Once Upon A Dream

sorry this chapter is short. i was just inspired to write this all of a sudden and i thought you guys would want some eunhae action. tell me what you think after reading this. enjoy ^^


It was another frustrating day in King Donghae's castle.


The members of the royal council were once again stressed on how his kingdom has been suffering miserably and how much it was an outrage for their ruler to do nothing. Donghae sighed as they badger him with questions and complaints he barely understood since they were all talking at the same time. What can he say anyway? They wouldn't listen. They wouldn't understand. He was too young to be a king. His projects were not working. More people are suffering. And he can't do anything.


"Now now my dear brothers, I don't think talking at the same time would help our young ruler here." Leeteuk, the oldest, finally said in Donghae's relief. He always favored him, that hyung of his. And he was very thankful to have him. "I think it is high time for us to do what we have talked about during our last meeting."


"But Leeteuk, it is far too risky! They are both stubborn and incompetent. What can they do?" Of course Kangin would disagree, Donghae thought in annoyance.


"Please Kangin. We both know their potentials. We trained them ourselves! I think this is the best way for them to show what they can really do." Leeteuk smiled that angelic smile of his and Donghae thinks that maybe his hyung doesn't favor him after all.


Needless to say, Donghae was happy to be able to finally rest that night. Like any other day, he was looking forward to sleep and finally dream of a better place to be. He was however in for a surprise as he saw someone walking around his bedroom like it was their own.


Greatly annoyed, Donghae straightened up his posture and made sure to use his most authorative voice. "What are you doing in the King's quarters?" The stranger looked back at him and snorted which greatly irked the king. "Please. I wouldn't want to be in this dumpsite you call a room."


Donghae was fuming at the pompous man that was in front of him but thanks to years of royal training, he controlled his emotions and once again talked to the man. "I would forgive that rudeness of yours if you would tell me who you are to speak in such an ill-mannered way to the king as well as the reason for your intrusion to my private space."


The man smirked and crossed his arms in front of him. "Nice to meet you Your Majesty. I am your royal adviser, Lee Eunhyuk. And I am here to help you become a better ruler of this kingdom."

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I would love this even more if you soon would give some tone to the story dear~ like describing surroundings and some sort to add as fillers and motifs? But otherwise, this is jjang! The relationship between the King ang his adviser may look downright romantic at first already, but I'm going to take it as more of a sibling relationship because Donghae is young right? :3 and he trusts the man due to him introducing him to people who believes.

D'aww update soon nae? Hwaiting! This is really interesting!
spo-ria #2
the story is kind of bittersweet >< but I like it, looking forward to the development of eunhae's relationship hihi ^^ but when you say Donghae's young, how young is he? good luck <3!