Fated By The Heavens

Trip To Hawaii

Changjo's POV

"Yahh... Wakkeeeeeee upppppp..wake up wake up wake up!" The cute little baby chanted as he sat on my tummy, bouncing lightly as he tried to wake me up. It may sound erted: him bouncing on my tummy but no, he is so cute like this and I wouldn't be stupid enough to wake up immediately right? He'd just stop and let me wash up straightaway so nope! I'm not gonna move...

I deliberately moaned in defiance before I pulled the baby down into my embrace, forcing him to sleep with me.. "Ya.. Why are you so lazy today? Usually you're the one who wakes me up by making so much noise..." He complained as he struggled to get out from my embrace.

"Because... I love you..." I don't know what to say.. I just wanted to tell him that I love him... Oh yes, I almost forgot that today is a very special day. Reluctantly, I opened my eyes, only to close back when the bright light hit my eyes. 

"Aish.. What are you saying? Are you running a fever or something?" Ricky asked as he stretched his hand to check for my temperature. 
I shook my head and said," hold on a minute." Before I flipped the both of us, making him lie down as I rushed to the toilet, leaving the baby completely confused. 

Doing a quick wash up, I rushed back out into the room and jumped onto the bed, onto my baby, joining our lips instantly. Today's our two year anniversary and in all honest, we're lucky we get to spend it in Hawaii...

But, I didn't want to let Ricky know that I remembered. I wanted to give him a surprise.. "Good morning baby... Sorry for having you wake me up, I was really tired.." I said after I pulled away, resting my head on his chest.

I could feel his chest rumble as he chuckled before he spoke," it's okay.. But you better hurry, the rest are already downstairs having their breakfast.. We're going to the beach today for our filming, remember?" His fingers were gently combing through my hair as though he was my wife...

"Oh yeah.. I forgot.." I acted all surprised. Of course I remember we had to go to the beach, that was the only time I'll have to go and get a gift secretly... "Aishh.. You peanut brain.. Okok, quickly change and let's go!" He said before he patted my head, making me stand up and head towards my luggage in search for a change of clothes.

I'm going to wear the same tank top as my baby and my white beach bottom because Bermudas wouldn't be a good choice. My baby was wearing his swimming pants.. Hahaa.. So cute...

Swiftly changing, I said," let's go.." we took our bags and headed towards the door. But before we went out, I tugged on his arm and sent him 'flying' backwards so that I could kiss him one last time before we head out. He chuckled when we parted and said," you silly yeobo..." Before he walked out now, with a silly grin on his lips. 

I too, followed behind him like a puppy as I tickled him, causing him to squirm around so cutely. I had to touch my baby as much as I can before we get out in public.. Oh dread the public... 

After meeting the others for breakfast, all of us got into the van and we headed towards the beach. I think the camera men are gonna meet us there... 

"Yah.. You two.. Seriously? I didn't get to castigate the two of you yesterday..." That was the first thing Chunji hyung said when we got into the van.. Though he was saying that in a fierce voice, we knew that he couldn't do it. Hyung wasn't one to scold, neither of the hyungs were...

"Yeah hyung? What did we do?" Ricky asked with a slight pout, his eyes turning all innocent as he look at the rear mirror to look at his hyung.. Aigoo, my baby.. 
"How dare you ask me? You guys.. Yesterday.. You.. When you came back.. You guys.." He was getting softer and softer till he was practically whispering. His face was extremely red, including his ears too. 

But, I still had no idea what he was talking about. Luckily, we had a very open hyung here to help us," hyung is talking about you two having yesterday. We were all in the room beside yours and you guys were honestly, too loud..." The seemingly child like Niel hyung said out boldly as though it was nothing as he laid his head onto Minsoo hyung's chest.

I think he wants to die. If we're talking about volume, I'm sure he's not much better.. I raised my brow and looked at Niel hyung who was beside Ricky," hyung, no matter how loud we were, I'm quite sure it wouldn't be comparable enough with you last night, okay?" I countered. That made the baby in between us all confused. He was sleeping like a baby last night because he was snuggling in my embrace and I was trying to cover his ears so that he wouldn't hear anything.. That's why I was so tired today...

"You.. How.. what.." The now blushing hyung couldn't even say anything after he heard what I said. So all he did, was look at his lover for some back up. However, Chunji hyung back stabbed," ya! Yesterday, you guys were so loud.. I almost died! C'mon, must you be so loud too?" 

"You are no better!" This time, Minsoo hyung, Niel hyung and I countered, causing Chunji hyung to turn all shocked with his mouth hanging wide open. All of us, except Ricky who was completely lost, laughed after that, knowing that we were just having fun teasing each other... 

"Ya.. You guys are s..." Chunji hyung whined as he buried his head into his lover's neck crook. Even L.Joe hyung couldn't do anything but laugh... 

In the blink of an eye, we reached a beautiful area and amazingly, no one was around... "Here we are.. We'll start filming in an hour, so you guys can go and play in the waters first.. We have clothing for you guys to change into later on, so no worries..." Young Saeng hyung instructed as we slowly got off the van. 

"Yes! We get to play in the water!" Ricky was the first to cheer as he rushed out of the van. When everyone was out of the van, they immediately rushed towards the sea. 

"Please be careful guys! Do not go in alone and always make sure everyone's safe! If anything happens, inform me at once!" Young Saeng hyung warned, allowing us to have fun but to be safe. 

"Neh hyung!" Everyone said before continuing to rush towards the sea. 
"Chagii, let's go! It's the sea!" Ricky shouted dramatically as he did the shimmy with his hands towards the sea.

I chuckled at my cute baby but sadly, I couldn't play with him right now. I had to go and get his present. 
"Sorry baby, but I'm not feeling very well.. I'll just go to the washroom for a minute, okay? You go ahead!" I apologized before I headed towards the 'washroom'...

Walking towards the washroom which was across the road, I quickly rushed towards the store that Cameron introduced to me, telling me that they sold hand crafted diamond rings. 

Walking into the store 'For You Only', I was amazed by the variety of jewelries to choose from..
"Hello, welcome! Are you looking for anything in particular?" The female staff asked with a broad smile.

I nodded my head and said in English," yeah, I'm looking for a ring.." 

"Oh, a ring? You might not know, but every single ring in this store are one of a kind and are custom made to their own uniqueness. Any designs you find attractive?" The staff explained as she walked around, showing me the different designs.

All of a sudden, a ring caught my attention. The silver ring had a diamond in the center of it, beside were angel wings carved onto the ring. It was simple yet beautiful.

Instantly, I said," I'd like to have that one..." As I pointed at the beautiful ring.

"The one with the wings, sir? That one, is the most exquisite ring in this store because it was the last ring our legendary crafter, Sir. John Lean crafted before he passed away. It was said that he wrote a letter which was sent here with that ring, saying that whoever the one that picks this ring, is one very loving person and that one's love life would be a very fruitful one... And there's said to be a myth about it that there's another of it, similar but yet unique, carved by Sir. John Lean's wife herself. It was the first and last ring she'd tried to make and there's only one the whole world... " She explained as she took the ring out from the display case.

"I see...." I said. Although I don't get some parts here and there, I think I've got the idea of what she's saying. And by the looks of it, I think it fits Ricky's finger perfectly. I was entranced by the ring's craftsmanship but I knew I didn't have much time left so quickly, I said," I'll get it.. I need to rush off so..." I let her know that I was in a rush so that she'd quickly put the ring in a bag.

I quickly paid, I didn't really bother about the price though I knew it was expensive, and rushed out of the store and back towards the beach which was just across the road.

"Where's Ricky?" Suddenly, I heard L.Joe hyung's voice. What? Ricky's not with them? Instantly, I dashed towards the source of the sound, only to see the rest of then standing in a circle and looking slightly worried.

"What? Where's Ricky?" I asked with a raised voice, forgetting completely about the ring already. Everyone was shocked from my sudden appearance but Minsoo hyung quickly explained," he was with us a minute ago but he went missing all of a sudden.. Let's just split up and search for him..." As the leader, he instructed us.

Instantly, I rushed towards the sea, throwing my things onto the floor before diving in. Because I sea was extremely clear, I was able to see from above the water, of course not under. I swam till I wasn't able to touch the floor. 

I was anxious and panicked. I couldn't think straight. I was looking left, right and then left again in hope that he'd just appear and surprise me but no, it didn't happen. All of a sudden, I heard bubbles coming from somewhere near me. Instantly, I dived under the water and searched for the source of the bubbles.

Feeling around me when the bubbles were near, I felt skin and my intuitions told me to pull. Instantly, I grabbed one arm and dragged the body upwards. 

Opening my eyes once I resurfaced, I saw my baby. "What the hell happened..." I cursed before I swam towards the shore, dragging my baby with me. I was lucky I had my gold in swimming already.

"Hyung! Hyung! Here!" I shouted blindly in hope that at least one of the others would help me. Luckily, Niel hyung who happened to be searching nearby heard me and shouted for the rest to aid me.

He jumped into the sea and quickly swam towards me, helping me by guiding me towards the shore. When we were close enough, I quickly stood up and carried Changhyun bridal style before I rushed towards the sand.

"What in the world happened?" Chunji hyung was the first to ask when he kneeled beside Changhyun after I laid the unmoving body onto the sand.

"I.. I don't know... Hold on.." I gave a swift reply before I performed CPR, desperate for him to breathe again.
C'mon.. Please... Just breathe baby, c'mon... Don't leave me alone... I prayed again and again, not wanting to give up despite him having no response...

Tears that I didn't knew were at my eyes fell and flowed down continuously down my cheeks, joining the sea water on its journey down... I was praying desperately inside that he'd just...

*Cough* *Cough*.. "Baby, baby are you okay?" I sniffled and wiped away my tears as I waited anxiously for an answer. "Haaa... Huh??" The baby asked as his eyes fluttered open slowly. Instantly, I pulled his body into my embrace as relieve washed through my veins.

"I thought you were gonna leave me..." I said as I got choked by my tears. 
"You silly.. What happened?" Niel hyung was the first to ask as he ruffled my baby's hair gently..

"I.. I was swimming.. And suddenly, my leg cramped... I tried calling one of you but no one was by my side... Sorry..." Ricky said, guilty that he didn't listen to Young Saeng hyung's warning.. 

"Aishh.. It's okay.. As long as you're fine.. Minsoo had gone to look for Young Saeng hyung, so let's just wait for further instructions..." Niel informed us..
"Neh, hyung..." Ricky then said with  his voice wavering, obvious that he was about to cry..

"Baby... It's okay... Everything's already over. I'm here, you're safe already... As long as you're okay, everything else doesn't matter..." I comforted before I pulled away just enough so I could look at him," baby, it's okay.. There's no need to cry.. Are you feeling okay?" I asked as my thumbs wiped away his tears..

He didn't dare to look up, all he did was shake his head. Slowly, I lifted his face till he was looking at me straight in the eyes before I spoke," baby.. It's okay.. You don't have to feel bad.. It's not your fault, okay?" I consoled with a smile, ruffling his hair gently. 

"Changhyun, it isn't your fault. Really, you can't possibly control your leg, right?" L.Joe hyung helped to console too as he patted my baby's back gently..

Just then, a voice shouted out," yah! Are you okay?" It was Young Saeng hyung. Ricky obviously tensed as hyung ran closer.. 
Starting to sob, Ricky looked at me feeling extremely afraid. He didn't want to get a scolding..

Quickly, I pulled him onto my lap, letting his legs wrap around my waist as I wrapped my arms around his waist as I patted his back gently. Honestly, this guy was really like a baby...

"Ricky, are you okay? What the hell happened?" Young Saeng hyung questioned, sounding angry but even more of worry as he kneeled downed in front of me..

Ricky continued to sob as his body trembled even more, not able to answer.. So instead, I said," hyung.. Sorry, I didn't take good care of him.. It was my fault, not his... So blame me instead..." Looking straight at hyung.

"Aishh... Doesn't matter who's fault it was, what matters is that Ricky is okay..." He said as he gently ruffled the baby's hair.. 
"Yep, he's okay hyung.. Just a little shocked, that's all..." I said in place of Ricky as I continued to soothe the baby...

"Aishh... Okay, you know what? Let's just not shoot the film today... Everyone, go back into the van.. Sorry, but I'm going to cancel the filming for today.. I'm not going to allow you guys to film with Ricky like this, okay? Until he's better, we'll film.." The eldest hyung ordered and explained. Hyung wasn't actually a very fierce person. I think that Ricky just had a bad impression of him that's why he's so afraid... 

"Okay, hyung.. Thanks..." I said before I asked the trembling baby," do you want me to carry you?" It seems that he wasn't able to walk with his strengthless legs.. As expected, he nodded as he buried his head even closer into the crook of my neck.

I smiled and shook my head, having no idea what to do with this big baby of mine.. "Sorry Chunji hyung, could you help me take mine and Ricky's bag please?" I asked courteously, making sure that hyung would agree. And that, he did. The silly hyung rushed towards my bag and took up the black pack before he headed towards the van along with us..

All of us were a little wet, and sandy but we didn't really care. We squeezed into the van anyway...
Ricky was still sitting on my lap but in the van, his back was against my chest instead.. The ride back was just mostly the hyung asking Ricky if he was okay and if he needed anything which he obviously, nodded and shook his head in response. He was too tired to reply.. 

When the group of us reached our hotel, we were ordered by manager hyung to rest for the rest of the day and the filming is postponed to the following day.

With that, the group headed back to their room, still all sandy but we didn't really bother anymore. We were kind of used to the feeling already..

"Here's your bags..." Chunji hyung said with a broad smile as he handed our bags to me. I thanked him with a sincere smile before Ricky and I headed towards out room, which was the first one to reach from the elevator. But suddenly, I noticed that the ring that I bought wasn't there.

Forthwith, I rushed back out of my room and shouted, forgetting that we were in a five star hotel," hyung! Did you see the paper bag that was beside my bag previously?" I started getting anxious because I really lov that ring. I was also wuite sure that my baby would love it.

Unfortunately, the response I got wasn't exactly what I hoped for. Chunji hyung gasped and his eyes widen as though remembering something. But then, his features softened into a wide smile as he said," I'm joking, it's in your bag.." He then walked into his room but quickly ran out again," happy two yearsary! Please don't be too loud tonight! Kekeke!" He joked before he ran back into his room..

I laughed and shook my head before I whispered to myself," thank you, hyung.." Before I walked into my room...

When I entered, all I see was Ricky sitting on his bed, staring into space.
"What are you doing?" I asked gently as I sat beside my baby, pulling him into my embrace as I kissed his forehead.

"Hmmm? Nothing... I'm just tired.." He said as he snuggled closer to me before he said," thank you for saving me yeobo... I'm sorry... I keep making you worried..." Obviously, he still wasn't very used to relying on me completely even though we are already together for 2 years...

I sighed," it's been two years and yet, you still don't rely on me completely? Do you not trust me that much?" I acted as disappointed as I could, trying to make him anxious and that, the silly baby did.

He panicked a little and started stumbling with his words as he tried to deny," No! I trust you! Of course I do! It's just that it's always me causing you trouble and that's practically all I do.. I.." I couldn't let him talk bad about himself anymore so I did what I should, which was to join my lips with his.

He tried to speak against my lips but of course, failed terribly so in the end, he just gave up as his arms s around my neck. Slowly, I pulled away and whispered," shush you... You're the only one who'd brought so much joy into my life.. If it wasn't for you, many major events in my life wouldn't possibly happen. You're my life and I can't live with you. So don't you dare say you didn't bring anything into my life, cause you did. You brought you." Slowly, I entangle his arms from my neck as I said," hold on a sec." Before I took my bag from the floor, taking out the ring box. 

I'm not really sure if it's too early, but if didn't care. I knelt in front of my baby and said," baby.. I'm not sure if you're ready to accept me. But all I can say is that I'm still young, I'm not that useful, I'm not that capable, I don't earn a lot, I'm not a very loving person, I can be an sometimes and of course, I am not the perfect man at all but still, I can confidently say that you're the one I love the most and I hope that you'd give yourself to me. I know we can't get married yet but for now, could you at least accept this ring and be this stupid man's lover?" I took a deep breath and opened the box, revealing the beautiful ring..

Ricky gasped. Tears were flowing down from his eyes and he was completely stunned. "I.. I don't know what to say.." He took in a deep breath to calm himself down before he said," of course I'd be your lover, aren't I already your lover, you silly?" He ended with a question before he pounced forward, causing me to fall backwards as his lips joined mine once again. 

As he wrapped his arms around my neck, I quickly grabbed the chance to pull back his left hand to slip on the ring. He smiled against my lips for a brief moment before he continued to kiss me. 

Pulling away after a few moments, he chuckled and said," please don't be too loud tonight." He mimicked Chunji hyung before he gave me a peck on my lips again. 

I laughed at his cuteness and shook my head," that's meant for you.. You silly..." He chuckled but countered," you included, okay?" Before he said," hold on a minute.." And he was off of my lap.

Searching in his bag, he finally dug out a ring box. He got me a ring too?
I smiled at him and waited for him to speak," well.. Here's your present..." He said as he settled himself back onto my lap, facing me... 

Not able to take it any more, I lifted the him and sat myself on the bed with him on top instead, on the ' bed'...

But before I knew it, he said," look at it.. It's nice isn't it?" Shocked by his lightning speed, I lifted my left hand and immediately, I was stunned. The ring was similar to the one I bought for Ricky.. Could it be? The one and only carved my Mr. John Lean's wife herself? 

"Baby, it's beautiful.. Thank you.." I said before I gave him a gentle kiss.. He chuckled and shook his before he said," you know.. The staff that sold me this one of a kind ring told me a cool story! He said that the ring was carved by some craftsman's wife and was the one and only one she did in her entire life, just for the sake of her husband.. Isn't that sweet?" Okay, this was the one.

I didn't bother to tell Ricky, I'll just let him find out himself that our rings were a pair made by 'heaven' and all I said was," please don't be too loud tonight..." Before I flipped the both of us, making him at the bottom as I started ravaging him... 

Author's P.O.V

This couple is really one made in heaven. Their fate allowed them the opportunity to find the extremely rare rings which were in the beginning, made for each other. Never will they know just how fated they are but all they knew, was that they will love each other forever and ever. 

Hope you guys liked this story and yep, this is the last chapter. I know it's abrupt and awkward but I still hope you guys liked it. And by the way, a HUGEEEE THANK YOU TO ALL MY SUBSCRIBERS! I love you guys so much. Thanks for all the support even though my stories might

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Rinininette #1
Chapter 3: It was so cute :)
Chapter 3: I never thought this chap would be the last. I was like "hehehe... you got to be kidding ".when I see you write "this is the last chapter ".

please do make a sequel. please×3 *puppy eyes *
kawaiiboo #3
Chapter 3: Awwwawwwawww that was ing cute >_< i'm in love with changrick!!
You made a awsome story, thank you :3
Chapter 3: i love it it so sweet Changrick ♡ .....emmmmmm i wonder can we have extra chapter ?
PotatoLife #5
Chapter 1: Well I would actually like it if you made this a long story :D