Chapter 1

Dream boyfriend

Inspired by 'dream girl' by shinee. Its a Korean song about seeing a beautiful person in your dreams. If you actually like this I'll make it a series :) i don't update regularly at all tho. (Please like it :])    ([{parentheses}]) it will probably get rated one of the more... Mature ratings because of violence in really bad course language. (If I continue it)

I hold the beauty close to my body, inhaling the sweet scent of roses he seems to emit. I reach up and feel his soft hair, curling it around my finger. Our surroundings didn't matter to me for the moment, my heart engulfed in our tender embrace. Although i already knew exactly what our surroundings were. And endless white plain, we seem to walk on nothing but walk nevertheless.  

The flawless wonder pulls away from me and opens his lips to say something.
"I have something for you." He say with a voice as smooth and sweet as the finest chocolate. He holds out his hands and uses them to envelop mine. When he removes his hands, i look down and see a red leather collar with a golden bone hanging from the front if it as a charm.

"How did you get this?" I say as I feel a tears run down my cheeks.
He simply held his finger in front of his lips in a shushing motion before somehow fading into the endless white around me.

"Jonghyun, breakfast is ready! Oh! And pack your bags, we're moving in with my new boyfriend." I awoke to the screeches of my mother, drowning in the puddle of tears that is my pillow. One limb was at each corner of my bed, admittedly, I looked like a starfish.

After such lovely dreams, coming back to this painful reality was always difficult. My mother lives in blissful ignorance of her new boyfriends true nature. Whenever he and i are alone, he beats me. He is the reason i constantly wear nothing but long sleeve shirts and long dress pants. My style of clothing is solely to hide the bruises and scars he gives me. 

Not that my mother would care if she did know, i was born into a loveless family, but thats okay. The only reason i was born was to marry the heir of our rival company, and I'm fine with that. Because the day i marry the rival company's heir is the day I'm freed. I'd be taken into a home where people would pay attention to my wants and needs, my likes and dislikes, my happiness.

I'm not keen on moving house. Not that i especially like our mansion, it's just in the back garden, in the very corner of our property, there is a small amethyst sitting atop a subtle hill. This hill is the only thing that ever truly loved me, my pet dog, Jin. I owned him in secrecy, using money from the business to quench my thirst for companionship. He was a small dog, who i trained to sleep on a pillow, under my bed so that I could hide him from my mother and her boyfriends that constantly seemed to come and go.

Not planning on eating anytime soon after my only friends recent death, i peel myself off of my bed and gather the few things i own to pack into bags. Pulling all the shirts from my closet, and all the pants from my drawers. I stuff all of my clothing into one, large and unorganized suitcase and shove it into the corner of my bedroom. 'Wait, I forgot something...' I say in my head. I like to have conversations with myself to make me feel less alone. But I did forget something nonetheless. 

You see, I have a small teddy bear that I bought for Jin to play with. He didn't chew it like i expected. Instead, he simply cuddled in when he slept, much like a human would. I reach under my bed for the pillow and the teddy that Jin always slept with. When I pulled them out from under my bed, i just looked at them for a while. A nostalgic moment, but something wasn't quite right. on the teddy bear, was a red leather collar with a golden bone charm dangling from the front of it. The collar Jin was buried in, the collar that the beautiful boy gave me in my dream.


AN: I hope you like my 100% unedited writing :) I would edit... But.... I really don't want to... So yeah :) i don't really care if you guys plagiarize, so do whatever you want :) but if you don't change the words at all, please put my name at the bottom with a little message saying :

im a lazy author who cant write my own . This story was actually written by this (insert my name here). So go sub her and stuff because shes an okay writer, I guess.

^^just a suggestion ;)^^ 

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