Chapter 22 - Hospital.

What is "Perfection"?

"Please, make sure he's alright!"

"Yes, sir. We will try our best. Please step out for a while."

Chanyeol was pushed lightly by the nurses. The young Park cried and slumped to the floor. The other who was watching him just staring at him with a sympathic eyes.

"Are you okay?" Sehun asked when Kai went out of the patient room to take care of his wounds.

"I'm okay..." Kai said while grasping Sehun's hand which was landed on his body reasurringly. Hyuna, Luhan, Xiumin, Kai and Sehun fell into a silence as Chanyeol cried and cried, almost clawed on front door of the ICU room.

Second turned into seconds.

Minute turned into minutes.

And finally an hour had passed.

Kai finally approached Chanyeol who was sitting on the floor. Sehun went alarmed and was about to grab the other away when her caught Hyuna and Xiumin sent a dissapproving glance at him.

Kai stood beside Chanyeol, didn't really know what to do. He awkwardly squatted beside Chanyeol, and raised his hand, rubbing his back to comfort him.


They stayed in the same position for quite a while.

"...I never thought that I..." Chanyeol let out a choked sobs. "...will do something to hurt him. I-"

Kai gulped as he listened carefully to every words that Chanyeol said.

"...I...I hurt him..."

Hyuna averted his eyes away to the floor, couldn't bear to see Chanyeol's expression.

"That's alright." Kai whispered in a shooting tone. "He'll be alright. He'll wake up."

At that time, a nurse came out from the hospital's room.

"Wait, wait." Chanyeol stood up immediately and grabbed the nurse's hand. "H-how... How's..."

"Mr. Byun is critical. The wound on his head is bleeding constantly and we are trying very hard to stop it. We also find some other serious wounds and we need more time to take care of them. Sit down and be calm, sir. We will take care of him."

The nurse then peeled of Chanyeol's grasp on her arm and left him in a fast speed.

Chanyeol felt like a bullet had just stabbed his chest. It was hurt like hell and he fell to the floor.


"Chanyeol-ah, calm down!" Kai cried out and shook Chanyeol's arms wildly.

"It's all my fault, it is all my fault!" Chanyeol shouted, grasping his hair desperately.

"Calm down! Calm down!" Kai whispered. Tears were startiing to fell down from his eyes.

It's suppose to be his fault.

Baekhyun was protecting him.

"Don't be stupid!" All of sudden Hyuna was crouching beside them. Her face's also wet from tears. "Do you think compaining and hoping would get Baekhyun alive? No! Now just pray! Hope for a miracle!"

Luhan sighed and laid his head on Xiumin's shoulder while the other circled his hand protectively around Luhan's waist. It's true that Hyuna, Luhan, Xiumin and Sehun doesn't really know Baekhyun. Luhan and Xiumin hadn't ever met the petite guy before. But they all drown in the story and explanation. Their heart also shouts out the sympathy for Byun Baekhyun. That's the reason why they hadn't stepped out from the hospital even after hours of waiting.

Time passed again, and Chanyeol's now stopped crying.

All of them fell into a silence again.

"When I was young..." Chanyeol suddenly started. "...Baekhyun really loves winnie the pooh and he always say that quote to me over and over again..."

Everyone blinked and focused their attention at Chanyeol.

"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live even a day without you..."

Chanyeol stopped and started to cry again.

"He shouldn't have said that! I'm the one who will die if I have to live even a minute without him!"

Kai who had stopped crying all of sudden started to cry again.

"I'm a stupid, worthless guy. He doesn't deserve me." Chanyeol body went limp and he slumped on the wall. "I date everyone but him. I know my ing obsession toward people and that's the main reason why I've never dated him. I can't hurt him, I can't touch him just the way that I want. He means the world for me and I simply couldn't just do whatever I want to him."

Kai frowned for a while.

So you date me because you know you would definitely obsessed to me? That you can hurt me? What the f- Ah, it's over anyway. Forget it.

"The last thing I told him was..." Chanyeol clenched his fists tightly as he remembered how Baekhyun's face looked like when he told him that he was just a worthless piece of .

"HE DOESN'T DESERVE ME!" Chanyeol screamed and Kai pulled him into a tight hug. "If he had awake later, I'll definitely leave him! I won't stay beside him! I won't hurt him again!"

Sehun closed his eyes and he bowed down, hiding his tears.

"Oh, God... Help him..." Chanyeol cried out. "Help him, please help him..."







It was 2.13 AM in the morning. Kai and Sehun headed to the cafetaria to get their super late dinner.

Kai sighed as he sat himself on the chair.

Luhan and Xiumin had to go back home since Luhan's mom had been calling again and again. Only Hyuna who was still stay in the hospital and now is watching over Chanyeol to make sure the other doesn't make something funny.

"I hope Baekhyun is alright..." Kai sighed while putting his head between both of his arms. "He's there to protect me. He's there to protect Chanyeol. I can't let him die."

Sehun stared at Kai for a while before putting the hot chocolates on the table.

"He'll be alright." Sehun said while holding Kai's hand tightly. "He'll be..."

The two fell into a comfort silence for a while. 

"But I was a coward. I'm too scared that I wouldn't be able to keep Chanyeol for myself. That's why I make Chanyeol fall in love with me and date me. I made him dumped Baekhyun. I got jealous with Baekhyun even though Baekhyun deserves Chanyeol more than I do. The whole time with Chanyeol, I then realized... Maybe I don't love Chanyeol in that way."

Sehun furrowed his eyebrows while focusing himself to everything that Kai said.

"I've fallen to somebody else."






Chanyeol was so tired and he closed his eyes for a while. He drifted off to the dreamland when suddenly the door was being pushed open.

The doctors and some nurses went out with masker covered their mouths.

"D-doctor!" Chanyeol jumped out of his position and grabbed the doctor's arm. "H-how's h-him?"

The doctor took off his mask and Chanyeol cringed when he saw such a sad expression on the doctor's face.

"H-how's Baekhyun, doctor???" Chanyeol couldn't be patience and shouted.

"I'm so sorry, sir." The doctor looked sorry that it almost made Chanyeol punched him square on the face. "We... Can't save Mr. Byun. He had lost too much blood and the wound was too deep that it broke some of his nerves. Other than, he also bumped to something that broke his ribs, the reason why he spit blood. Unfortunately the broken ribs made their way toward heart and stabbed it. We are so sorry, sir."

Chanyeol's legs lost their strength and he fell to the floor with a loud thud. The news he had just heard hit him like a rollercoaster.

It hurts.

Hyuna rushed to his side immediately and hugged him.

"H-he... W-what?" Chanyeol asked, voice trembled wildly.

"Be strong, Park-ssi." Hyuna whimpered as she tightened her hug.

"The doctor must be joking, right?" Chanyeol laughed humourlessly. "It musn't be true, right? Baekhyun wouldn't die! Right?"

Hyuna didn't say anything. He just drew a soft circle on Chanyeol's back, comforting the other boy. "

It's not true..." Chanyeol felt his tears were b on his eyes, fell one by one.


Chanyeol felt his throat choked.














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976 streak #1
Chapter 27: Thank you for sharing. My only issue is Chanyeol not being arrested for his crimes. Why wasn't he in a counselling program if he beat up someone before in high school?
976 streak #2
Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Why wasn't Chanyeol arrested by the police? What he did are crimes. Entrapment, physical assault resulting in death!
976 streak #3
Chapter 1: Selamat pagi. I stsrtefreading this fic just now. Moving on to the next chapter.
Terima kasih.
Palak27 #4
Chapter 27: It was a good read. I enjoyed it. The only thing I didn’t like was baekhyun dying and chanyeol not getting proper punishment for it even though he’s my bias. But it’s fiction.
Palak27 #5
Chapter 23: Damn park chanyeol and wu yifan! I’ll kill you both
Palak27 #6
Chapter 20: Damn he’s scary!!! Park Chanyeol pull yourself together!
Palak27 #7
Chapter 13: Yes Luhan deserves so much happiness!!!!
Palak27 #8
Chapter 7: That car scene was cute!!!!!
Palak27 #9
Chapter 4: I just jhope Kai is not sick in this fic even if I love drama!
Palak27 #10
Chapter 1: I just finished The Ugly Twin and I am here and I already don't like Sehun! :(