"Love will enter cloaked in friendship's name." -Ovid

Just Out of Reach

aegitae says: Hi hyungie~!

pabororo says: Minnie!

pabororo says: How was your day? :)

aegitae says: It was great! :D  And yours?

pabororo says: …not so great.

aegitae says: Aww… D: wae?

pabororo says: You remember that friend I told you about who has that weird condition?

aegitae says: Onew-hyung?

pabororo says: Yeah.

aegitae says: Well, what happened?

pabororo says: Onew-hyung tripped over my foot at lunch today.

pabororo says: He fell onto Jonghyun, who grabbed Key to steady himself, but then that threw Key off and he dropped his lunch tray.

aegitae says: wow…

pabororo says: Of course he flipped it onto me. -_-;

aegitae says: o.o

aegitae says: Yikes…

aegitae says: You have dangerous friends.

pabororo says: I do…

pabororo says: Oh, and Onew tripped over a bomb after school, which was really small and only set the school on fire, but we barely got out in time, and now we have to find a new school. T__T

aegitae says: WHAT?! SERIOUSLY?

pabororo says: Haha no I’m kidding.

aegitae says: I hate you. XD

pabororo says: haha XD

aegitae says: No seriously, I hate you. -__-“

pabororo says: D:

aegitae says: jk ^-^

pabororo says:


Minho chuckled as he saw another message pop up from his friend.  His eyes unfocused, allowing his gaze to drift off into space as his mind wandered back in time.  He could remember clearly the day they met online, including most of the details of their first conversation.  He just wished he could remember exactly which day that was.  All he had was a general idea of when it had happened over summer break the previous year.  If only he could remember the exact date, he would be able to celebrate the day his life really began.

It had happened on the official fan website of one of Minho’s favorite bands.  He had been browsing the forums for the first time, and came across a message posted by ‘choconana’, a new fan introducing himself to the rest of the fandom.  He found the username rather adorable, although it induced a craving for chocolate bananas.  He clicked on the message and left a comment.  Within three minutes the user replied, and before he knew it, they had exchanged instant messenger accounts and were having a full-blown conversation.  The two felt a connection instantly.  They became fast friends, growing closer with each other by the day, and confiding things in each other that they would never tell even their best friends before.

His new friend had made fun of his screen name at first when he told him it was a combination of ‘pabo’ and ‘keroro’.  He about it, asking why in the world anyone would name himself ‘stupid frog’.  When he explained that he had lost a bet, his friend apologized and gave him sympathy, but he kept teasing him anyway.

Even though they were only acquainted through the internet, Minho wanted to celebrate the anniversary of the day his friend came into his life, because the boy had changed his life more than he had thought anyone ever could.  He gave him meaning, something to live for, something to reach for…his friend was the shining star in the sky, which he was determined to grab onto even if it was out of his reach.


aegitae says: Hyung, stop ignoring me! =_=

pabororo says: Sorry Minnie…I was just remembering something. ^^

aegitae says: Remembering what?

pabororo says: When we found each other.

aegitae says: Oooh~! :D

pabororo says: I can’t remember what day it was though. T__T

aegitae says: I can!

pabororo says: Eh?  Seriously?

aegitae says: Of course!  How could I forget the most important day of my life? ^-^

pabororo says: When was it?

aegitae says: My birthday!

pabororo says: July 18th?

aegitae says: Yup! ^-^

pabororo says: Wuaah…thanks!  I’ll never forget it. :)

aegitae says: Good.  You’d better not!  Haha.

aegitae says: Seriously, you’d better not.  I’ll kill you! :P

pabororo says: Don’t worry.  I could never forget the most important day of my life either. ^^

aegitae says: ;3;

pabororo says: <3


Taemin’s breath caught in his throat when he saw the heart on his screen.  Should he reply with another?  Would that be too much?  Would it make him too obvious?  He nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a knock on his bedroom door.  Acting quickly upon reflex, he slammed his laptop shut, grabbed a schoolbook, paper, and a pencil, and took a flying leap onto his bed.

The knock was repeated.  “Taemin?”

“Yes ma’am?” he replied, trying to keep the nervousness out of his voice.

“Are you doing homework?”

“Yes.”  Taemin bit his lip, trying to calm his breathing.

“Alright.  Keep working.  I’ll call you when dinner is ready.”

“Arasseo…thanks umma.”  He let out a sigh of relief as he heard his mother’s footsteps leaving his door.  Abandoning his homework, Taemin jumped back up and pulled his laptop open, typing in his password and quickly explaining his disappearance to Minho.


aegitae says: Sorry…it was umma.  You know how strict my parents are about this stuff.

pabororo says: It’s alright.  I don’t want you to get in trouble because of me.

aegitae says: Technically it would be my fault. =3=

pabororo says: I know, but I’d still feel guilty. XD;

aegitae says: hehe

pabororo says: Now go do your homework!  I know you.  You haven’t even touched it yet!

aegitae says: I have touched it…

pabororo says: Only to pretend in front of your mom.

aegitae says:

pabororo says: Am I right?

aegitae says: Maybe. >.>;

pabororo says: See?  *proud*

pabororo says: Now go do it so you don’t get in trouble.

aegitae says: But I don’t wanna… ;3;

aegitae says: I wanna talk to you…

pabororo says: I’ll still be here when you get back.

aegitae says: But…

pabororo says: Taemin.

pabororo says: Homework.

pabororo says: NOW.

aegitae says: Arasseo. ;3;


Taemin was a very precious friend to Minho.  Sure, he had friends at school, and they were important to him too.  They were as close as brothers.  But Taemin was even more than that.  Call him crazy, but Minho was in love with a boy he had never even met.  As their friendship grew, Minho’s feelings grew with them, and he wasn’t sure when it had happened, but by the time he realized it, he had fallen hopelessly in love with the younger boy.  He broke up with his girlfriend only a month after his friendship with Taemin began, because his life practically revolved around the boy.  Minho believed that if he had a girlfriend, he should devote himself to her completely; his life should revolve around her.  So when Taemin so completely distracted him from the girl, he knew without a doubt that she wasn’t the one for him.  And because it would be unfair to her for them to continue their relationship, he broke up with her.

At that point, Minho hadn’t realized yet that he was in love with Taemin, but it didn’t take much longer.  The seed was planted in his heart.  It took root and sprouted, slowly growing and maturing into a blossoming flower, albeit a hidden beauty.  He hadn’t told Taemin about his feelings.  He was scared of being rejected; more than that, he was scared of ruining this perfect friendship they had.  But at the same time, he knew he couldn’t hide it forever.  Their friendship was perfect as a friendship, but he wasn’t satisfied.  He wanted something more.  He wanted Taemin’s heart, and he wanted Taemin to know that he already held his within the palms of his hands.  He wanted to know that it would be safe there, no matter what happened.

So he decided he would ask Taemin to date him.  Minho took a deep breath to calm his nerves before typing a message.  Once it was sent, he leaned back and stared at the computer’s screen, his stomach twisting in convulsing knots.  There was no turning back now.


pabororo says: Minnie, as much as I enjoy our silly conversations, I have something serious to say.  It’s been bugging me for a while…and I hope you’ll listen.

aegitae says: Of course, hyung!  I’ll listen to anything you have to say. :3  What’s up?

pabororo says: We’ve been friends for a long time now, right?

aegitae says: Neh.

pabororo says: I hope you know you really mean a lot to me.  You’re closer to my heart than anyone else, even my own parents.  Even Jonghyun, Onew, and Key.

pabororo says: If I ever lost you, I would die, because my life revolves around you now, so without you, I’m nothing.

aegitae says: Hyung…

pabororo says: So I hope you won’t hate me after I tell you this.  I hope you won’t back away from me.

aegitae says: I could never hate you!  I promise, hyung.  I’ll never leave you.  So tell me, arasseo?

pabororo says: >.<

aegitae says: Hyung?

pabororo says: You promise?

aegitae says: I promise.

aegitae says: Hyung, what is it?

aegitae says: Please tell me…

pabororo says: I love you.


Taemin’s breath caught in his throat.  Minho just meant that as a friend, right?  He didn’t mean it romantically, right?  He couldn’t.  There was no way.  After all, they were only friends online.  As much as Taemin longed for him to mean it that way, all his powers of reasoning told him it wasn’t possible.

But Minho told him otherwise.


pabororo says: I mean…don’t misunderstand.  I don’t mean just as a friend.

pabororo says: I love you, Taemin, more than my own life.

pabororo says: You stole my heart.

pabororo says: I want you to keep it though…forever?

pabororo says: Can you do that for me?

pabororo says: Taemin?  Are you still there?

pabororo says: …Taemin?


Taemin couldn’t breathe.  He felt like a giant invisible hand had reached inside his chest and was squeezing his lungs and heart mercilessly.  He stared at his computer’s screen in shock.  Minho was giving him his heart?  He didn’t deserve that, right?  Surely he wasn’t serious…was he?

But he was, and as Taemin sat there frozen in shock, Minho continued to stress his point.


pabororo says: Taemin, I know we only know each other over the internet, but…I feel like we have a bond that we can’t break even if we want to.

pabororo says: And I don’t want to.

pabororo says: I know it probably sounds ridiculous but…I’m head over heels in love with you.

pabororo says: I want you to be my boyfriend, Taemin.


Taemin’s heart was pounding violently against his ribcage.  He couldn’t believe his eyes.  Minho, the boy he had been holding a crush on for months, had just asked him to be his boyfriend.  He jumped up out of his seat and ran in circles around his room, then jumped onto his bed, stuffing his face into his pillow and letting out a muffled scream.  After about a minute and a half, he realized that he still hadn’t replied.  He rushed back to his computer to send his answer.  His hands shook a bit with his nervous glee, making it difficult to type.


pabororo says: Taemin, please say something…

aegitae says: ;3; afdskjghalfkdgf !!!  JINJA?!

pabororo says: Will you be my boyfriend?

aegitae says: Yes! XD

aegitae says: Mianhae, I was in shock. ;3;  I can’t believe this, hyung!

aegitae says: I’m so happy… T^T

pabororo says: Hehe, I love you. <3

aegitae says: <33333333333333


Taemin knew this probably wasn’t the wisest course of action, but he couldn’t bring himself to care enough to reject Minho.  He knew it could end up getting him in trouble with his parents.  They were not only homophobes but also anti-dating.  They had made it clear to Taemin long ago that he wasn’t allowed to date anyone until he graduated from high school, and the girl had to be approved by them beforehand.  But Taemin loved Minho.  He knew he was putting himself in danger, but he wanted to risk it.  He wanted to be with Minho.

So he chose to follow his heart, rather than his head.


aegitae says: Hyung…

pabororo says: Neh?

aegitae says: I love you too. <3

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Chapter 3: Simply Beautiful ☺
Shinee2020 #2
Chapter 3: Oh wow...love it! ^-^ Beautiful and sweet!
Chapter 3: this is so simple and sweet
I missed such innocent 2mins....so here's an upvote because you made me all smiles(///▽///)
Chapter 3: Um....shinee is about to come back and....I read this....so happy...
I mean...this story is so lovely...and beautiful.
Thank You.

so beautiful and lovely story .
Chapter 3: This... this is so beautiful, I'm crying ;;;nnn;;; I'm speechless... I loved it! Their love for each other was strong and ughklkjhgf <3<3<3
Chapter 3: That was absolutely beautiful :') thank you for your hard work <3
CharmmyKitty #9
Chapter 3: I read this again and...awww~ IT'S SO CUTE!!
Chapter 3: Oh my God. Congratulations, you have an amazing way of writing!! It was very lovely and touching!! I completely adored it!!