3 AM

Bed Time

Word count: 867


The moonlight shines brightly outside. Air blew softly that made him shuddered by the sudden cold that brushed against his skin. He rubbed his eyes and immediately looked at their night stand for the clock.

3:00 am, it states and he groaned realizing it's too early for him to wake up. He stirred and found out that he's not the only person sleeping in the bed. He smiled at the sight of his peacefully sleeping boyfriend. 

He hugged Jongin and embraced his warmth. He suddenly remembered the first time they snuggled and it made him blushed. Fortunately, it's too dark for anyone to see his face so he just keep on blushing. 

His sweet thought vanished as soon as he felt the younger moved and turn his body to the other side of the bed making his back faced Kyungsoo. He kept his arms still and pulled Jongin back but the latter is strong that made the older one struggled to make their earlier position. He successfuly pulled Jongin back but he moved and faced the other side again.

Kyungsoo tried and tried but the other's back is still facing him. He pouted and turned to the other side of the bed so that his back will faced the latter's back. 

"Fine." He said still pouting at the sudden reject he recieved. He don't know why he's angry. He knows that the younger was fast asleep but he just wanted to cuddle with him. 

He looked at the ceiling flying with his thought again when a strong pair of arms embraced him making him faced the owner of the said arms.

"Jongin." He said plainly after realizing that his boyfriend is awake all the time. You could just hugged me back he thought. Then he looked away ignoring the younger's gaze. 

"I'm sorry. You're just cute when you're upset." Jongin replied with a little chuckle. 

He stayed still. Must not hug him back. Must not look at him. You're angry at him right? He repeated each phrase in his head like a mantra. The arms grew tighter and forced him to put his head to the latter's broaded chest. Oh no. Kyungsoo mentally cursed. I can resist. Kyungsoo don't do anything back. You can do it

"I'm sorry soo. I know it's too early let's go back to sleep okay? " Jongin said hugging his petite boyfriend tighter. 

Jongin put his large hands in Kyungsoo's locks. Brushing each strands while humming himself to sleep. Kyungsoo just look at the sight. Still not doing anything. You're upset Kyungsoo. You can do it

"I'm sorry" The younger begin. 

"Soo I'm sorry baby." He said again. You can do it Soo--

"Hyung..." Oh no. How dare you to use your Dongsaeng card? No. No. No. No. 

"Kyungsoo hyung please don't ignore me." I'm going to die stop saying hyung

"Let me just kiss you okay?" Jongin said making Kyungsoo looked at him straight to the eyes. The younger leaned and kissed the older. It started with a peck but then he tried moving his lips expecting the same with the other but Kyungsoo didn't even stirred. Jongin stopped and loosen his arms around his boyfriend.



"Fine. Goodnight." Jongin said plainly and he let go of him then faced the other side of the bed again making Kyungsoo chuckle at the other's action. 


"You're more cute when you're upset Jonginnie." Kyungsoo teased Jongin still facing his back. Jongin immediately faces Kyungsoo with his brows furrowed. 

"Hyung.." He whined looking at his boyfriend. 

"Oh my, Look at my baby. So cute.." He said pinching the cheeks of the whiny boy in front of him. 

"I'm not. You are cute." Jongin said pointing the older one. 

"Why? You are younger than me so you're more cuter." Kyungsoo said. 

"Why? I am tall. You're small. So, You are the cute one. My squishy Kyungsoo." Jongin teased Kyungsoo and the petite male furrowed his brows making Jongin chuckled this time.

"It's okay Hyung.  Atleast you can put your head on my chest when we are sleeping." Jongin said hugging the smaller's waist. 
Kyungsoo didn't do anything. He just let the younger hug him. I'm not small. You're just tall. You're so mean. How can you do this to me. I'm not small.

"Okay. Just want you to know that I love you and your small body." Jongin said smiling knowing that his magic words will affect the other. 

"I hate you." Kyungsoo muttered.

"No. You don't" He replied. Still smiling.

"Okay, Fine! I love you too! Can you kiss me now again?!" Kyungsoo blurted out. Blushing and making his own face crimson red.

"What hyung?" Jongin asked innocently. Blinking his eyes to the other. 

Kyungsoo, still blushing looked at the younger then leaned and kissed Jongin. He planned on just giving him a peck since he's embarassed but the younger kissed him back straightaway with a playfull smirk on his face stating, I won. They kissed until they panted and breakaway. 

"I love you Jongin." He said hugging his tan boyfriend. 



"Love you too squishy." Jongin said earning a playful smack on his arm from the smaller. 

They fell asleep hugging each other.

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Chapter 1: Aaaahh how do you write so cutely !! TT.TT I am so soft rn
yehet_pcy #2
Chapter 1: "I'm sorry. You're just cute when you're upset." jongin pls be a better boyfriend
"I'm going to die stop saying hyung." kyungsoo stay strong
"Love you too squishy."
AAAH so squishy soo
AeChaPark #3
Chapter 1: SO ADORABLE!!!
dopey- #4
Chapter 1: So fluffy and sweet...i loved it
Chapter 1: Ooooh this is the superlative fluff story
Great work :3
Chapter 1: Oooooh my god so squishy just like kyungsoo ;-;
Chapter 1: Too fluffy and I love fics that are too fluffy therefore I love this fic. Okay.
wonwoojpeg #8
Chapter 1: The pet names, oh my gosh feels!
This is too cuteeee!
Chapter 1: This is so adorable!!!! <3
Chapter 1: So much fluff everywhere-- KAWAII--