Your Favorite OTP + An OTP You Don't Like

Infinite 30 Day Challenge~

If you people know me well and have read my profile, you would know that my favorite OTP would be....



Yes,thats right, YADONG COUPLE FTW!! <3 <3 <3

Yadong is my favorite OTP

I have major feelz for this couple whenever I see a Yadong moment somewhere.

I kennot cx <3

They just look so cute together :3 <3

Yadong is basically canon cause come on, we all know this pair is real.


The feelz!~ *^* <3


Rappers got married xD

I would watch that if that was an actual season of WGM 



Now I like all the OTPS in Infinite so there isnt one I dont like. But im just gonna say that the OTP I dont ship much ( even tho i still ship them ) is...



Myungyeol ;-; ( sorry Myungyeol shippers )

I still think they look cute together

But when I see couple moments from them, i just dont get that much feelz for this pair. idk thats just me .-.

I still ship them

I still like them

But i just dont ship this pair,much, mmkay?






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