Masquerade - The first chapter



Being a freshman was a bit hard, but it felt easy at the same time. I don't know If I could keep up with the events that happened in a flash at the school or dormitories. Our school was on a hill, and it was always dark and rainy. We went out daily because of PE, but remained our palest because of our situation as "creatures of the night." No one knew of this though because they didn't believe in these things. Even as a little girl, since my family was kidnapped and I was bitten while I was a baby, I told my classmates I was a vampire, and they all laughed at me. My friends and I hang out because of the same situations that we faced and we stayed strong. The school was launched up on a hill: dark, dreary, just my kind of atmosphere.

It's amazing how my friends and I managed to live up to now though. We were raised by different families, and finally were put in a school. We weren't nocturnal, although we could stay awake for vast amounts of time. We sleep because we wanted to, not because we needed it. We could eat human food also, and could eat garlic. It's not like we'd die from garlic. Our senses were very sensitive, but we've become accustomed towards the human society and lived it. However, when we had to... feast, there is no way you can stop us but throw some deer at us, but if you had no deer or a large animal, let's just say you'd wake up lying somewhere infamiliar to you, but familiar to us, and your memory of the previous night would fail you.

In the dormitory where the girls stayed, I walked the halls meeting up with the others, Rosetrina, Jae, Annie, And Marie. We stayed all along a great big hallway, and made that hallway our home. One morning, I was in a bad mood because I woke up late, but classes didn't start until 9 AM. It was 7:30, and the others weren't awake yet either.

I texted them many times, but their phones were probably on silent. I managed to get up out of bed, and knock vigorously at their doors.

"Ya, ya, ya. We're late. Hurry and get ready," I briefly said, going to every door. When I was done knocking, I waited at the end of the hall for them.

When they opened their doors, they looked completely normal. They didn't have drool to the side of their mouth, or hair in a complete mess. They looked completely clean and ready, while I was in pyjamas and walking around that hallway in my fluffy slippers. Jae came out of her room, saw me, waved at me, and made her way over to the vending machine.

"Uhm, Saengie, you woke up late again? You know we don't have to sleep." Rosetrina looked me up and down, smiled to herself, and said, "It's okay. I did that last week too. You remember that, don't you?" I grinned and nodded, "Yes, Yes I did."

"Hai Saengers," Marie greeted, and patted me on the head. "Good morning to you."

"Ah, good morning, Noona."

"Saengie, annyeong." Annie said, coming from her bedroom, waving at me. "Hi Marie, Hi Rosetrina."

"Hi." Jae said, waving at everyone walking from the vending machine.

"Don't you come back here without coke. JUST KIDDING," Marie said to Jae, lightly punching her on the shoulder.

"Marie-chan, calm down. Get your own." Rosetrina patted Marie's shoulder and pointed at the vending machine. "WAE. Am I not your Noona?!" Marie said to Rosetrina, her nostrils slightly flaring. Annie looked at me questionably, and I shook my head at the thought, telling her to "let it go, it's normal." and she nodded back at me going, "I know."

I went to the restroom, showered, and changed, and put on my make-up, while the rest of them waited for me in the dorm's lounge. It was quite like a very large living room, where students would argue about what channel to watch on the TV, wonder what smoothie to buy at the "Desserts" counter, or where they would just naturally loiter around there, either around the floors or couches. The girls waited on the couches near the open windows, where the sun shone brightly. The sun's appearance wasn't so new to us. It wasn't so bad. We don't burn or shine in the sunlight. It gets hot though. Like everyone else, we sweat and get hot. We were like the perfect monsters, those that others wouldn't suspect a thing of.

I came back to them, and it hit 8:15. Jae looked at her watch and asked us, " Do you guys want to walk around?" and we all nodded. She finished by saying, "We still have about 45 minutes until our classes start."  "Meh, sure. We know this place from ground to rooftop, so where should we go?" I asked, changing my stance, leaning on one leg, my head drooped to the side, and my face showing an "I wouldn't know" face. "Wanna get some patbingsoo or something?" Annie asked, pointing at the counter where a young man served them. I stared at him, and he stared back at me. I had this strange feeling about him. I had this heavy feeling on my shoulders he had something, something that was hidden so well, I couldn't put my finger on it. He was also very beautiful. He saw me, got shocked, and looked away, and I did the same.

"Sh-sure," I stuttered out, still taking glances at the man. He wasn't my type, but there was just something about him.

"Jas, what are you staring at?" Jae asked, trying to look towards the same direction as me. "Hmm?" Rosetrina and Marie saw this, and did the same. Annie looked towards the man and said, "There's something about him. I could feel it... Other than that, I love him."

I smiled at Annie in a face like, "Really, Annie? Really?" and she, out of nervousness said, "What? Isn't he cute?!" I shook off the comment and looked at the others. "What is this... There are few more of those guys in the room. I could feel it." "Uhn... I could too." Marie softly said.

Jae noted, "Woah, he's one of them," pointing at another boy across the room, walking over to the counter where the first male was working. They did a small handshake, indicating they were pretty close.

"Let's get patbingsoo now, Sunbae," Jae said, grinning from ear to ear.

They stood up from their seats and fixed their clothes. Rosetrina and Marie did the same, and we all walked over to the counter. "5, Please."Annie said, showing five fingers and eye-smiling. The boy eye-smiled back at her, and said, "Sure. Would that be all?" Annie nodded yes, and the man said, "30 Dollars, please." I shoved my share to Annie, and the others did the same. She took it, and payed, and sat on the chairs the counter provided. We sat in a semi-circle around the counter, talking to each other and watching the man do his job.

"Should I ask him his name?" Annie texted me, and I replied with a "Yes you should."

He turned to us and gave us our desserts, and Annie took the chance. "Excuse me, But what's your name?" He showed a light smirk, and his friend on his right side of the counter sat near Jae.

His friend glanced at Annie, then at Jae, and looked at her up and down. He had onyx-black hair, his looking very silky and was flippable, while the server had the same color, his hair styled with gel or hairspray. "I'm Gikwang, What's your name?" The server asked back. "I'm Annie. Are you new here?" "Yes, actually. Same goes with him," He said, directing our attention to the other young man that sat near Jae. "Ah... Hello. I'm also new here. I'm Yoseob." Gikwang nodded at his comment and continued, going, "There are also a few more of us here, actually. We're transfer students while our maknae is a freshman here." As I heard the word "freshman" being mentioned, I looked up, and raised my hand. "Oh! Jana and I are here as freshman too. I'm Jasmine, she's Jana." "He said, "Hi, nice to meet you." and Yoseob did the same. "You can just call me Jae though; I really don't mind..." Jae said, her voice trailing off as her eyes met Yoseob's. "You guys can just call me Jas, or Saengie. It really doesn't matter. I'm the maknae out of these girls here. Hehe," I told them.

Marie and Rosetrina greeted themselves, saying, "Uhm. I'm Marie." and "Hi, I'm Rosetrina."

We talked until we had about 15  minutes left until classes started, and Yoseob waited until Gikwang's morning shift was over. Gikwang had toned arms, a small, yet long face, and was about 5'7. Yoseob's arms were pretty toned too, and his face was smaller than Gikwang's in length. He looked incredibly young, but he was actually two months older than Gikwang. He was about the same height as him, and they were both incredibly nice. I had a feeling that they were interested in Jae and Annie by the way they stared at them, or took glances at them. It was cute how they interacted too, asking each other questions and just discussing how things were.

The school bell rang, and Annie, Gikwang, Yoseob, and Marie went to class together. They ended up being in the same grade, so they had a chance to hang out longer. Before that, though, Gikwang introduced us to their "maknae," the freshman in my class. His name was Dongwoon, and had the eyes that were as deep as the sea. When they were in the sunlight, they were a light amber, and under our class lights, they were more of a rusty, burgundy color. I fell in love with him, but I'd felt that feeling, that nudge at the back of my head he and the other boys were something. There was this strange aura that came off of them, and the others could sense it, seeping into their bones. It bothered us, but we had to deal with it.

We met the three others, The juniors that were named Junhyung, Hyunseung, and Dujun. Junhyung and Marie had alot in common, from drinking coke, to nagging. The same goes with Dujun and Rosetrina, from being parent-like and their sense of maturity.

Hyunseung was funny and strange. He was a sachawon-kind-of-guy and was pretty stubborn. He was very polite though, not to mention kind. He liked helping out his dongsaengs and hyung, and was alot like Junhyung, by the likes of his style.

Junhyung was like a mother put in a man's body. He had a charismatic face and had fierce features. He was much like a softie though, despite his features, and would care for the younger or older boys when he could.

Dujun was fit to be a leader. He did help them out and had supported them, tired or not. He sometimes nags, but that's only when the others wouldn't pay attention to him. When it comes to sports or outside games, he can get pretty competitive. He liked his sideburns. I had a feeling he had an interest in his sideburns because while we were talking to him, he rubbed the sides of his face, a little bit before the ears were, and patted his sideburns.

We all hit it off quite nicely, meeting each other and walking together whenever we had the chance. Dongwoon, Jana and I took the same classes, so we walked and went to classes together. I always walked in between them. I liked being close to Dongwoon and Jana, and Jana was interested in Yoseob, so she'd understood.

Gikwang, Marie, Yoseob and Annie took sophomore classes, and did the same things we did, same goes with Rosetrina, Junhyung, Dujun, and Hyunseung.

We seemed to have paired up like couples, all of us except for Hyunseung. Hyunseung didn't mind though, because he said, "Just seeing you happy makes me full! Gwenchanayo. Don't worry about me, I'm fine! Really." I smiled at him, and nodded, being sure he will be fine and that he spends enough time with the boys.

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