Unknown and Unwanted

Adopt An Idea! (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ

Unknown and Unwanted


Taemin was a mistake.

Taemin wasn't supposed to be born.

Taemin knew all of that already.

Born to a rich father and the woman he had an affair with, Taemin was always kept a secret. His father didn't want him, but his mother refused to get an abortion. His father wouldn't have cared, but his mather threatened to expose his affair. And so the child was born in a villa far away from large populations and his own father, left to be taken care of by people sworn to secrecy. And so he lives his life without a trace of love, his mother having been dead since he was young and his father wanting nothing to do with him.

Unknown and unwanted, until a strange young man called Kai comes along.

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Cephei #1
Chapter 12: OH MY GOD onew condition + playful ghost Lee Taemin. That is freaking. adorable. I smiled big reading it.
Chapter 10: Admittedly Raemi is a nice name.
Chapter 8: This one is quite a cool idea.
Chapter 7: If I did this, I'd probably end it as Kaisoo but something tells me that you'd prefer TaeKai.
gonexx #5
Chapter 2: I want to reserve this idea :)