Kim Jongdae: The Ultimate Fanboy





Biggest Byun Baekhyun trash. Kim Jongdae is the name but they call me Chen for whatever reason unknown to the universe. Who's Baekhyun? He's this dude in my school from that famous group and omg Baek if you ever come across my blog please do know that I adore you! ugly sobs,

  how to even deal idek

How do i say this? welcome to my life?? in really brief introduction all you have to know about me is that i'm byun baekhyun's biggest trash. i would go gay for him totally (half hoping he doesnt come across this...) and i love his voice and his face and the way he laughs and he makes me so happy just by breathing and he's so beautiful you cant even find words to do him justice. i could write a whole book. sobs. also, i kinda... not so subtly, ship him with my second bias, none other than kkaebyehet's maknae, Oh sehun. have you actually seen the way baekhyun looks at sehun i have seen and witnessed it with my own eyes!!!!!!!!! how to not ship??!?!

bias #1: erm, byun baekhyun??? obviously??????? I LOVE HIM????!! cries.

bias #2: how to explain oh sehun that one time he performed under the rain and wet sehun became my favorite sehun im sorry i need water

bias #3: on two legs but really a sweetheart with an adorable laugh i cant deal with this

bias #4: he's so big and his voice is so deep i wouldn't mind chanyeol at all not at all

bias #5: have you heard an angel sing? no? I have. his name is do kyungsoo.

bias #6: i didnt mean to put you last i love you too joonmyeonnie ily a lot cries a lot


i just cant deal with feelings okay i really just cant i am kkaebyehet trash





In which Kim Jongdae is a hardcore fanboy and came up with a submarine.

Note that he isn't exactly sane.

To some people.

Of course he thinks it's actually normal to ship a guy with another guy. 


A/N: I don't know what brought this on but please do note that this is 99.9% fictional. Let's just say Chen is as excited as I am when it comes to a certain ship. My attempt on crack but if it's not funny just pretend to laugh or something, idk. K.


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lalehusna #1
Chapter 2: Update please >.<
R_nine21 #2
Chapter 2: Jongdae-ya I feel u
XOXO_littlemiss_EXO #3
Chapter 2: This is really adorable < 3 please update^^
_Falas_ #4
Chapter 2: The Sebaek feeeeelz! And Jongdae as a fanboy just such a great idea, please update!
Chapter 2: jealoushun strikes again
Chapter 2: That's so adorable and cute. >^<
Pls update sometime. I really want to see what Jongdae will do.
Chapter 2: this is just adorable
please update.
oohsebaek #8
Chapter 2: so I was sent home bc I wasn't feeling well today and I thought, I need some mada fics. so I stalked-- I mean looked at your profile and settled on rereading this piece of artwork.

and istg i totally am INLOVE with your writing like god man my SEBAEK FEELS. sighs, I love this, I love you, and I love sebaek. that is all thank you. FIGHTING.
Cassie92 #9
Chapter 2: Updated please