Your Perfect Day With INFINITE

Infinite 30 Day Challenge~


My perfect day with Infinite would be first of all them coming over to my house then we go out to the beach ( since it is almost summertime anyways ) and we would have some fun in the sun there. Afterwards we would go and get some snacks to eat then go to a mall and shop for stuff ( cause hey, that would be fun, dontcha think? :D ) After we leave the mall they take me to their dorm so I can see what its like and we can hang out there for a while. Then when it gets dark out, then we go back to my place and i'll have them stay the night ( my house is small but i'll find room for them ). When the next morning comes then we take a pic together and I wave bye to them ( even tho i dont want them to leave ;-; ). Then I will always think about the fun day I had with Infinite *^* <3

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Chapter 16: I would never ever ever delete that picture
and I would save it to ALL of my computers
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