Cold Situations

Love Labyrinth



Word Count: 2,696




“It’s easy, really.” Heechul had said when an upset maknae explained his situation to the diva, the elder coming home to see a sulking Kyuhyun taking up the whole couch.

Kyuhyun’s expression softens a little in curiosity as he raised an eyebrow, only to quickly harden his face again to feign that he wasn’t actually interested. “Oh yeah? How so.” He demands

“What was the problem again?” Heechul frowns, tapping a slender finger to his chin as he tried to remember what the younger had just told him.

“Yesung is being too shy. We’ve been dating for well over a year now, and he still gets embarrassed whenever I just hug him in public. I mean, come on, all of you guys know what we do behind closed doors already, so why is he still so shy? It just….I don’t know. It makes me feel like he doesn’t love me. He’s afraid to let anyone know we’re together because he’s ashamed of me or something.” Kyuhyun sighs exasperatedly as he dropped his head back and sprawled over the couch. “You know what? Never mind, this is hopeless.” He groans

“Now now, don’t be so pessimistic now.” Heechul frowns, but only got another groan back in reply. “You just have to bring him in a situation where he’ll constantly be in yours arms.”

The brunette scoffs as he sits back up. “Like what? A haunted house?”
The boy rolls his eyes even at that idea. “He’ll probably just run away and murder me when we get back home. You know he doesn’t like stuff like that. Not to mention he gets really violent when he’s angry.”

“Touché.” Heechul said, nodding in agreement. “But I wasn’t talking about scaring him.”
Kyuhyun caught the evil glint in his cat-like eyes.

“What’s your plan?” Kyuhyun frowns, genuinely curious now as he watched Heechul claim the love couch opposite of him.

Heechul grins slyly, proud that he has the maknae’s full attention now.
“It comes with a price though.”

The younger snorts and falls back against the couch again, immediately losing interest at the thought of bargaining. “Who are you? Rumplestiltskin?”

“Very funny.” Heechul said, voice sarcastic and monotonous, his expression staying cold and impassive.

“Tell me the plan first before asking for the price.” Kyuhyun says, glancing at the other who stared daggers into him.

Heechul seemed to think about it for a moment as his eyes stay trained on the boy. “You take him ice skating.”

A loud snort falls from Kyuhyun’s lips again as he rolls his eyes. “Please, hyung.” He said sarcastically. “How would that help me?”

Heechul narrows his eyes at the younger, offended that his idea was just put down.
“Let me tell you something; Ice plus a clumsy Yesung equals a disaster.”

“I know. Which is also the equivalent of a hospitalized Yesung.”The brunette added.

“Not unless you’re holding him.”

That caught Kyuhyun’s attention again.

A knowing smirk makes its way across Heechul’s face as he crosses his hands delicately upon his lap. “You’ll help him on the ice, guide him around. You already know how to skate because your parents made you learn literally everything. He’ll have no choice but to hold onto you for support. Simple as that.”

“Do you guarantee it’ll work?” Kyuhyun asks, eyes narrowing in suspicion.

“That’s up to you to make it succeed or not. I’m simply here to give you the much needed ‘advice’.” The elder shrugs before grinning wickedly. “You owe me a favor now, maknae.”

“Fine.” Kyuhyun huffs, crossing his arms and leaning back against the couch in defeat. “Name your price.”

“Oh, well, actually,” Heechul starts, tapping a slender finger upon his chin. “I don’t have anything specific in mind as of now…..but I have a feeling I’ll have a good investment in your future by giving you this advice.”

Kyuhyun makes a face as he stares at the elder in confusion and disbelief. But he lets it go, not wanting to deal with any sort of favor for the wicked man before him at the moment.

“Well you have fun with our little rabid dog. Good luck.” Heechul said as he got up, sending a wink towards the younger before happily strutting his way down the hall and into his room.

The brunette rubs at his chin thoughtfully as he tries to plan everything out properly. If he wants this to work and have 100% chance of success, he needed this to be perfectly well thought-out.

It was Kyuhyun’s turn to smirk as the ideas began to pour into his evil genius mind.

“I-I don’t think th-this is a good idea, Kyunnie….” Yesung stammered helplessly as he tried to tug his hands out of the younger’s strong hold.

“Oh come on, hyung.” Kyuhyun whines, his hold tightening around the elder’s tiny hands. “We’re here already, we can’t leave now. You even have the shoes tied and ready to go!”

“B-But you know I-I at things like….this.” The raven says, gesturing towards the ice rink where a few were enjoying themselves gracefully on it, the majority clinging to the edge for dear life. Yesung stared wide-eyed as a little girl tried to brake only to ram right smack into the wall and rebound backwards onto her before bursting out into a fit of tears.

“Oh hell no.” he managed breathe out before he was sprinting awkwardly away from the rink because of the bulky skates.

Kim Jongwoon.” Kyuhyun calls out exasperatedly as he wraps his arms around the elder’s tiny waist and easily lifts him up, the other struggling weakly against the younger. “This was going to be a fun date. Don’t ditch me now.”

“I’m sorry, Kyu-ah, but I really can’t. I’ll just….I’ll end up hurting myself, and that’d be no fun.” The raven whimpers in shame when the boy finally set him back down again, turning the elder to face him.

“True. But it’ll make good memories. Anyways, there’s barely any people here today, they won’t see you and point and laugh at Super Junior’s main vocalist failing at ice skating.” Kyuhyun shrugs.

Yesung glares at him.

“Just hold onto me, alright? I’ll guide you and teach you how to skate.” The taller male sighs, reaching up to ruffle the other’s messy hair lightly.

Yesung blushes faintly as he bit his lip shyly. “But I’ll pull you down too if I slip….” He whispers.

“That’s okay, baby.” Kyuhyun grins, leaning forward to press a chaste kiss to the smaller’s cheek, but he leaned away and pressed a hand over the younger’s mouth.

He really needed to work on this whole “intimacy” thing with Yesung.

“Trust me, okay?” Kyuhyun says as he walks over to the small entrance into the large, open rink.

Yesung swallows hard as he watches Kyuhyun step easily onto the white ice, as if he was simply walking on concrete. The younger looked so sure of his steps, showing no signs of imbalance or slipping anytime as he offered his hand to the raven with a small smile graced upon his lips.

Surely Yesung could do it too, right?


When Yesung had finally found his boost of courage, he took a deep breath and reached for the younger’s offered hand, only to trip on the small ledge that separated the floor from the ice and the carpeted floor. He was falling down to greet the ground already before he even touched the ice!

Kyuhyun face palmed a little as he watched the other face-plant pathetically, causing a build-up of people by the entrance that wanted to enter the rink too.

Yesung looked about ready to cry as he got back up, slapping away Kyuhyun’s assisting hands. “I told you this was a bad idea…” he says, voice cracking from the unshed tears and in embarrassment.

“Come on, baby, you’ve gotta give this a try.” Kyuhyun sighs, reaching forward to wipe at the other’s watery eyes with his thumb as they shifted away from the entrance to let the line of people through that were waiting behind Yesung. “If you really don’t like it, I’ll take you home and we’ll…..and we’ll watch a movie or something, okay?”

Not wanting to ruin the maknae’s well-planned out date, he nodded once a little as he sniffled, earning a grin from the younger. Kyuhyun leaned over the railing that separated them and pressed a light kiss to Yesung’s soft lips, the elder surprisingly allowing it to happen.

“Now, come on.” The brunette says as he takes Yesung’s hands again and guides him towards the entrance. “Just steps on with one foot first.” He suggests, and the smaller obeys nervously, that one foot wobbling unsteadily even though his full weight isn’t on it yet.

“I’ve got you.” Kyuhyun whispers in reassurance when Yesung let out a small nervous sound. The younger moves his assisting hands to the smaller male’s under arms and sort of heaves him up and sets him onto the ice steadily, knowing full well that Yesung would probably end up doing the splits if he were to try and step onto the ice.

The raven lets out a small chuckle of relief when he realized he could actually stand on ice without teetering over. However, he still keeps a firm clutch on Kyuhyun’s shoulders, refusing to let go.

Kyuhyun grins to himself, glad that the plan was working well as Heechul he thought.
“See? Simple right?” he says. “Now I’m just going to let you go slowly…” he pulls back and Yesung suddenly starts panicking, causing the smaller to wobble uncontrollably.

“No no no no……Kyuhyun!” He cries out when he nearly topples backward, the younger quickly moving forward again to catch the smaller around the waist. He gives a harsh punch to the maknae’s chest when he finally found his balance again, glaring up at the younger who was grinning lopsidedly while rubbing at his sore chest. “Don’t you dare let go again.” Yesung bites out.

“Sorry baby.” Kyuhyun chuckles, pressing another kiss to the pouting man’s cheek in which the other resisted as much as he could of course. “Hold onto me, okay? I’ll teach you how to skate properly and then you’ll be having fun too!”

“Oh, there is no way in hell I’m going to move—“

Before the elder could even finish his sentence, Kyuhyun was already dragging him forward, the raven cutting off with a small scream.

“No, please Kyuhyun, I don’t want to die this way.” Yesung begs, nearly squeezing the life out of Kyuhyun’s hands as the younger slowly pedaled backwards, pulling the elder forward.

“You won’t die,” Kyuhyun laughs, finding the elder’s expression priceless.

And of course, the elder didn’t die as said by Kyuhyun.

The elder had clung willingly to the younger’s side desperately as they continued on slowly. Feeling awfully good about this, Kyuhyun gladly helped his lover, holding onto him too as they moved about.

Of course, the little kids around them even learned how to skate faster than the raven who clung childishly to the maknae, but that didn’t really matter, not when Kyuhyun’s wish came true. For once, Kyuhyun felt like a satiated beast. Yesung still blushed constantly of course whenever Kyuhyun was there to catch and hold him safely in his arms, but at least he didn’t try to pull away, right?

Yesung had managed to fall a few times too, even with Kyuhyun’s help. He toppled over between a couple that were making out by the sidelines, in which he left the scene embarrassedly with a Kyuhyun who couldn’t stop laughing. Another time, he fell down and accidentally knocked the skates of a still unstable little boy, causing the child to fall too on top of him. Luckily, the two of them didn’t suffer any injuries, but the boy benefitted from this accident by asking both Kyuhyun and Yesung for an autograph. The third time, Yesung ran right smack into the front of Kyuhyun when he couldn’t break, bringing them both down at the same time when Kyuhyun was caught by surprise. Yesung looked about ready to explode from embarrassment, but Kyuhyun just laughed it off, since he did enjoy the position they were in; Yesung sprawled messily on top of Kyuhyun.

At the end of the day, Yesung unfortunately still couldn’t quite get the hang of it. But he did seem to enjoy the time he spent mostly in Kyuhyun’s strong arms.
They were both trying to take off their skates on a bench when Kyuhyun decided that he should probably tell Yesung the truth on how he feels about their relationship currently. The younger was kneeling on the ground in front of the elder with both of his feet on his lap, helping Yesung remove one of his skates when he somehow managed to get the shoelaces knotted together with the other skate.

“Jongwoon?” Kyuhyun said quietly, working at the knot intently.

Yesung hums once in response as he leans forward to help Kyuhyun remove his scarf, knowing that the younger was probably feeling a lot warmer now that they’re off the ice.

“Do you….do you know why I took you here today?” Kyuhyun asks, too nervous to look up at his lover.

A pregnant silence fell over them as Kyuhyun continued to work on the laces, only to stop when he realized that the elder hasn’t replied yet. He looks up questioningly to see Yesung staring at him, watching him with a soft gaze in his golden eyes.

“I know why already.” He whispers, reaching up to caress the younger’s face softly as he slides his feet off the younger’s lap.

“Y-You do?” The brunette stammers.

“Mmm… was kind of obvious. Well actually, Heechul might have hinted it last night.” Yesung chuckles, narrowing his eyes a little in a knowing way. He leans forward and presses a light kiss to the younger’s slightly parted ones. “And I’m sorry I hadn’t noticed earlier.”

Kyuhyun flushes a deep red, never really having the chance to experience the other showing intimacy instead.

“I’m sorry, Kyuhyun. I didn’t realize that it’s causing you to….doubt my love.” Yesung sighs, running his fingers lightly through the younger’s hair. “I’m just…afraid, you know? I’m afraid that other people won’t accept us. I’m afraid that they’ll disapprove of our relationship, and try to break us apart. I can’t lose you, Kyuhyun, not like that at least.”

The elder looks down at his lap shamefully for a moment, his hand falling back down onto his lap to play nervously with his fingers. “You should’ve told me earlier. You know I’d do anything for you.”  He says quietly, softer than a whisper.

Kyuhyun smiles a little after Yesung’s explanation and leans forward to press a soft kiss to the crown of his head, a hand sliding up to tilt the other’s face up again. “It’s alright, Jongwoon. I don’t mean to pressure you in anyway, and I’m sorry for not being straightforward to you.” He says softly, pressing their foreheads together. “But now that we both know what the one problem in our relationship is, let’s fix it.” He grins.

Yesung blushes shyly, a bashful smile making its way across his face as he nods once. He closes the short distance between their lips again and kisses Kyuhyun lightly, letting it linger for a few seconds before pulling away again, gazing up at Kyuhyun hesitantly.

The younger grins reassuringly and brings their mouths together again, this time taking it up a notch, adding a little bit of biting and tongue action in-between. Their hands found each other and clutched at the other desperately, wanting to taste each other thoroughly.

Yesung was the first to pull away after a minute with a small giggle, lips swollen and wet. Kyuhyun grins proudly, running his thumb lightly over the elder’s prominent cheek bones before leaning in again. But Yesung stops him this time, pressing a small hand over his lips, earning a confused and slightly hurt look from Kyuhyun.

“Let’s take this home.” Yesung grins with a wink, before swinging his legs back up onto Kyuhyun’s lap. “Let’s deal with this problem first.” 





A/N: Wow, I seem to really with these prompts lately. I couldn't really apply this prompt properly. 
Soon my friends.....soon, there will be angst....

Comments and upvotes will be greatly appreciated! ♥




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392 streak #1
Chapter 9: AAAAAAAW, it's soooo sweeeet >____< b
392 streak #2
Chapter 4: I love this story!!!
Chapter 10: Oh my...

I hope you're feeling better now. You don't have to feel that way, you're a great author and I love your stories, I'm a luckier!!! And yeah, I'll be here supporting you all the way.
Hope you update this as soon as you feel better.
Take good care.
Lots of love. ❤❤❤
cloudykuro #4
Chapter 10: I hope you are okay now and back being healthy again *just found out that you are not that well*
And for your motivation, I love most of your stories!
Chapter 8: "Kyuhyun starts to pull away because of his fear.
He’s afraid to scare Jongwoon away.
He’s afraid to love him because of how obsessive he is.
He is afraid Jongwoon won’t understand.
He is afraid to hurt Jongwoon.

Jongwoon’s hurt by the distance that Kyuhyun draws between the two of them after awhile.
It had gotten to the point where it’d be a struggle just to greet each other in the same living space.
They’ve become strangers to each other.
Jongwoon doesn’t know what Kyuhyun wants anymore.
He doesn’t know how to fix it, how to comfort and reassure the younger that he loves him no matter what."

This is super sad. They loved each other. Maybe so much so... that they did not know how to deal with it. And in the end, they had to let go of each other, thinking it's the best way. SAD :'( I'm brokenhearted.
Chapter 4: I LOVE THIS. <3
Chapter 2: Heenim's good investment... hahaha, of course ~
I love fics with KyuSung and Heechullie on the side. They are my 3 faves <3
Chapter 9: SIWON IS A HORSE.

Damn even as a horse, Siwonnie still gets into Kyu's skin. Hahaha. WonYe is alive! Albeit as a horsie LOL
Kyukyu is super hilarious in this chapter hahahhaa even though I have read this a thousand times it still gets me laughing hahahaha
Shirano #9
Chapter 7: I really love fic, though i wonder if eunhyuk has done it to donghae since he sound rather experienced
SeoulStar~ you should write again. ;-;
I miss your stories. :(