Rainy days

Taemin sat on the sofa by the window, a small frown on his face. Looking up as the thick dark gray clouds gathered together and the wind blew the leaves into the sky, raindrops splashing against the window.

Taemin hated rainy days. 

It made him feel cold.

Taemin did not like being cold.

He hated the dark clouds.

It hid the sun and made the day feel gloomy. 

He hated the raindrops when they splash against the window.

To him, it was noisy.

He hated rainy days.

Taemin couldn't go out on rainy days.

The rain had locked him up at home.

It was boring staying at home all day.

But at home, there is always somebody to make him happy. 

That person had a smile that would brighten up his day like the sun.

That person could make a rainy day feel like it is a sunny day.

"Here you go, Taeminnie."

Taemin turned around to face the tall boy standing in front of him, smiling. In his hands were two cups of hot chocolate and blankets.

Taemin smiled as he gave him a cup and draped a blanket over him before cuddling together on the sofa, sipping the hot drink.

Taemin leaned against the boy.

"Thanks Minho. I love you."

"I love you too."



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Adorable ☺❣️
TheMemoriesBox #2
Chapter 1: short but cute!♥
Chapter 1: Cute!!! <3
Chapter 1: Short but super cute :3