
Coffee Shop


You hummed to yourself as you drew a leaf in the foam of the current cup of coffee you were tending to. Once finished, you put it on the counter.


“Hyunseong, your order!” You called. A male about your age rushed up to grab his coffee and he thanked you while giving you a smile, one you recognized, but you couldn't exactly remember where you had seen him. He left and sat down at the only available table by the window before you realized that he had been there the previous day and had ordered the same thing. He had flashed you a smile then, too. You couldn't help but smile to yourself. Your friend and roommate, Misun, who was working the cash register, noticed this when she handed you your next coffee job.


“He's pretty cute,” She said, grinning.


“What? Well, yeah,” You said, blushing slightly as you took the paper from her and got started, “but, I mean, unless he's able to start up a conversation, we're never even gonna be friends,” you shrugged.


“I'll tell him to next time, then,” Misun giggled. You shook your head and rolled your eyes and she pouted, “What? You'd be cute together!”


“How do you know he doesn't have a girlfriend already?”


“Well, he might, but he might not,” she said, turning to the cash register as another customer walked in the door. You finished the order you were working on just in time to receive that one and start working on it.


During your break, Misun brought him up again.


“He's got a nice name, too. ____ and Hyunseong,” she sighed dreamily.


“Well, if you like him so much, why don't you hit on him instead?” you asked.


“I'm not fantasizing about me and him, I'm day dreaming about you and him,” she said, crossing her arms. You stared at her weirdly, “I am going down with this ship.”


“You can't ship real people, Misun, especially if you know them, it's weird,”


I am going down with this ship,” she repeated.


“Boy, I sure do know how to pick my friends,” You said sarcastically


“You love me,” she responded, grinning cheekily and you laughed.


The rest of the day went smoothly, business slowing down as the day went on. Once you both finished your shifts, you and Misun left work and headed to your apartment. She knew you didn't feel like talking about the Hyunseong deal, so she didn't bring it up. You were a little worried about what the next day would bring, however, and you half prayed that Hyunseong wouldn't come.


Your wishes didn't come true, however, as you looked up and saw him walking through the front door. Misun turned to you and winked. You blushed slightly and shook your head.


Once you finished his order, you called him up.


He smiled at you, like usual, and then took a sip.


“It's always best when you make it,” he said. You blushed and thanked him and he chuckled as he took his coffee and sat down at the same table he sat at the previous day.


“What'd he say?” Misun whispered.


“He-- he said it's-- he said it's always best when I make it,” you stuttered. Misun squealed quietly and you sighed, “it-- it's just a compliment, Misun, it doesn't mean he wants to date me.”


“I know, but it's still cute!” she said, reaching up and pinching your cheeks, “ah, my little ____, growing up.” she pretended to wipe away a tear of happiness and sniffled a little.


“Misun, I'm older than you by a year and a half,” you muttered.


“I don't care,” she said promptly before taking the next order.


Hyunseong had left before your break, much to Misun's dismay. She had been hoping that you could both chat for a little and maybe you could swap phone numbers or e-mails or something.


“You're working way too hard at this, Misun. Shouldn't you concentrate on your own love life?”


“How can I when my best friend is on the verge of finding love?” She exclaimed.


“This isn't a drama, you know,”


“I know, I know,” she said, waving you off. The day ended as it had the day before, the both of you taking a nice walk back to your apartment.


The next day, when he came up to get his coffee, he said, “your friend gave me your number,” he held up the receipt with the words “____'s number! Text her! Also, her break is at 12:00 and it's for an hour! Take her to lunch or something!” and hearts drawn all around it.


“She-- she what?! I—I'm sorry, she's-- I'm sorry,” you sighed, shaking your head. A blush, which you seemed to be doing a lot lately, stained your cheeks.


“So I can't keep it, then?” He said.


“N-no, you can! I just... why do you want it?” You asked


He laughed.


“If you're uncomfortable with me having it, I'll toss it,”


“No, that's not it, I'm just surprised! Why would you want it?”


“So we can be friends,”


Your blush darkened.


“Well, th-then text me and... yeah, then I'll have your number, or s-something,” you responded, fidgeting.


“I'll come by at 12:00,” he responded and you remembered that Misun had put your break time on his receipt.


“O-okay,” you said nodding. He smiled at you, took his coffee, and sat down.


“I heard everything,” Misun said, grinning like she'd just won the lottery.

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wah! when are you going to update? can you please update? i really miss this story. xD i really like it. so pleeeeeeaaase. update soon :D
I <3 your story..

Plz update soon..<3
Jeongmin WAS my bias until I searched up for Hyunseung fanfics. D: So less! Now I'm Hyunseong-biased. x3
oooh! please update! i love the story! :)
Update soon! I like how it is going! :D
can you please update!! i love this story so far!!<br />
awe! love that boy! can't wait for the next update!
changhyun #8