Favorite Member and Why?

Infinite 30 Day Challenge~


This was so hard to choose since all of them are my fav. But if i had to pick one i would choose Sunggyu <3 Why he is my favorite member is he is just so handsome and cute ( when he wants to be ). Some of his nicknames that he has are funny but fit him so well lol 

Grandpa gyu

Hamster gyu

Gyu gee gee

Last gyu/ loser gyu ( from ranking king )


Sunggyu's voice is omo, can make every inspirit faint. Its just so beautiful~ *^* Everytime i hear his voice,i die,every time xD If you listen to one of infinites ( or his ) songs in acapella,you will faint just like that cause you kennot contain your feelz. I think overall he is a great leader and idk where Infinite would be without him. 




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