Chapter 1

First Meeting Gone Wrong

Chapter 1

Mona’s POV:

I tried to walk faster, barely caring about where I was going. It was a bright Sunday morning, despite yesterday’s mild rain, and I was in Korea. Yep, you heard correctly. I, Mona, was in freaking Korea, and I was about to make one of my dreams come true.

Today, I was going to meet them. Today I was going to be able to finally see them, talk to them, and get their autographs.

Today, I would meet MBLAQ.

And it would be awesome!

For years I’ve only been able to follow them through the Internet, waiting for their comebacks, listening to their songs or watching videos of their live performances. They were my bias-group, and each member had a special place in my heart: cutie Mir, amazing-vocals G.O, charismatic Seungho, prince-like Thunder and dreamy Joon… All of them with a crazy amount of talent, they were a strong team, and from my point of view, they were just perfect. Well, Joon especially was kind of a walking God on earth to me, but I mostly anticipated seeing them as a group. As MBLAQ.

Just thinking about their fan sign event, which would take place this afternoon in a well-known mall, made me feel so excited that I started laughing by myself, not caring about the weird looks I was probably receiving. Yeah, I would just be part of the staff, standing behind them, but I would have the chance to meet them, and maybe… get their autographs? I was so happy, I was going to meet MBLAQ, and there was nothing that could ruin my mood, or go wrong.

I first felt the impact of the collision, and then I understood what exactly had happened: I had just fallen on someone, and I’d landed on top of him, in something that looked very much like a puddle of dirty water.

…Well, .

I winced in pain and tried to get up without touching the dirty water. After all, since my trip to Korea was short, I’d only brought with me a limited amount of clothing. The clothes I was wearing were the ones I would be wearing tonight, and ruining them was not an option.

As I was trying to get up, a small groan reminded me that I had fallen on top of someone, and not straight into the water.

"Oh my God, I’m so sorry!" I exclaimed, as I hurriedly started to get up, to let the person, who appeared to be a young man, breathe. The man his back, still wincing from the pain. He didn’t seem upset, which was a relief.

I was almost back to my feet, when I suddenly remembered the bits of Korean etiquette I’d seen in dramas. "I should bow and apologize", I thought.

It was in the middle of my bowing session that my eyes met his, and that I realized who he was. My breath caught in my throat, my “I’m sorry” turned into some sort of yelp, and, being the klutz I have always been… I tripped.

I should have known that this day couldn’t be perfect.

I barely had the time to see his widened eyes and his mouth forming a perfect little “o”, before I landed on top of him. Again.

. , , .

"Yah! Are you crazy?" he yelled in a breathless way, which was normal, considering the fact that I’d knocked the air out of his lungs. Twice.

Well, if he wasn’t upset before, now he was definitely mad.

I quickly got up, with my face burning from embarrassment. I had made a fool of myself in front of my favorite idol, without even uttering a sentence. Yeah, I was that good.

Still on the floor, in that puddle of water, was none else than Lee Joon. Looking at me with an expression I would have never wanted to see directed at me: An expression beyond annoyed, an expression of pure hatred.

"Aishh!" he shouted as he got up. His clothes were drenched, dirty…

"Are you crazy?" he repeated. I tried to apologize again, but a dark look of his silenced me, making me wish I could simply vanish. He turned his back at me and left.

Somebody, please kill me… Oh wait, Lee Joon will probably take care of that.

Because if he sees me at the fan sign event, he will freak out. He will certainly freak out.

Joon POV:

My mood was completely ruined as I entered the building, still on my soaked and dirty clothes. I ignored everyone’s stares and hurried down the corridor, towards our practice room. I braced myself before I knocked on the door. I already knew what was about to come. Considering our choreographer’s ill temper, I’d be lucky if he even let me practice. I entered the large room without waiting for an answer. I had already prepared my “I’m sorry” speech. As I entered the room, I could hear my fellow members gasp, probably because of my ridiculous appearance. Only the thought of the event that caused all of this made my frown even deeper. How clumsy could someone be to create such an uncomfortable and awkward situation? Were we like, filming a drama, or something? Because these things were supposed to only happen to fictional characters, not to random people walking down the street. I was pulled out of my thoughts by our choreographer’s sarcastic and angry words:

"Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to honor us with his presence! Do you know how long we’ve been waiting for you to arrive? Do you think I have nothing better to do?"

I had already thought of a comeback –one that would probably involve that unfortunate fall into the water and all the times I had come to practice earlier by myself- but one look at Seungho’s warning face made me swallow it and forcefully apologize.

"I’m sorry for making all of you waiting. It won’t happen again". The choreographer just scoffed, obviously still mad, which I found utterly unfair. In the end he just nodded disapprovingly and motioned for me to get ready for practice. As I quickly walked towards my members, dirty water dripped from my hair and clothes. I ignored Seungho and Thunder’s questioning looks and G.O and Mir’s mocking ones, wanting to start practice and escape the choreographer’s nasty looks.

"Do you happen to have an extra change of clothes I could use? I kinda forgot my backpack back to the dorm."

And just when I had thought that this day couldn’t become any worse, I found myself practicing with some oversized and thin T-shirt, freezing to death because I was still wet. My frozen feet made me stumble numerous times, leaving me with a slightly injured ankle. A terrible headache was starting to form and I couldn’t wait to return home. Plus, on top of suffering countless remarks from the choreographer, I also had to endure my members’ questions and teasing after practice ended.

"What did really happen to you, Joon? Did you get attacked by crazy fans?" Mir asked curiously. I just sighed and ignored him. But soon enough, everyone started wondering and they all kept asking me the same questions:

"What happened?", "why were you soaked?", "why didn’t you just leave with us, this morning?"

In the end, I surrendered and explained them everything: how I told them to leave without me because they wanted to leave earlier and I hadn’t woken up completely, how I forgot to leave the dorm on time, how I practically run all my way here, until I encountered that weird girl who had bumped on me. And then, the teasing started. G.O, particularly interested when it came to girls, laughed so hard, I doubt the trainees next door couldn’t hear him.

I tried to escape troublesome little “talk” of ours, but no such luck. All of my members were enjoying a good teasing, and if I were in their shoes, I probably would have teased myself too. It was pretty funny, looking at it from someone else’s point of view. Before that thought even had the time to form into my head, I stopped it, reminding myself that this little incident was the main reason for my headache, my injured ankle (which didn’t even hurt that much anymore) and all the teasing I was getting.

"So, the girl didn’t even recognize you? Omo! Joon-ah, what are you going to do? Your popularity is dropping." Seungho teased me and it only occurred to me then: That girl really had no idea who I was. Somehow, I found myself offended. But this was absurd. Of course I hadn’t taken his words by heart. He was only joking after all. Sure. It hadn’t bothered me at all.

Mona’s POV:

I got to the fan sign event early, even earlier than the people that would queue up here in a while, just to have a chance to meet them. I was lucky. Some days before my trip to Korea, a friend of mine, who works at the mall that would soon welcome MBLAQ’s fan sign event, broke her leg, and asked me to replace her for said event. Her boss had accepted, and there I was. Yeah, I was lucky. Sadly, I kind of ruined my luck by falling on a certain idol of mine.

"What should I do?" I said to myself as I started to arrange the place with the rest of the staff, putting litter away and lining up chairs.

"I won’t be able to look into his eyes, not after today’s embarrassment… Maybe I can just ignore Lee Joon and interact with the rest of them, and simply get his autograph without making eye contact…

But what if he told the other members about me? No, that would be too cruel… Doesn’t God have mercy? Doesn’t Lee Joon have mercy?”

I walked up at the table that would host my beloved band in some hours for now, and placed the snacks and beverages that the mall had provided for them. A small smile made its way to my lips, at the thought of our crazy-about-food leader throwing himself on them while the others looked at him fondly, used to his mannerisms. I tried to imagine how it would be to see them from such a close distance, to even be able to interact with them…until a sudden image of an angry and shocked Lee Joon came to mind, shattering my little fantasy to pieces.

But… wait a second.

We saw each other for, what, 2 minutes? There is no way that he will remember me.

I sighed in relief at that thought, ignoring the illogical part of me that was hurt when I realized that he wouldn’t remember me at all. It was only normal… We hadn’t share some fairytale-like romantic moment. For heaven’s sake, I had thrown him in a puddle of water! Talk about romance…

Anyway, he won’t remember me. That’s good. That’s perfect.

It was easy to say it. It was easy to act cool.

Until they arrived.

They were perfect, even more so in reality. They entered the room smiling, and I studied each of them, trying to take notice of all the little things that made them… them. My eyes lingered a bit on Joon, but can you blame me? I hadn’t had a chance to see him with that kind of expression, the one of pure happiness. Only one thought could take form in my head right then: how breathtakingly beautiful could that smile of his be?

As they took their seats, with me only some meters away, I felt that I was a very lucky girl indeed.

…Seriously, do you know how y MBLAQ’s backs are?

A member of the staff gestured me to go closer to Lee Joon and to start… fanning him? I complied, and was moved to tears, as I was fanning Lee Joon, thankful that he hadn’t noticed my presence. Yet, it seemed kind of… dishonest. I don’t know. After all, he kind of hated me… I should apologize properly, at least.

When a small opportunity arose (the next fan still talking to the member before him), I gently poked his shoulder, realizing that I was actually touching my dream. “E-excuse me…” I asked, but he didn’t notice. Well, apparently touching him was easier than catching his attention.

I tried another couple of times, and failed. He sometimes was talking to a fellow member, or to a fan, and, since I wasn’t talking loudly enough, he hadn’t realized that someone was poking his shoulder.

…But someone else might have. Seungho, being the attentive leader that he was, noticed my pathetic attempts, or so it seemed, since he tapped Joon’s shoulder.

"Joon-ah…" he said, but I was unable to catch the rest, as he gestured him to come closer, and whispered in his ear. "Maybe they aren’t talking about me" I thought.

But when they turned to face me, I knew that I was right from the beginning: Seungho had directed Joon’s attention towards me.

In any other situation, Lee Joon’s reaction would have been hilarious.

After all, an idol chocking on his coffee from surprise was a priceless sight. Yet, because of the murderous glance that he gave me and the disbelieving "You?" he addressed me, it wasn’t funny. At all.

"I’m really, really sorry! I never meant for this to happen! It was an accident, I’m truly sorry!" I hurriedly apologized, bowing deeply numerous times (yeah, because bowing always had great results with me…).

He gave me one last look (one of those he had in “This is War”… You know, the deadly ones), before turning around and facing his fans, with a huge smile on his face (yeah, kind of like those he had in “Oh Yeah”…).

I felt my heart sink to the floor. It wasn’t only the fact that one of my favorite idols hated me, no, it wasn’t simply that.

For some reason, I felt hopeless knowing that those bright, heartfelt smiles of his would never, ever be addressed directly to me…

Joon’s POV:

Unbelievable. Out of all the people in this world that could have been working in that fan sign event, it had to be her.

The crazy girl that had completely ruined my mood twice in the same day.

I looked at Seungho, who had turned and was now kindly smiling to a fan, signing her album as though nothing had happened. However, I could tell that he had understood who the girl was. Him, and all my other fellow members who were now trying to hold back their laughter.

I took a deep breath and tried to control my anger. I focused on the boy in front of me that had been waiting to get my autograph patiently, unaware of the drama playing out before his own eyes. I managed a smile, even though it was kind of forced. I carelessly signed the album he handed me.

The endless line of fans was finally coming to an end and I smiled in delight and relief as the last fan moved towards the exit of the room. My fellow members and I started getting up, all of us stretching and trying to fight off our sleepy mood. While Seungho complained about not having a proper meal the whole afternoon, a shy girl whom I recognized as a part of the staff walked towards us.

"Excuse me? My colleagues and I were thinking that since you’ve worked so hard the whole afternoon, you should be hungry, so, um, how about we treat you all to some pizza tonight? If, of course, you aren’t too tired and haven’t planned anything else."

The others didn’t hesitate for a second, before replying by saying that we’d love to have dinner with them. Yeah, sure. Especially with some certain girl that was trying to hide behind her fellow co-workers and was avoiding my gaze (well, more like a glare). I could already see us ending up in that pizzeria. And I was right.

Half an hour later we were sitting along with about ten other people, all members of the staff, eating pizza in some small pizzeria. I was talking with some girls that were terrifyingly too eager to sit with me and Thunder, Mir was making some jokes that I doubt anyone but the fangirls around him were listening to and Seungho was chatting with G.O and some other fans while eating their pizza. The girl from that morning included in the latter category. 

One hour or so passed and, when we were about to call it a night, a girl asked to have an autograph. Soon, everyone was excitedly asking for one. Everyone made a line and, one by one, they started leaving after taking their autographs and wishing us a good night. The last fan to come for our autographs was (who else?) the girl from that morning. Everyone else had left.

"So, what’s your name?" asked G.O.

"It’s Mona."

"Oh! Like Mona Lisa", G.O joked, making the other members burst into laughter instantly. She laughed too, so she probably knew the song too. At least she was an MBLAQ fan.

When it was my turn to sign, she avoided my eyes. She looked at me for only a second before smiling nervously and moving on to Thunder, who was sitting beside me.

While he was signing, he asked her whether she would be coming to our concert the next day. Mona answered, saying that she wouldn’t miss it and that she couldn’t wait. And then, the weirdest thing ever happened.

"We’re having a party after the concert so, well, would you like to come?" he asked as if it was the most natural thing, inviting random fans to our private afterparties. I looked at him astonished and he just smiled innocently at me.

"I can really come? I mean, I’d love to come, but why would you invite someone like me to your party?", she asked, her eyes slightly wider than usual. Before I could say anything, Mir interrupted me:

"Of course you can come. Consider this our gift for being the last fan whose autograph we’ll sign today»" he said and smirked. Something was wrong. Since when did we do stuff like that?

When we were finally out of the pizzeria, I stared angrily at the rest of the members.

"What was that for?"

"What are you talking about?" G.O asked, way too innocently.

Yes, something was definitely wrong.



Oh, hi there! 

So, a few words about this story: we wrote this a while ago, my amazing sister (she'll kill me if I don't call her amazing, so...) and I.

I'm pretty attached to this story, you know? It was our first fanfiction, and the moments we shared when writing are irreplaceable, at least for me. Little sister, I love you! <3 

Okay, random speech ends here.

Thanks to all of you who subscribed. We really are thankful. Love you <3

 I sincerely hope you enjoy this story. It will be a mini-fic of four chapters, and I also have to inform you that my sister wrote Joon's POV, while I wrote Mona's. Please, feel free to comment, subscribe and/or upvote this fic. You can also message us to say your thoughts. The important is to hear your opinion, because we love hearing from you!

Have a nice day,
Signing off,
SikyGreen ^^

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