
Shinee Days


 Ok warning cause there are hints fo some mature stuff here! If you don't understand, it's better you don't.      

     -Two thin lines of focal length 15 cm and 20 cm respectively are put in contact. Find the focal length of the combination and-

‘GAHH!!! I HATE YOU WHOEVER YOU ARE FOR INVENTING PHYSICS!!! AND I HATE YOU ONEW FOR MAKING ME TRAY HERE!!! TAEMIN NEEDS TO STUDY ALL THIS, NOT MEEE!!!! I’M IN AN ARTS SCHOOL DAMN IT!!!!!! I COULD BE LEARNING ABOUT THE LATEST FASHION RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!’ Key vents his anger on the pencil in his hands with an angry expression on his face, trying to break the pencil but failing, frustrating him even more.

[Pretty sure it’s one of those European dudes again hyung]

Taemin leaned over to key’s desk to write on a piece of paper.

[WTF Taemin?! Your psychic moments scare me sometimes]

Key wrote back.

[You should be, *I know you inside out* wink~]

[Whatever ]

[Who you calling a , ?]

[Taemin! You did not just call me a !!! IS THIS HOW YOU TALK TO YOUR UMMA!!!!!]

[You’re not my Umma, hyung. And it’s your fault you’re stuck here in the first place! Who told you to go and tell everything to Onew hyung?]

    -a clear image parallax placed-

[You were the one who said you couldn’t study unless there is classroom atmosphere! I just delivered the message. And who told you to ask

onew hyung help in physics??? He was a COMPUER STUDENT PABO! So he asked ME to help him if he gets stuck anywhere, since I usually

‘help’ you in studies. It’s YOUR fault!]

[Oh, I forgot about that, anyway he seems to be doing fine! I never asked you to ‘help’ me!! You do it willingly. And that’s not what you were

saying last night~]

[Shut up! My hurts !]

[*smirk* aww I love you too hyung! <3]

[God you’re such an ! I so want to punch you!]

[Sure when it’s you-]

They were too busy in their own world that they didn’t notice when Onew stopped scribbling on the board so were shocked when Onew suddenly

turned around and snatched the paper.

He screened through the paper and looked up with a strange expression on his face.

“WHAT DID YOU TWO DO LAST NIGHT?? No, wait. Do I even want to know? Yah guys!! Just cause’ I fell asleep watching TV does not mean

you two can do anything you want!!!! PLEASE TELL ME YOU DIDN’T USE MY BED!!” Onew shrieked at them.

Taemin and Key exchanged confused looks, trying to figure out what the hell their Leader was going on about before key finally voiced out his

thoughts. “What in fashion’s hell are you talking about???”

Just then Jonghyun walks in the room carrying a tray full of coke and chips.”Hey guys, want snacks?”

The Leader rushed to Jonghyun’s side and shoved the paper to his face.”LOOK AT WHAT THESE TWO WERE TALKING ABOUT WHILE I WAS


Jonghyun just chuckled as he set the tray on a table and took the paper from his hyung and said with laughter in his voice,”Maybe your

teaching’s just that bad hyung. What are you-WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!?!?!?!” Jonghyun shrieked with his eyes as wide as plates.

“I can’t believe you guys did it before me!! Hell, I can’t believe you two did eachother!! BEFORE ME!!!!”

Just then Minho walked into the room.”What’s all the yelling about? I was trying to watch a match ya kn-“

Minho was cut off as Jonghyun shoved the paper to his face. It seems like SHINee love shoving things to each other’s faces. Minho’s eyes

widened as he read the paper’s content and that’s saying something as his eyes were already really big.

Finally he looked up and spoke. “Wow. You two? Before me? With eachother? Wow, just wow.”

Jonghyun was about to say something but Jinki beat him to it. ‘Is that what you guys are worried about?!?!? The point is that these guys were

ignoring me to have !!!”

Silence followed after that, and you could actually hear the crickets

Key stood up after coming back to earth. “Wait a second there!!! ?? Give me that!!” And he snatched the paper from Minho’s hand.

While Key was reading through, Taemin peaked over his shoulder to read as well. After they finished reading, both stayed silent for a while

before bursting out laughing, hard.

“W-wow, tha-that does s-sound like dirty t-talk” Taemin managed to force out between spasms, while Key just continued laughing.

“EXACTLY! NOW EXPLAIN!!!” Jonghyun shouted.

After finally settling down, Key began explaining.

“Look guys, nothing happened between us last night and we are very much v-s right now.”

Minho looked skeptical. “What about the ‘you weren’t saying that last night’ part?

“Ok, that came out wrong. I had helped hyung with his clothes for today morning’s interview and he just yelled out “I love you’ in happiness.

That’s all hyungs.” Taemin continued to explain.

“What about the ‘My hurts’ part huh?” Jonghyun pressed on.

“We had a tickle fight last night and this skinny little brat actually had the gals to kick me off the bed!! Hurts like you know, his kicks do. And

to think I used to carry this delinquent around! You are so good to your Umma Taemin.”

“You’re welcome hyung~!” Taemin replied brightly.

Sensing an oncoming quarrel, Minho hurriedly cuts in.

“Oh, ok then! Sorry we over-reacted.”

The others looked relatively relaxed, though Onew still looked a little shaken.

Jonghyun released a relieved sigh and pushed Onew out the room. “Come on hyung~ you look like you need some sleep. We’ll wake you up for


While they were walking out, Jonghyun could hear Kibum mutter something that sounded a lot like, “Gosh you people re so erted.”

Jonghyun couldn’t help but think ‘That’s so true.’


~ Epilogue [sort of] ~

-Later that night-

When everyone else was asleep, Jonghyun and Minho in their room and Onew in their room, Key and Taemin were outside in their bedroom’s

balcony looking up at the beautiful full moon. Key was behind Taemin, his arms wrapped securely around Taemin’s waist, Taemin leaning

lightly against Key.

“That was close, Umma. They almost had us.”

“I know baby, we just need to be more careful from now on.”

“Yeah, good you thought of those things yeobo. You at lying.”

“Tae, baby, you’re ruining the moment.”

Taemin turned around and placed a small kiss on Key’s lips. “Well at least they didn’t ask how you ‘help’ me, Umma.” He said cheekily.

Key just laughed and pulled him in for a deeper kiss.

“God we should have been actors Tae.”







What the couple making out in the balcony didn’t was that their leader was wide awake inside their room –about to go to the bathroom- and had

heard everything they said. The only thought going through his mind was, “So those were kissing noises I hear every night and not some ghost.

But that’s actually worse. I so need to change rooms!”


Ok guys i'm sorry for the late update!!! I'll try my best to update faster, but i doubt it being the lazy i am! i thought i posted before but....dunno what happened....

Please do tell me what you fell about my writing and i'm sorry for any mistakes cuz i'm too tired to check and english is not my first languge.

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kekeke~~ great chapter!! <3
StewForTwo #2
So cute^^
I loved the end so much!! :DD <33
Jeejjj! <br />
<br />
That's so cute... But I have a better name for Taemin & Key<br />
y and on legs. :'DD<br />
(Instead of Cute and... idunno what they say for Key ;'D)
heydragon #5
Haha! Omg, so...cute. xD
like nyappy_terra said. ^^
It's gonna be Taekey?? :3 I already LOVE it :DD <3