
Beyond your Love sequel

It’s been 4 years that he was away from my hands, it’s been so long I never reach him nor touch him. It was a 4 years disaster for me to wait until he returns to his homeland. When he is already 14 years old, his parents decided to go abroad for him to learn more things and for the greater the company for the next generation. I remembered that day that he cried for me not to let go for the last minute before the airplane will have a schedule of flight soon. Well, I can’t handle myself too so I do cried with him. It’s hard to believe that he I will miss him for the rest of my life and I never thought it will be that long enough to handle this. I hope he will comeback and hopefully, I can see him once again.

“Hey Yukwon, do you wanna hang-out with us tonight?” One of my friend offered me from behind, he wrapped his arms around my neck as if I will escape in his grip. I only smiled at him and refused. “Eh?! Why?” He pouted, looking at the ground with a disappointed look. I escape to his grip and still smiling, “you know, if you want to hangout near to a club or something please offer another person because I don’t like it.” He just stared at me, keeping his pouting lips to his face like begging. “Come on, Kwon, this is an opportunity for you to create a new life with a girlfriend, don’t waste your time doing lots of works just because you are waiting for someone.” He demanded, stomping his feet like a child. “That person I am waiting is one I will cherish the most, I am not a type of you who will get that person inside the terrible club.” I fight back, it’s the truth, I will always waiting Minhyuk no matter what because I have a feeling that he will comeback in my arms soon. He flashed me a death glare but I didn’t mind. “Then find Kwon, you will regret your life if you don’t do this.” He said, turning around and see our co-workers waving at him. “Hey, Ilhoon, if you get a girl by any chance today. I hope he will change you like what you said.” He smirked at me as if he is always right of what he said. “Don’t worry, if I get a girl by today, you have to deal with me to come next week with me so let me be,” I only smiled at him, I know that deal will never come up. “Okay, see ya, Kwon” he waved at me, walking with our co-workers. I waved back at him as I lead to my location.

It’s fun to meet new friends and new life by this stage. I am completely full of myself and having my job easier as always. As a new president of our company, I declare myself to keep our dad’s honor within future. I don’t mind this job as long I can help my family with this. My older brother already got his wife, they married last year so I am now the new holder of this company. Despite being new, I am still stuck as a baby sitter to Minhyuk. I am deadly miss him, I can’t forget him because I realized that he is important to me. I wonder if his fine now in other country and I hope he is okay.

Inside my 4 years life without Minhyuk, the Lee family offered me to handle their family while Minhyuk is on abroad but I refused it since our family also has a job to do like theirs. But it seen, they help raise our company by promoting it to other industry and it was a piece of cake. But months pass, the Lee family flew to the country were Minhyuk was studying. Mr. Soohyun is now with his own family, the maids also. I bet they got their life with those years. But imagining them are happy, I am really lonely today, my mother is in province helping our granny in farming, my older brother also. I am the only one who was left. I wish he is still here, I wish I can embrace him while sleeping, I wish I can kiss his forehead like what I did and I wish… I wish I can be with him forever.

“Oh Minhyuk, if only I can see you again.”


I woke up with a miserable ringtone of my phone, and I am still wearing my uniform. “Damn it” I cursed as I yawned, my phone kept ringing and ringing until I get annoyed and push the button to dialed the person who was calling me. I scratched my bed hair before I spoke with my lousy voice, “h-hello?”, I rubbed my eyes gently while waiting for the respond. “President, there is this a man with suit looking for you and I think it’s a business collaboration” I glanced to the clock and lucky its 30 minutes before our meeting will start. “S-so who was he?” I stood up to my bed and proceed to the bathroom without hesitation. I put my phone to my ears using my shoulder so I can brush my teeth easily without a problem. I waited my secretary to answer who is the man will collab with us. Another day to promote our product, I hope he was big so we can sell it with no problem at all. I waited my secretary to answer, I grabbed a container cup filled with water and putted inside my mouth to goggle it.

“Kim Yukwon-hyung”

I widen my eyes and spit the water inside my mouth. It can’t be- but somehow- am I imagining something? The only person who is calling me like that is non-other than…

“LEE MINHYUK?!” I screamed to my phone as loud as I can, I am surprised and so happy. I heared him chuckled when I screamed his name. “D’aw hyung, you sure know my voice, not so fair.” I blinked many times, my whole body is shaking in excitement and my head is away blank. He is finally here. Lee Minhyuk, little Minhyuk…

“Yukwon-hyung, why are you sobbing?” I sniffed hard before I answered him, “Idiot, you know that I miss you.” I can’t help it but I am happy. I want to see him. “I miss you too, hyung. It’s been 4 years I haven’t see you.” I heared his voice turned lower, I think he is also sad without me while he was away. “M-minhyuk, where are you? I want to see you.” With full of my excitement and my throbbing heart, I asked him all of the sudden. But few minutes pass as he answer, “Sorry hyung, I called out the meeting is cancel and talk about it the day after tomorrow. Meet me hyung to the old Japanese restaurant you were working on.” He said, I suddenly remembered Jaehyo-hyung’s place there. I also miss him. “Sure thing” I responded, I heared him giggle. “Meet me on 11 am, hyung. I will be there” When he hung-up, I glance my clock again and saw it’s already pass 10 o’clock. “Damn it, I need to get shower right away” I hurry up take my clothes and shower faster.

My conscious was right, he will comeback in just short time but 4 years is really pretty long for me. I finally see him again, I want to do it again but he is older grown up child now. I need to think something that It will surprise him, a hug? Overstream I guess, date? Well, he always offer me to go on a date but it will be a little awkward, a kiss? I guess it will be alright if I am doing it. I am thinking like a girl today and it’s embarrassing. I felt my cheek burning when I remembered he stole my first kiss and he is just little back then. “Goddamn it, Minhyuk”


Jaehyo-hyung’s restaurant, as I recall he already shutdown his restaurant and he focus on his new life right away so this place were he managed is nothing but an abandon. It’s been so long he worked as a manager and I am so happy seeing him a new life. I am wearing my favorite dark brown jacket, white plain t-shirt and a skinny jean with my rubber shoes. I know it looks like old fashioned or something but my intended to do today is to see Minhyuk again. And I looked at the clock, it’s almost 11 and people are increasing even more. I sighed, leaning my back to the thick brick. Looking around this place brings lots of memories and its fun. Maybe I should build another memory here by making a restaurant my dad use to before he was a CEO in our company. When I looked around, I didn’t see Minhyuk and its quiet disappointing but I need to wait. I checked my clock again and it’s already pass 11, I am not tired of waiting and I know Minhyuk will come. I bit my lips in frustration. What if he is busy? probably not. Maybe he forgot about that I am here? I guess so. But what If its all my imagination?...

I decided to go home, my face is full disappointance but suddenly, when I turned my body around, someone embrace me from the back. “And where do you think you are going, hyung?” My heart suddenly stopped, my whole body pause and my mind is blank. Minhyuk moved my body to show his face right infront of me. He chuckled, “hyung, I guess I am taller than you now” My face began to show the red tomato blush, I can’t think of something. Minhyuk looked at my face with serious look and said, “When did you become so cute, hyung?” i widen my eyes when I saw him blushing. He touched my nose first and slowly touched my lips. “It’s been so long I haven’t kiss you” I felt my ears are going to explode sooner, when did Minhyuk become so romantic and so cheesy today?

“Hyung we should get going” he offered, I snap out my thoughts of what I suddenly think. I saw Minhyuk was inside the car and offering me to let it. “It’s embarrassing if we kiss outside with lots of people looking at us.” My heart pounded when he said that, Minhyuk suddenly became awkward and shy, it looks adorable for him. I went inside the car and Minhyuk ordered the driver to get going. And for a little second when the driver start driving, Minhyuk suddenly kiss me with such soft lips he has. It takes a minute as we apart, “M-minhyuk…” I gain my oxygen in the air, when did Minhyuk kiss me like this? Minhyuk embrace me ahead, tighter and warm. “I am so sorry with sudden movement, I can’t it anymore because I am damn miss you so much that I can’t control myself” He hid his face to my shoulder, embarrassed of what he said. I laughed at him, “you never change.” I said, he looked at me with straight face, “how so?” he asked me serious, I pat his head like I did when he was a child. “You look adorable as always” I answered, It’s funny to see him like this. But when I said that, he kissed me again, he broke it right away. “Who is now adorable, huh?” I find myself dumbfounded of what he did and pinch his cheek because it’s quick. “You are always stupid” I scolded him, then let go my fingers to his cheek. He pouted and rubbed his cheek. “I am stupid because of you, y’know” My heart punded once again, I hid my red face with my bare hands. “How can you be so romantic?” I asked, not going to looked at him. I heared him sighed heavily then I looked at him with confused look. I bit my lips when he got closer to me, “I wanted to surprise you to see me as an adult now.” He rubbed my nose using his, I flastered my cheek. “And as an adult now, I will do everything to not let you get away to my side.”

“God Minhyuk please stop being cheesy” I protested, I can’t handle my heart pounding so hard hearing his sweet sentence. I heared him laughed, he went closer to me as he touched my lips again. “I just want to stay by your side forever, hyung. I promised I will never going to leave you again.” My heart can’t stand the pounding and suddenly I bursted crying. “Hyung, hyung why are you crying?” he embrace me tightly, patting my back to calm myself. “Minhyuk, you making me feel so happy.” I can’t help it, I want to be with his warm forever. I will never going to leave his side ever. “Yukwon-hyung is sure sensitive…” when he spoke, he gently kissed me again.

“And I love you so much” I hic when I heared the word, the word that I wanted to tell him. “I love you too, my Minhyuk” As we kissed again, gently and passionate. My wish became true, Minhyuk is already grown up and I will stay by his side forever no matter what happen. I am so happy to be with him again like when I met him.



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ApinkPanda4ever #1
Chapter 1: AHHHHHH SO CUTEEEE!!!!!!! I loved it!!!!! The world needs more of these two!!!!
Chapter 1: omo omo omo HSJABAODHYWbPAJSF I KENNOT!! KYA-!!! OHHMAYGAHHOHMAYYGAH! THIS IS SO CUTE N CHEESY N SWEET > W < I love I love I love.. ohhmyy totally my style. why Minhyuk so darn cheesy >///< yukwon waiting for minhyuk n minhyuk also.... the kiss, hug, sensitive yukwon.. I KENNOT WITH THIS. This is soooo sweet. ahhh~ I love u for making the sequel haha