I Like You [FIN]

I Like You

Park Tae Il x Ji Gook


          Tae Il didn’t know what to do; his feelings for the man in front of him were getting out of hand and he didn’t know how to stop them. He hid his hands behind his back as Ji Gook spoke to him.

          “Ayy, let’s go clubbing again, yeah? Last time I couldn’t pick up any cute chicks but I bet you, I can this time!” Ji Gook said with an idiotic grin on his face.

          A smile found its way onto Tae Il’s face as he reached his hand up and ruffled Ji Gook’s hair. “Hmm okay” He said.

          Why is he always looking for girls?

          Tae Il inwardly pouted while letting out a soft sigh. Tae Il couldn’t help but to like the weird older male; that smile of Gook’s cause Tae Il’s heart to palpitate a hundred times faster. He wrapped his arms around Gook “But I think you’re way cuter then any of those chicks though” Tae Il grinned widely while jokingly puckering his lips at the man who grimaced and laughed.

          “Yah! That’s not funny!” Gook chuckled as he squirmed to get away from the pretty boy. Tae Il smiled softly before looking at Gook. “Ehh~ Don’t you love me~” He teased as he wrapped his arms around the man, a small pout on his lips.

          “Ew! Tae get away from me” He said while laughing before getting up and smiling at Tae Il. Tae Il sighed as his heart dropped. That man would never return his feelings. With a fake smile plastered onto his lips he got up as well and ran a hand through his own hair “that hurt” he said as he jokingly grasped his chest. He hid his own feelings as dramatically as he could—masking the pain that the cute man gave him.

          Tae Il made a whining gesture before walking beside the other back into the police station. Gook followed beside him with that dumb innocent grin on his face. As Tae Il looked at him, he couldn’t help but to smile to. Oh what does that man do to his Casanova heart.

•      •      •

          Tae Il walked closely next to the shorter male as they neared the infamous club “Insomnia”. Tae Il was dressed in tight fitting skinny jeans, loosely fitted button up and a black y coat. While Gook was dressed in loose skinny jeans and a dark green button up. Gook looked shabby in comparison to the playboy next to him, but when Tae Il glanced at the man all he saw was pure iness. Tae Il easily got the both of them in with a small wink at the bouncer. No person alive could resist this pretty boy—well except for Gook it seems. The man beside him bounced giddily on his feet as they entered “Hey Tae! Give me some pointers!” He smiled at the pretty boy.

          “Be nice, sweet and smile seductively—like me!” Tae Il smiled, hoping to have an effect on Gook, however, the man looked away and nodded “Alrighty! See you later then!” Gook walked off towards the dance floor.

          Tae Il walked around the club, scanning each man and woman that passed him underneath the flickering party lights. He wandered over to the bar before ordering a few shots. Turning around to face the dancers he gulped one down before releasing a sad sigh. The alcohol burned down his throat like the fire that burned in his heart as he watched Gook attempt to flirt with a few girls.

          I should have never brought him here.

          Tae Il pouted softly and grabbed another shot and downed it. The loud music pounded against his eardrums threatening to break them and fill him with depression. Suddenly a soft voice embraced his ears “Hey”. Turning towards a comforting female voice, he smiled.

          Would she take away the pain, even just for one night?

          Tae Il wondered as he smiled “Hey”.

          “Are you okay pretty boy? You look kind of sad” She said, softly grazing her hand on his thigh. He knew that the alcohol was already affecting him as he smirked at the lady.

          “Care to brighten up my day?” He said, leaning in closer to the woman. The woman seductively her lips and Tae Il couldn’t help but to be captivated. He watched her lips as he unconsciously got closer. Before he knew it, his lips were already on hers. A small smile graced his lips as he gently pressed into her. He didn’t know her name, but at this point Tae Il could care less. Slowly, he moved his lips on hers, but it seemed that she grew impatient as she aggressively pulled him closer and nibbled on his lips. Tae Il smirked softly before parting his own plump lips to do what the older woman wanted him to do. He gently slid his hand up her arm before it was disruptively yanked away. Tae Il pulled back from the woman, shocked, before coming face to face with an angry Gook. “What the hell Gook?” He said, confused, before his gaze returned to the woman, “sorry”, he said. Gook tugged on his wrist, gentler this time.

          “Yah. What the are you doing?” He asked, rage evident in his tone.

          “What does it matter to you” Tae Il annoyingly said through gritted teeth.

          Why are you stopping me from escaping the pain that you caused?

          Gook pulled on Tae Il hard enough that Tae Il almost fell. With a hurt expression, Tae Il looked at the boy. “What was that for?” He asked, clearly confused.

          “Why are you with this hoe?” Gook asked, upset.

          “What does it matter to you” Tae Il refuted, upset as well.

          “Because I LIKE YOU, you idiot!” Gook stated with a hurt expression on his face before turning around and storming out of the place. Tae Il stood. Where he was. Confused as to what had just happened before butterflies flittered in his stomach as he registered what the man had said. A goofy grin spread on his lips before he quickly followed after the man.

          “Yah, Gook!”


          “Wait for me!”

          “No! Go back to your hoe!” Tae Il chuckled softly before catching up to the man and wrapping his arms around him Gook’s neck.

          “Idiot, why would I go back to her when the man that I like just said that he liked me too?” Tae Il smiled as he held onto the man tightly. Gook’s cheeks turned a bright red as he placed his hands onto Tae Il’s arms “You … like me too?” He asked, suddenly shy.

          “Yeah, the person I like is you” Tae Il grinned before pecking the boy’s neck teasingly.

          “Yah! What are you doing?” Gook whined softly as he squirmed in Tae Il’s arms, embarrassed. Tae Il smiled before silently nuzzling into the man.

          “Hey … Gook?”


          “Be my boyfriend?”

          “ … Okay” Tae Il grinned.


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Berry-tan #1
Chapter 1: Awwww! This story is soooo sweet. I'm in love with it, you are great, Author-nim! :D
Chapter 1: Awwwwwhhhh I didnt know anyone would write about them! Omg they're so cute hahaha I always anticipate their moments on every episode Lol they're cute ♥ u should write more haha
Cocoa_Latte #3
Chapter 1: aww please write more! you're like the only one who has written tae-il/ji gook so far and it's a pretty nice story. i'm kinda surprised no other writers have written this pairing yet. they're my fav couple in the show, so much feels and chemistry between them. ^_^
shippers1304 #4
I really really really like it!!! Good job author-nim ❤❤❤

it's really sad for the fact that you're the only author who write about gook and Tae il. Well i couldn't find anything except ur ff and i'm really glad that you write it beautifully :333
i'm just hoping that you'll write more about them in your spare time :(((

Good job author-nim~~~
turtle101 #6
Chapter 1: Eeeeppp I love it!