
What is "Perfection"?

3 years later...

"Sehun-ah, help me to pick up the phone please~" Kai called out from the sofa. "Yoogeun couldn't stop crying."

"Ok, dear." Sehun answered while rushed to pick up the phone.

"Yoogeun-ah, are you hungry? Here, here." Kai giving the small boy a bottle of milk and started to sway the little one on his arms.

"See? You stop crying. Good boy. Mommy loves you." Kai smiled and kissed Yoogeun lovingly.

"Chagi-yah." Sehun plopped out beside Yoogeun and smiled. "Chanyeol is in Seoul today and he bring his new boyfriend along!"

"Really?" Kai looked up in surprise. He's so glad to hear that. He thought Chanyeol wouldn't be able to love anybody again since that accident but he proved wrong. "Very good! I heard Hyuna and Hyuseung will also come, right?"

"So do Luhan and Xiumin." Sehun smiled. "Have you invited Taemin and Minho?"

"I did! They are on their way here now!" Kai smiled. "Wow, dear. This is really a reunion!"

Sehun smiled when he heard Kai's excited voice.


After years and years passed...

This is the reunion.






Chanyeol was standing infront of Baekhyun's grave. His hands clenched into a fists and he let out a soft smile.

"Baekhyun-ah. Annyeong..."

Chanyeol took a deep breathe. "Today I bring someone to meet you."

Chanyeol turned his body to a boy with long blonde hair and ushered him to come closer.

The blonde boy took some hasty stepes before stopped right beside Chanyeol.

"This is Jo Youngmin, my new boyfriend." Chanyeol smiled as he held Youngmin's hand. "He is pleased to meet you, Baekhyun."

Youngmin blinked as he stared at the grave. It was nice. It's not overly decorated but it's still looked beautiful.

"Greet him, Youngmin-ah." Chanyeol whispered at Youngmin.

"A-annyeong." Youngmin bowed awkwardly. "M-my name i-is J-jo youngmin and I meet Chanyeol sunbaenim in America. N-nice to meet you, B-baekhyun hyung."

Youngmin bit his lower lips nervously. "I... I will taking care of Chanyeol hyung seriously. I will be by his side for eternity. I-... I promise you, hyung."

Chanyeol smiled at Youngmin's words.

The two looked at each other before bowed again at Baekhyun's grave.

"Rest well, Baekhyun-ah." Chanyeol smiled softly before holding Youngmin's hand and turned their body back.

The wind was blowing softly, carressed Chanyeol and Youngmin's hair.

It was like saying...

Chanyeollie, I'm so happy for you.

Now you've got yourself somebody that you love...

Please treasure him with all your might.

Don't be sad anymore, okay?

We are meant to be...

In another time, another life.



You would be







"Hmm~ who cooks?" Luhan hummed in delight.

"Sehun, of course." Kai grinned while feeding his baby son.

"Yoogeun has grown into a very cute little boy, huh?" Hyuna beamed while carressing the boy's hair.

"By the way, where's Chanyeol?"

"He just passed by and gave us some souvenirs from America. He said he needs to catch the plan to Busan in 3 hours so he want to take Youngmin around Seoul first."

Sehun just nodded. "How's his boyfriend? Cute?"

"Cute. Even though I think Baekhyun is cuter, but I'm sure Chanyeol had found something in that boy that attract him."

Sehun just nodded and went back to his meat. "It's a perfection, nae?"

"Perfection again?" Hyuna groaned. "I hope you've learned well from us, Sehun-ah. You are not the crazy perfectionist anymore, right?"

"He's still the perfectsionist freak." Kai answered. "He sometimes still complains about his dish isn't delicious enough, or his looks is not deceiving enough..."

"The only thing that is perfect for me is Kai." Sehun answered lightly.

"Aww, why's that?" Hyuna grinned teasingly.

"Because I can watch him for a second..." Sehun averted his eyes to Kai. "...and find thousands of things that I like about him."


Everyone broke into a laughter when they heard the cheesy line.

"Sehun has really changed!" Luhan laughed. "Back then his type is someone like Avril Lavigne, Ariana Grande..."

"Well they got nothing on Kai now." Sehun cleared his throat nervously.

"And why?"

Sehun blinked when Kai asked him with such a sweet adorable smile.

Sehun blushed immediately. "Because perfection is all about perspective..."

Sehun looked away from Kai and focused his attention at his food. "...and my idea of perfection...is you."

Kai was taken back a little, before he blushed furiously.

"Aww, look at them. All red." Hyuna giggled again.

"It's a rare view, huh?" Xiumin joined in.


"Ah, it must be Taemin!" Kai hurried himself to ran away from his teasing friends.

"So you and Hyunseung are getting married next month, huh?" Sehun asked.

"Hmm." Hyuna nodded. "You have to come and bring a lot of presents!"

They chuckled again.

"Heii, Taemin bring us meat!!!" Kai shouted happily while entering the house.

"Ah! Meat? Sehun-ah! Let's go and grill the meat! Ppali!" Luhan excitedly stand up only for getting scold by Xiumin.

"Hei, chagi-yah! Slow down! Don't get our baby hurt please!"

Luhan just grinned while rubbing his belly apologeticly and continued to walk to the kitchen.

Sehun smiled as he stood up and joined Luhan in the kitchen.

What is Perfection?

Sehun turned his head to see Kai who was laughing around with Yoogeun on his laps.

Sehun's lips curled into a small smile.


His life is a perfection.







Officially ended!! *throw.a.confetti*

Ahh~ I should get over this happy feeling and start the fist chapter of *The.ugly.twin* A.s.a.p!! XD

I'm so thankful for 492 friends that have been accompanied me throughout this story X).

I'll see you guys in 'The Ugly Twin' or another upcoming story of mine!

Thanks for loving "Perfection" this far and I hope you also like the ending!

Have a beautiful day!


*kisses from Indonesia, fallenenigma*

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962 streak #1
Chapter 27: Thank you for sharing. My only issue is Chanyeol not being arrested for his crimes. Why wasn't he in a counselling program if he beat up someone before in high school?
962 streak #2
Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Why wasn't Chanyeol arrested by the police? What he did are crimes. Entrapment, physical assault resulting in death!
962 streak #3
Chapter 1: Selamat pagi. I stsrtefreading this fic just now. Moving on to the next chapter.
Terima kasih.
Palak27 #4
Chapter 27: It was a good read. I enjoyed it. The only thing I didn’t like was baekhyun dying and chanyeol not getting proper punishment for it even though he’s my bias. But it’s fiction.
Palak27 #5
Chapter 23: Damn park chanyeol and wu yifan! I’ll kill you both
Palak27 #6
Chapter 20: Damn he’s scary!!! Park Chanyeol pull yourself together!
Palak27 #7
Chapter 13: Yes Luhan deserves so much happiness!!!!
Palak27 #8
Chapter 7: That car scene was cute!!!!!
Palak27 #9
Chapter 4: I just jhope Kai is not sick in this fic even if I love drama!
Palak27 #10
Chapter 1: I just finished The Ugly Twin and I am here and I already don't like Sehun! :(