Chapter 1

Saranghae oppa!!!

Sophea's pov

'Omo!it's already 4 o'clock.I need to go back home.i must cook some food for them or they'll die not eat..'

I quickly go back home since there's no other class after this.They will back home at 6 o',I must go back home and cook for them.


"Arrhhhh!!!!!"Imane kick the door.

"Imane,what's wrong?calm down"Sophea asked.

"Omo!you know how expansive the door!"Mardy said.

The door not really expansive just bacause Mardy want to disturbe her feeling.

"can't you shut up!"Imane said angrily.

"Mardy,don't disturbe Imane.Go take some water for her"Sophea said.

"Hahaha..Okay..but wait"Mardy said.


"Yoonlee,can't you take some water for Imane?I'm so lazy.please..."

"Arhhh..why me?!!!"

"cuz i'm so lazy"

"arhh..okay.fine!"Yoonlee go take some water in the kitchen.

"Imane are you okay?"Sophea asked.

"Not!i'm not okay"

"you can see she not okay,why you asked?"Mardy said.

"can't you stop distrube her?!"Sophea said.

"Hahaha..i can't.her face really funny"

"'s your water"Yoonlee give the glass.

"so,what's wrong Imane?"Sophea asked.

"you know what,Luhan take my food"Imane cry.

"what?!seriously?you buy food without me?!"Mardy said.

"I'm sorry,Mardy.i'm really hungry"

"arhhh..i want to cry"

"Mardy,i'm sorry."

"Ah..seriously,you all like a kid.i already cook some food for you all"Sophea said.

"I want to eat!I Luv u Sophea"Mardy said happily.

Mardy,Yoonlee and Imane run go to dining room.They like to eat Sophea's food cuz she really good at cooking.not only in cooking,but she also take care of her friends.


"arh..i'll late!why they not wake up me?!are they want to prank me?!"Sophea quickly take shower.

after wear a blouse with a jeans,she quickly go to Mardy room.

"Hey,wake up!i think you all already go"

"i'm don't want to go class.i'm so lazy.."


Sophea go out from Mardy room.she wants to go Yoolee room.



"what?..."yoonlee said slowly. 

"are you okay,Yoonlee?"Sophea asked.

"i'm okay."

"no,you not okay.i'll take you to meet doctor"

"no,it's must go class"

"but how about you?"

"i'll take some don't have to worry"

"okay.but after class,i'll take you to meet doctor"


"take care,yoonlee.if you need anything just call Mardy.She not go to class today."

after Sophea get out from Yoonlee room,she go to Imane room.

"Imane,wake up!"

"i don't want to go class"


"i worry Luhan will take my food like yesterday."

"yah!no must know you always skip class"

"yeah..i know.okay,i'll go"

"good girl.hurry up,we'll late"

"okay.wait for me"


"arh..this class is so bored"Imane said.

"then,sleep like always"Luhan said.

"no,you'll distrube me"

"hahaha..btw,i hear tommorow,has new students"

"yeah.i know.i alredy heard that too"

"if you want to know,they all my best friends"


"yup!i'll introduce them to you"


"but if you want to know,they all handsome"

"i don't asked"

"but i'm the most handsome"

"arh..seriously i want to puke now.."



"Sophea!!!wait for me!!!"Imane said.

"Imane hurry up.i wan't to bring Yoonlee to doctor"

"Yoonlee sick?"

"yeah..i think she had a fever"

"owh..btw,tonight Luhan want to introduce his friends to us.but if Yoonlee sick,i'll cancle it"Imane said sadly.

"no,we asked doctor first."



"is she alright doctor"Sophea asked.

"Yeah.if she eat the medicine,i think she'll better"

"owh..thank you doctor.btw,tonight we plane to go out.Can Yoonlee go too?"

"hmm..she can but,she must take medicine first"

"Okay doctor!Thank you doctor"


"what doctor says?"Mardy asked Sophea.

"doctor says she'll be fine"

" alreday asked the doctor about it?"Imane asked.

" says she can join us but she must take medicine"

"seriously?i'm so happy!"

"i know you'll be very happy when you meet Luhan"Mardy says.

"what do you mean?"

"we all know that you love Luhan right?"Yoonlee said.

"huh? can you all guys know?"

"from you're face and you always talk about Luhan.actually,you fallen for him at first sight right?"Sophea asked.

"yeah...but,i don't think he loves me back"

"don't worry,we'll help you"Sophea said.

"that's why i love you're guys"


"Imane!"Luhan called.


"meet my friends.this Kai,Chanyeol and Sehun"

"owh..hello.i'm Imane.this my friends.Sophea,Yoonlee and Mardy"

"Nice to meet you all"Kai said.

"Nice to meet you too"Sophea said.

"btw,i'm hungry"Yoonlee said.

"I want to eat"Mardy said.

"Yah Luhan,where's our foods?"

"are you guys dinosaur"Luhan said.

"Maybe"Mardy said.

"Can't you guys behave?"Sophea asked.

"you want we all die not eat?"Imane asked.

"Imane,you'll be fat"Luhan said.

"I don't care.i just want to eat"

"the foods already here"Luhan said.

"Hyung,why you order many food?"Sehun said.

"don't worry.this food will not enough"Luhan said.

"Are you crazy"Chanyeol said.

" can just eight people eat foods like there for 30 people?"Kai said.

"just'll see it"Luhan said.


"i'm really full.."Sehun said.

"are you already full?"Mardy asked.

"how can you still eat?"Chanyeol asked.

"cuz we still hugry"Yoonlee said.

"why you not talk in korean?are you korean right?"Chanyeol asked.

"yeap!my mother korean but i'm not understand korean"

"are you making fun right?"

"not!it's real"


"btw,where did you all study?"Kai asked.

"SM University"Sophea said.

"really?so,we can meet everyday"

"what do you mean?"Yoonlee asked.

"we'll same university"Chanyeol said.

",you all the new students right?it's so popular"Mardy asked.

"Yup!"Sehun said.

"why i never know that?"Yoonlee asked.

"since when did you care about you're surrounding?"Imane said.

"hmm..i don't know and i don't care.i just want to eat!"





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Xiuminmybigboy #1
Chapter 1: Question,Sepatutnya calm down kan? And you're water? It's your water la!
Chapter 1: Ya!!!!!!! kenape part aq sikit sgt!!!
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Chapter 1: x best langsung.....
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Chapter 1: sedih giler.....
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Chapter 1: tu je? haishhhhh..
Yo yo yo good luck on making this story more interesting....