Chapter Three

Incarnation of the Four Gods

                She looked up into the sky. A white light sparked through the night sky and she smirked.  Everything was going accordingly. With the realization of the legend came something she’d been craving for a long time: power. First it was the green, now the white. Now all she needed was the red and blue. The return of the four gods, heralded by their chosen vessels from another world: exactly as it should be. She would send her emissaries to find the incarnation of Byakko soon…

                However, first things first…

                 “Little pet, where have you gone?” She whispered into a golden mirror in her hand.


                The young man she knew as Hoya carefully took a step towards Jangmi, and this time she didn’t back away. She was too busy contemplating what he’d just said. Byakko…she knew that name…while she was trying to recall where she’d heard that name recently, Hoya stood in front of her, arms crossed as he waited for her to remember she wasn’t alone.

                “Are you really the Incarnation of Byakko? You must be. That would explain your clothes and the light.”

                “Byakko…Byakko…ah!” Jangmi snapped her fingers in recognition, “from the book we read!”


                “We were in the library when…hey,” Jangmi finally stepped away from Hoya warily, “what do you know of this story? You seem to know what’s going on.”

                Hoya groaned, rubbing her forehead. He mumbled something about wishing this could wait until morning but instead motioned for her to follow him as he took a seat near the fire. Not really seeing any other options, Jangmi followed, taking a place opposite of him. He seemed to be contemplating his words carefully before finally speaking.

                “There’s a well-known legend in our land about a great war that was waged before time. At first, the land was governed by peace and balance, the good principle in our universe, reigning over via four celestial guardians, four gods if you will, ensuring this. In time however, that peace was destroyed. An evil god, whose name has long since been forgotten, was trying to overtake this land, causing famine and war. The four kingdoms, each represented by one of the celestial guardians, fought each other over land and resources despite the guardians sending their emissaries, chosen warriors, to bring peace. This strife finally led to the manifestation of the evil god. You follow so far?” When Jangmi nodded, Hoya continued.

                “Many lives were lost, the four kingdoms nearly destroyed under the evil’s reign. Finally the four celestial guardians Seiryuu the azure dragon, Suzaku the vermillion bird, Byakko the white tiger, and Genbu viridian tortoise, appeared themselves and waged war on the god so that no more human lives would be lost. They say the battle lasted years until finally they emerged triumphant.”

                “I get the feeling there’s a ‘but’ in there,” Jangmi quietly commented, still taking in the story Hoya was telling. He nodded solemnly before continuing.

                “But,” he sighed, “the god could not simply be destroyed. Good cannot exist without evil. Balance must be achieved. So the evil god was sealed away. This was at the cost of their lives. Before fading into the nether, the four celestial guardians bestowed upon the people a hope: they would return to bring the next era of peace to the land. Their chosen incarnations would be young women, hailing from a land we would only know by its name: Seoul. These girls would bring peace after bringing together seven warriors born not only to protect them, but to house the remaining pieces of the four gods’ powers.”

                “Once gathered, and the ceremony completed using the sacred text, these women would be granted a wish each. One of these wishes could be used to ensure the evil is sealed away again, preserving peace and balance in the world.”

                Hoya fell silent, staring at Jangmi expectantly. The fire popped and crackled, embers rising into the air like tiny fireflies, reminding her of the little pinpoint of light she’d followed here to begin with.

                “That…sounds terribly absurd but makes perfect sense at the same time,” Jangmi finally replied, leaning on her hand with her cheek, watching him curiously, “but what does it all mean? Keep it simple.”

                “Simply put,” Hoya motioned to his neck, the symbol beginning to glow on it, “you and your friend are here to fulfill an age old legend. The story has been passed down from generation to generation, and is fairly well known in Yeonsa. The kingdoms have since been united into one empire: Yeonsa. My family have been safeguarding it for a long time. There is no time frame for this to happen: the warriors are chosen and reborn generation after generation in anticipation of this day. We are recognized not only by these marks,” Jangmi found herself staring intently at his neck, trying to make out the symbol, “but we’re granted abilities that allow us to protect the incarnations.”


                “Yes. I was born to protect you,” his face reddened a little in embarrassment, “that sounds cheesy. I was born to protect the four incarnations should they arrive and assist them in bringing us all together so that the legend will come true.”

                Despite how bizarre it sounded…considering that Jangmi knew at this point she wasn’t dreaming, and that this world made sense in context to that book she read, not to mention the dream of the tiger…still…

                “Hoya,” Jangmi finally spoke, “my three other friends are missing. If what you’re saying is true, then you need all four of us right?”

                “Yeah, that fact didn’t escape me,” he muttered, sighing again, “if your friend is one of them, then maybe she will be alive afterall. Maybe by some divine favor upon you four, she escaped the encounter with that beast. I’ve been hunting that beast since it started terrorizing the land. It…killed my friend. While I want to take you to the capital right now, considering the Emperor Lee needs to know of your arrival…I can’t go back until I kill that beast.”

                “Let’s make a deal: I’ll go anywhere you, including going after this monster you’re hunting, but only if you swear to me on whatever it is you hold most sacred,” Jangmi had risen to her feet to walk to Hoya and held out her hand to him, “that you’ll help me find my friends. Do we have a deal?”

                Without hesitation Hoya took her hand and they shook, sealing the deal.

                “I swear.”

                “Alright then,” after an awkward moment, Jangmi took her hand back.

                “We should rest. Searching for the beast in the dark is foolish. We’ll set out at first light. You can take the tent, I’ll be out here by the fire.”


                Hyunok yawned and blinked her eyes a couple of times to will away the bleariness. How long had she been wandering these woods now? The canopy was so thick that she couldn’t even see the night sky. After getting over her panic, Hyunok had been wandering the forest, trying to find some sign of Jangmi or civilization, until the sun went down. The creature had dutifully followed her the entire time. She shouted at it to go away initially, to which it would just back up a couple of feet, but continue to follow her. After a while, when Hyunok complained of thirst out loud, the creature bounded away only to return with a branch full of plums.

                This in turn led to her asking the beast to take her to where he found them. It was becoming all too apparent how intelligent he was for an animal. Finally they emerged into a small clearing. Sure enough, there were a couple of plum trees, limbs heavy with fruit. However, it was still apparent that there still was no sign of any other people in the area that she could determine.

                Sighing, Hyunok found a place beneath one of the trees and slumped down, finally letting her tired body rest. She removed her glasses and rubbed her eyes. Even though she’d eaten the plums she still felt as if she were running on empty. Plus the night was growing colder and her clothes offered only a little bit of comfort.

                To her surprise the beast laid next to her, nuzzling her shoulder a little and grumbling. She sighed and patted his head. His eyes livened up immediately and he scooted around until he could curl up around her. To her relief he was keeping her quite warm. She nestled herself against the fur as comfortably as she could before scratching him on his neck and shoulders.

                “You’re a sweetheart…I’m going to assume that earlier you weren’t in control of your faculties, alright?” He grumbled in response, laying his head down. She swore he was starting to purr, “Guess I’m right. Tomorrow you’re helping me find Jangmi, and then my other friends. Got it?” Another contented sound was the response, “I’m assuming that’s a yes,” Hyunok paused. As her hand had passed a spot on the beast’s shoulder she noticed a glimmer of green. Smoothing the fur down, to her astonishment a symbol glowed beneath her hand, a faint green light emanating from beneath the fur. She couldn’t tell what it was exactly, only that it seemed to react to her hand.

                “…this is so bizarre,” she sighed before laying her head against him and closing her eyes.

                There was no sense in worrying about it at the moment.


                “Don’t sulk.”

                “I’m not.”

                “You were hailed as a great hero by the little girl’s mother. Isn’t that enough?”

                “Yeah, but they were quick to kick us out of the village once word of my powers got out.” Sungyeol grumbled, tossing a small stone in frustration.

                After escorting the two girls and the child back to the local village, they were greeted warmly by the mother of the child. She offered them food and even shelter for the night. However, not long after finishing a meal a loud knock resounded on the woman’s door. This was soon followed by audible murmurs and angry whispers.

                The elders had heard of a ‘witch’ from one of the escaped slaves.

                The early morning sun was just beginning to peak out over the trees. They’d made camp a little into the woods, away from the main road. They were reluctant to go too far because of the rumors of a beast in the wilderness, but didn’t want to be in too plain of sight should the slavers come back. They allowed the girls to sleep in the tent.

                “It’s not like we’re not used to sleeping outdoors,” Myungsoo tried to soothe Sungyeol who continued to look sour, “you chose to use your powers in front of them. They’re not exactly subtle.”

                “…unlike yours,” the boy grumbled, “and that’s not the reason I’m annoyed!” He turned an accusatory glare at the younger boy, “why did you agree to Minjung’s request?!”

                “You mean to find their friends? It’s not like we have anything better to do. Besides, you’re sweet on the clumsy one. You’d have helped had she asked you directly.”

                “I would not! And no, I’m not!”

                “Shh!” Myungsoo hushed him, glancing at the tent.

                “Ugh, sorry,” Sungyeol lowered his voice, but continued to be harsh in his tone, “but if what they’re saying is true-!”

                “Good morning,” a soft voice called to them. Naeun had emerged from the tent, rubbing her eyes and squinting in the sunlight, “is something happening?”

                “Nothing to worry about!” Sungyeol immediately perked up, smiling at her and making a place next to him to sit, “we’ve only got rice, but here, have a bowl!”

                “Thank you,” she said politely, taking the place next to him and accepting the bowl, “Minjung is just starting to get up too. We’ll we be going soon?”

                “That’s the tricky part,” Sungyeol answered as Myungsoo set about making another bowl and then cleaning up their camp, “we don’t know where to start. Sure we can follow the stars Minji saw, but it’s only a direction.”

                “But it’s a direction,” Minjung’s groggy voice slurred as she too emerged from the tent, smoothing down stray hairs on her head, “by the way, I wanted to ask you more about the story. The one about the girls from Seoul?”

                “Ah…ah right,” Sungyeol stammered. Naeun noticed his right hand seemed fidget around a his midsection, resting finally on his abdomen, “its just a story. Its really weird you just happen to be from a place in the story-”

                “I’m going out on a limb here,” Myungsoo interrupted, “but I think once we find your friends we need to take you girls to the capital to see Emperor Lee. We don’t know all the fine details, but if what we do know is to believed, I’ve got a feeling you four are the incarnations. As weird as that sounds.”

                “You’re right, it does sound weird,” Minjung replied, picking at the rice Myungsoo offered her, “but we’re here. Honestly I’m more surprised at how willing you two are to listen to a story and believe we’re who you think we are,” she didn’t miss the look exchanged between Sungyeol and Myungsoo. Sungyeol was glaring at him as if in warning while a smile tugged at Myungsoo’s lips.

                “What are you two not-“

                Their conversation effectively ended when they heard what sounded like a scream echoing not too far off from them. Without another moment the four were on their feet, running through the woods towards the source of the cry.


                Hyunok awoke with a start when the beast suddenly jumped up to his feet, growling and hissing at something. She managed to get to her own feet, the beast still on edge and growling at nothing Hyunok could see.

                “Shh, it’s okay,” she laid a hand on his head, which seemed to calm him, “what’s wrong?” Instead he whimpered and cuddled closer to her, almost like a puppy would as opposed to the large intimidating beast he was, “bad dreams? It’s alright,” after a moment of his head the beast seemed to calm down, “poor thing. Well, since you’ve got me up, you ready to find Jangmi?”

                She swore if animals could nod, it did. He nuzzled her hand before sniffing the ground. His head perked up and looked to her and then to a direction the forest, before biting her shirt sleeve and pulling her along briefly.

                “Oh! Already?” He released her and started moving, Hyunok following after her.

                However, the beast suddenly jerked and howled, as if something had hit him. He staged back a few steps, shaking his head and snarling. He jolted again, still howling.

                “Are you okay?!” Hyunok tried to check on him, but instead he threw his head back, let out a piercing roar that forced Hyunok to cover her ears, before snapping his attention to her.

                The same fiery look she saw when she first met the beast had returned. He growled and took a step towards Hyunok, snarling.

                “It’s-It’s okay…It’s me…” Hyunok slowly backed away, but before she took two steps the beast lunged at her. She screamed in pain when he slammed into her, effectively pinning her to the ground. She tried to fight the beast off her, but on succeeded in getting her forearm caught in his jaws. She tried to pull it out, but the beast clenched down, causing her to cry out again in both fear and pain.

                “Stop! It’s me! Stop!” She shouted at it desperately. Blood was beginning to well out from where his canines had caught her skin. It was at that moment she realized the beast was shaking, as if trying not to…bite down…she glanced at his eyes and saw them fluctuating between the fire and the sad, almost desperate eyes of someone terrified.

                “Fight it!” Hyunok tried to say but suddenly the beast jerked again, releasing her arm and stumbling off her, howling as if in pain. He was suddenly shoved off her as something slammed into the beast, what exactly she couldn’t tell.

                “Oki!” A familiar voice cried out. Hyunok looked up to see Minjung hovering over her.

                “Your arm!” Naeun cried next, “Are you okay?” They helped Hyunok to sit up, urging her to get to her feet, but she was focused on the scene in front of her.

                What appeared to be a creature made of wood and dirt was fighting with the beast, though the beast was proving to be too powerful and was tearing the creature limb from limb.

                “Yeollie can’t hold that thing off for long! Move it!” A young man she didn’t recognize urged them to run, helping Hyunok to her feet and putting an arm around her waist to support her, “Yeol! Just a little longer!”


                Hyunok scanned the area as she walked hurriedly with them. Away from them, focusing on the fight of the two beasts, was another taller young man. He hand was extended and his eyes focused towards the fight. Occasionally he’d move his other hand, as if directing something, and more dirt and fallen wood would rise up and join the wooden creature fighting the beast. For a moment, Hyunok swore she saw something glowing on him.

                Before they could get very far the beast let out a piercing howl, causing the person she only knew as ‘Yeol’ to cry out and cover his ears. The wooden creature shuddered, the young man clearly having lost control of it. With one mighty swipe of its claws, the beast tore the creature in half, sending it flying across the woods. The young man cried out, stumbling back as if in pain.

                “Sungyeol! Watch out!”  The young man with them left their sides as the beast lunged at Sungyeol. He made it to him just before the beast landed on top of Sungyeol and an instant later they vanished from sight, the beast growling and snarling in anger and confusion.

                Moments later the pair emerged from the ground next to the girls, the shorter male having a strong hold on the fainted Sungyeol. They literally rose from the ground as if it was water, their bodies almost transparent before solidifying once fully out of the ground.

                “Wh-What-?” Hyunok stammered out.

                “Not now! Run!” Minjung helped Hyunok while Naeun helped with Sungyeol, “We have to-!” They didn’t get very far. The beast, having launched from tree to tree, landed right in front of them.

                “Stop! It’s me!” Hyunok tried to reason with the beast again. Upon hearing her voice he shuddered, stepping back just a little, “It’s okay, what’s wrong boy? It’s okay,” she said soothingly when she noticed his eyes returning back to the beast she’d stayed the night with, “It’s okay-“

                The beast suddenly howled in pain again, its body jerking. It spun around enough for them to see two arrows piercing its side, blood pouring from the wounds.  He backed up into the clearing, limping, but still snarling at whoever it was that hat struck him.

                From the wood, bow drawn with an arrow notched in place, was another young man. Behind him was the familiar face of Jangmi.

                “Hoya! You found them!” She exclaimed, but was stopped by him when she tried to rush to the girls. It was then that she noticed the beast and gasped.

                Hoya moved fast, firing the arrow at the beast before rushing it. The beast caught the arrow in its mouth, but to all of their surprise the arrow burst into flames. The beast howled in pain, rubbing its now scorched and bleeding face on the ground.

                “No!” Hyunok cried.

                Hoya narrowly missed being hit by the beast’s claws as he came upon him, ducking low and seemingly flowing around the move effortlessly.  He grabbed onto the beast’s neck and literally flipped up and onto his back. That’s when he brandished a blade.

                “Stop!” Jangmi saw the desperation on Hyunok and shouted at Hoya, “Hoya!”

                For a brief moment, she saw remorse in his face before he sank the blade down into the beast’s skull. All at once the beast stopped moving and thrashing before slumping to the ground.

                “NO!” Hyunok tore herself away from the other girls and rushed over to the beast.She reached him and fell to her knees, picking up his head and it, “It’s okay…it’s okay…” The beast grumbled something, his eyes normal again…and for some reason peaceful. He her hand lightly once before shutting his eyes and his whole body falling lifelessly. However, the beast’s body began to shimmer and became intangible, Hyunok able to see her hands right through him. After a moment of shimmering in and out of existence, the beast fully vanished. Hoya dropped to the ground once the beast fully faded, shaking his head.

                “Damnit…Damnit!” He muttered to himself angrily.

                “Wh…what…” Hyunok’s voice trailed off as she began to slump forward.

                “Oki!” Minjung scrambled to her and caught her just before she fainted.

                Hoya looked to everyone and groaned.

                “I think we need to have some introductions.”


                She sighed, replacing the golden mirror on her dresser.

                “Good try…Hoya,” she smiled before rising to her feet and approaching a small cot in her room. A young man lay motionless on it. She knelt down and moved his sleeve up to view his left shoulder. The symbol there was glowing brightly, green this time as well.

                “Looks like he stopped you for now. But at least you found Genbu for me, didn’t you pet? We’ll have to try again once you recover.”

                With a small laugh, she quietly collected her mirror and left the room, still smiling to herself.

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Chapter 10: I love how mama bear Minjung is with her friends. Even sickly people will feel her wrath... at least she has common sense though about it and can recognize when someone was sick. Still, I'm sure she's worried sick about her friends that are missing. First Hyunok who dissapeared back to their world and is now reading the book and then Naeun whose with some bandits. I'm grateful for Wooyun being there for her, even though he did take advantage of her after the fall in the river. The other bandit Mun... I wanted to beat him up myself.
Jangmi... I wanna hug her. She obviously just wants to help. Her with Hoya is like super duper cute, even if the situation is kinda depressing. I feel so bad for him. It's like, "emotional support....? What's that?"
wow this sounds so fushigi yuugi, i'll read it sometime
Chapter 9: I have one word for this chap; NO!
Let me go and cry silently in a corner....
Stupid cliffhanger ;A;
Chapter 9: whatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhat
I knew that dongwoo was the beast, but hyunok back in the library?!!
Chapter 8: FLUFFY! FLUFFIKINS MCCUTIEPIE (that's his full name)! Everyone's trying to get the girls out of there and they're just like BUT WE CAN'T JUST LEAVE! IT'S FLUFFY! It's awesome how the four of them works as a whole rather than just 4 individuals. MyungYeol make such an awesome team. :D I'm glad Fluffy got away~ RUN AWAY FROM THE EVIL HOYA, FLUFFY! RUN FOR YOU LIFE!

I love how NaEun even joined in on the fun of picking on MinJung that time. JangMi, you adorable little . <3 MinJung always looking out for the girls.

Eesh, yelling match between Emperor and Crown Prince. I'd gtfo asap if I was in that situation. Ain't nobody stopping that . Time and place, people, time and place. SungJong does such a good job of pacifying his crazy mother yet still be on the more just side of things. Poor thing must be torn all the time. :( He seems to be everyone's voice of reason. Making sure everyone stays grounded.

I LOVE THE HOYA/JANGMI INTERACTION. JangMi clearly gives no s about ranks considering she's still treating Hoya exactly the same as everyone else she interacts with. XD Oho~ what's this? Is our little HoWonie already falling for the brat of the group? It's great how JangMi is so observant about everything despite seeming so airy all the time. JANGMI FIGURED IT OUT! THE BEAST IS DONGWOO!

NAEUN. THAT POOR GIRL IS ALWAYS AT THE OF ALL THE TROUBLES! The girls are so adorable always looking out for each other even in the most unfavorable of positions. HyunOk was probably not the best to be first in response though...oh gosh...BUT YAY! FLUFFY TO THE RESCUE! I CAN JUST SEE THE WAGGING OF HIS TAIL WHEN HE SNAPPED THE MAN IN HALF. :D WHAT A CUTIE!
I love how JangMi's new angle is give Hoya for making them suffer. NaEun caring about SungYeol is awww~ HyunOk being completely out of it and MinJung playing devil's advocate while being amused at JangMi's frustrations. XD

SungJong is so adorable. He seems like he's keeping everything in and trying not to upset anyone (his mother). I FEEL SO BAD FOR LADY JANG. ;A; She's such a sweet lady and just wants her son back. T^T

LOL. MYUNGSOO AND SUNGYEOL. ALREADY PLANNING WHAT TO STEAL. You are wise to keep an eye on them...Madame Noh seems like your typical consort. Feeling privileged despite not necessarily having the power. The emperor is...quite the character. I feel he's going to be quite a difficult one to deal with in the future especially since he doesn't seem to be on the best terms with Hoya. Quite the flash man, no?

JangMi is such a little . You can't even hate her. It's the best. XD I love how she seems to always be targeting MinJung. Probably since MinJung is so easy to rile up. Kekekeke. MinJung forever looking out for the girls and wandering eyes. Lawlz. Poor SungYeol. XD HyunOk has her mind on her little beast. I love how Hoya seems pretty comfortable talking to JangMi.

OMG, WOOHYUN, YOU GREASY . I love how there's not 1 but 2 people that would be on his if he doesn't move back. I wonder if NaEun is blushing due to embarrassment or being successfully woe~ It's interesting how JangMi is keeping such a close eye on Hoya. NOTHING GETS PAST THE EYE OF THE BRAT OF THE QUARTET!

Chapter 8: I'm really glad you are updating!!
I like that the story isn't going too fast forward, yet a lot is happening all the time!

I'm going to guess Dongwoo is the beast, under the witch's spell! And now only Gyu has to be revealed!!

The only thing I wish for (except for the ocs) is to get to know the guardians better. I know what their names are and some basic facts, but I would love to get to know them better!

Otherwise, I'll be looking forward to the next update *^*