Happy Birthday, Changmin-ah

Once Upon a Birthday

This was defiantly not what Shim Changmin expected when his usual partner in crime, Cho Kyuhyun, called him on his birthday. Because when Kyukyu invites him on his birthday it usually involves fancy restaurants which serve them top notch wine, and food. Yes mountains of spectacular food that only two gluttonous bustards as Kyuhyun and Changmin could consume, and appreciate. 


Therefore, there is no wonder that before his iphone rang Kyuhyun's special tone (2NE1's I am the best- Kyuhyun programmed it one night when they were totally wasted and changmin never bothered to replace it) Chang already was picturing to himself chilled wines from the year of his birth, accompanied with first dishes compiled of high class sashimi maybe a meaty lobster and other sea fruits, so fresh it was still swimming in Japan. Then, they would move to the main course: a collection of the finest meats that ranges from prime ribs to porterhouse stake and a sinte filet so delicate it melts on your tongue. And the grand finale they would be served with excellent brendy and a sweet patisserie masterpiece.

Now that was a proper way to celebrate the most important day of the year.


Only this Cho had other plans for him 




"Yah Changminah, wear something comfortable and sneakers I'll come to get you in about fifteen" 

"b-bu- food" Changmin mumbled in shock and disappointment 


"We're doing something special this year" 


Changmin could here the devilish smirk in his voice and wondered how his partner in crime could betray his like this. on his birthday! 


with a sigh Changmin went to prepare




Kyuhyun took a deep breath "Nothing like high mountains air, so fresh and clean unlike the yucky air in Seo-"

"ARE YOU ING KIDDING ME?" Chang's teeth clenched due to the ridiculously low temperature


"stop ing and let's move forward the view from the top should be marvelous" 

Again that devilish smirk that made Chang to punch it away of Kyuhyun's face 

after a while the taller of the two had more energy for a new set of whining 

"I am sooooooooooooo tired, can't believe you made me go all this way! with this heavy bag on my birthday! you emotionless prick that abuses innocent babies on their birthdays! I don't feel well let's stop and the bag is too heavy" 

"OK" Kyuhyun was breathing heavily too"The air is so thin up here isn't it? let's have a break"


They found a bench and Kyuhyun pulled two organized lunch boxes while Changmin whom was responsible for the drinks pulled out of his bag and opened it

Most of people would've found it rather strange to see two young man drinking wine in plastic cups and eating stakes and cold fries in lunch boxes, in the middle of nowhere. However as long has they had food and wine neither complained. 



"Hello this is  local police line how can I help you?"


"Hello? I am one of the maintainers of mount X, it's closed for winter there are two young leds, perhaps they are drunk? they are flailing their arms, singing the 'leggi go' song y'know the one everybody sing today here listen 


then the secretary heard a distant singing slightly slurred but quite impressive for two guys imitating a shrilly high voice such as Elsa's





there was something familiar about the voices but she was foucsed on her job "Are they far into the mountains? do you need a rescue team?"


"err... not really, they went only on the main road, about, ten minutes off the starting point"


"oh, if they are not a danger to themselves or other people I will send them a taxi, thanks for the information and have a nice day sir"


"yeah yeah you too just make it quick"



When the texi driver arrived just in time to hear the grand finale of "I'll make a man out of you" next to the boys there was an older man that looked quite relived at the appearance of the taxi driver. 


The poor man had to suffer yet another drunken Disney medley on the way back but was paid generously

Later, when Changmin was about to enter his apartment (not before he knocked on several random doors of his neighbors asking them it they "wanted to build a snowman") he thought that despite the horrible consequences his birthday wasn't that bad he even enjoyed a little, he even preferred to hang longer in this deadly mountain rather than spend the rest of his birthday alone. 


The secong he closed the entrance door behind him the light in the living room was lit and people that Changmin was positive weren't there when he left the house were there now



"Happy Birthsday"

"Sengal chuka hanmida" 

"Happy birthday Changmin-ah" 




Changmin couldn't react, he could barely breath



he couldn't get around the fact that there were four hyungs, three of them abandoned him about four years ago and never bothered to look back 


"What are you doing here?" Changmin barely uttered the words through his blocked throat


His hyungs looked nervous  "We wanted to suprise you, for your birthday, it- it took a great deal to plan everything we had to-"


"Did you faked the trip?" Changmin interrupted then avoided  Yunho's stare, he wasn't sure if his hyung would feel betrayed if he knew he secretly kept following after his other hyungs activities 


"Yeah, we arranged false info to keep the fans away, didn't want to create false hopes



false hopes 


Changmin probably dreamed about a moment like this for years. In his dreams his hyungs would come back and apologize for leaving him and they'll promise to never leave again, and then his family would be whole again.

Because they were his real brothers, they took care of him since they were trainees, Even though he knew their fight was just he couldn't help but greedily keep all his hyungs with him. 


But dreams were for fools and Changmin every morning had to suffer the anguishing pain of the cruel reality.



He was so deep in his thoughts he didn't notice a pair of arms encircling his waist and pulling him into a hug. 


another palm patted his shoulder, 


and another caressed his hair softly


"we're sorry, we are sorry we have disapointed you Changmin ah" Junsu whispers softly

Changmin finally opens his eyes and see Yunho's expression 

brief look and the finally let his tears run wildly 



For three and half hours they get to recreate their happy times together 


They are eating a cake and laughing. Yunho talks about their comeback and his voluntary work in Africa and Jaejoong smiles at his that beautiful smile. Junsu is very drunk by now and tells stupid jokes and ewh kyung kyung'ing, Changmin never realized how much he missed that weird laughter. 


Channie doesn't say much but he's never too far from the birthday boy, occasionally patting his shoulder and offering a soft smile.


Still there is a heavy tension, lies around them, probably it would be impossible to repair but tonight for their maknae's sake everybody are doing their best to keep the mood light and happy 



When it's time to say goodbye Changmin is glowing with thrill and happiness, he doesn't forget to ask his hyungs one last question


"Hey who's idea it was in the first place?" 


"You should thank the Cho boy" Jaejoong ruffled the maknae's hair "He organized everything don't forget to thank him properly, you ungrateful brat"



Just before he fell asleep he checked his iphone for any massages 

?Kyu: so you liked your birthday present? ;)

Chang thought about it for a while and answered 

"Our perfect synchronization-"

to which Kyuhyun responded immediately

"Has only one explanation" 


"And I"
"Are just meant to be" 


"But why did you have to drag me all the way to the mountains?! a cozy restaurant would've been fine too"


"Cause it's fun to abuse you :p plus, I have great blackmailing material, happy b-day -" 


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hart hart <3
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwww~ that was so sweet <3
I can actually picture ChangKyu singing and screaming the top of their lungs out in the mountains XDDDDDDD