for her."

Minho: "You don't even know what she looks like. You met her online."

Onew: "Minho~ I don't have to see her, I don't care what she looks like. Of all the people you should know better that I don't look at outer appearance."

Minho: "Mm~" he hummed in agreement. "I know.. .but.. .you're famous hyung~ what if she's our fan? What if she's just pretending to be nice? You should met her first before announcing to everyone that you’ve got a girlfriend.”

In every aspect Minho has a point and Onew can see how worried and sincere the younger is. He didn't say anything for a while, thinking, he didn't want Minho to get more worried than he already is. He doesn't want a worried Minho, it pains him to the younger's sad face; it was the only thing he didn't want to see beside his mother's sad face. What he wanted is to see Minho smiling, the one he would always do whenever he's too happy, the one that looked like a sunshine.

Onew: “You’re right. I should. I’ll meet her first.” He sighed then smiled at Minho. “Thank you for keeping it a secret. Just like what I thought you really are the best dongsaeng I’ve ever had.”

He winked at Minho then ruffled his brown locks. Minho just smiled at him, a blush creeping on his cute cheeks. Before Onew could tease the younger, Minho got up and said good bye to attend his schedule. 5 minutes after Minho left the other members came into the room, loud as ever.

Jonghyun: “Hyung~ what are you going to announce?’ he asked.

Taemin: “Yeah~ you said you wanted to announce something?”

Key: “Where’s Minho? You guys went home together right?” he asked while looking around the dorm.

Onew: “Who should I answer first?” he chuckled.

JongTaeKey: “ME!” they answered in perfect unison. Onew laughed a little before answering their questions.

Onew: “1st I forgot what I was going to announce.” He lied. “Key~ Minho went out to attend his schedule.”

After answering their questions and receiving a nod on each of them he walked out of their living room. He didn’t bother to look back even if his 3 brothers’ are groaning and making a fuss about him and Minho keeping a secret. He made his way to his room grinning. He opened his phone and checked his KakaoTalk Inbox. He got so excited to see a mail from “LittleDeerSquirrel”, the girl he fell in-love with and currently his online girlfriend.


TofuInDisguise: “Good Evening J how’s your day beautiful?”

LittleDeerSquirrel: “How’d you know I’m beautiful? We’ve never seen each other.. .oh~ wait ! wrong~! I’ve seen you a lot of time already. You’re the one who still didn’t see me.. …I’m okay btw. J

TofuInDisguise: “lol, you’re right~ but just let you know, I don’t care about outer appearance….I’ll still love you even if you’re the ugliest girl in the world.. ..maybe it’s time to meet~ what do you think?”

LittleDeerSquirrel: “Yeah~ sure~ okay~ I.. .I think … .I’m ready. ..I just hope you won’t hate me after meeting me~”

TofuInDisguise: “Iwon’t. I told you, I’m in love w/ you and that won’t change. I’ll break the rules of my company just for you, that’s enough proof that I’m serious right?”

LittleDeerSquirrel: “Yeah~ Thank You Jinki~ you know my mobile number. Just e-mail me the details; I won’t be online for a while.”

TofuInDisguise: “I’m so excited. I’ll do something about my schedule. Wait for my text okay? I love you <3 <3 <3”

LittleDeerSquirrel: “I love you too <3 see you soon.”


She went off line first. Onew was so excited; he jumped on his bed and started rolling on it while giggling like a kid. He only stopped when Key and Taemin entered the room to call him for dinner.


After a few days, Onew finally managed to have a free day. Actually~ the whole band was free, they managed to finish all of their schedules and they’re given a day off. Taemin went to EXO’s dorm, he said Kai had a day off too and they will have a best friend’s day together. Key and Jonghyun went to shop “some thing” as they put it; but what they’re really going to buy was presents for Minho and Onew’s upcoming birthday. Of course they cannot say that to the leader so they lied. Minho said he’ll stay home to sleep. Onew was worried for Minho since he looked dead tired. H e didn’t want to leave him alone in the dorm but he already made some plans to meet his online girl friend for the first time.

Onew: “Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked Minho who was quietly lying on their sofa, hugging his favorite pillow.

Minho: “I’ll be fine Onew-hyung~ just go.” He said while slightly yawning.

Onew: “You know~” he hesitated a bit. “Maybe I should cancel my date.”

Minho: “What? Why?”

Onew: “You don’t look like you’re okay. I’ll stay here with you.” Minho sighed. He knows he can’t argue with his leader because he was stubborn when it comes to things like that and even if he does want to argue he doesn’t really have the energy to do so.

Minho: “Hyung~ you’re making it look like I’m more important than your girl friend.”

Minho chuckled and looked at Onew before closing his eyes and hugging his pillow more tightly. Onew was stoned at where he is standing; he didn’t see that one coming. He looked at Minho’s figure with big eyes.

He was surprised because what Minho just said was true. Minho is 100x more important than the girl he fell in love with. The truth is Onew is Bi and he’s in love with Minho. The only reason why he fell in love with “LittleDeerSquirrel” is because her personality is 100% similar to Minho. She was sweet and dorky, she would always make a humorous joke which Onew loves of course; she’s kind and friendly to everyone. She even have a Tumblr account that was full of reblogs about TVXQ, SuJu and EXO, she’s a loyal SM Stan. How Onew knew? Yes. He stalked her a lot of times before and find it cute to see her posting about how tall Changmin is; and how short Jonghyun is.

Oh how Onew wished that Minho was a girl or Minho has a sister similar to him but he doesn’t have any. He have a brother, his name was Minseok but Onew didn’t like him that much, he only likes Minho. He found what he was looking for at “LittleDeerSquirrel”.

He met her on a joint game on KakaoTalk. At first she didn’t like the idea of giving Onew his number bet she gave it after losing a game with Onew. It piqued Onew’s interest because he used his real name on the game so fans can recognize him. Everyone was asking for a joint game with him saying they can beat him. Onew played with ShaWols sometimes but no one was able to beat him except one. Yes. “LittleDeerSquirrel” beats him on their first game. When he asked for his number (privately) she hesitated giving it to him and gave a lot of reasons why she can’t, all of it seemed unreasonable to Onew though. In the end they agreed to bet on it and played 3 rounds of a racing game. Onew was so intrigued so he did his best to beat her on the game, he won and that leaves her no choice but to give her number to Onew.

Onew: “Are you sleeping?” he sat beside Minho and his hair.

Minho: “No, just closing my eyes. Hyung~ you should go~ really~”

Onew: “No~ I’ll stay.” Minho finally opened his eyes and looked at Onew. He smiled weakly at the older. Oh~ how Onew love those Hazelnut Brown Eyes.

Minho: “Onew-hyung~ good choice. Actually your date won’t come.”

Onew: “And why would you know that?” he asked. The younger was quiet for a minute ‘till a guilty smile was seen on his face. “Why are you smiling like that?”

Minho: “Hyung~~~” he half-whined said and Onew got the message.

Onew: “Wait a minute~! Don’t tell me you know her?”

Minho: “Yes hyung~ I know her very well.”

Onew: “WHAT? WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME? WHY IS SHE NOT GOING TO COME?” again it took a minute before Minho can answer. He sat up on the couch and Onew just cannot stop himself to see Minho as a little adorable kid who was about to confess that he broke something important.

Minho: “Onew-hyung~ I’m going to explain everything but before that.. .promise me that you won’t hate me.” Onew sighed how can he possibly hate him? NEVER!

Onew; “I won’t hate you. What is it?”

Minho: “Don’t get mad okay?”

Onew: “I won’t just say it~” he messed Minho’s already messed hair.

Minho: “I.. ..I… .uhm.. .ah~.. .I’m. ..I’m “LittleDeerSquirrel`!!!!!.. …I’m Sorry.”

Onew: “WHAT?” he asked Dumb-founded. He saw how the younger panicked at the sudden raise of his voice and somehow he felt guilty for half-shouting at him.

Minho: “I’m sorry hyung~. ..I made an account at KakaoTalk and used a different name. It wasn’t my intention to lie to you, I’m going to say that it was me after the first game but you assumed that I was a girl because of the username and started hitting on me. I’m sorry hyung! I really wanted to tell you but you’re just so sweet and nice to me online and I have all of your attention and my mind and heart told me not to tell you that it was me. …and.. .. .” He bombarded Onew with explanation.

Onew: “Wait …! Stop!”

Minho: “Please don’t get angry at me~! I didn’t tell the truth because I like you Onew Hyung~.”

SHINee’s Flaming Charisma, the guy who’s manly on the fans eyes was in front of him and was about to cry. He was hugging a pillow that was literally bigger than him while sitting on the couch like a kid. The most surprising of all is that he was actually telling the older that his online girlfriend was him and he was confessing.

“If this is a dream please wake me up now! I might not want to wake up after seeing this super duper cute Minho in front of me and My real life Minho would be sad! I don’t want a sad Minho. Who the hell wants that?” He talked to himself while staring at Minho.

Minho: “Hyung~ please say something. .I’m sorry okay?” he approached Onew cutely.

Onew: “Am I dreaming?” he asked dumbly. When he felt Minho’s hand tugging his own hands that is when he realized that what was happening is real. “OH GOD! IT’S TRUE! YOU LIKE ME? REALLY?”

Minho blushed furiously as if he just realized what he just confessed too. He kept quiet and just looking down. Onew is still looking at him so he decided to just give him a shy and weak nod. Minho was not expecting the next move; Onew hugged him forcefully that caused them to fall on the couch together.

Minho: “Hyung~?”

Onew: “I like you too My Minho!!! God! I fell in love with your other self because she was similar to you! Now I know why!!!” he giggled on his neck.

Minho: “Wait~ What?” now it was his turn to get surprised.

Onew didn’t give him an answer instead he kissed Minho’s plump pink and pouty inviting lips.

Who would’ve thought that they were in love with each other for a long time now and that love made them do stupid things. Stupid things that they both didn’t know that would bring them together.




Oh God! I don't know what I just wrote. ...please don't hate me XD ~ <3 I love Cutie Pie Minho that's all. bye <3

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Chapter 1: awwwwwww that was sooo cute and lovely <3<3<3<3
Chapter 1: So cuteee. Omg!!