First Date~Chen

Disneyland Date With EXO

You and your boyfriend Chen have been dating for about 2 weeks now. For your first date, he decides to take you to Disneyland. You arrive and enter Disneyland. Chen went to buy your Minnie hat and himself a Mickey hat. You both walked around the park looking for a ride.

"We should ride Space Mountain" Chen said

Chen drags you to Space Mountain. After waiting in line for 10 minutes, you're in the front.

"Do you want to ride in the front or the back?" you asked

"The front" Chen said

Once the ride ended, you looked for other rides. After 4 hours of nonstop fun, you both sit down at the closest bench.

"Hows the date so far?" Chen asked

"Very fun. I love it Chen" you said

Chen smiled and said "Well i'm glad your have fun. There's something I have to show you ___"

"What is it?" you asked

"You'll see once we get there" Chen said

Chen grabbed your hand and took you to the place he was going to show you. You arrive at Storybook Land. You were confused at first but went along with it. You and Chen got a boat to yourselves.

"What did you want to show me?" You asked

"You'll see" Chen said

Your boat began to sail off. You were looking around to see the surprise. Chen kept laughing at you.

"Ok look to your right" Chen said while smiling

You look to your right a see poloroids of you and Chen from elementry school.

"Oppa what is this?" You asked

"Just keep looking" Chen said

As the ride went on, you saw more poloroids from middle school,high school and college. You couldn't help but smile. All the pictures you saw took you back to all the memories with Chen.


You and your best friend Chen were walking home from school. Chen lived next to you so he walked you home everyday. You had a huge crush on Chen and Chen had a huge crush on you.

"_____ can I ask you something?" Chen asked

"Sure what is it?" you asked

"Let say there's a girl that I like, and I have a huge crush on her since middle school. Do you think I should ask her out?" Chen asked

Your heart broke little by little and your heard about the "girl" he likes.

"Yeah you should. I mean if you like her that much, ask her out" you said with a fake smile

"But the one is I don't know if she likes me or not" Chen said

"Do I know her? I can ask for you if you want" you suggested

"Yeah you know her and its fine. I can ask her myself" Chen said

You felt your heart tore in half when he said that

"Who is she?" you asked

"You _____. Its you" Chen said

Chen's cheek became red and yours too.

"Really?" you asked

"Yeah. Ha I know its almost the end of the year and we're almost graduting but, will you go out with me ____" Chen asked

"Yes!" you said

You both smiled at each other and gave each other a hug. As you walked home, you laced your hand with his hand.

"I was gonna confess to you too but I guess you beat me to it" you said

Chen laughed.

"But what about your training at SM?" you asked

"Don't worry about it. As long as I have you by my side, i'll be fine. Even if I become a huge star, i'll still be your one and only ChenChen" Chen said

~End of Flashback~

You started to cry and didn't even notice.

"____ are you ok?" Chen said as he wiped you tears

"Yeah i'm fine. All the memories are coming back to me" you said

"I know" Chen said

"ChenChen, I love this" you said

Chen got off his seat and sat next to you. His arms were around your waist and you rested your head on his shoulder. Chen started to sing Moonlight to you. The ride was about to end. You picked up the last poloroid.

"I remember this day. It was the day we graduated" you said while smiling

Chen smiled and said "Let's take one right now"

Chen got his poloroid camera out. You quickly wiped your tears.

"Hana, deul, set" Chen said

"First day with my beautiful lady" Chen said

"And my handsome man" you said

"You both shared a kiss and continued your day at Disneyland.

"Best first date ever" you said

"I love you ____" Chen said while smiling

"I love you too Chen" you said while smiling

You kissed Chen on the cheek and saw a flash.

"This ones a keeper" Chen said

Chen did the same to you and you took the pic of him kissing you on the cheek.

You smiled and said " I know"


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dhiiaps #1
Chapter 6: 좋아 ♥ i love baekhyun too ^^
Chapter 2: I love them all <3
oh my gosh~ so cute~