
too cute


Never in a million years did he think for even a second that he would act this way. For a young child, perhaps he would, a dog as well, but this was ridiculous. He wasn’t a cat person; in fact he had encountered too many awful cats to ever consider going near any cats again. But this little silver tabby kitten was a bundle of absolute joy and he just couldn’t help himself. Even though it was nipping at his fingers with nail like teeth and could feel the scrape of needle thin on his hands, but he couldn’t bring himself to care.

He found himself cooing at the kitten, speaking in a baby voice as he fawned over the tiny feline, kissing its ears, head, nose, cheek, teasing its tail and scratching at the base. Then it began purring and he felt like he could die. It was just so cute.

“Minho, you’re scaring me.” Kibum muttered.

Ignoring his friend’s comment, Minho picked up the feather tipped stick and waved it in front of the kitten’s face, watching as pupils dilated, ears perked forward and it reached up tentatively at first before it lunged at the feathers, landing against Minho’s firm chest with a quiet thump before it got back up and tried again. He laughed softly, watching as the kitten shook on his stomach which his shifting muscles, but continued to attack the toy without resolve. It followed the toy off Minho’s lap and onto the lounge, over his legs to the other side and back again. He laughed softly, eventually taking the cat around it’s belly and lifting it back up to his chest, kissing by it’s ear and scratching under the sensitive chin, eliciting content purrs from within the kitten’s chest.

“And here I thought you were coming to visit me.” Kibum muttered with a roll of his eyes, returning from his small kitchen with a cup of tea for the both of them. “And I thought you hated cats.”

“I do.” Minho replied, sounding less affirmative than his statement would have sounded before he walked into the apartment.

Kibum rolled his eyes again. “Hang on, I need a photo of this moment.” He muttered, grabbing for his phone and standing up, trying to get the best shot he could of his cat-phobic friend nuzzling his newly owned kitten. “Ugh, come on kitty look this way.” He muttered, clicking to his right to get the kitten’s attention. Finally getting the photo he was after, Kibum sat down and admired it with a smile. “There, now I can prove that even you can change your mind.”

“I never said I wasn’t one to be swayed. This is the first cat that hasn’t tried to kill me or put its in my face.”

“That’ll come soon enough.” Kibum assured him with a sip of his tea.

Sitting back against the lounge Minho slowly drank his tea, absently petting the kitten that had settled comfortably on his broad chest, head resting upon its paws that were folded by his left shoulder. It continued to purr until it was finally asleep, body still except for it’s breathing, exhausted after the time Minho spent playing with it.

“Kibum.” Minho whispered after a long few hours talking and watching television with his friend.

Kibum hummed in response.

“I can’t get up, your cat is sleeping on me.” Minho reasoned.

“Then move her.”

“I don’t want to disturb her.” Minho whined softly, looking down at her though he couldn’t see much of her from his angle. “She’s so peaceful…”

Kibum looked over and only reached for his phone to take another few photos. “Well, you might just have to disturb her, Minho. You have an early class tomorrow and you said your parent’s you expecting you home. Besides, she’s a cat, she’ll just go straight back to sleep wherever you put her.”

Receiving no reply, Kibum glanced over and couldn’t help but smile. Minho had fallen asleep at some point during his last sentence and his kitten was still sleeping upon his chest, the pair almost breathing in time. With a shake of his head, Kibum stood and carefully shifted Minho, the kitten barely noticing the moment, until his friend was lying properly on the lounge.

“You’re an idiot, Minho.” He muttered, laying a blanket over most of Minho without covering the feline. Unable to resist, he gently brushed hair from Minho’s forehead and admired him for a long moment, feeling like his heart would burst. “Jooeun-ah.” He muttered, petting the feline’s head softly. “You may have just given me another chance. You’re the best.” He whispered to her, kissing her head before daringly touching lips to Minho’s forehead with a hushed goodnight barely making a sound as it left his mouth. 






just a little dash of minkey because i cant help myself lmao

seriously tho when i saw the pic of minho with the kitty i screamed and then cried for a good half hour because i couldnt believe my eyes. it was a shinee kitten TTuTT made my ing year like omfgfpieagdsrfjdkgnc


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Chapter 1: Sooo cute, I love how you describe how Minho was playing with the kitten ^^
Awww the ending poor Key >.<
Shiroshi #2
That was soooo cute! Now I want to adopt a cat even more than before :3 They are so sweet! Would you write a sequel? Please, please, pretty please *cat eyes*
Chapter 1: LOL the first thing i thought about when i saw that pic on tumblr was "shineekitten's going to love that and probably write a fanfic about it" xD
Lovely oneshot as always~
JojoCircus_ #4
Chapter 1: Omg the picture is exactly what I was doing. Lmaooo omg this was just soo cute :3
Chapter 1: when I first saw this picture on my dashboard I screamed. I thought it is a Minkey,too. By the way your fic is really too cute ^.^
Chapter 1: awwwwwww too cute i wish there was a sequel
keny_shawol #7
Chapter 1: This is really cute. I love it
Chapter 1: Everyone that adopts a kitten from a shelter gets a free Minho! (I'm first in line- back off!!!) XD
Chapter 1: Aaaw... This story surely adorable and i kinda like it... You really good making a good fluffy story... By the way the pic is so cute.... >.< Can i have them too???
Chapter 1: OMG TOOO CUTE!