Waking Up Alone

It Hurts Just Seeing You

(Suggested Song To Listened To While Reading: MBLAQ - Sad Memories Piano)

Cheondung woke up alone in his room he stood up and went out. He saw his hyungs and Mir sitting at the table eating breakfast.

"Is Seungho hyung awake yet?" Cheondung asked.

"Cheondung-ah..." Byunghee looked at his band mate as his own heart ache he didn't wanna cry in front of his dongsaengs so he turned his head and looked at the window the back of his head facing Cheondung. Mir and Joon kept quiet.

"I'll wake him up...his hungry" Cheondung half smiled and went to Seungho's room.

"Hyung...wake up..." He knocked. But no respond.

"Hyung...come on...let's eat..." Cheondung knocked harder. But still no respond. 

The other 3 members just looked down as tears start to roll down from their eyes.

Cheondung went inside Seungho's room. No one was there.It was dark and cold. He shivered as his feet came in contact with the room's cold floor. It's like life had been up from this room.It was so quiet and lonely. The bed was neatly folded. The curtains were down blocking the sun.The study table was filled with picture frames of them. 

"It's not real..." He whispered to himself clenching his fist and walked out.

"Did hyung go s-somewhere?" Cheondung asked his voice unsteady from holding his tears.

"Dungie...His de-" Joon started but got cut off by Cheondung yelling.

"SHUT UP!!! SHUT THE HELL UP!!! HIS NOT DEAD!!! HIS ALIVE!!! HIS NOT DEAD!!! YOU GUYS ARE BLIND!!! I'M GONNA FIND HIM!!!" Cheondung cried as he took his jacket and keys and ran outside after putting on his shoes.

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Chapter 6: this story is really interesting and emotional. Though the chapters are short, the details are still well written that it made it possible for us readers not just to imagine the scene but also feel what the characters were feeling.

It is a good read story. Well done!
RistiGlykos #2
Chapter 6: I Like The Story

Thanks Author Nim :D