
Hot for My Professor
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"Kangin isn't mine. I'm not Kangin's." These thoughts fill my head as I run far away from him. How long has he been seeing Sungmin behind my back? Did he ever love me? Was I just convienent for him?

"Oh sorry Professor!" Kyuhyun says after bumping into me "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I say trying to hide the tears. I mean he probably wouldn't pay attention anways but I don't want to be seen like this, especially by him

"I can tell you're not. Would you like to go out or a drink with me?" He asks. Normally I'd have better judgement and say no, but I'm not in my right or normal mind


"Do you want a piggyback?"

"But I'm not drunk."


"No thank you Kyuhyun."

"I want to do something to make your tears stop flowing."

"Then let's go for a drink, your choice."

"Do you like wine bars?"

"I don't feel sophisticated enough for that."


"Why not." I say as he wraps his arm around my shoulder "What's that for?"

"I feel awkward not doing something with our hands."

"People might get the wrong idea."

"Let them, if I have to explain, I'll just say it's a gesture of goodwill amongst friends."

"Thank you."

"Will you tell me what's wrong now?"

"Sure if you really care." I say nonchalantly

"Leeteuk, do you want to know something?"


"I've had a crush on you since freshman year." He says kissing my cheek

"R... Really?" I ask blushing

"I have been waiting for the day I could call you mine. I know that this is a bad time with your relationship with..."

"We broke up. I saw him with a student. I'm just left wondering, wasn't I good enough for him?"

"If he's too stupid to see what a great person you are he deserves to burn in hell."

"Kyuhyun! Don't wish that on your professor!"

"At the moment, he isn't. He's someone who broke my love's heart."

"Kyuhyun... we can't date."

"Until after I graduate but I only have a week left."

"What about Sungmin?"

"What about him?"

"Won't he be angry at you for cheating? HOw have you two made it this long if you've always had a crush on me?!"

"Sungmin and I never dated."



"I see the way he looks at you Kyuyhyun, I'm not blind."

"He likes Kangin."

"Do you mind if we hold hands?" I ask him

"Oh of course Leeteuk."

"Thank you."

"We're here. I know this place isn't by any means fancy but I like it here."

"It smells like home."

"Beer and Brandy?"


"Do you still want to go here?"

"I just want a drink."

"Okay." Kyuhyun says as he wraps an arm around me protectively and we head into the bar

"Hey Kyuhyun, whose this cutie?"

"This is Leeteuk. Leeteuk, Heechul."


"Take a load off, what do you want?"

"Two beers." Kyuhyun answers for us

"Hey did it look like I was talking to you Choo?"<

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Chapter 3: Gahd!
Chapter 1: The heck
Chapter 4: Please author nim!!!! Update! Update update! LOL
siezzy #4
Chapter 4: wow..kyu you surely work it fast. now they are together, the smexy time is close I guess XD
siezzy #5
seem interesting, I'm gonna subscribe this~
yunitaelf #6
Chapter 4: so they are dating now?
i like kyuhyun protective to leeteuk ^^
anniedays #7
seems sweet
yunitaelf #8
Chapter 3: poor leeteuk :(
he must love kangin so much...
and kyuhyun have a change to capture leeteuk heart
ghostorchid #9
Thank you for another Kyuteuk story! Something to be excited over waiting what will happen...
yunitaelf #10
yay! another kyuteuk stories ^^
leeteuk be a professor???
hehe..kyuhyun had crush with leeteuk