The day beforehand

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It was Monday, if L.Joe could remember because he was being too far, far away from himself since Christmas Eve when one of the bratty and y cousins yelled at him about something enrolling into the school made your years worsen.

Heck, even if it wasn’t the cousins, his brother was still there would spreading the news and stories (when did he learned to stay outside from the family, that spoilt kid?) to him each nights.

That resulting him a very, very indescribable sleep since the image about him getting picked up in the gym or even he was being shoved into the cubicle made him writhed uncontrollably.

“You’re pathetic,” his older cousin, Junghyun chirped, sputtering some tiny pieces of chips that had been shoved into his mouth in a generously amount. He then wriggled his brows tauntingly, pointing his flavoring-layered forefinger to him with such a wicked wide grin, “I will think a deal about you’re getting laid in another forty years.”

L.Joe rolled his eyes (as much as he wanted but no, kept it hidden because his parents are noble with the formality of course), choking back the retorts that wanted to fly to his cousin.

“He’s handsome so he would get laid in a week after he enrolling into the school.”

Both of the relatives turned around, it’s Jimin that broke the heated glares and snarky comments before they erupting. The sixteen years old boy plopped himself on the couch beside L.Joe, crossing his ankle and grabbed a rectangular cushion to his side. “So, tell me how’s your feeling to getting out from this stuffy house at last?”

Jimin… was a sixteen years old yet he was being the matured one here. He had been stayed in the boarding school for almost five years now, so he should feel somehow easy with this kind of topic, right?

“I don’t know and the house isn’t stuffy,” He huffed exasperatedly. Glancing to the boy’s side and ignoring the faint ‘your brother made it stuffier’ reply, he wittily snatched the cushion away from Jimin’s grip and eventually laid his chin on top of it. “Tell me, how does it feel away from the house?”

The said boy pouted with the whole world in it as he could only gasped watching his cushion taken away. Twiddling his hair annoyingly, he cocked his head staring deeply into the blank television in front of him –or them. “It’s… it okay, I guess.” The boy shrugged, meaning nothing when he found the whole term about staying away from home didn’t bring anything much to be revealed to the hopeless boy beside him.

 He grinned, in which way he turned abruptly in that such bright state which L.Joe found it was rather annoying (or maybe not, because oh boy, that teenager boy was such a cutie!) and snapped his fingers excitingly. “Maybe you could play video games twenty four hours straight?”

L.Joe looked at the poor Jimin blankly before blowing the said boy with his loud cackles.

“Dude, what are you just saying?” Junghyun who had his mouth shut before as he was interested with the cousins’ conversation couldn’t help but to feel his curiosity risen up.

Jimin stared at the laughing L.Joe weirdly and quickly rushed to Junghyun’s side with bewildered look. “I don’t know,” he whispered in agony. “Should we tell Howon-hyung? Or just let it be?”

Junghyun took a last look at the now dying L.Joe on the couch and sighed heavily, “Maybe we shouldn’t… maybe he was just so frustrated with the moving out from house thing.”







Yeah, Yong Junghyun was right.

He was too frustrated with the moving out from house thing… because the moment he woke up in the chilly Morning, a sudden realization hit him very hard on the brain. 1st January. He felt dumbfounded and clueless as ever when his brother stepped into his room with that his notorious big grin.

“Howdy rowdy! It’s ing nine a.m. and here you are, still lying aimlessly on the bed. C’mon, the sun won’t wait for you for another ten hours so get you fat up right now and we have the entire day for making loveable memories with you before you’re ing leaving this house.”

It sounded so beautiful with the colorful words stranded from his brother’s mouth. Hah. The dizziness from sleep still got him.

“I’m still sleepy!” L.Joe whined, kicking his blanket in the process.

Howon furrowed his brows. Yeah, he knew that all his family members had that cute genes inherited in their DNAs but his younger brother never did that.

Nope, not after he was seven years old.

Howon leaned against the doorframe leisurely, watching in amusement and silently cooing at his younger brother’s cute antics. He should film this later. He grinned brainwashed but soon remembered that today was the last day for them to sticking together in such a brotherly way, love, romance or whatever that made them close together.

L.Joe yawned tiredly, “Hyung, are you going to stand at there all times or telling me where we will kill our times together?”

“Oh.” Howon snapped from his trance and averted his face from the judging stare given by his brother. “Well, go wash up and he

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Chapter 1: Are u gonna update this ???~~~
BunnyPie #2
Chapter 1: Love your first chap! Keep up the good work! Update soon!~ ^.^
BunnyPie #3
Oh, interesting! Update soon!~ ^.^