Chapter 13 - Drown

What is "Perfection"?


Let's go to the pool!

Kai blinked as he eyed the screen of his phone, reading his boyfriend's message.

"Pool?" Kai unconciously read the message out loud.

"What?" Sehun who was making a breakfast raised his eyebrows. "What pool?"

"It's..." Kai hesitated. "Channie's asking me to go the pool"

"For? Swimming?" Sehun raised his left eyebrows. "Wait, Kai. Aren't you..."

"Yes, I have a phobia when it comes to swimming" Kai pouted. "It's all thanks to someone who kindly pushed me to the water when I was 7"

Sehun gulped. He was the one who caused Kai almost drowned himself in the pool years ago.




Little Kai was too afraid of the cold water and could only stood at the side of pool. He brought his knees to his chest and looked away when his mom opened her arms to brought Kai onto the pool.

"I don't want to! It's cold, and it's deep!"

"Mommy will hold you, honey" Mrs. Ji Hyun assured her only son. "That's okay, it's not as scary as it seems!"

Mrs. Oh who watched it slowly made her way to her own son. Sehun was playing happily with water and laid his body on the top of his rubber duck's float.

"Sehun-ah, can you go to Kai and ask him to join us in the pool? He looked scared" Mrs. Oh asked gently.

Sehun glanced at Kai who was still sitting on the side of the pool, looked like a lost puppy. Mrs. Kim had already swimming to approach her husband, leaving the tan kid alone. Something tickled Sehun's stomach at how cute Kai looked like at that time.

Sehun then made his way to Kai with his duck's float and plopped out of the water. "Hei, thick lips. Why don't you jump to the water?"

"I'm not 'Thick Lips'!" Kai pouted. "And I just don't want to! I don't like pool!"

"Why not?" Sehun scoffed. "Are you scared?"

"I just don't like cold water" Kai snapped, obviously didn't want to be called a coward. "Why don't you just jump and swim away again with that rubber duck float of yours?"

Sehun squatted behind Kai with his rubber duck float still sticked around his small waist. The young Oh smirked. "I don't get why are you so scared with water. That's really good to swim around, and I bet that thick lips of yours would help you to float by itself so you don't have to be scared of drowning"

Kai growled and hit Sehun hard.

"Ooww!!!" Sehun screamed out due to his surprise. "That hurts, silly!"

"That's for making fun of my lips!" Kai glared and stood up when from the far he saw his dad had made his way out of the pool.

"Where are you going?" Sehun asked, also stood up along.

"I will just change back to my clothes and go get ice cream with daddy" Kai huffed and started to walk away.

No, Sehun didn't want Kai to go and left him. He wanted Kai to be at the pool, joined him swimming around or at least just sat there and, available to be teased anytime.

"No, you can't go" Sehun grabbed Kai's wrist.

"Aihh, let go!" Kai whined and tried to pull his wrist out of Sehun's grasp.

"You have to play with me! Let's get into the water!" Sehun dragged Kai to the pool, tightened his rubber duck float.

"No!!! No!!! Don't do th- kyaaaaaaaaaaaa"


Sehun had pulled Kai's wrist to entered the water and the poor tanned kid drowned almost immediately.

Kai couldn't swim, and Sehun didn't know that.

Sehun was all frozen when he watched Kai screamed and flailed his arms wildly, cried for help. Sehun was still frozen when his dad swam to Kai and immediately lifted Kai out of the pool. Finally, when his parents came and scolded him for being so careless, Sehun started to cry.

He didn't mean it, he didn't want to drown Kai.

He just wanted to be with Kai.


*end of flashback*


"J-just ask him to go somewhere else"

"He couldn't" Kai's face turned sour. "He will also bring Baekhyun along, and Baekhyun want to go to the pool"

"Who's Baekhyun?" Sehun asked. "Chanyeol's little brother?"

"Best friend" Kai sighed. "Best friend since they were little"

"Isn't is it suppose to be a date between you two? Why Baekhyun is coming along?"

"Because he want to swim" Kai chuckled sarcasticly. "And as a good best friend, Chanyeol agreed"

"That Baekhyun guy would be a disturbance" Sehun commented. "What is he doing, between a lover?"

No, I'm the one who will be a disturbance... Kai thought as he sighed heavily. Should he just cancel their date? But if he did that, then Chanyeol and Baekhyun... Would be on their own date... And Kai is jealous.

Kai huffed again raised himself. "I'm going"

"Hei!" Sehun turned his body fully to see Kai. "You can't swim, silly!"

"I wouldn't play around in the deep area" Kai huffed. He went to the room and grabbed his bag to filled it with swimsuit.

"You can't, stupid" Sehun walked behind Kai, flustered. "Still, what if something happened and you drown yourself!"

"Don't pray for something that bad!" Kai glared at Sehun. "And stop calling me stupid, you lisp!"

Sehun widened his eyes and walked over to Kai, grabbed both of his arms and almost hoisted the smaller up. "Since when did you realize I'm a lisp?"

"Since we were little of course" Kai answered, tried to not showing his pain infront of Sehun. Sehun gripped his arms too hard but Kai didn't want Sehun to found his other weakness and for uptenth time losing *again* to the blonde. That's why he just kept quiet and silently tried to pry Sehun's hands from his arms.

"Don't you dare to tell anyone, especially Luhan. Understand?"

Kai furrowed his eyebrows and wanted to ask him what's so wrong to tell Luhan that Sehun is a lisp but the pain on his arms were so unbearable. He nodded quickly and Sehun released his body.

"I don't think you can go" Sehun finished his statement, flat.

"What?" Kai widened his eyes. "I can, of course! I'm willingly will go and join Channie"

Sehun sighed, frustrated. "I said NO! Why can't you listen to me??"

"Why should I listen to you??" Kai. replied, voice also loud and annoyed. "Tch, you are not my mom, nor my dad, and not even my husband!"

Sehun felt like someone had just slapped him across the face with a sandal.

Oh yeah, right. He's no one to Kai. Why should he bother what that guy wanted to do anyway?

Kai sighed when Sehun stopped talking and crossed his arms. "Errr, or..." Kai hummed while looking at Sehun. "What about... Ah! You are coming with me! How does that sound?"

"Don't wanna"

"What will I do if I get drowned or something like that?"

"Why should I care?" Sehun huffed. "You are no one to me anyway"

This time it's Kai who got slapped on the face. "W-well, C-Chanyeol will also bring a friend of his! Please come with me, yeahh?"

"No, never" Sehun huffed, still clearly hurt with Kai's statement.



Kai then pulled out his phone. "Then I'm going to call Luhan"

"For what?" "To tell him that his boyfriend is lisp"





Sehun furrowed his eyebrows, watched Kai who jumped out of his car excitedly.

"Let's go! Let's go!"

Sehun sighed and followed Kai from behind. They entered the pool's area.

"Chanyeol is on his way" Kai said happily. "Let's go and get change!"

Sehun scoffed and pulled out his shirt over his head and Kai widened his eyes when he saw body. His skin is pale, glistened with the sunrise. Sehun has a sixpack and even though not too obvious like the singer Bi Rain, it still looked lean and good.

"Like what you see?" Sehun smirked.

Kai tore his eyes away. He scoffed and pulled out his. He walked toward the pool and entered it without much words.

Sehun who saw it just tsked lightly and joined the other guy. Kai was playing with water while Sehun's swimming around when Chanyeol and Baekhyun arrived.

"Kai!" Chanyeol waved his hand while Baekhyun just throw his small sweet smile.

"Hei, Channie. Baek" Kai replied while smiling.

Sehun watched in silence when the two approached the pool. So that's the friend Kai talked about. Sehun didn't know the kid's name, so he just silently glanced from far.

The kid was cute. His eyes are small, almost dissapear whenever his smiles. Thin lips which always throw a sincere smile, and a very small body. His body is almost match Luhan's, but Baekhyun is slightly taller.

Sehun eyed how Chanyeol helped the small brunette kid with his clothes and jumped to the water together.

Chanyeol then approached Kai, kissed him lightly on the lips.

Sehun felt a burning sensation on his chest and looked away. He focused his attention to the water back again and started to swim away.

Little did he know, the small brunette guy that he saw earlier was also had the same sensation on his chest when he saw Chanyeol kissed Kai.

Yeah, Byun Baekhyun is also in love with Park Chanyeol.

After the short kiss, Chanyeol parted away and grinned. "Let's swim around, Kai-ah!"

"Yes" Kai grinned, obviously too happy to be kissed infront of Baekhyun. "You go first, I'll go later"

Chanyeol nodded and started to swim away, left Baekhyun and Kai together.

"You don't go swimming?" Kai asked Baekhyun, a little confused.

"I...I d-don't really know how to swim..." Baekhyun stuttered a little, blushed.


"I see" Kai smiled when he saw the guy red cheeks. Kai gets jealous with Baekhyun a lot. Baekhyun is Chanyeol's bestfriend since the were little and that's why they are inseparable.

Baekhyun is really innocent, simple and shy. That's why even though Kai gets jealous with him, Kai can't helpt but at the same time also feel protective toward Baekhyun.

Well, that kid doesn't even looked like he could kill a fly!

"Come on, Baekki-ah" Chanyeol huffed and swam back to their places. "I asked you to go here because you want to learn how to swim, right? Let's go. I'm holding you"

Kai bit his lip when Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun's arms and slowly dragged him away from Kai's positions.

"B-but I c-can't swim" Baekhyun panicked when the water started to reached his chin. The pool was surely deep!

"You are holding me, okay?" Chanyeol said as he circled Baekhyun's hands around his waist.

What the is that.

Kai just kept his expression flat when he saw how Chanyeol taught Baekhyun patiently how to swim.

Well that's particularly not learning how to swim...


Kai huffed and looked around to searched for Sehun. He knew this kind of scene would happen. Whenever Baekhyun tags along in his date and Chanyeol's, Kai will always be the one who get ignored. Inviting Sehun along will make Kai has a companion.

Even though it's a very annoying one.

The pale boy was staring at Chanyeol and Baekhyun with unreadable eyes. Dozzing off.

Kai smirked and slowly approached Sehun's position. He splashed waters to Sehun.

Sehun startled and turned around to spotted Kai who was smiling annoyingly.

Sehun glared and swam toward Kai who immediately shrieks and tried to run away. Sehun is a fast swimmer and in a matter of second he already got Kai in his arms.

Kai shrieked while laughing heartfully as he was helpless in Sehun's arms.

"You surely are naughty" Sehun couldn't help but smirk on Kai's ears.

It felt so right to hold Kai. The other boy was fitted perfectly on his hands, unlike Luhan who's actually too little that Sehun felt like crushing his body off whenever he hugs him. Kai's body size is perfect against Sehun's.

Kai nudged Sehun's ribs while laughing and Sehun released his arms immediately, shocked.

"Pa~booo~" Kai laughed and ran away from Sehun. To the deeper side of the pool.

"Wait, Kai!" Sehun shouted and swam to approached the running guy.

Kai who thought Sehun wanted to catch him once again, immediately ran further to the pool. He didn't realize that the depth had reached his chin because he was too focused on his laughing. Kai only stopped laughing when he was tripped over his own feet and made him lose his balance. Kai fell into the depth of the water.

A ing 2.5 M depth of water.

"Kai!!!" Sehun shouted as he swam toward Kai. Chanyeol and Baekhyun turned their heads when they heard Kai's name and saw Kai was squirming around on the water.

Kai couldn't let out any single scream. His feet didn't touch the ground and he had drank a small amounts of the pool's water. The memory of the past hit him hard and he squirmed around to reach the water's surface. The water had slowed down his movements and Kai became panick.

What if he died here? He couldn't breath, his throat's burning hard. No matter how many times he tried to jumped out of the water, he couldn't. His ears started to ring and his body went numb.

Kai let out a desperate scream but it just caused the water to entered his small mouth and filled his burning chest.


Kai suddenly felt someone pulled him closer to their body and lifted him a little off the water.

Kai let out his breathes when the wind splashed his bare face. He coughed and panted hard. He went weak immediately and was fully laid his head helplessly on his savior's shoulder. He closed his eyes tightly.

Sehun glanced at Kai on his arms and hurriedly swam away to the edge of the pool, tried to be as fast as he could but as careful as possible to kept Kai's head on the crook of his neck so the other could breathe properly.

Chanyeol also swam toward them, dragging Baekhyun from behind.

When finally Sehun reached the edge of the pool, he hoisted Kai out of the water, sat on the edge of the pool and put Kai's head on his laps. "Kai-ah, can you hear me?"

Kai slowly opened his eyes and met Sehun's eyes. Kai didn't answer. He just had his gripped on Sehun's hand tightly.

"Kai-ah, Kai-ah" Chanyeol whimpered while approaching Kai. The giant sighed in relief when he saw Kai had opened his eyes and breathed out regularly. Chanyeol then glanced at Sehun, frowned a litte. "Hei, give him to me"

Sehun startled a little when Chanyeol suddenly moved his hands and tried to hoisted Kai to his arms. "No, it's okay. I got him"

Sehun tightened his hold on Kai. He didn't feel like letting the younger go.

"Give him to me" Chanyeol demanded again, voice stern. "He's my boyfriend. I'm the only one who can touch him"

Sehun frowned again and before he could answer back, Kai had slowly pulling himself to a sitting position.

"Hei, baby. You okay?" Chanyeol ran his hand through Kai's cheek and Kai smiled at him.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Honey, it's okay. This is my friend Sehun. He doesn't mean to touch me innapropriately like what you think"

"Sehun?" Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrows deeper. "Ah, the guy that lives in your house?"

Kai nodded and Sehun caught a change in Chanyeol's expression.

"Why he is here? Did you invite him here?"

"Y-yes I do" Kai answered, smile dissapearred from his face. "W-why?"

"Who told you he could come along?" Chanyeol grew furious, ignored the stares they got from people in the pool. "W-well, he kinda wanted to swim around too so I-"

"Do you always stick around with Kai wherever he go, hmm?" Chanyeol turned his attention to Sehun and glaring.

"No" Sehun answered back, frowned.

"You see, I don't like it when someone sticks around with my boyfriend too much for my liking. You know your limit, right?" Chanyeol asked with a displease expression clearly written on his face.

"Chanyeol!" Kai gasped. "You can't say that! I'm the one who asked him to come!"

"Why did you do that?" Chanyeol snapped at Kai, grew more furious. "Did you do it on purpose? So that you can flirt with him?"

"Park Chanyeol!" Kai gasped, couldn't believe what Chanyeol had said. "How dare you- do you think I'm that kind of person? I asked Sehun to come along because you also asked Baekhyun to come with you!"

"But I don't like you to be around someone else, Kai!"

"And so do I, PABO!" Kai shouted, clearly annoyed with Chanyeol. "I also get jealous when you are around someone else! Don't you know how it hurts when you spend your time more with Baekhyun than with me???"

Baekhyun widened his eyes, looked kinda shocked when his name's mentioned. His face immediately washed with guilt and regret.

Kai took a deep breathe before grabbed Sehun's hand. "Let's just go home"

The two of them then walked away to left the still freezing Chanyeol and Baekhyun alone on the pool.

Chanyeol turned his head to watched how Sehun and Kai disappearred from his sight. He groaned and stomped his left feet angrily.





"Stupid, stupid, stupid giant!" Kai cursed while eating his ice cream angrily. "That ugly green yoda! Big ears! Stupiiiiidd!!! Argghhhh"

Sehun just watched Kai cursing his boyfriend with a confused expression. The blonde guy didn't let out any comment and just kept watching Kai in silence.

"Oh, how I wish I could drown his face on the water! Geez!!!" Kai groaned and buried his face between his arms.

Sehun took a bite of his ice cream and munched it slowly, didn't tear his eyes from Kai.


Sehun almost choked on his green cone when he heard the sobs. Soon enough, Kai was a crying mess.

"Hei" Sehun poked Kai's arm lightly. "A-are you crying?"

Kai shook his head but kept his face on his arms. "I'm not- hiks... Hiks..."

'Of course you are, silly' Sehun sighed and watched Kai in silence. How he wish he could just enveloped Kai on his arms and calming the other down. Sehun really hates Kai's tears. He doesn't know why, but he just dislikes it.

After a few minutes, Kai had slowly calming down. He let out a heavy sigh and raised his head from his arms. His eyes met Sehun's, who was finishing his second cone of ice cream calmly.

"You done?" Sehun asked, flat.

"I'm done" Kai pouted. "What a nice question, Sehun. You are such a heartless man. Eh, my face is all red and swollen right now, right?" "No"

Sehun shook his head. "You are so tan, your face didn't looked red at all"

"You are so annoying, lisp!" Kai leaned forward and slapped Sehun's ar.

"Yah, it hurts!" Sehun flinched away. "Because you were too busy crying just then, your ice cream has melted away. You want another one?"

Kai watched Sehun in silence, calculating the price of the ice cream in his head.

"I'll treat you" Sehun sighed.

"I want two tastes, oreo and creme brulee with red cone, please" Kai grinned so brightly.

Sehun rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Yes, yes. At your service"

Sehun bought the ice cream that Kai wants and brought it to him. The smaller looked so happy to got his ice cream. Sehun watched as Kai took a big bite of the ice cream happily. Kai looked so cute with his ice cream.

A really nice view.

"What? You want to try my ice cream?" Kai asked innocently.


"This is really good. Try it" Kai extended his ice cream to Sehun.

Sehun hesitated a little before slowly leaned down and took a small bit of the ice cream. When Sehun put himself back to his original position, Kai all of sudden laughed loudly.


"Hahahaha, you are really funny!" Kai grabbed a tissue and leaned closer to Sehun.

"W-what???" Sehun immediately leaned his body backward to avoid Kai's tissue.

"You got an ice cream on your nose, silly" Kai grinned and dabbed the tissue lightly on Sehun's nose.

Sehun gulped and his face reddened in instance.

"Such a silly kid" Kai grinned while went back to his original sitting position. "How old are you? 5? Hahahahaha"

"Shut up" Sehun hissed with his face all red. "Oh yeah, of course you are 5. You can't even spell 'R' right" Kai laughed again.

"Shut up, you thick-lips" Sehun spatted.

"Oh yeahh, Mr. Lisp" Kai laughed even harder.

Sehun raised his body from his chair and approached Kai. He grabbed both Kai's shoulder and pressed the smaller on his chest. "Shut up or I'll punish you"

"Don't wan- ahhhhh" Kai immediate wiggled when Sehun started to tickled his body mercilessly. "Ahahahahaha-aww-ahahahahaha-Sehun-ah stooopp~"

Sehun didn't do as he told to and tickled Kai even harder.

"No~!!!, stop!!!" Kai laughed and grabbed Sehun's wrists. "Stop!"

Sehun widened his eyes when Kai suddenly turned his head to faced Sehun. Their faces were so close and the two stunned for a while. Sehun freeze when he saw Kai's smile.

Kai looked so pretty when he's smiling, eyes shaped into a crescent and white teeth showing beneath his plump kissable lips. Sehun felt his heart jolted out from his body when his lips almost touched Kai's.

Kai also blinked nervously when his eyes met Sehun's. From this distance, Kai also could clearly saw Sehun's strong eyebrows, penetrating eyes, thin lips, and tall nose. Kai's face flushed all red immediately and he pulled away from Sehun.

Sehun also cleared his throat. He then awkwardly stood up and went back to his original position. Kai continued to eating his ice cream in silence while Sehun tried to calming his sudden rising heartbeat desperately.

'You have to get this doki-doki feeling when you around them' Hyuna's words flashed again on Sehun's head.

He glanced at Kai and gulped when the other also caught his eyes. They both looked away awkwardly.

Hyuna's right... Sehun thought silently. Maybe... Maybe... No, not just maybe. This feeling... This sudden increased heartbeat... This feeling of protectiveness... The butterflies on his stomach...

Maybe it's right...

Maybe Sehun had really fallen to Kai.




Those who follow my insta must know what kind of ice cream are Kai and Sehun eat kekeke XD

I'm so sorry that I hadn't been updating for days DX. My final exams are coming and I have to focus my attention on that. Well, panicks only come when the end of the semester is approaching. Right? Kekeke ~

I've requested a review from Bibimbap Review Shop (how I love this name, reminding me of a bowl of hot bibimbap keke)~ and I've got this story requested by "AzHiie"! We are both KrisYeol lover, and she's one of my favorite krisyeol fanfic writer X). She's the most intimidating reviewer in the shop and also the most experienced one! I had to prepare myself before reading her review keke. She's really sharp, and accurate! I really love the points where she show my weakness and my plus points. She's a super amazing reviewer and you SHOULD request a review from her! XD

Ok, time to go! Don't forget to pray for my exam tomorrow! Love ya to the max!


*kisses from Indonesia, fallenenigma*

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975 streak #1
Chapter 27: Thank you for sharing. My only issue is Chanyeol not being arrested for his crimes. Why wasn't he in a counselling program if he beat up someone before in high school?
975 streak #2
Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Why wasn't Chanyeol arrested by the police? What he did are crimes. Entrapment, physical assault resulting in death!
975 streak #3
Chapter 1: Selamat pagi. I stsrtefreading this fic just now. Moving on to the next chapter.
Terima kasih.
Palak27 #4
Chapter 27: It was a good read. I enjoyed it. The only thing I didn’t like was baekhyun dying and chanyeol not getting proper punishment for it even though he’s my bias. But it’s fiction.
Palak27 #5
Chapter 23: Damn park chanyeol and wu yifan! I’ll kill you both
Palak27 #6
Chapter 20: Damn he’s scary!!! Park Chanyeol pull yourself together!
Palak27 #7
Chapter 13: Yes Luhan deserves so much happiness!!!!
Palak27 #8
Chapter 7: That car scene was cute!!!!!
Palak27 #9
Chapter 4: I just jhope Kai is not sick in this fic even if I love drama!
Palak27 #10
Chapter 1: I just finished The Ugly Twin and I am here and I already don't like Sehun! :(