I've Always Loved You

I've Always Loved You [ONESHOT]

I woke up from my deep slumber. Ugh! This alarm clock! I don’t care if I have school! Why can’t I just skip? Seeing my friends is an excuse I guess. I got out of bed and did my usual morning things. I glanced at the mirror really quick to see my appearance… It was good enough for me. My straight black with brown highlighted hair, my brown eyes, my clothes were the schools uniform so I don’t really have a choice on that. I ate breakfast and such, alone, knowing that I live by myself, and then left for school.

When I arrived at school I was greeted by my friend Miyeon unnie. Miyeon is an average height girl, with brown hair, and brown eyes. Her personality is sort of like mine but just a little more hyper. We’ve been friends ever since we were in preschool.

“Shinki-ah! Hey! , Okay so I found out when B1A4’s next album is going to be out!” Miyeon unnie said with excitement written all over her face.

“Haha I already knew a long time ago! You’re so late!” I said laughing and pointing at her. I then remembered something else and said, “Oh yea, and I also heard that they’re starting school again!” We both squealed like the fan girls we are. We both walked to class.

“Ok class, Please seat in your proper seats and stop fooling around, I have some news, and don’t scream or anything, we have new students, well 5 to be exact. Please come in and introduce yourselves now.” The teacher Mrs. Kim said while walking to her desk.

“Let’s Fly B1A4! Hello we’re B1A4, Nice to meet you!” B1A4 said while doing there, WAIT! B1A4! I then heard girls screaming…or trying not to scream. I didn’t scream, I already knew them. I knew them since I was little actually. They were my childhood friends. You didn’t really expect that did you? Well it’s true.

“I’m guessing you all know our names so we won’t say them” Jinyoung oppa said while he chuckled. Jinyoung is the leader of B1A4, he was kind, smart, had brown hair, brown phoenix and fox like eyes, and a temper at times. Shinwoo is the vocal and rapper of B1A4, long hair, glasses, kind, and a gentleman like guy. Sandeul is the main vocalist of B1A4, brown hair, hyper, always smiles, and nice to anyone he sees. Baro is the rapper of B1A4, always wearing a hat, is kinda dorky, and likes to joke around. Then there is Gongchan, the maknae or the youngest of B1A4, and he is FULL of aegyo, or in English, cuteness. And that’s B1A4, if you didn’t know already.

Back to the class, Jinyoung added, “Oh! Mrs. Kim, can I sit next to Shinki?” Jinyoung oppa said while pointing at me. “Sure, and the rest of you can sit where ever you want also.” YAY! Jinyoung oppa is sitting next to me. I missed him. We used to have such great times as little kids. Then he had to debut and become a singer.

“SHINKI! HI! Long time no see! You know how much I missed you? Ah. I missed you too much!” Jinyoung oppa said while hugging me. “Haha, I missed you too Jinyoung Oppa...but… I…can’t…breathe.” I said back to him. He was hugging me a little too tight at the time. “Oh, sorry…hahah…Got too carried away.”

Later after school me and B1A4 went to the park we used to hang out at all the time. They said they didn’t have a schedule today and their manager let them. We spent the whole day there, well almost the whole day. We talked and caught up with each other’s lives.

“Shinki, you know you could have become a singer too? We know you have a GREAT voice!” Gongchan oppa, the youngest one said, Haha he’s always hyper.”Thanks Gongchan oppa, I’m glad you think so.” I replied with a smile. We walked to a café afterwards. They ordered then we left and just walked around Seoul. Today was a pretty good day.

The next day Shinki and B1A4 walked together to school. They all had the same classes so it probably wasn’t that bad. Although other students got pretty jealous that Shinki and B1A4 were such close friends. The Queenka’s most likely. They are people you don’t want to mess with.

As Shinki entered the class a bucket of water splashed on her. “Oh look! Shinki just took a shower class!” One of the queenka’s shouted. “SHINKI-AH! Are you ok? , WHO DID THAT! It’s NOT nice!” Jinyoung said checking on Shinki and then looking back and the queenka’s group, eyeing them meanly. Jessica, one of the queenka’s said, “Jinyoung~, Why would you think it’s one of us? Why would we even hurt Shinki like that?” Jessica said it with an annoying tone. “Whatever, Come on Shinki let’s go get you dried up and a change of clothes.” Jinyoung said leading Shinki out the door. “Ugh! What’s so special about her anyway? She’s not as pretty as me…right?” Jessica thought going back to her seat.

 “Why would someone do that to Shinki?” I thought as I walked Shinki to the office. I told the rest of the members to go ahead to class. I didn’t want them to miss. I told Shinwoo Hyung to copy the notes for me and get the assignment for me that I missed. I’m glad the teacher let me take care of Shinki. “Uhm, Sir, Do you have an extra uniform for Shinki? Someone soaked hers.” I asked the person in the office.He replied, “I’m sorry but we don’t, did you want to contact someone at her house to see if they could bring clothes? We can excuse her for not wearing a uniform for today.” I said back, “Sir, Shinki lives by herself…wait Shinki you do live by yourself right?”, “Owh, Yea I do…” She answered back … although, not so happily answered back. “Yea, so I don’t think we’ll be able to contact anyone, would you trust us and let us go to her house and get her changed?” I continued to talk to him.

Luckily he let us go to Shinki’s house to let her dry up and change. We walked to her house. She’s shivering though. Jinyoung give her your jacket, don’t let her freeze and get sick! “Here Shinki, you’re going to get sick, wear my jacket to cool you down some.” I said while handing her my jacket. “Owh, Thank you Jinyoung oppa!” She gladly took my jacket. We reached her house,she dried off and changed. Then we left to go back to school. Even though I didn’t want to, but owh well.

Jinyoung oppa is so nice. He offered me his jacket and offered to take me back home. He even convinced the guy in the front office to let us go back to my house so I can change! No wonder why I liked him so much. Wait! I mean like him … as a friend. YEA! That’s what I mean. Haha, Nothing more…I think. Me and Jinyoung oppa arrived at school and checked in then left to go back to class. It was our lunch break so we just went striate to the cafeteria area.

“Shinki!” I heard someone shouting my name. “SHINKI!!” There it is again. I turned around and saw Sandeul and Baro oppa running towards me. “Yah! Hi! , Ahhaha, you all act like you haven’t seen me in like…years!” I said as the stopped in front of me. Gongchan oppa then came out of nowhere and hugged me. Jinyoung oppa pulled him off of me and said, “Gongchan that’s enough hugging kid, you’ll see her again later.” I wonder why Jinyoung oppa did that…usually he lets Gongchan hug me. “Shinki, our manager wanted you to come with us to the company today, he said that the people wanted to hear you sing.” Shinwoo oppa said walking towards us. “Owh, really? Uhm… ok then, When? Right after school?” I replied. Shinwoo oppa was about to reply but they called for me and B1A4 to the front office. Hmm…that’s weird.

When Shinki and B1A4 got to the office, they were surprised on why they were there. B1A4’s manager was there to check them out. When they left the school and saw B1A4’s van. “Ok, you kids already told Shinki about the singing thing right?” The manager asked B1A4 as they got seated. They all answered in unison, “YES!” They drove off to meet the company people. The company was more of an Entertainment company for artist and actors.

We got to WM entertainment building. We entered the studio that they told us to. “Shinki, nice to finally meet you, I’ve always wanted to meet you. The members of B1A4 almost never stope talking about you. So you are going to be recording a song with them today. I am going to be listening. Work hard! Ok! Now you all go in there and start!” Mr.Jang told us. We all started singing Only One, which is one of our songs from our First Mini Album. Wow! Shinki’s voice really… WOW! “Jinyoung hyung…Jinyoung hyung!...JINYOUNG HYUNG!!” Baro yelled in my ear and I went back into reality from what I was thinking. “Owh, sorry Baro, What was that?” I didn’t know if he said something or not so… “I said that we finished and Mr. Jang and he has news for Shinki and wants us to hear it too.” We all turned out attention to Mr. Jang.

“Well…That was a LOT different from what I expected…VERY VERY different…” Mr.Jang said as he looked down. Did I do bad? … Did my voice crack? …Did I not sound good enough? I kept asking questions in my head. Shinki calm down, He’s probably just trying to surprise me. “IT WAS SO GOOD! I DIDN’T EXPECT YOU TO BE THAT GOOD! I have to admit you’re better than some of these girl singers out there!” He said. I just stood there shocked. “Uhmm…T-thank-k...Y-yo-you…” I was too shocked, I guess I stuttered too. “So… You wanted to debut right? You probably won’t have to be a trainnie for that long too, with a voice like that you probably won’t really need to be one.” Did…did he just say… debut! I ran up to him and hugged him and replied, “YES YES YES YES!!, I would love to debut!..” I let go, “under one condition...” He just looked t me weird, “and what is that?” … “I get to stick with B1A4.” I said blankly. He agreed happily to my “condition”. We went to celebrate about my debuting at my place.

After a few months of setting things up and planning for my debut, we finally finished. My first song was about to come out soon and I was officially going to be a singer! That means more working hard and less sleep. I would have to have fan signs and concerts and prepare. They taught me how to dance too. I knew how to dance already but not as good. I’m finally becoming officially a singer!

I got off the stage and was greeted by three of my fans. They asked me to sign an autograph for them and I did. I was the last performance of the night so the building was kind of empty. It was almost night time so I decided to go walk around the city. I thought to myself, “I guess debuting wasn’t such a bad idea after all.”

A year has passed since I have debuted. To my surprise I became pretty popular. I have A BUNCH of fans. I even have a name for them, Trusties. B1A4 and I got closer to each other and caught up. We have stages and duets together too! This company for movie and dramas even asked to be the main lead for a love drama, but I couldn’t take the roll. I wanted to but…Jinyoung said I couldn’t…He’s been over protective over me. So have the others, just not as protective as him. Jinyoung won’t let me hug a guy, EVEN THE MEMBERS for over 5 seconds. I know it’s crazy, and when I do, HAHA! He gets jealous, he says he’s not, but he obviously is.

How should I confess to Shinki? This is so annoying! Yes I like her…no… love her. I’ve loved her since before the group debuted. You know how many guys asked me if she was single. Of course I said no, I mean really? They would think of a way to court her. I DON’T WANT THAT! I know I’m being over protective and selfish but I love her and I can’t help it.

“Jinyoung, Can you go clean the room, I have to make lunch, since I’m the only one that actually cooks… well besides Shinki but she’s not here so...” Shinwoo hyung Said walking to the kitchen. Wait! Shinki isn’t… owh yea, she went out with the guys to go finish their schedule. Why can’t I have a schedule with her. I went to clean the room as hyung requested. While I was cleaning I was thinking of how to tell her. Why does confessing have to be so hard?! I gave up on thinking and just cleaned to get my mind off of things.

While Jinyoung was cleaning Shinki was in a Showcase with Sandeul, Baro, And Gongchan. It lasted about 30 minutes then they left. They didn’t have anything else on their schedule so they decided to go home because Shinwoo called them for lunch. After they had lunch they went out to the park. B1A4 and Shinki didn’t have anything more schedule for the rest of the day. Gongchan and Baro were swinging; Shinwoo was playing basketball with Baro. Jinyoung and you were walking around the park trail.

“Why is my heart beating so fast? It has been like this before when I’m Jinyoung…But its beating really fast right now…like something is going to happen.” Shinki thought to herself. “Should I tell her? Seems like the right time... Gosh, my heart is beating so fast right now, I should just tell her…” Jinyoung thought while stepping in front of Shinki. “Here goes nothing” Jinyoung thought, “Shinki…” He paused. “Yeah?” Shinki looked up at Jinyoung with a puzzled look on her face. “Uhm… I… Uhm…”

That’s weird, Jinyoung just stopped and now he’s saying something. “I….this is harder to say than I thought… Hahahh … Shinki… I…Love…You.” Did he just …. Confess… I have a REALLY shocked face right now and my cheeks are probably really red. My hearts beating so fast! I love him too… Who wouldn’t? He has a perfect face, He has a GREAT voice, and he’s just so …. Perfect…I can’t even…Jinyoung why? Haha… I’m too shy to say I love you back. But I guess it’s time to say it right?

Shinki’s not saying anything. This is what I was scared of. Great Jinyoung, just great, now it’s going to be awkward all the time. “Jinyoung… I…” PLEASE SAY YOU LOVE ME TOO!! PLEASE!!! “Haha, Jinyoung silly kid, I’ve always loved you!” She’s now hugging me. She…She loves me too! YES! She said that she always loved me. “I’ve always loved you too Shinki. Always.” I hugged her back.

“Awwhh!, Finally you two get together! Hyung how long has it been since Jinyoung hyung has been writing songs about her?” Sandeul just popped out of nowhere, well he came from the playground but still. Sandeul wasn’t supposed to say that out loud! I’m so going to beat him when we get home. Not literally but… you know.

“Jinyoung! You write songs about me?!?” Ok, I did now know that Jinyoung wrote songs about me. WOW! THIS IS SO EXCITING! “Hahah…” Jinyoung said while rubbing his nape. “Yea, I do... You’ve heard them before actually… You know… Bling Girl and Only One. Yea … Those songs were written for you.” Jinyoung said kinda shyly. That is so sweet! Wow, I never thought he actually wrote those for me. “Thank you Jinyoung, now I know why I love those songs so much!” Yes, Now I know why.

B1A4 and I went back to the apartment because it was getting dark. I have to admit this was the best night ever. When we got home, the manager told us to meet in the living room for some news.

“Ok as you guys know, well you don’t know… BUT I’m about to tell you… SO! B1A4… And Shinki of course, is going to be in a drama, they asked if the main characters can be Jinyoung and Shinki, Are you all ok with that?” Their manager asked them. They all yelled of excitement, except for Shinki and Jinyoung, They were shocked and their jaws dropped. “We’re going to be in a movie together! AS THE MAIN ROLLS!” They both thought as they just stared at the manager. “Seems like you are, OK! That’s good, I’ll go notify them then, Owh and Jinyoung are you two… together? Why you both holding hands?” The manger asked Jinyoung. Jinyoung and Shinki pulled their hands away and blushed. “Haha, young love.” The manager said shaking his head.

It has been almost a year. We finished filming the drama. It was funny on how many mistakes we made because Sandeul oppa would just laugh his off. The movie made Jinyoung and our relationship better. Yes we are still together. We even made it public to the fans. Miyeon called me! I invited her to ALL of my concerts. She found herself a boyfriend too! It’s some guy from another band, haha!

As I finished up with my performance, I realized I wasn’t feeling too well that day. I think I was sick… I wasn’t sure. I tried to walk to my dressing room without gagging. I was halfway there… then… What is Naeun doing with Jinyoung? Why is she clinging onto him like that? “Jinyoung oppa?” I walk up behind them. “Shinki! Hey!” Jinyoung turned around and tried to make Naeun pull away from him, but it didn’t work. “Naeun, can you let go of my Jinyoung oppa’s arm? Please?” I asked politely. Jinyoung shrugged her off and went to hold my hand. I can see that Naeun was mad. I don’t care really, I have my Jinnie oppa.

“Shinki, you know I will always only love you right?” Haha Jinyoung was asking me these questions again. “OF COURSE! But I won’t” I said and stuck out my tongue and ran to my dressing room. I didn’t really mean it of course I will always love him. Jinyoung ran and tried to catch me while I was running. I tripped on a bag that was lying on the floor and closed my eyes waiting for a bang…But I didn’t. I slowly opened my eyes and … Jinyoung was holding my waist. Jinyoung caught me. We haven’t had these types of moments in so long. Then I realized how close our faces were. Jinyoung quickly pecked my lips and then picked me up to my feet again. “Don’t lie to me Shinki… It’s not funny.” Jinyoung said with a very serious face.

“I’ve always loved you and I will always love you.”

This love, I hope will last forever.

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@iiMoon THXS!! , My friend made it for me :D , I love her picture editing!! ^^
Your poster is AMAZING! >:O