The Switch

Oh my IPod

Caroline/Saya pov

 So much work lately,I'll just go get hot chocolate at MiYun work."Hey ICYY"I shout walking in.I think i regret doing that because she glared at me but we all learn from our mistakes right? She brings me my usual hot chocolate with a Kitkat bar on the side. Viviana calls her break grabs a snickers and we talk. "Hey grumpy pants" I said smirking when reading stories from AFF." Ha ha ha very funny Saya and you're reading another story of Shinee again or 2pm" MiYun asked me when she was trying to open her snickers."NO i am reading Beast duh and shinee at night" I said it like she should knew my routine and stick my tongue at her. "Then what about 2pm" she said sticking her tongue back. "Afternoons so ha stick your tongue on that" i said and munched on my KitKat.I and her laugh our butts off because we just do that randomly."So why you working today it Thursday" I questioned. She answered "I want extra money for tomorrow and my break over so bye". I shout walking of the door knowing she going to get mad "BYE ICY LEE". I see MiYun get angry and i just look away. When i walked out i bump into something and end up on the ground. To be more clear it was a someone and we both had the same IPods. I pick up mine and was on my way .I was kind of mad that the person didn't say sorry or help me up or i ran into the person,but still no sorry. :(

Minho Pov

This is a really good book I love having my IPod. Huh where my IPod? Oh i walked into someone and we both dropped our IPods. I think i was kind of creepy for a moment because i just stared at her when she was looking for her IPod. I picked up mine and looked up and she was gone. The worst part i didn't say sorry or even help her up man i am a idiot sometimes. I just walked into the coffee shop with the guys. Something that was weird i couldn't unlock my IPod?

Viviana/MiYun Pov

Saya kills  me with all the work she makes me do! I get ready for customers and see 5 guys walk in. They looked familiar but couldn't get it so i just grab my banana milk(Caroline got it for me she thinks it good for you) and go to there table. "What do you guys like to have today" I asked slurping on the milk. Then one of the guys asked "What are you drinking?". I respond "Banana Milk" As soon as i said that the same guy that asked the question said "I WANT BANANA MILK". I gigged then smiled and he blushed. He said " Sorry noona". I really didn't mind him acting that way because Saya acts like it all the time in the candy store. "So it going to be 4 coffees and 1 banana milk" I said making sure they wanted it. They all agreed and i brought them there orders. "So why are you drinking banana milk when you can get coffee" one of the guys ask. Banana Boy said "Cuz banana milk awesome is that so hard to understand". I laughed and answered " Yes and because coffee bad for girl ies". All the boys laughed and i see one of them struggling trying to unlock his IPod. "Can i help" I asked to see if i can do anything. He passed it to me and the first thing i think of is Saya IPod because it look the same and try the word Echo. DLING!! It worked and unlocked what my luck. I pass the IPod back to him and look at the time 3 mins till 6. "It time for me to clock out and the password is Echo BYE!!" I rushed the door.

Minho Pov

"I never knew coffee was bad girl ies" Onew said. " I know what i am not cooking for her in the morning" Key seconded. Everyone took note of that and we laughed. "Hey Taemin isn't it weird how she knew the password and i didn't" I say. " Yea and isn't coffee bad for me" Taemin asked. Key answered " Yea but you got banana milk". Taemin looked down with a sad face and said " I drank it all". Everyone started laughing and Jonghyun takes out banana milk and gives it to Taemin. Taemin get happy and Jonghyun says"Key you should be more prepare for your son". Taemin laughed and said "Yea Key". Key just had okay okay fine don't start mothering me. I asked everyone "What if this is not my IPod". Then everyone gave me a look and then i just sink in my chair and wait for us to leave. After we left and got home i had a feeling this isn't my IPod or i just crazy from the coffee.

Viviana/MiYun Pov

When walking home I had mp3 and it was playing 2pm Take Off. I was singing dancing my way home but I was wonder who were the boys. I was attracted to all of them it looked like I seen them before but still didn't get it. "Hmm I wonder....I am going to buy a toy.I went to Buildabear and made a kitten for me and a bunny for Saya. After that I got home 30mins later. I find Saya freaking out!! I asked her"What wrong" She responded "My iPod doesn't want to unlock?!" I tolled her "Let eat dinner and talk" We both talk about how she bump into someone and I saw someone with a iPod that look like hers. "Did you say they looked good" Caroline says. "Yeah why" I say not knowing where she going with this. "How they look" she questioned. I replied still clueless "The tallest had a iPod and black hair and looked your type, another one was very stylish, the shortest looked like a cute dinosaur, the youngest looking one had great smile and the last one was a hot geek look". When I toll Caroline if looked like she was going to explode of angry. "What?!" I shout. "That was SHINee" she said with her voice disappointed a little. "WHAT NO HOW I COULDN'T MISS THAT" I scream. Caroline drag me to her room and she shows me the poster of them. She was right and the poster was so cute. 

Caroline/Saya Pov

 Minho has my iPod and I have his. No wonder when I finally unlocked it there was a random book on the screen. I read the story it was nice. I was nosey and look through his pics and i find out it was MINE Minho the one that rejected me years ago.I never knew he was in SHINee now. I want my iPod back NOW! I cant believe my past is going to haunt me...



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