**Seokjin Fainted

〖THE CHATBOX: It's Chat Time with Bangtan!〗
** <-- That means it isn't in a chat form ^^
enjoy the bit of fluffiness!


After Seokjin saw what Taehyung typed he reacted immediately. He didn't think that Taehyung too had a mind like that. He mentally took note to kill Jimin after. He was typing and didn't really thought of fainting immediately. But why was he so affected? Taehyung was shocked that the hyung by his side suddenly fainted. Seokjin's head fell on the younger's shoulder and a faint blush appeared on Taehyung's cheeks. What should he do now? 


biew: I'm gonna turn off his laptop brb 


Taehyung took control of the laptop beside his laptop. He signed it out and shut it down. Taehyung's blush still haven't left his face and his heart was beating fast. Even if this things happen to Taehyung, he remained still and continued having a nonsensical chat with his friends. The poor boy never felt so nervous before. He was constantly nervous of course, but this nervousness felt different from all of his past experience. 

He wanted to cry. 

"What's wrong with me," 

He's occasionally looking at Seokjin while he's reading his friend's messages. After looking countless of time he realized that this hyung beside him is naturally handsome. His neatly styled red hair, his kissable pink plump lips, his perfect jaw line and his long lashes made him so handsome. God, why did you make a human this perfect? Taehyung thought to himself. He looked at the chatbox again and saw that Jimin was going offline so he decided that he'll go off too. The chatbox was getting boring anyway. After shutting down his laptop he removed the blanket that was keeping the boys warm and tried carrying his hyung. 

"Hyung, why are you heavy," he whined. 

He placed Seokjin's arm around his shoulder and ended up dragging him to the bed. 


"Ughh.." Seokjin grunted 

Taehyung was supposed to lay Seokjin on his bed but he was heavy so he ended up falling with him on top. 

"T-Taehyung?" Seokjin slowly opened his eyes 

"Oh Jin hyung, I'm sorry!" The younger tried to get off of him but Seokjin's hands kept him down. He flushed and wondered why Seokjin grabbed him. 

"Why are you sorry Tae?" 

"I.. I woke you up," His voice hitched as he felt his hyung's breathe on his skin. Their faces was only inches apart, they could kiss any time soon. "It's okay," 

Taehyung couldn't help but stare at his hyung's plump lips. It was so tempting he could kiss him right there and now. But he contained himself from doing so. 

"H-Hyung.." Taehyung placed a kiss on Seokjin's cheeks. 

"T-Tae what are you--" 

He didn't answer, he removed his hands from Seokjin's and got up to pick up the abandoned blanket. He returned to his bed, lay beside his hyung and covered them together with the comforting cloth. 

"Goodnight hyung." He cuddled against the red-hair and made himself relax. Taehyung didn't know what he was doing, his heart was beating but one thing Taehyung is sure of.. it is that he's going crazy right now. 

"Tae.." Seokjin looked at the younger with confused eyes. 

"L-Let's just sleep hyung. I know I'm--" he was cut off by Seokjin hushing him and pulling him close to his chest. 

"Goodnight Tae." With that, Seokjin kissed his forehead. Taehyung is sure that this is probably the best goodnight sleep he was going to have.


ahhh it's so short XD yes it is taejin! *gives cookie*
I miss TaeJin huhu :'(( Any TaeJin shippers here?
the next chapter will resume into a chat again! :))
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HanaFair #1
Chapter 9: Yaaaayyyy taejin!!! I love this so much!
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Jikook is so cute~~~
Chapter 9: my vkook feels. lmao
Chapter 9: awesome chapter :D
congrats on finishing pre-finals :)
KcuLL22 #5
Chapter 9: i rrally love their bickering lol
KcuLL22 #6
Chapter 8: yass this really heals me as the one with absolutely no olan whatsoever on this valentine's day instead working on my paper gdi what a wonderful night lol Happy Valentine's y'all!!!
Chapter 8: Aaaaw why is it taejin? ma main ship is vkook me is sad :( oh well...
Exo_hztao #8
Chapter 7: Update sooonn~
KcuLL22 #9
Chapter 7: I'm laughing so much reading this hahahhaha thanks a lot author! Merry Christmas!
Nomnommonster #10
Chapter 6: Kookie loves jimin and v dream is so random lol